Coquille Jerald. D F D E A N , P R O P R IE T O R . FAIR NOTES Interesting Facts About Seattle Exposition. CALL ON D. L. Perkins and inspect the largest and most handsome line of Gents’ Furnish­ ing Goods in the City. The Newest and most handsome thing in the City in Seattle, August 1 8 — September Oonntv Official Paper. 4 has been set apart as Dairy Day at tho Alaska-Yukon-Paeifio Ex­ ¡ ¡L 18 H E I) E V E K Y W E D N E S D A Y . position. and dairymen from many parts ot the United States and »ted to tht- m aterial and s o cia l up u . ig o f the Ooqaille V alley particularly Canada will be present and take . i O o o h County generally . • litoription, per year, in ad v a n ce , 1.50 part in the demonstrations. Presi- ! dent K. J. Rose of the Washington AND SHOES Sta ■ Dairymen’s Association will BOOTS Phone, Main 55. brii.g ten of the best cows in the S e v a n H undred or B etter C o w state to the grounds and will keep them in a tent for several days and make practical demonstration with Tue Jersey cow continues to lead the patent milkers. tin other dairy breeds in long dis- ‘ ‘These little machines,” said Any person cutting timber or t»nee performance. President Ross, “ will revolutionize bark of nny description on tbe lands Bulow will be found the record of the dairy business, when once their of the Southern Oregon Company, eevi uteen Jersey cows that under merits are fully recognized.” Milk­ or removing same, or other proper­ authenticated fat test have produced ing by machinery may sound a ty, from said lands, without b e i D g 700 pounds of butter or over in one little ‘phony’ to some folks but it’s duly authorized in writing, will be year. a success, and what used to be a prosecuted according to law. Mr. R. M. Qow writes of this il­ hard task under the new system Any persoD furnishing sufficient lustrious list of noted performers, will be a decided pleasure.” “ The evidence for the recovery of pro­ with yields of 700 pounds and over great draw-back to the dairy busi­ perty so taken and conviction of the in one year: ness is in finding men who are parties concerned, will be given one- Yearly Test. Butter 83 capable and willing to do the milk­ half of the property recovered. P. C. Fat. ing, but with these little machines Southern Oregon Company. Cow. Lbs. Oz. a 14-year old boy can milk as many Alphea Elf 4th 134498....... 700 11 cows as five men under the old Owner, Missouri State system, and do it better.” Big Bargain List. Agriculture College. H. L. Willett, Chairman of the Tonona 5th of Hood Farm 709 3 Dairy Day Committee, when asked $4500 buys 45 acres improved ranch with buildings. 103183 Owner. C. I. concerning the arrangements for H ood, Lowell, Mass. the day, said, "M r. Gould, of Au­ $12.50 an acre buys a fine tract of Star of Weldon 147384.......713 10 rora, Ohio, one of the greatest and land 360 acres, 35 acres bot­ Owner, G. W . Hall, W el­ tom balance grazing. most expert dairymen in the world don, Iowa. will be here and deliver an address $800 buys an acre all in garden Pedros Estella 197245...... 715 8 in the Fine Arts Hall at 3 o ’clock bouse and barn. See us for Owner, Missouri State P. M., September 4th. H. J. Blan­ bargains. Come in and see Agricultural College. chard, Superintendent of the Ex­ us and list your property Hectors Fairy Belle 179909 725 0 perimental Station at Puyallup with us. We will give you Owner, F. B. Keeney, will also deliver an address. We a squaredeaL Belvidere, N. Y. expect to serve milk, cheese, sand­ Grace Briggs 134732 ..... ..735 14 wiches, etc., to the public on that Owner, Missouri State day, and in every way possible COQU1LLE, OREGON. Agricultural College. make it a day of great interest to Missouri Ramaposa 155372 747 7 all the people. Owner, Missouri State When the Live Stock Show of Agricultural College. the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi­ Magyarlands Temisia....... 755 8 tion opens on September 27th, the 134765 Owner, R. A. Sib- entries will reach at least two thou­ ley, Spencer, Mass. sand head of blooded horses, cattle, Emma's Rowena 146877...... 755 11 swine and sheep. On the first day Owner, C. I. Hood, of August over one thousand head Lowell, Mass. had been entered, and since that TO Peer’s Surprise 144248........ 769 5 date applications are being daily Owner, Est. of W . S. Ladd. received in number. Portland, Oreg. Prizes of cash, medals, cups and Olive Dunn 188832................ 796 13 awards reach a value of $63,500. Owner, A. F. Peirce, and in addition to those premiums Winchester, N. II. for live stock, the poultry and Bessie Bate 155373.......... 801 14 pigeon department of the show of­ UNION PACIFIC Owner, Missouri State fer many substantial cash and OREGON SHORT LINE Agricultural College. medal prizes. Applications are THE OREGON Mollie of Edgewood 167956 832 2 coming in by the hundred from all RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Owner, Thos. Holt, South­ parts of the United States and SOUTHERN PACIFIC ington, Conn. Canada, and the best coops and Financial Couutess 155100..941 10 yards of America will be repre­ $3 From Chicaero sented. The cooping and feeding Owner, C. E. Parfet, $ 30.50 From St. Louis Golden, Colo. is under the care of Mr. W. J. $25 From Omaha Rosaire’s Olga tth’s Pride 990 1 Spratt, whose experience in this 52 From Kansas City lino has been acquired in various Owner, Geo. H . Sweet, poultry shows throughout Europe East Aurora, N. Y. Adelaide of Beechlauds ...1003 6 and the States. TO THE PUBLIC 168699 Owner, Est. of The poultry industry is one of Write letters to everybody you know great importance through the west­ in the East and tell them about these W . S. Ladd, Port­ land, Oreg. ern and northern states, and the low colonist rates, bend them litera­ ture about Oregon, or send their ad­ Jacokn Irene 146443 .......1126 6 bringing together at the Exposi­ dresses to us and we will do it. In this Owner, A. O. Auten, tion of the very best stock found way you can be a great help in the grow th and progress of your State. Jerseyville, 111. in tbe world, will be of exceptional To date, June 1, 1909, seventeen value to breeders and fanciers. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES Jersey cows under authenticated fat Mr. William Stonehouse, of Van­ couver, B. C. will award prizes in test have produced 700 lbs. of but­ for anyone from any place if you want to. Deposit the necessary amount witli ter or over in one year. Butter has the pigeon and poultry classes, our local agent and he will telegraph while Messrs. George D. Holden, been computed ou tbe basis of 83 ticket promptly. Owatona, Minn. Sharp Butter­ per cent fat, allowing for losses in field, Windsor, Canada, F. H. creaming and churning, in the same Shellabarger, West Liberty, Iowa, Inquire of Agents or write to WM. McMURRAY tnauner as the cows in the St. Louis W. C. Ellison, Minneapolis, Minn., General Passenger Agent Exposition dairy test were credited Henry Berrar, San Jose, Cal., S. T. Champbtill, Mansfield, Ohio and The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. with butter. Chas. V. Keeler, Winimac, Ind., Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) These cowb represent tbe herds of will act as judges in the Live Stock PORTLAND, OREGON eleven different owners, in nine department. states. Five of them are owned by J T T l i e safe and reliable t w in -.^ ^ the Missouri State Agriculture A 320 acre South Atncan Veteran screw College, two are owned by G. I. Bounty Land Certificate issued by RMFThe New and Speedy, Hood, and two by the Estate of W . tbe Department of the interior, S. Ladd. Two of them, the first Government of Canada, Ottawa, and tbe sixth on the list, are under the Volunteer Bounty Act, Capt. Olsen, Master. daughters of the bull Lom e of 1908. Good for 320 acres t>f any Will make regular trips between Meridale 34024 bred by Ayer A Dominion land open for entry in McKinney, Meredith, N. Y., the Alberta, Baskatcwan, or Manitoba. C oquille River an.J San others being all by different sires. Any person over the age of 18 Francisco. No Stop-over at W ay Ports. The average yield of butter of the years, man or woman, can acquire seventeen is nearly 813 lbs. These this land with this certificate, with­ Electric Lights. Everything in First Class Style. seven-hundred-pound cowa consti­ out further charge. For immedi­ ate sale— $800 00. Write or wire tute 4.58 per cent of the cowa of all L. E. Telford, 131 Shuter street, ages tested for one year, and nearly Toronto, Canada.” Get Together sixteen per cent of the cows of all and stand together is the key­ ages tested for one year, and nearly The cannons used lay the German note o f F orrest C r is s e y ’ s sixteen per cent of the cows five army are to be titled with the new second article on the farmer years old and over.— R. M. Gow, Maxim device to stop their noise. in his fight against dishonest In The Farm Home. Our own rannou would btand some commission merchants. Don't muffling, too. miss it. G o o d R anch for Bale. There’s only one joker in the Then read “ Happiness ” — A well improved place of 26 acres ordinary derk of plawog cards, but one o f the prettiest boy and with a fine home nnd good build­ hn interests have ovidentljr storked girl stories ever p u b lish ed . ings, crop, (tc,, on Fisbtrap. A p­ th tariff bill with about fifty-one. All in tbe ------— ply to S. Edwards, on the place. * - «a - * Speaker Cannon wanted to have SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S For sal« by C ollier A Getty. The couutrv now knows once an automobile provided him by more what is no ant by revising the Congress. Seems sa if be ought to ^ariff by it's “ friends." get along with his steam roller. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD NOTICE. Neathery & May LOW Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line GROCERIES BREAKW ATER Every form of delicacy in this line, and all the staple Sails for Portland Every Saturday articles—the freshest and purest. I CAN SUPPLY EVERY ORDER For anything to Feed Man, Horse or Fowl, and my Prices are Established on the “Live and Let Live Order.” P. E. Sails From A in sw o rth Dock, Portland, Wednesdays a t 8 P. M. DRA/NE W. F. PAUL L. EQ U IP P E D W IT H W IR e L e S. Capt. E. D. Parsons Sails fro m P o rtla n d Saturdays a t 8 /j m. Sails fro m Coos Bay Tuesdays a t seruice o f tid e . H STERLIN G. Agent, AGENT. Marshfield, CQUILLE, the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button luminant for all purposes the Cleanest Most Convenient, and the CHEA and Coquille M arshfield here That furnished by you R IV E R Johnson Lumber Co. Rustic, NO. 181 Accepted throughout the civilized w orld H. W. SKINNER, A gt Dressed Lumber, Flooring, PHON E Pres* N. LORENZ, A gt. Keeps in stock a complete line of Rough Oregon Incandescent Electric Light Steamer Alliance Coos Bay and Portland M IL L E R , and EST light known. the E L E C T R IC C O Q U IL L E CO is first have class and up to date in every respect ft. The rates place it within reach of all FRANK MORSE, Prop, CO Q U ILLE, ORE. Ceiling, Mouldings, etc. Our Dry Sheds are roomy and are filled with the most complete stock of Finishing Lumber in the Coquille Valley. Estimates gladly furnished. Prices as low as the lowest. Yard and Office, Froi)t St. near Depot. P h o n e 331 R a t e s THE COQUILLE RIVER LINE Steamers FIFIELD and BANDON O regon via S tr. Eliza b e th Between San Francisco and Bandon T w i n S c re w , N e w 1st Class Passage Up Freight - a n d F a s t - - $7.50 - O u r Interests A re yo u r Interests. 3.00 Fair rate and good service o u r motto. A. F. ESTABR00K CO. Agent, San Francisco, C alif. C. M. SPENCER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. APRIL 1909 f t b PIVS CBNTB A C0PY N E W I D E A P U B L I S h V n G C O M PA NY NE W YORK The Hammock And Porch-Weather Evenings are distinctly Edison Phonograph evenings. Nobody wants to do any­ thing but listen. Here is an idea—a new one. Get an Edison Phonograph. If you already have one, then you should hnve some of the latest records. We now have the completo book of EJison records in stock. I f pou havent the four minute ottachment for playing tbe new four minute records, come in and see them, and hear the records. They are fine. Catalogues of machines and ieeords will be sent on application free of charge. E. C. B A R K E R & CO Do You lntei)d to Build? |C Did you stop to consider that a building made I* out of cement blocks is almost indestructable and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the world. Yours for business, COQUILLE CONCRETE WORKS TO O U R READERS W e have critically examined all the magazines published for women and the home, and without hesitation we have selected the NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE as by far the greatest value for the money we have ever seen offered by any publisher. A ll its features are superbly illus­ trated— the latest styles in fashion being depicted in color plates, hall-toues and drawings. It is the most complete housekeeping guide purchased. Not only does it excel in fashion news and housekeeping suggestions, but every topic of feminine interest is handled in a prac­ tical, entertaining way. Every issue contains many fascinating stories by the highest paid writers in the world. By special arrangement with the publishers we are able to offer all our readers a Special Bargain $2.00 IN VALUE THE COQUILLE HERALD NEW IDEA W O M A N S M A G A ZIN E BO TH FO R FOR $1.65 ONE YEAR - ONE YEAR TO TAL VALUE O NLY $ 1 .5 0 .5 0 $ 2 .0 0 $ 1 .6 5 USE THIS COUPON The H erald P ublishing Co., G e n t l e m e n : — Enclosed find $1.65 for which enter my subscription to the New Idea W om an’s Magazine and your paper, both for one year. A T T H E Skookum Restaurant, Address C. A . H A R R IN G T O N , P rop rietor. W « I * . « . * • « . . to rog u lo* BotP dtca. S p o . l a l A t t e n t i o n O l v . n to C S fflm iF illl Name |l«nl