Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 08, 1909, Image 3

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    Take your Sunday dinuer at tbe
W. D. McMamara, of Beaver
Chicken dinner at the Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Miller were
Hotel Sunday. Try it.
down from the Fishtrap section on Slough, had business in town Mon­
Dairy Inspector W. E. Caterlin
T be, Baxter Hotel will serve
New lot of Cluett shirts at Robin­ Saturday.
chicken dinner Sunday.
registered at the Baxter yesterday. |
Win. Caudlin, of this city, is home
When you want groceries 01 meat
For a 1713-acre stock ranch at
Tsu! Tan!! Tan!!! Ties for gents
County court adjourned Satur­ go to the People's Market.
from a trip to Portlaud and the A-
$11 per acre, see W. B. Neathery.
ladies and children at Robinson’s.
Judge Sehlbrede, of Marshfield, Y-P- exposition.
Prof. Anderson is here ready for
C. B. Zeek, of Bandon, was in
Everybody is invited to the
Khaki cloth by the yard at Rob­ bad business in town a day or so the
the opening of school which begins i
last of the week.
White House millinery opeuiDg Sat-
Miss Beaver, one of the teachers, on tbe 20th inst.
Capt. J. P. Clausen was up to
Children’s hats and caps in large ; urdey. Sept. 4tb.
B. N. Holcomb, of Lakeside, was
town Saturday.
variety and style at O. Wilson &i R. A . Cribbins, of Enchanted returned the latter part of the week.
in town a dav or so lately taking
Prairie, was a county seat visitor
Children’s wash dresses at Rob­ Co’s.
Tbe Misses Jottie Watson aud orders for school supplies,
Ray Collier went to the Bay Satur-
J. L. Bean, the Lampa merchant one day last week,
W anted — Girl for general house
Ed Smith was up from Riverton nnd postmaster, had busiuess in
Lost.— Road and Poll tax receipt ! day to Bpend a day with the former’s work. Wages ¡$25. Apply to Jul->
on Saturday.
Coquille on Saturday.
j book for Dist. No. 9.
Finder I parents, Judge aud Mrs. D. L. Wat- iue Larson. Marshfield, Ore.
( son, of Coos City.
C. A. Peterson, of Riverton, was
The Sea Rover, a large steam tug
Gent’s don't buy your spriug suit please return it to this office,
until you have seen Robinson’s
in town Saturday.
expected at Bandon to take in tow j
J. D. Myers, of Bridge, who was
steamer Elizabeth, the propeller!
Children’s shoes with heels at
down on business, made our office
M. A. Welch, of Lampa, had
shaft of which boat broke as she
a pleasant call yesterday morning.
C. M. Skeels, the front street was going down the river after load- j
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory were over business which called him to
Hats—for big, little, old and
Coquille on Saturday.
merchant, starts next Thursday for ing for eon. A new shaft will be
to town on Saturday.
young, all new and seasonable
a trip to Portland and other points put in while she is in San Fran­
Summer hosieiy sold at cost at goods, at Robinson’s.
H. W. Holverstott was down
the White House, Saturday, Sept.
this state, and will algo extend cisco.
from Fnirview on Saturday.
J. Gibson, late of California, who
Sam Nass, the cannery man, ar­
his trip to California before return­
New line of summer dry goods at I Dell Briggs arrived home from is seeking a location in this valley,
rived from Astoria last week with
made our office a call oue day last
Salem lust week.
He had been
New and uptodate guns of all a crow of Chinamen and will pro­
A. A. Miller, of Riverton, bad
absent two years attending school.
ceed to get bis cannery in readiness
description at J. 8. Lyons.
business in Coquille Saturday.
A. L. Miller is now the proprietor
for the season's run.
He has re­
Clothing, Hats and Shoes.
Have you saw the new galateo j 8av0 you „loney.
The Hub, Front of the popular resort and confec­
ceived a large lot of supplies and
tionery "Oregonia,” on Front street manager of this city, went to the the work will be pushed right
cloth at Robinson’s store.
Bay Saturday, to see her mother,
Give him a call.
W. H. Hull, the dairyman, was
Mrs. Hatcher, of Chillicothe,
Mis. S. A. Yoakam, of Coos river,
O. Wilson & Co. have just re^
up from Riverton on Saturday.
Missouri, arrived here last week
and other relatives and many
. ceived a full and complete line of
Saws gummed, filed and set at and is enjoying a visit with her millinery will be on sale at tbe friends.
f childrens’ hats and caps.
White House.
Quick f i Curry’s shop.
sister-in-law, Mrs. J. P. Messer,
W ill Steward, of Riverton, whom
C. T. Cessna, the coal man, was
Mrs. Joseph Stewart, formerly
Rolled barley, shorts, bran and
Fine sash wood delivered any
we reported very ill some weeks
wheat at Robinson’s.
where in town at $2 per tier. Ap­ Mrs. Little, of this city, but now of ago, was in town Saturday, having up from the lower riysr Saturday.
Turlock, California, arrived here
I He informs us that the Gage mine
R. S. Rouse, the coal man, was ply at this office.
come up from Cody’s camp where j.
Monday to look after some business
is now in fine shape and ready to
up from Riverton on Monday.
Born.— In Coquille,
he has been working some since his i
matters which required her pres­
out as large quantities as the
For all kinds of ammunition call September 3, 1909, at the home of
market requires. This is a good
on J. S. Lyons.
Stephen Lapp, to Mr. and Mrs. Ole
White River flour makes white vein of coal, easy worked and of
Mrs. W. A. Goodman started for
Mrs. H. C. Ostein, of Bandon, Chard, of South Slough, a son.
light bread. Robinson has it.
as fine quality as any coal yet dis­
Portland Saturday where she will
was in Coquille on Saturday.
The best and most wholesome
Thos. Smith was in town Monday covered in Coos county.
join Mr. Goodman who proceeded
L. E. Eachus was down from the meats; the puriest lard. Go to the
Miss Kittie Wells, who has made
her a couple of weeks.
They will and gave us some sample Graven-
farm near Norway on Monday.
People’s Market.
make their home at tbe metropolis steins grown on tbe homestead of her home in this city for the past
Miss Nell McIntosh came over in the future. Their many friends bis son, B. F . Smith, near Riverton. two or three years, teaching and
For bargains in shoes, see Drane
at his new store.
fiom the Bay Saturday and has had were sorry to see them go away.
They are about as fine samples as assisting county officials in their
we have seen.
work, is now enjoying a vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Cornwell the millinery establishment of Mrs.
Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs,
were down from their ranch Satur­ Aiken open for busiuess since Mon- both sex, for sale by J. C. Watson.
C. M. Goodman <fe Co., dealers ' with relatives and friends at Ash-
| day morning.
in new aud second band goods. land and other Rogue river valley
Mrs. B. E. Nosier, of El Centro, Phone No. 364.
points, before going to Klamath
Make your washiug easy by us­
California, who has been here six
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelly, of county, where she will engage in
ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s the kind that fatten on clover, for weeks visiting her brothers, Capt.
sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point,
California, ore here j teaching.
J. C. and Cbas. Mooniaw, and Mrs. Ferndale,
Or. Phone 101.
Registered Berkshire pigs for
Mrs. Kelly
L. A. Lawhorn was down from
A. M. Snyder, of Myrtle Point, as
sale— both sex. J. C. Watson, Co­
bis farm near McKinley the last of
well, started Monday on her return
| last Saturday aud brought in some
the week.
borne, going to Bandon to take the this city, with whom they are en­
very fine apples.
He sent some
joying a visit.
Skeels & Son's Cash Prices.
Those wash suits are just the
Fifield for San Francisco.
t hing for you to buy at O. Wilson to Marshfield to be exhibited by
For Sale.— One dozen Brown
the chamber of commerce.
Our shoes, none better. Satis­
<t Co’s.
Leghorn bens; apply at this office. Fairview section on Saturday. He
was getting ready for the threshing faction guaranteed.
Lieut. Tyndall has moved his | Now is the time to have your
Mrs. James Marlin, of Colfax,
Economy jars, none better. J
machine which was due at bis place
government survey camp to a point windows and doors re screened.
Quick & Curry has the galvanized California, who had been visiting
gallon $160, quarts $1,30 and pints
near Fairview.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lee,
Parties wishing coal from the ! j J. L. Crosby and J. Brockman of Riverton for some time, passed in bis locality.
Mason jars. You know them.
Rouse mine will apply t° Harry j were j own f rom the Fairview sec­ through en route home on Monday.
The poorest family can afford
$100 quarts 75 cents pints
meat when bought from the P eo­
tion Saturday.
Mr. Crosby had Her father was with her and will ple's Market, Dean A Company.
65 cents.
Fairview the hide of an 8-foot cougnr which accompany her home. Her mother
O. L. Crosby, the
nurseryman, had business in town he had killed on the 2nd. inst.
and brother, L. A. Lee, came as far
the Inst of the week.
I _
as Coquille with them.
F or S ale . — Horse and buggy
Ivnowlton’s Fruit Jars, pints 00 car, aQ(] harD„ 88> Badd,e and brid)e
For Sale.— A five-year-old horse
cents; quarts $1.10; one half gallons, Cnl,
Lyong & Jone((, atore
weighing about 1300 lbs.
$1 25, at Lairds,
of Sweet Bros., Lampa.
Jason Machado, of Myrtle Point,
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Buckle,'of
Dr. Kelly, who has been in Ban­
went to the Bay Saturday with his
made our office a
daughters, Misses Glenn and Bessie, don for the past two years, will
pleasant call while in Coquille on
who go to Portland to enter St. move with his family to Coquille
business last Saturday.
next week. Dr. Kelly has worked
Helen’s Hall for another year.
up a large practice while here and
Get your table legs turned at
The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s
Quick & Curry’s. They have some
has been very successful in his
— S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear
patterns already out.
Hard wood,
Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. work. He will go to Coquille with
$1 per set.
the best wishes of a large circle of
Mrs. H. B. Horrel), of The Dalles,
K. HolverBon, the tailor and
friends and will no doubt soon
cleaner, will open a shop in the W. ai rived here Saturday to see her work up a wide practice in that
O. W. building recently xacated by parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowen, city.— Bandon Recorder.
Neathery’s real estate office. Leave and her sisters, the new milliners.
orders with him for weaying of fine She expects to be here several days.
Shoes have won popularity with the
rugs and carpets.
Wanted— a good fresh young woods boys. E. L . Tozier maker,
cow. Must be gantle and give Coquille.
F or S ale — First class restaurant
James L. Coke, a former Coos
with fine business on reasonable good yeild of milk. Address John
county teacher, but at present a
terms, nlso new piano. Write or Walstrom, Parkersburg, Oregon.
Johnson &
Rand Shoe
There will be a benefit excursion
to Bandon under the auspices of
Mr. and Mrs. M. T . Clinton re­
the Coquille Library Association to­
turned the middle of last week from
day. All should attend and give
their trip through the Willamette
valley for an outing and recreation lhi® wor,hy iDetitu,ion » » the sup-
for the benefit of Mrs. Clinton’s l,orl P0B8lble-
A fine clean Millinery stock in a
health, which is greatly improved.
She will probably' try another trip Prosperous farming town, no op.
in the near future.
They were position, for sale at a sacrifice, in.
$1000. Investigate
called home earlier than they had voice about
immediately. Pacific Real
expected to return on account of this
Estate Co.
business matters.
call at this office.
Business College
Enroll for Fall Term
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship
Rapid Calculation and Commercial Usage.
Endorsed by the business men of O
attendance has been largely drawn n
og uille. Its
rom that
Practical, Substantial; as in any business house.
Three months here equals at least eight months
under class instruction
Speed, Accuracy, Legibility to Student*. One of the
most complete systems—Recognized by experts.
o s & s s s « e ö ö ¿s »
g - ö -O' ö
prominent attorney of Wialuku,
island of Mani, Hawaiian group«,
made our office a pleasant call while
in town last week visiting his sister,
Mrs. L. Harlocker, and family. He
also visited his parents, Hon. J. S.
Coke aDd wife, and brothers, Judge
S. J. and Thomas Coke, of Marsh­
field. On account of business he
was obliged to return after a very
short stay.
Have you seen any in town? They
are the Stars Brand and you get
them at
Robinson’s store has just received
a new line of embroideries, in nan-
sook swiss and cambric, also tuck­
ing and fronting for waists.
Tbe steamer Bandon which we
mentioned in our last issue as just
having gone on the rocks of the
south jetty at tbe mouth of tbe I
: Coquille, was floated by the first
high tide and towed back to tbe
dock filled with water, there being
two or three plaDke torn off.
is not as badly damaged as would
have been supposed; however, one
propeller is gone, and she will be
towed to San Frannioco for perm 1-
Dent repairs after beiDg temporarily
patched for the trip. Her deck
load has been removed tnd divers
are putting on tbe temporary
For sale or trade for Ranch.
Eight-room house and five lots,
j large barn, henhouse and yard,
woodhouse, city water. For sale
on easy terms. E. H. Kern, Co­
quille, Oregon.
Call and see our new stock. The
Shoes and Prices are sure to please
W e also carry Groceries,
Dry Goods, Flour and Feed.
2d St. - Coquille
W e Wish to....
That we have just received the first con­
signment of our big line of fall goods
and are showing the finest line of ladies’
goods ever brought to the Coquille Valley
Ladies Sweaters in tan, cardinal white and
oxfords, from
$2.50 to $5:50
Bath Robes, very handsome and fine
$5-75 and $6.00
Long and Short Kimono’s, from -
75c to $3.75
Corset Covers from
55c to $2.50
Night Gowns, fine quality, lovely em-
Muslin Pants from
50c to $2.50
S H IR T S — A very nice assortment to se­
lect from
$1 to $2-50
Black, heather bloom, plain and embroderied
. . .
$2.50 to $3.50
Don’t buy a coat or suit until you look
over our line that is to arrive soon,
which we are going to offer at money
saving prices.
The Store of Big Values and
Comfort for your
Horses and Cattle
Comfort for your Horses and Cattle means health and healthy
stock is resultful. If your stock is not comfortable, they are
not at their best.
For real comfort from Flies, Insects and Vermin treat with
Prussian Fly=Nocker
Annoying insects will not go where it is used and the torments
of the creeping, crawling flying pests will be gone.
Prussian Fly-Nocker is easily and quickly applied. Costs
but little but big in results. Use it now.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
Burn the...
$5 Per Ton
Leave Orders With
F ob S ale .
For Sale.
J. M. Bright of Gravel Ford ia
I offering his fine dairy farm of 187
acres, 40 acres good bottom land,
with new residence, good baro, aDd
large, bearing orchard for sale, to­
gether with all the stock, farming
implements, crop etc.
This place
is located 1} miles from creamery,
and less than | mile from two good
Anyone wishing such a location
will find this a bargain. Write to,
or call on him at that place.
A No. 1 Dairy Ranch of 157 acres,
about 120 acres cleared, about 100
acres under plow, 40 bead good
grade Jersey cow, 50 tons hay, 130
tons corn ensilage, plows, wagons,
harness, cultivators, mowers, cream
separators, milk cans, etc. One-
8 horse-power gasoline engine, one
10 ton per hour ensilage cutler,
10 or 12 head of hogs, two good
barn«, two dwelling houses, two
orchards, all kinds of fruit, wsgon
road, railroad and river, about
200 rods of river frontage. A ennp
New Fall Suits now ready. Hub
from ten to 15 yeara to pay for it. Clothing and Shoe Co.
Save you
Pacific Real Estate Co. 30 per cent.