Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 01, 1909, Image 2

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    n m p
Coquille Herald.
SEPT. 1,
Lo at advertisements among
rca.Ung five cents per line each
tion. Cards ol thanks 50 cents
O .it mry poetry five cents per
lit ^"iutions of Condolence and
a . rtising five cents per line.
Grange Organized
With District Deputy L. Strong
i.n ! wife, of Myrtle Point, and Mr. Mrs. P. 8 . Robison and Miss
Minnie McCloskey, of Norway, as
v e come visitors and helpers, State
Deputy Cyrus H. Walker, of Albany,
Oregon, organized Coquille Grange
with 30 charter members last Sat­
The charter was left open
until Thursday, September 2nd for
^additional members. Only persons
who have paid the fee of $1 for men
and 50 cts. for women, and 00 cts.
additional in each case as advance
dues at 10 cts. per month, can be
enrolled as charter members. The
meeting will be held at the court
house at 10 a. m.
The following officers were elect­
ed and installed:
Master, Geo. Peoples; Overseer,
Geo. Belloni; Lecturer, J. J. Stan­
ley; Steward, Jas. Hammack; As­
sistant Steward, DeeHaskin; Chap­
lain, W. M. Hammack; Secretary,
Mina Stephens; Treasurer, H. L.
Stephens; Gate Keeper, Jan. T.
Jenkins; Ceres, Josephine B. Peo­
ples; Pomona, Maggie Hamiruck;
Flora, Sarah Watson; Lady Assist­
ant Steward, Zeniba Rogicon.
Mr. Walker expects to organize
more new Granges and re-organize
others during his visit to Coos coun­
He means to rush the work, as
other counties of the state are to be
visited in the near future.
He is under the direction of
State Grange Master Austin T.
Buxton, of Forest Grove, Oregon.
The National Grange had a long
and hard fight to secure a law tax­
ing colored oleomagerine 10c per
A movement is now under way to
have Congress reduce this tax to
one cent per pound.
The Grange
will be the principal organized body
to fight this measure. Dairymen us
well as farmers should join the
Grange and thus help protect their
F lo o d in M ex ico .
Mr. and Sirs. J . B. Fox, of this
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 26.— The
city, returned Su nday evening from
National Apple 3how Bulletin, is-;
a trip to Ellen b 'ig , Washington,
sued in connection with the second
where they had Iietn to see tbeir
competitive exhibition, open to the
daughter, Mrs. W . X. Lewis, and
world, in Spokane, Novcenber 15th
family. T hey ah o saw the exposi­
to 20th, when $25,000 in cash
tion at Seattle.
Mr. Fox tells us
prizes and premiums will be award­
that Mr. L c ’ Jvis has discovered!
ed in 20 classes, will say iu its
what appears t o be rich gold dig-j
September number that, Oregon
gings on his p' ;ace there.
sent the hrst consignment of com­
Knowlton’» Fruit Jars, pints 90
mercial apples to China. The tull
text of the article, prepared by Ren cents; quarts $ 1 10; one half gallons,
H. Bice, secietary-manager o f the $1.25, at Laird s,
“ It is not generally known that
the first commercial shipment of
apples to China was made liom
Grant’s Pass, Ore. Hon. Henry B.
Miller was appointed consul general
to China and stationed at Neuch-
wang, during the early part o f the
Boarid"» rebellion.
Owing to the
disturbed condition o f the country
he did not proceed immediately to
his post of duty but spent a number
of months upon special assignments
and a large part ot the time in the
southern provinces.
At the close
of the Boxer war he proceeded to
Neuchwaug and took up his duties.
“ Consul Miller and his brother
Frank J. Miller, were both interest­
ed in an apple orchard at Grant’s
Pass, and as a result of Henry
Miller’ s travels it occured to them
that there ought to be a market in
China for apples if they could be
properly packed and shipped.
“ A test shipment was made and
particular attention was paid to the
manner in which the different
varieties stood the test o f travel and
climate. One hundred boxes of all
the standard varieties, with the day
of picking, packing and shipping
noted, were shipped direct to
“ In packing, the precaution was
taken to leave the apples under the
trees until the following day. They
were then taken in upon a large
straw floor and graded by hand
Every box was shipped within two
weeks of picking and no apples
picked later than the last of Sep­
“ Contrary to
opinion among growers, the Ben
Davis stood the test of shipment
and climatic conditions better than
any other variety and it was proved
conclusively that it should be picked
before maturity to obtain best re­
“ The Miller brothers continued to
supply apples to the China trade for
from seven to eight years after the
first consignment, with profit and
“The Chinese like a large, highly
colored and cheap apple, and the
Ben Davis met these requirements
better than any other.
In the
large cities and in the seaports
where there is a considerable
European population, there is a de­
mand for fancy and high grade
apples as well.”
The New York Milliners
Wish to announce that their Annual Fall opening of Millinery
will take place on
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3 and 4
The Ladies of Coquille and vicinity are cordially invited to he
One of the firm has recently returned from San
Francisco, where she has spent gome time in studying the latest
Parisian effects, and has returned with a large stock of up-to-
date Millinery, and at prices that are very reasonable.
Upon Short Notice
Five Cents Per 1000 1 bw For the Season of
New line of white linens, butch
er, embroidery or round thread,
India, fronting, flaxon, and hand­
kerchief, also brown and blue in
dress linens at Robinson’s.
We are iu receipt of a card from
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robinson, ol
this city, who have been absent for
two or three weeks visiting the
valley and Seattle, going out by
automobile. The card written at
Victoria, British Columbia, at which
place they were taking in the
sights, bears the information that
they are enjoying their outing very
much. They did not state when
they would return.
F o b S a l e —First class restaurant
with fine business on reasonable
terms, also new piano. Write or
call at this office.
A small barn belonging to James
Brown at Myrtle Point, burned one
day last week. It was the place
where four fine horses were kept,
but fortunately none of the animals
were caught by the flames.
also learn that one of the shops at
the Beaver Hill mines was burned
the same day.
These should be
reminders that the dry season is on
and too much care cannot be taken
to prevent the starting of fires.
A fine clean Milliuery stock in a
Prosperous farming town, no op­
position, for sale at a sacrifice, in­
voice about
$1000. Investigate
immediately. Pacific Real
Estnte Co. V
4 * * * * * * * * * * * * XXXXXXXXXXXX&
D istrict Pair at Eugene
by *
tree camping can be had
those so desiring while attending ^
' the District Fair at Eugene, which ¥
takes place from Tuesday. Sept. 7th, ^
to Saturday, the 12th, in clu siv e.!^
The grounds adjoining the fair ;
L /r a p e r ie s ..................
| tq i ' i , i
grounds have been set aside tor m '
campers; city water being supplied. t K
Linoleum ............... "
The week will be onb of carnival
Just now our line surpasses anything ever ^
■ entertainments as well, such as
in Coquille. We know that we carry the ^
balloon ascensions, etc. On Thurs-
line of Brussels, Velvets, Axminister, (p
j day the merchants will close their
Rugs and Matting, and in all sizes, be-
stores at noon, this being merchants’
customers tell us we do. Come and
day. The city will be decorated
see for yourself.
and illuminated for the weeks
Special rates of one and a third
S*A**Kt M
fares have been granted by the S.
P. Co. from Salem on the north to
he College Chap Jr., in Ashland south, good during the ^
C O Q U IL L E ,
one of the most brilliant entire Fair time.
The exhibits of the schools of the ^ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X P
styled models in young
A r men’s suits ever' shown county will be of especial interest,
several schools coming with their
in this city.
home bands. There will be a school
Like all our
parade at 10:30 a. m., Wednesday,
Sept. 8th, and all school children in
the parade will be admitted to the
it was made for us especially Fair grounds free. The total in
by Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. prizes exceeds $5,000.
iq o q
iq io
W hy keep your potatoes at home to handle when
the roads arc bad, when you can store at
the above price for the season
l .J
| W.C.Laird
A bit extreme perhaps—
but it is those little unusual
touches here and there that
add individuality to a gar­
These suits are well worth
looking at. Come in, then,
to-day—if only to look. The
prices are very modest.
' ,A A.
M on op lan e S m ash es R ecord .
Comfort for your
Horses and Cattle
Itesi T r c H lm e u I F o r « U n n i.
If for no other reason, Chamber­
lain's Salve should be kept in every
household on account o f its great
value in the treatment of burns. It
allays the pain almost instantly,
and unless the injury is a severe
one, heals the parts without leav­
ing a scar. This salve is also un­
equaled for chapped bands, sore
nipples and diseases of the skin.
Price, 25 cents. For sale by R. S.
Rheiras, Aug, 26.— Flying in his
monoplane this afternoon Latham
broke the distance record establish­
ed yesterday by Paulham in his
Voisin biplane in the aviation con­
tests now in progress at Betheny
Plain. Latham was in the air 2
hours and 13 minutes and covered
97 miles. Paulham yosterday made
a sustained flight of 2 hours, 53
minutes and 24 seconds and covered
83 miles.
Latham’s record breaking flight
began a few minutes after he bad
ended bis flight of nearly 44 miles,
which he covered in 1 hour, 1 min­
ute and 51J seconds.
Just at the
time it appenred that his flight also
exceeded Paulham’s time aloft, his
petrol was exhausted and he was
compelled to alight.
Henri Fournier, who was thought
to have been fatally injured in his
spectacular fall from a great height
yesterday when a breaking wire
caused his machine to “ buckle’’
and crash to the ground, disproved
the report regarding his condition
today by appearing on foot on the
After walking around for a short
time he made a short flight in bis
reserve machine.
Notice is hereby given that the part­
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned and doing business in the
City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
under the firm name of Morgan & Bow­
en, was, on the 20th day of August,
1909, dissolved by mutual consent, Ber­
tha A. Morgan retiring from the firm,
and the other members confining the
business under the firm name o f F . E.
Bowen & Co.
All outstanding claims against the
said firm of Morgan A Bowen are to be
paid by F. E. Bowen & Co., and all
claims due either to the firm ot Morgan
A Bowen or Bertha A. Morgan are pay­
able to Bertha A. Morgan.
Dated this 27th day of August. 1909,
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received for the improvement of
a portion of the County Road known as
the Lec-Norway County Road in Road
District No. 31, Coos County, Oregon,
such improvements to consist qt rock­
ing or gravelling said road according to
the specifications on file with the County
Clerk, and a copy of such specifications
in the hands of H. E. Wilcox. Special
Road Master tor R. D. No. 31. Five per
cent of amount of bid to be deposited
with the County Clerk on such bids and
all bids to be filed with the CountvCIerk
of Cooe County, Oregon,on or before the
2nd day of September, A. D. 1909, at 10
o ’clock a. m.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bide.
Dated this 16th day of August. A. D.
Special Road Master for R. D. No. 3!.
Comfort for your Horses and Cattle means health and healthy
stock is resultful. If your stock is not comfortable, they are
not at tbeir best.
For real comfort from Flies, Insects and Vermin treat with
Prussian Fly-Nocker
Annoying insects will not go where it is used and the torments
of the creeping, crawling flying pests will be gone.
Prussian Fly-Nocker is easily and quickly applied.
but little hut big in results. Use it now.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­
gon, in and for the County of Coos.
Lillian Curran, Plaintift,
Horace A. Curran, Defendant.
To Horace A. Curran, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 9th »lay of S'eptembeY, 1909, the
same beinq^six weeks after (late of the
first publication of this summons, to-
wifc: The 21st day of July, 1909, and if
you fail to appear or answer on or
before the 9th d»y of September, 1909,
the same being the last day prescribed
in the order of publication, judgment
will be taken against you for want
thereof and the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded here­
in, a succinct statement of which is as
follow s:
1. That the marriage contract now
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved and held for naught.
2. That plaintiff’ s name be changed,
and that she may resume her maiden
name, Lillian Wilson.
3. That plaintiff have judgment for
her costs and disbursements herein, and
for such other and further relief as shall
seem meet and equitable to this Court.
Service of this summons is made on
you by publication in pursuance of an
order made by the Hon. John S. Coke,
Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos
County, Oregon, dated the 14th day of
July, 1909, directing publication of sum­
mons to be made in the H erald , a
weekly newspaper printed and pub­
lished at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
and directing that said summons be
published once a week for six successive
weeks; that the first publication of said
summons be made on the 21st day of
July, 1909.
R. H. S mith ,
J ohn F. H all ,
J ames T. H all ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Lntharu’s flight is the talk of the
thousands congregated here, and he
is the hero of the hour. Whenever
Following is the jury list drawn he appears the crowds cheer wildly
for the regular September, 1909, and applause even greets the men­
Roseburg, Oregon, Land Office
. ,
July 28, 1909
term of circuit court:
tion of his name.
Notice is hereby given that Frank L.
Henry Johnson, Riverton, Farmer
Latham now holds the record for Huston, by his attorney in fact George
Finley, o f Crawfordsville, County of
Alva Doll, Marshfield, Real Estate the fastest long flight.
He was Linn, State o f Oregon, has this day
H. A. Strong, Myrtle Point, Farmer compelled lo alight because o f the filed in this office his application to
W. I. Bouebrake, Sumner, Farmer lack of gasolene to drive the motors. select Under the provisions o f the act
o f Congress approved July 1, 1898 (30
Notice is hereby given that sealed
Thos. Everden. Enchanted, Farmer Immediately after refilling the tank Stat., 587-680), the S W b s E b . sec. 10, bids will be received for tlie improve­
T. 27 8. R. 11 w „ and NEW NWW ment of a portion of the county road
J. A. Lamb, Coquille, Hardware be made a second ascent.
N W Ii NEW, SwW N EIL sec. 30, T. known as the Fairview and upper North
29 S. R. 10 W. W. M.
S. 8 Reed, Myrtle Point, Farmer
Fork of Coquille River County Road in
The conditions for the flight were
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ Road District No. 11, Coos County, Ore­
Mike Mullov, Marshfield, Teamster
adverse. A high wind was blowing. ly the described, or desiring to object gon, such improvements to consist of
B. II. Burns, Coquille, Farmer
because o f the mineral character o f
During part of his flight Latham the land, or fo r any other reason, to grading and planking, according to the
specifications on file with the County
Clarence Waters, Lee, Farmer
to applicant, should file their Clerk, and a copy of such specifications
raced the Paris express. He easily-
Frank Rogers, Marshfield, Farmer
affidavits o f protest in this office on, in the hands of H. E. Wilcox, Special
distanced the train, although the or before the 4th day o f September,
Road Master for R. D. 11. Bills will be
Noris J .-nsen, Marshfield, Tailor
engineer opened the throttle and 1909.
received for separate contracts for grad­
N. F. Throne, Cooston, Bookkeeper
B enjamin L. E ddy
ing or planking, or single bids for both
did his best to beat the aviator in
Register. grading and planking.
Five per cent
W. E. Thomkins, North Bend,
the monoplane.
of bid to lie deposited with the Countv
Long shore-man
bids to be
filed with the County Clerk of Coos
C. H. Chandler, Batidon, Farmer W l i j ’ I>i*us;iriNt«i IS e r o i u i n « ' i n i C l i n III-
County, Oregon, on or before the 2nd
l»rrln iii*w C o l i e . ( ' n o i e r a m i d
A. Barklow, Myrtle Point, Farmer
_ ol September A. D. 1909, at 10
D ia r r h o e n I te m e li)’.
Sealed proposals will be received at
J. D. Ross, Coos City, Farmer
. . 1 the office of the Citv Recorder until o ’clock a. in.
The County Court reserves the right
M r. I i a n k C H anaran, a prom t- ( Wednesday Sept. 8, 1909, at 4 o’clock
Wtn. Strang. Marshfield, Clerk! tient d m g g is t of 1 otsm ou th , Va , p. m. for the improvement of Hall to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 16th dav of August, A. D.
D. W. Gardner, Bandon, Farmer j says. “ F or the past six years I ! ’ troei ^¿?.m
' ' ne
_____ i I „ „ j
o i ,™ | Street Elliott s Addition to the north 1909.
W. F. Disher, Bandon, Capitalist have
sold and recommended Cham- line of lot II block 14 of Elliott’s addi-
II. E. W ilcox
Special Road Master of Road Dis­
H. J. Isaacs, North Bend,Real Estate betlain’ s Colic, Cholera and Diar- tion in the manner provided by the
trict No. 11.
A. Kingston,North Bend,Contractor rhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy I Plans and specifications and estimate
and on e o f the best patent n ie d i- ! °| f!le
Engineer on file in the office
J. A. Hatcher, Fairview, Farmer .
, .r
r !_ j i
of the City Recorder.
, „ „
n • . , u
i ctnes on the market.
I handle i Th. right
ri.i.t to reject
— u-. any and
F. Hartley, Myrtle I oint. Laborer | some others lor the same pu rposes , is The
hereby reserved.
Geo Wilson,
Empire, Farmer j that pay me i 1 lrger profit, but this
By order ot the common council.
In the County Court for Coos County,
Coquille Oregon, Aug. 18, | State of Oregon.
8 . W. Fikjr, Prosper, Farmer | remedy is so sure to effect a cu re .! Dated at Coquille
I In the Matter of Margaret A. Baker,
C. K. Jordan, Eactside, Capitalist and my customer so certain to ap­
E. G. D. Hoi.niN,
I Deceased.
preciate my recommending it to
City Recorder.
' D. R. Lewis,
| Notice is hereby given that the final
, p . v
i hi“ »- that I gave it the preference.”
account o f J. M. Hodge as Admini-
W . T. Brady. Gravel Ford, Farmer For sale by R. 8 Knowlton
i w . . . ,
strator o f the estate o f Margaret A
VV. A. Bean, Riverton, Merchant
_ i Notice is hereby given that the mi- Baker, deceased has been filed in the
■ derstgned. Administrator of the Es- Countv Court o f Coos countv
J. L. Randleman, Norway, Farmer
Jury List.
(*on<l l o r
Store Your Potatoes
R. J. Dean -returned the last of
the week from Enchanted prairie
with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mulkeyand
Mrs. John Feart and children, who
had been camping a week at that
place. Mr. Mulkey, who has been
at Camas, Washington, the past
two or three years, will remain
here tor a while, at least, but thinks
o f going to Calitornia in the near
Go to the People’s Market, Erd-
man & Hensley Prop’rs, for the
best bacon, lard, bams, and meat of
every description. They treat you
Mrs. E. p . Sperry returned Fri­
day from an extended visit with
her patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Howard, of Three Rivers, Michi­
gan, and sister, Miss Howard, of
Knoxville, 111., and other relatives
and friends in the east. She re­
turned by way of Portland, at W
lu ^ e
point she was met by the J!
who accompanied her home. Their
daughter, Miss Sperry and Miss
Dean joined them in Marshfield.
show, follows:
Mexico City, Aug. 30.—Con­
servative estimates of the damage
at Monterey by Saturday's flood,
places the death list at 1,400 and
the property loss at $12,000,000.
The river has receded and danger
is over. Up to the present time,
650 bodies have been recovered.
Fifteen thousand are homeless and
the water mains are useless.
city is without drinking water, nor
is there any light or street car
service, the power plants being
seriously damaged.
The railroad
situation is deplorable, the bridges
in every direction being washed
Fine ash wood delivered any.
out. The railroad loss will prob­ where in town at $2 per tier. A p­
ply at this ofifiee.
ably exceed $7,000,000.
O regon A p p le s Sent First.
H illou «iir«p (.
“ I took two of Chamlierlaln's
Stomach and Liver Tablets last
night, and I feel tidy pier cent
Estim ates Given
better than I have for weeks, says Plans and
J. J. Firestone ol Aliegau, Mich. Concrete Brick» Stone and Timber.
"They ate certainly a fine article
for biliousness." For sale by R. 8.
*h* 2.''
Septemt>er, A . D. 190» as the day, and
the Court House at Coquille, Coos
County. Oregon as the piece "for hear"
tng objections
said ---------
final account
, - .
. -----
for the settlement of said estate,
A. J. Sicimwnnn.
Price of Preferred Stock of the
United Wireless Telegraph
Note the stead/ and rapid ad­
vance in the price of stock since
the organization of the Company.
per shore
February 23, 1907..................$10.00
September 1, 1907......
October 1, 1907,........................ 12.50
November 10,1907.................... 14.00
January 1. ,1908
March 1, 1908......
June 1, 1908
, 17.50
August 1, 1908........................ 18.50
October 1, 1908.......................... 20.00
December 15, 1908..’..................22.50
February 15, 1909
May 1,1909.................
August 1, 1909 ......................... 35.00
The price will remain at $35.00
for a Bhort time only. It’s a chance
of a lifetime to make a safe invest­
ment and large profits.
O. L. Hopson, Fiscal Agent
Coos and Curry Counties. Box 323
Office in the “ C handler”
Harvey Allen
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoeing....
All kinds of
Repairing, Logging
and Carriage Work.
All Work Guaranteed
Rose Building
■ Oregon
Proposed Improvement of Second
Street, Elliott’s Addition.
Notice is hereby given that the Com­
mon Council of the City ot Coquille, Or­
egon, propose to improve Second --tieet,
Elliott’s Adddition, from the East line
of Elliott Street to the East limit of Not-
ley's Addition, by grading the roadway
full width according to the established
grade thereon as established by E. H.
Kern, City Engineer, as designated by
the plan or profile on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
Remonstrance against the above men­
tioned proposed improvement may be
filer! »ith the undersigned within ten
liays after notice is first given of the
proposed improvement.
By order of the Common Council.
Dated at Coquille, Oregon, August 18.
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given That the un-
and executor, re­
o f John
have filed their fin-
in said estate in
ty court o f Coos County,
y Ore-
duly appointed by such court for the
tna at the judge thereof nas set
hearing o f objections to such final ac-
count and the settlement thereof at Thursday the 2nd day o f September.
A. D. 1909 as the date and tne court
which time anv nersnn
S c h estate may a’j ^ a T a n d ^ t e 'o ^ ie c " hoU, ? ! at. Co 9 uil,<‘ . Coos County, Oregon
tions thereto
thereto in
in writing
writing and
»„H contest the a
for . hearing
objections to
_ st.h;
. a P'ace
- ,
contest tne said final account and
' . .
.1 VI
[ ment o f said estate
M. H odge .
arbara E. B eyers , Executrix.
Administrator of the said Estate.
O phir H. B eyers , Executrix.