(Eoiîtiillc linciò. V ol . 26: No. 52. Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the postofflce at Coquille. Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND SUKUKON. Office atblocuui’B Drug Store. C0QUIM.K, O r KOON. Oflioi Plume Main 211. T A. F. Kirshman, D KNUST. Offloe two doors Booth of Post office. . . . Oregon. Coquille Dr. C. W Endicott D kn tist Office on Front Street Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon I COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1909. Reaches North Pole. Copenhagen, Sept. i . — Dr. Cook, the American explorer, reached the north pole April a i, 1908, according to a telegram received at the colonial office here. The message was received from Lervik. Shetland Islands. Dr. Cook is on board the Danish government steamer, Hans Egede, which passed Lerwick at noon to­ day, en route to Denmark. The telegram announcing Dr. Cook’s achievement was sent by a Green­ land official on board the steamer and reads: "W e have on board the American traveler, Dr. Cook, who reached the north pole April 21, 1908. Dr. Cook arrived at Uperni- vik (the northernmost Danish set­ tlement in Greenland on an island oh the west coast) in May, 1909, from Cape York in the northwest part of Greenland, on Baffin Bay). The Esquimaux of Cape York con­ firm Dr. Cook's story of his jour­ ney.” Lincoln Relics. T O L L M A N Photographer Acme Robbery. The Marshfield Sun. Eugene, Or., Aug. 31.— A tele­ Dr. Horsfall returned home over­ phone message from Acme, 70 miles land last week from San Francisco. west of Eugbne, on the lower Siu- Mrs. H. G. Ploeger, of Myrtle slaw river, states that two safes in Point, underwent an operation this the general store of C. 0 . & I. B. week at the Home Hospital for ap­ Cushman were blown open some pendicitis. The operation was per­ time last night with dynamite. The formed by Dr. Horsfall. building was partially wrecked. August Eickworth after a fort­ One of the safes contained the post- office funds, I. B. Cushman being night's visit with relatives in this postmaster. The sum, it is said, city, will leave on the next Plant He amounted to $;ooo or over. Con­ enroute for New York City. siderable cash and valuable papers goes via Southern Pacific to New belonging to Cushman Brothers Orleans, and thence by steamer to were also taken, the exact amount New York. not being known, but it is thought The marriage of Fred Selauder, to be several hundred dollars. No manager of. the Finnish Co-opera­ one heard 'he explosions, as the tive store in this city, and Miss store is some distance from any Zoe Wilson, of Sumner, was solem­ residence. The robbers piled wet nized last Saturday, Rev- B. F. blankets around the safes to deaden Bengtson officiating. The newly the sound. The sales were badly married couple have a host of ad­ wrecked and one entire end of the miring friends who join with the frame store building was blown out Sun in extending congratulations. by the- torce of the explosion. They will make their future home There is no clue to the robbers, al­ in Marsh held. though two strange men who were Cal W right, our vigilant game seen about Acme and Florence dur­ warden, has returned from scouring ing the week are suspected. Sheriff the hills in quest of violators of the Bown left Eugene this forenoon in game law. Mr. Wright gives the a buggy for the scene of the rob­ opinion that sportsmen in this sec­ bery. He attempted to get an auto, tion are duly observing the law but owners of machines refuse to go and that he heard of but few in­ over that road since the accident to fractions reported by parties. He B. A. Washburne’s car near Maple- could not secure sufficient evidence ten Sunday, resulting in its de­ I in these cases, but hopes to land struction by fire. them later if they persist in offend­ --» < » « - -• ------ i TtifO.toFsniiHiSlioe.Ij.Co. P er Y ear Lesson Taught by Circus. ERDMAN Portland Journal: A few figures that tend to show wbat a railroad would do in the Coos Bay couutry are given by Walter Lyon, of Marshfield, who is a Portland visit­ or. Incidentally it shows that Coos Bay people have money to spend, for 250 teams went over the stage roads to Roseburg to atteDd the Ringling circus. “Counting four persons to the team,’’ said Mr. Lyon, “ this means 1000 people, and this is not an over­ estimate, I think. The lowest stage fare from Marshfield to Roseburg is $6, so the cost, had everyone gone by stage, would have been $12,000 for the round trip. That shows what went out of Coos county to the circus, saying nothing of what was spent at Roseburg and the circus itself. “ Government figures of steamers passing over the bar for the last year shows 13,908 passengers. Up and dawn Coos rivet there were 37,683 passengers on boats, a total ol more than 5,000. Taking into account the increased traffic that would result if communication were made east by railroad, and saying nothing about the increase of popu­ lation and development of new sec­ tions, some idea can be gained ot what a railroad would do for itself, as well as for Coos Bay.” Notice of Survey. Notice is hereby given that the following townships and parts of townships have been surveyed to wit: T. 25 fc»., R. 9 W .;T . 32 8., R. 2 W,; T. 24 8,. R. 9 W.; Secs. 7 to 10, 15 to 22, 27 to 33 all inclusive, and NJ nnd SW. J of Bection 34, T. 23 S„ R. 10 W.; Secs. 2 to ll, 15 to 22, 27 to 34, all inclusive, and that plats of survey will be filed in this office on Saturday 9, 1909, at 9 o’clock a. m. and on and after such day we will be prepared to receive applications for the entry of the unreserved and unappropriated landB therein. All persons are warned, however, that for the landa embraced within the National Foreat applications cannot he received, except from bona fide settlers who made settle­ ment prior to Ihe withdrawal of the land for reserve purposes. B enjamin L. E ddy , Register, J. M. L awrence , Receiver. H ENSLEY Tl)e People’s Market ERDMAN & HENSLEY, Proprietors. We have a nice line of Groceries. We sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. We will Buy anything you have for Sale. We want your Vegetables, your Chickens, your eggs We Pay the Highest Market Price. We are to Stay. .W e W ill T r e a t Y o u P H O N E M A IN 5-6 R ig h t. COQUILLE, OREGON The Baxter BAXTER BROS, Proprietors. The Hotel formerly known as the Hotel Coquille. Newly Furnished, Painted and Papered Throughout. Special Attention Paid to the T ra v elin g Public. All W hite Help Employed Give Us a Trial and we will Treat You Right. W. H. Schroeder Jeweler FRONT STREET. [| COQUILLE ORE. W e carry a good line of W altham , E lgin, South Bend and Howard Watch­ es. Before purchasing a watch else­ where call and examine our stock and get pries. W e guarantee our prices to be as reasonable as a ry . The Pacific Monthly of Portland, Oregon, is a beautifully illustrated monthly magazine. If you are in­ terested in dairying, fruit raising, poultry raising, or want to know about irrigated lands, timber lands, or free government lands open to homestead entry, l'be Pacific Monthly will give you full informa­ tion. The price ia $1.50 a year. If you will send twenty-five cents in stamps, three late issues will be sent you so that you may become acquainted with it. Read the fol­ lowing splendid offers: We Carry Y Offer No. 1— McClure’s Maga­ zine, Woman's Home Companion and The Pacific Monthly, costing $4.50, will be sent at a special rate of $3.00. Offer No. 2 — McClure’s Maga­ We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. zine, Review of Reviews, and The wonts always receives prompt attention. Pacific Monthly, costing $6.00, will be sent for $3 60. |§jj piONEER ME0T MACHET Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. COQUILLE V A L L E Y Offer No. 3 — Human Life, Ideal Homes and The Pacific Monthly will be sent for $2.00. Order by number and send your order accompanied by postal money order for the amount to The Pacific Monthly, Portland, Oregon. • • PACKING A. Ì. SHERWOOD Pres. Your CO. R. E. SHINE, Vita Prt> I. H. HAZARD, Csshler 0. C SANFORD, Asst. Cashier FIRST N A TIO N A L B A N K O P COQ UIÜL1H, O R E G O N . We have both new and second T r a n ^ a c t H a G e n e r n l H a n k i n g B u s i n e s a band in the following lines, dressers, commodes, iron and wood beds, bed Board of Dlroetoro. Corroopondonto. springs, mattresses, floor matting, National Rank o Commerce, New York Cit A . J . Sherwood, sewing machines, in fact almost R. O. Dement, L. H . Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Franciso L. Har locker, everything needed for the bouse or R. K. Shine. First N at’l Bank of Portland, Portland. Isaiah Hacker. camp. Come and look through, you will be surprised at the great variety of articles to he found in our store. C. M. Goodman k Co M. K. WHITMORE. E. F. MOKRI.N8Y Coos ScMnit of Cepillo Elver Transportation Company, Bay Paving and Con­ struction Company. Leave Coquille 9:30 A. M. Cl Ci II 7:30 “ GENERAL CONTRACTORS (C II 0« I P. Plant and Efdimate* Given Arrive at ci 9 A . il Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber. II II II 4:30 “ il Contractor. 1$ O l’lione 151 -J Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore, U Ö *— One of the three cedar trees planted on the old Lincoln farm at Lincoln City by Abraham Lincoln when he was a small boy, has been turned over to A. P. Fenn, the well known furniture manufacturer of E. D, SPERRY Tell City, Ind., who will have it A ttorney am i Coancellor a t Law. made into souvenirs and sent to his Office in Robinson Building friends in various parts of the ing. Change in Mail Route. country. Some time ago the old Alex Simpson, the Haynes tree was blowu over during a storm Slough farmer, and who is tesponsi- Bids are asked for a proposed and fell into the yard of A. J. W. C. CHASE. ble for the move now on foot for a change in mail route, which if ac­ Rhodes, where it lay for some time ATTOKN E Y- AT-1. \ W and promised to go to decay, when cepted by the department means the ferry from North Bend to Glasgow OIBo in Kobinson B uilding, U pstairs Mr. Fenn asked for it and it was abandonment of the Roseburg to connect with a road to Ten-mile, given him. He had the tree ship­ service and putting on a 23 hour was in town this week talking up ped to one of his furniture factories service between here and Drain. the project with our business men. at Tell City. Among the notables The bidder is asked to furnish a Mr. Simpson argues that the carry­ C. R. BARROVY who will receive souvenirs from Mr. $13,000 bond with his bid which ing out of these plans will allow the Attorney and Counsellor a t Law inhabitants of five sloughs empty­ Fenn are President Taft, ex Presi­ will he opened the 26th. The only advantage we can see ing into the northern half of Coos First-class Beferenoes dent Roosevelt, Robert T. Lincoln, F ifteen Years’ E iperienoe only surviving son of the great war over the present route is that dur­ bay an opportunity to enjoy the O o q o iu ,E C it y , O r * president, Henry Watterson, editor1 ing the winter months the Drain road and free ferry. The territory of the Louisville Courier-Journal, route is preferable, as at uo time of thereby benefited would be no I I Congressman W. E. Cox of Jasper, the year are the roads impassable, small portion of our county and the Ind., and Gcv. Thomas R. Marshall, while between here and Roseburg numbers to travel this route when J. J. STANLEY the roads frequently become im­ established would be considerable. of Iudianapolis. passible, even for pack horses, the Mr. Simpson’s plan was heartily LAWYER A 6 d P osition mails being delayed from one to endorsed by all with whom he con­ Martin Building • F ro n t Street can be had by ambitious young three days. Under the present versed on the subject while in this CoqUILLB, O regon men and ladies in the field of management the Roseburg route city. “ wireless” or railway telegraphy. gives us splendid service, and since 1 Ì___ Bishop Scadding on Tonr. Since the eight hour law became miles of planking have been laid a A. J. Sherwood, effective, and since the wireless much better service might be ex­ A t to r n e y - at - L a w , companies are establishing stations pected this winter. Rev. Chas. Scadding, Episcopal N o t ar y P u b l i c , Postmaster Russell believes it the bishop of Oregon, arrived here on throughout the country there is a Coquille, : : Oregon great shortage of telegraphers. department’s intention to send mail the Breakwater this morning for Positions pay beginners Irom $70 to of the second and third class in here his annual visitation of the churches $90 per month, with good chance by steamer, and route only first of that denomination in southwest­ Walter Sinclair, for advancement. The National class matter over the stage. This, ern Oregon. While here he will A t t o r n k t ì T -L ì w , Telegraphic Institute of Portland, however, is not specified in the bids be the guest ol J. W. Bennett and Ore., operates six official institutes asked. N otary P o m .ro , | Rev. Win. Horsfall. We understand that no little dis- in America, under supervision of Coquille, : ! Oregon. Saturday evening Bishop Scad­ R. R. and wireless officials and satisfaction has been caused by the ding will preside at the Communi­ 1 places all graduates into positions. proposed change and that an effort cants’ class at the Marshfield Epis­ It will pay you to write them lor will be made to have the depart­ copal church. He will also preach Hall & Hall, ment reconsider the matter.— Har­ here Sunday morning and Sunday full details. A ttob sr ys - at L aw , ------- » •------------ bor. D e ale r in B k i l E s t a t i of a ll k in d s . afternoon will address the Episcopa­ Six Hundred are Drowned. Marshfield, Oregon. Labor, Consumption Remedy. lians at North Bend, where a better organization of the members may Batavia, Java, Sept. 2.— Six New York, Aug. 31.— Following be effected. hundred natives drowned, crops E. G. D. Holden The following are his appoint­ destroyed and thousands homeless an inspection of sanitariums in and fleeing to escape the devastat­ Switzerland and England, H. M. ments for the balance of his stay in L a t t i », J ust ic s o r thh P rags ing waters is part of the record of Biggs, chief medical adviser to the this section: D. 8 . C o m m issio n er, G e n e ra l In s u ra n c e the terrible flood following a cloud Department of Health, has planned September 12.— Bandon, preach Agent, a n d N otary P u b lio . Office burst which annihilated the town of a vigorous and perhaps sensational morning and evening, in R o b in so n B u ild in g . September 15.- Bandon, lecture, Bezoeki, in southeast Java, and course of treatment for the city’s Coquille regon. consumptive patients. Heretofore “The Bible and How to Study It.” flooded the country lor miles. September 19.--Coquille, morn- Communication is cut off and the the course of treatment has been waters show no sign of receding. limited to plenty of fresh air and ¡og and evening service. List Your Property With September 21.— St. Matthew's Relief word is both difficult and lots of nourishing food. But now the patients will have to go to Day, Gardiner, evening service. STUTSMAN & COMPANY hazardous. work, and the harder the work the BEAL ESTATE September 22.— Scottsburg. Noted Books are Burning. more ceitain, it is said, will be their September 23.— Drain. Office Front St., Opp. Hotel Coquille CLAUD STUTSMAN, Mgr. Bishop Scadding is accompanied Toronto, Canada, Sept. 1 — The cure. A hospital at Otisville is in need by his wife, who has fully recovered COQUILLE, - OREGON Parliament buildings are on fire. The roof of the west wing has fallen ol an addition, and the men patients fr0D] the operation she underwent in and the library is now in flames. will be at work as bodcarriers and recently lor appendicitis.— Coos Bay The entire contents, upwards of brickmasons, being compelled to Times. one hundred thousand books will labor as long and hard as possible. Incorporated. Women patients must also do man- j «¡„„«i lor n u i n u e n . be destroyed. Manufacturers of Late this afternoon, the fire was ual labor of the hardest kind, plow-1 ..y took , w0 of Chamberlain's The Celebrated Berpmann Shoe under control and confined to the ing if able, and all other kinds of Stomach and Liver Tablets last The Strongest and Nearest Water west wing. The damage is esti­ agricultural work. They will also night, and I feel fifty per cent be asked to do the carpentering better than I have for weeks, says Proof shoe made for loggers, miners mated at #200,000. J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. I prospectors and mill men, work on the new structure at Otis­ “ They are certainly a fine article 621 Thurman Street ville. Hereafter all patients must for biliousness.” For sale by R. S. Sent to Asylum P o r t l a n d , O heoon . sleep out of doors, even it the tem­ Knowlton. Samples free. A H Ames, of North Bend, has perature is 10 degrees below zero. * -•* - NOTICE ♦ »•« « Iieen committed to the state hospital F or S ale All Coos County warrants drawn For Rent Cheap. on the general fund and endorse I for the insane at Salem, where his 100 acre ranch on Myrtle Creek, prior to January 1st, 1908 will he wile was sent a lew months ago. A good young work mare, weight paid on presentation at my office in , Attendants from the hospital are 18 miles from Myrtle Point, 7 miles 1850, snd two fine Bonaparte colls. Coquille City. No iotereat will he expected here in a day or two to from Bridge. 20 acres cultivated G. O. L owk , Norway. allowed on any of th-se warrants take him there. Marshal Caffrey end fine orchard, good 5 room house after August 21st, 1909 Dated this U th day of Aug. 1909. has pentioned the Cuos county court and fairly good hams. 2 years Registered Berkshire pigs for T. M. Dimmick 1 to send the four children to rela­ lease wanted. Address, Mrs. A. C. ' salt— 1 oth iex. J. C. Watson, Co­ County Treasurer. tives at Red Bluff, Cal.—Times. Kurtz, Bancroft, Oregon. quille. Residence Studio. $1.50 II Leave Bandon 6:30 A. il il 1:30 P. 1 • U 7 A. 11:30 A . Arrive at “ il IC II 1:30 A. Cl !• Cl 4:30 P. M li II II II II