(Êmimllc Hcrttlö. V o l . 26: No. 51. Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the poet office at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 187». « * I • I r T I I C O QUILLE, COOS CO U NTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , SEPTEM BER Coos County Infirmary It is safe to assert that ninety per cent of the citizens o f this great country are unfamiliar with tbe workings of the municipal, county DR. RICHMOND and state institutions. The personel PH YSICIAN AND 8UKUEON. of the officers are unknown, and le- Office at Slocum ’ s Drug Store. ports from any and all of them are C o q u il i . b , O k k o o n . seldom read, with the result that Offlo' Phone Main 211. voters become indifferent and in actions, (if not in words) say to the official, “ I voted for you, hope you A. F. Kirshman, make good. Well, good bye! See you next election.” D k n tih t . There is a sameness about state OIBoe two doors Sooth of Poet ofiloe. intltutions which bespeaks system well and carefully studied. . - . Oregon. Coquille The layman seldom learns the workings and takes it for granted that everything is sailing along se­ Dr. C. W. Endicott renely. Counties vie with each other in D en tist their efforts to make a good healthy Office on Front Street showing. A county seat takes on metropolitan airs and always leaves Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon the impression that they are a su­ perior quality. This feeling always brings about good results. T O L L M A N Tbe most commendable work done by any and all of them is that Photographer of charity such as is being practiced at the Coos County Infirmary every Residence Studio. day. Coos county is not wealthy only in resources, but for the past twenty-five years has maintained a home lor the unfortunate within its E. D, SPERRY borders. Attorney and Connoellor at Law. The home (for such it is) is lo­ Office in Robinson Bnilding cated four miles north-east o f Co- quille on the old Cun ningham road i and consists o f 160 acres ot tillable and grazing land with a large mod­ W. C. CHASE. ern living house as well as thorough ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW housing for fowl and cattle. Otfio in Robinson Building, Upstairs The maimed and decrepit— as well as Judges and Superintendents ____ ! ______________ ! ___ _ have come and gone since the in­ stallation of the first officer. Re­ C. R. BARROW verses, sueh as a complete loss by Attorney and Counsellor at Law fire has been encountered and over­ First-olass Keferenoes come, ifnd today the place ¡sail 'hat Fifteen Yer 'noe it was intended to hi* Coquin.* C ity , O k * Allen McLeod is the present su­ perintendent, a position he has filled for the past eighteen mouths. J. J. STANLEY Mr. McLeod has been an officer in Ooos county and rendered good LAWYER service. He is acquiting himself Martin Building - Front Street ably in his present position. Mr. C oqu illb , O regon McLeod is professionally assisted by Mrs. McLeod, a lady o f culture who holds a diploma from Boston A. J. Sherwood, as a trained nurse. A t t o r n b y - at -T ia w , Mr. McLeod states that the dairy business pays. They are at present N otary P u b l ic , milking eleven cows and the result Coquille, : : Oregon is vei y satisfactory. Chickens and hogs are raised and go a long way toward meeting expenses. Walter Sinclair, At present thirteen people are be­ A tto rn e y - a t - L aw , ing cared for; the youngest is an N otary P u b l ic , infant and the oldest eighty-four Coquille, : ’• Oregon. yeatsofage. They have a good home. True, it is nothing luxur­ ious, but good food and plenty of Hall & Hall, it, with a good warm bed, and warm A ttobnkyb - i t L a w , clothing, with nothing to do but Dealer in R ea l E b ta t « of a ll k in d ». stay around is a God send to those Marshfield, Oregon. who are in need. The McLeods are as a parent to those dependent people, and none E. G. D. Holden ar: disquieted ot in a mood to com­ L aw yer , plain. They are as one family and J ustice of the P eao * U. 8. Commissioner, General Insurance you will see one old man assisting another who is less able to move Agent, and Notary Public. Office about. in Robinson Building. The place called “ the world” Coquille regon. has become a misty memory to I some of them. They and the world no longer have anything in com­ List Your Property With mon. Political strife, wars, assassi­ STUTSMAN & COMPANY nation, changes iu fashion leave BEAL E8TATE them unruffled. They are patiently Office Front St., Opp. Hotel Coquille awaiting the rayless decent o f death. CLAUD STUTSMAN, Mgr. It is commeudable indeed, and a COQUILLE, - OREGON “ Nazerene” trait to smooth the way for them as they journey down the river of time. Thco. Herffman Shoe Mfe.Co. Among tbe many good things considered by the District Board Convention held in Coquille Aug. Manufacturers of 19, the following resolution passed The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe Tbe Strongest and Nearest Water j by unanimous vote is doubtless the Proof shoe made for loggers, miners i beginning o f great things for the prospectors and mill men. educational interests of this country. 621 Thurman Street Resolved, that it is tbe sense of P o b t l a n d , O reoow . ibis convention that a committee ot five be appointed by the County N O TIC E All Coo* County warrants drawn I Superintendent of which he shall on the general fund aud endorse I tie chairman, to divise means for the prior to January 1st, 1908 will be holding of a summer school annu­ paid on presentation at my office in ally in the county for the special Coquille City. No interest will be training of teachers in methods of allowed on any of these warrants teaching. This committee as selected con­ after August 21st, 1909. Dated this 11th day of Aug. 1909. sists of Supt. Bunch, Judge Schl- I brede, F. Golden, A. G. Raab, W. T. M. Dimmick County Treasurer. ' D. Reedy. Incorporated. Eden Valley Coal Cidima. Sam Clark ia Dead. / l, 1909. .50 P er ERDM AN Salem, Or., Aug. 21.—After a Eden Ridge coal claim* of Samuel lingering illness lasting over seyeral D. Pulford, Jame* H. Flanagan, weeks, S. A. Clark, historian, poet Cecil C. Carter, Herbert Lockhart, and pioneer editor, died at tbe Sa­ Louise C. Lockhart, Alta E. Carter, lem hospital last night, aged 82 and otheri, more or less misleading years. He was born in Cuba in ■tatamente have been published in 1827, received his education in New regard to the Land Department! York and came around the Horn to decisions thereon. California, thence to Oregon in 1850. New York, A ug. 24.— Since Jan­ uary 1, it is learned that orders hare been given by',various railroad, ex­ press and dispatch companies for from $150,000,000 to $175,000,000 worth of rolling stock. Many plants that several months ago were running on half time, are today operating to their full capacity, and On November 9, 1908, the R e g -' He resided in the then village of thousands of men who were out of ieter & Receiver of the Roseburg Portland for a short time and came work six months ago have steady Land Office decided that the land to Salem, where he ♦ooh up a dona­ employment. was not workable coal land, but tion land claim south of tbo city and Buenos Ayres, Aug. 24.— The found that the claimants took the later established his residence in land in good faith for the coal, as Salem, where he has maintained his Argentine steamer Colombia, carry­ the appearance of the coal was home ever since. He was married ing passengers from Buenos Ayres auch as to justify the belief that to Miss Harriet Buckingham, in to the festival at Montevideo, and a the coal beds were of a workable Portland, in 1852. Four children German steamer also engaged in character. On August 2, 1909, the j were born, three of whom, Mrs. N. the local passenger service and Commissioner of the General Land H. Looney, matron of the Stath Re- whose name has not been ¡learned, Office rendered as decision as fol- form S ch ool, William J. Clarke, ed- collided at the entraoce of Mon­ Between lows, after an eight page review of itor o* the (iervais Star, of Gervais, tevideo Harbor today. 150 and 200 persons were drowned. the evidence:- and Mrs. Sarah Dyer, of this city, ‘‘ As the record stands, the evi- survive. At various periods o f his The German steamer sank lalmost dence preponderates in favor of life he was editorial writer of immediately after the collision and the government’s contention that several newspapers, among them be only the captain and a few of the The cap­ the beds are non-workable for their ing the Oregonian, the Record, and passengers were saved. coal aud that the coal is not coal Statesman. He was an active work­ tain had to be restrained from com­ land, thus establishing the first er in state politics, but never held mitting suicide. H EN8 LEY Tl)e People’s Market ERDMAN & HENSLEY, Proprietors. We have a nice line of Groceries. We sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. We will Buy anything you have for Sale. We want your Vegetables, your Chickens, your egg? _ We Pay the Highest Market Price. We are to Stay. .W e W ill PHONE j “ Nothing is found on record to induce this office to disturb your findings and conclusions as to the good faith of these claimants in asserting their coal claims. They were not coal experts and, as the evidence shows, undoubtedly be­ lieved that the outcropping beds were practically coal throughout. The second charge is not sustained by the evidence adduced. any office of prominence. For sey­ eral years he was Librarian to Con­ gress in Washington, D. C., and was forced to resign on account of his advanced age and enfeebled condi­ tion. No pioneer of Oregon was better known than “ Sam” Clark. Myrtle Point Enterprise. e a r G E N E R 4 J j N E W S . E d ito r H krai . i > :-I ii regard to the charge. Y Colfax, Wash., Aug. 24.—Tbe most disastrous grain field fire in tbe Palouse country this year oc­ curred Saturday morning, three miles north of Diamond, when 3000 bushels of wheat belonging to John Kirkman and 1500 bushels of stacked grain belonging to Jack Stuart was destroyed. The fire originated on the Kirkman place from embers left at the setting by tbe threshing engine, which left tbe field nearly 48 hours before, and when discovered bad gained such headway that it spread to Stuart’s farm adjoining, despite the efforts of over 100 men from nearby heading and threshing crews and it required several hours hard work to get it under control. The grain was in­ sured. M A IN T re a t Y o u 5-6 R ig h t. COQUILLE, OREGON The Baxter B A X T E R BROS. Proprietors. The Hotel formerly known as the Hotel Coquille. Newly Furnished, Painted and Papered Throughout. Special Attention Paid to the A daughter was born on August 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Way o f this place. “ The third and last charge, in so Fred Spires has returned to Cor­ far as it is different from or addi­ vallis to pursue his studies in con­ tional to the first, is material only nection with the course in electrical as touching the motivos or inten­ engineering which he is taking at tions of the parties in asserting the Oregon Agricultural College. their claims to the land, and that Mrs. Cecil Arneson, who has issue is fully covered by the second been very sick for some time, has charge and the finding thereon. shown no improvement in her con­ The last charge, then, may be dis­ dition recently, and it is feared by missed from further consideration. her friends that she cannot long 888 8388 Roseburg, Ore,, Aug. 24.—Tbe “ The third and last charge re­ withstand the siege of sickness Rosehurg’s new ferred to was ‘that the land ia unless there is an early change for cornerstone of Masonic Temple was laid yesterday chiefly valuable for it’s timber.’ the better. afternoon, with quiet ceremonies. The decision concludes as follows: The team driven by Rev. C. D. ‘The decision reached by you is ac­ Price of Bancroft became frightened The grand officers present were Dr. cordingly affirmed. Should this at an automobile on Spruce street Norris R. Cox, of Portland, grand decision become final, the several last Ftiday and ran away, smash­ master; D. G. Tomasini, of Port­ coal land applications will be re­ ing the rig into kindling wood. land, grand tyler, nndE. E. Kiddle, FR0N1 STREET, COQUILLE ORE. jected.’ Mr. Price was compelled to secure of Island City, past grand master W e carry a good line o f Waltham, “ Give due notice hereof and at another rig to take him home after and grand high priest of the R. A. M. The formalities opened with a Elgin, South Bend and Howard Watch­ the proper time report. the accident. es. Before purchasing a watch else­ “ Very respectfully, Rev. H. M. Branham writes from parade of Masons, headed by a Acting Commissioner.’’ Shasta Retreat, Calif., stating that band. At the laying of the corner­ where call aud examine our stock and You will note that the decision they arrived thereon the 19th and stone there was the usual ritualistic get pries. W e guarantee our prices to as to claimant’s good faith was like it very much. The night air, work, and addresses were made by be as reasonable as any. made about nine months ago, and he says, is delightful. Fishing and Dr. Cox, Hon. J. C. Fullerton, this point very clearly appears in ! hunting is good and they are enjoy- Hon. O. P. Coshow and Hon. Dex­ this recent decision. Justice would ! ing a share of both. They have ter Rice. The temple will be Rose- have dictated that it should appear j rented a furnished cottage comfort- burg’s first three-story building. in the newspaper reports, which it ably situated and expect to remain When complete and furnished it will cost about $25,000. has never done heretofore to my there three or lour weeks. knowledge. At the time of the Condon, Or., Aug. 25.— Follow­ A s W e Are. hearings, claimants wore freely ing the decision by Circuit Judge charged with “ land fraud.” Un­ “ Man’s life is full of troubles and L. T. Harris, that tbe Condor til a decision had been rendered, I temptations. He comes into this did not feel at liberty as an at­ world without his consent and goes charter is not analogous to the Lard, torney to publicly discuss the evi­ out of it against his will. His jour­ Medford charter and therefore can­ not regulate the sale of liquor, con­ dence, which incidentally covers ney through life is rocky and beset Hams, trary to the local option law, Sheriff about 1800 pages. As these cases with strange and contradictory ex­ Rogers last night closed all the We Carry Bacon, are still pending, for they are periences. When he is little the saloons in the city. Judge Harris subject to appeal to the Secretary 1 big girls kiss him, and when he ie based his decision on the grounds Sausage, of the Interior, I cannot yet die big, tbe little girls kiss him. that under the charter the council cuss the evidence, but I will say Fresh and Salt Meats. “ When he is a child be wants could also regulate the sale of liquor that it goes to show possibilities of candy but can’t get it and when he to minors and women, which is con­ other things connected with the Your is a man he can get it but don’t trary to the state law, and that no We are headquarters for euerything In the meat line. matters involved in this case, on wonts always receiues prompt attention. want it. When he is a boy he special clause regulates the sale, the part of persona other than the 1 wjghe8 he were , mBD and wheQ he contrary to the local option law. claimants, fully as serious as the j is a man he wishes he were a boy The decision was hastened by the lack of good faith with which they 1 again. If he raises a large family recent murder of Bert Wells by B. were charged and of which they he is a chump, if he raises a check K. Searcy. No trouble is expected were cleared. W hile these thing* A. J. SHERW OOD Pré». R. £. SHIRE, Vite Prêt be is a thief; if he is poor he is a from the saloonmen. No appeal to were not mentioned in the news­ I. H. HAZARD, Cashier 0. C SANFORD, Aset. Cashier bad manager and if he is rich he is the supreme court will be made on papers, I do not beliave these pa­ dishonest. If he is in politics it is account of tbe expense. Tbe per* intended any unfairness to for giaft, and if out of politics you Hsloonmen claim bad faith on the the claimants, hut that some other can’t place him and he is no good op C O Q U I U l i B , O R B G O f l . part of the district attorney, saying parties have been unfair. Most of | to his country, no ’n ow. they had an agreement that no T r a n s a c t » a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s s our opponents in these cases are "If he gives to charity it is lor action would be taken until tbe of the highest honor and integrity. ! show, and if be does not he ig a decision of tbe supreme court. A In justice, this communication Board of Directors. oto. Corro stingy cuss. mass meeting is to be held tonight should receive as great pub­ A. J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York Clt ,. .. . , ,, , 1 "If he dies young thore wag a in the interests ol better municipal R. 0. Dement, licity as was given to the charges i ... L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N’ l Bank, San Franc loo government. I , great * 1™ ' future * “ »"■ »> for iu, him, m i l l , and n u l l if 1 1 he ne h lives -„ .L u - j . . „ J --------e •-----------——- Isaiah Hacker. R. E. »Shine. First Natl Bank of Portland, Portland. against claimants of had faith a : | to an old nge, he has missed his John D. Rockefeller recently year ago, and before any decision \ ^ calling transferred $2,000,000 worth of had been reached on them. “ If he is active in religion he is a real estate to his son for $1. In ths Respectfully, hypocrite, but if he takes no inter­ words of tbe prophet, “ Them as S. D. Pulford, est in religious matters he is a has gits.” Attorney for said gix claimants. 1 hardened sinner. --- --------------- - — M Spain seems to be in about the Leave Coquille 9:30 A. M. Leave Bandon 6:30 A. “ If be shows affection he ia a soft The House of Representatives (1 II II « • 1 7:30 “ (( 1:30 P„ predicament of tbe boy who has to specimen, if he baa none he ia a voted down a scheme to furnish a II II 1 • It II 7 A. 86,000 automobile at the govern -' cold-blooded proposition. In order contend with green-apple cramps i P. II » to ba entirely healthy he roust eat while fighting yellow jackets. ment’s expense for “ Uncle Joe.” 11:30 A. 1 Arrive at «1 9 A, II Arrive at “ —♦ »8» ■— - ---- nothing, drink nothing, smoke II II The action of the House indicates If II V “ 1:30 A. tv Tbe whole process of making e 4:30 “ II I nothing, and see that the air is II 4 * «1 that Uncle Joe could nt really have properly sterilized before hreqth- protective tariff is, in essence, so II I» II «1 «1 4:30 P. 10:30 A. wanted the machine. ing.’’ ' attempt of one set to skin the other. Traveling Public. All White Help Employed Give Us a Trial and we will Treat You Right. SS S W . H. Schroeder Jeweler pjONEEfl ME0T MAIftET COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO. FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K ' S cM it of Coquille River Trasportano!! Company.