Coquille Herald. President Taft's Jersey Cow. Bi«»- Bargain List. Coomassie Oxford Torment is the $4500 buys 45 acres improved name cf the Jetsey cow that has ranch with buildings. D F. DEAN, PROPRIETOR been installed at the home of Presi­ $12.50 an acre buys a fine tract of C O. DR7DEN MANAGER dent Taft at Beverly, Massachusetts. laud 360 acres, 35 acres bot­ She was purchased from Bert M. tom grazing, C o u n t y O ffic ia l P a p e r . Spaulding of Pembroke, New $800 buys balance an acre all in garden Hampshire. bouse and burn. See us for [•UBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY. The cow is three years old and bargains. Come in and see Devoted to (be toeleriel «od social op dropped her second calf early in us and list your property . Id in so f tbeü oqaille Valle; partioolarl; June. She is a beautiful cow of with us. We m ill give you •id of Coos C ount; generali;. obaoription, p e ry e ar.ln adv aooe, l.M the extreme Jersey type and is a square deal. proving to be a great producer. She Phone, Main 65. is royally bred and has in her veins the best blood of the most noted Neathery & May - Jerseys. She was sired by Coomas COQUiLLE, OREGON. TEACHERS OF COOS COUNTY, OR sie’s Oxford Lad. T. S. Cooper & of Coopersburg, Pennsyl W. H. Bunch, Coonty Superin Sons, vania, at a recent sale, sold fifteen tendent. daughters of Oxfoid Lad at an average of $946.0o each, the high NAMES OP TEACHERS. POST OFFICBAD est price being $ 2 , 525 . 00 . Presi Myrtle Point dent Taft’s cow is solid color ex Cora L. Miller Daisy E. Deyoe cept small spot on left flank, black Anna K. Roberta switch. Coomassie Oxford Lad Ora E. Deyoe Florence McCracken 66867 was bred by P. J. Picot Alice E. Lehnherr Trinity, Island of Jersey. Mr Chas. H. Zeyely Ranney delivered the cow to the Effie King H President's summer residence at Helen Robbins Dorris Williams Beverly, Massachusetts, taking her Mrs. Bertha Garrett in a special car.—The Farm Home. Florence Robbins Mrs. Minnie Hermann NOTICE Inez Lusk All Coos County warrants drawn Raymond E. Baker on the general fund and endorse Leafy Kendall prior to January 1st, 1908 will be Laura Wise paid on presentation at my office in Lena Kendall CoquilleCity. No interest will be Mina J. Hall allowed on any of these warrants Florence E. Butler August 21st, 1909. Kathleen Bennett Mars field after he College Chap Jr., in Dated this 11th day of Aug. 1909 Helen Landrith one of the most brilliant T. M. Dimmick Laura Escott styled models in young County Treasurer F. A. Golden --» «»►«------------ men’s suits ever shown A r W. D. Reedy Good Ranch for Bale. in this city. Mrs. P. Wilbur Mrs. E. M. Rood Nannie Lyons A well improved place of 26 acres Like all our MODERN Margaret B. Murphy with a fine home and good build­ Winifred Rood CLOTHES ings, crop, etc., on Fishtrap. Ap­ Mrs. Selma Thomas it was made for us especially ply to S. Edwards, on the place. Hilda Stenholm Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line GROCERIES | Every form of delicacy in this line, and all the staple articles—the freshest and purest. Sails for Portland Every Saturday I CAN SUPPLY EVERY ORDER For anything to Feed Man, Horse or Fowl, and my Prices are Established on the “Live and Let Live Order.” P. E. DRA/NE * w EQ U IPP ED w i t h Steam er E. 111 BREAKW ATER l Sails From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, Wednesdays at 8 P. M. _____________ ________ ;W. Ada I. Chapman Mary E. Thompson Blanche Williams Harriett L. White Josephine E. Eddy Jennie L. Smith Frances F. Fanse Mrs. Ellen E. Kelly Ida Gamble B. F. Savage Matilda K. Sleep A. G. Raab Emma Applegate Maude Coke Abe Huenergardt Grace Williams Nina I. Stahlnecker Clover B. Miller H. Josephine Griffin Lyman C. Pinkerton Helen Hughes Rena Anderson Kittie C. Wells Ruby Ellingsen Sylvia Hansen Lena Belloni Nellie Kerrigan Etta James Lucile M. R. DeJersey Mrs. Inez Chase Mrs. Irma Yoakam H. 0. Anderson Florence E. Hansen Lucy P. Morgan Anna M. Waldvogel Pearl Walker Bertha Wilkins I. C. Logan H. C. Ostein Mrs. H. C. Ostejn Myrtle M. Myers Blanche Radley Mary Hanley Mary E. Hurley Carrie Rodine [da Rodine Minnie McCloskey Della L. Clinton Rosa liingaman Robert Goetz Angie M. Krantz Verna Weekly Metta Hansen J. E. Bright W. A. Culbertson Anna Wickman Estella Wicklund Dorothy Hayden Otto Chapman Selate Howe Mrs. Edna L. Daily Lizzie Price Mary Price Ina Weekly Rosina Lillie Lennah Woodward Jennie M. Bossen Florence Walstrom Mary C. Marsh Ella Walstrom Trean Louise Latimer Cleve Summerlin Rishia C. McDonald Della Ohlsen Jay G. Grimes Nort Bend Allegany Norway Riverton Gravel Ford 44 44 Empire 4 4 44 Dora Bancroft 44 Oregon Alliance D. Parsons N. LORENZ. Agt. CoquiUe Accepted throughout the civilized world as the most universally satisfactory il- lumiuant for nil purposes the Cleanest Most Convenient, and the CHEA EST light known. That furnished by the C C Q U IL L E R IV E R E L E C T R IC CO is first class and up to date in every respect The rates place it within reach of all Pres* the Button and here you have t. H. W. SKINNER. Agt Marshfield Keeps iu stock a complete line of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Mouldings, etc. FRANK W O R S E , P ro p , COQUILLE, ORE. Our Dry Sheds are roomy and are filled with the most complete stock of Finishing Lumber in the Coquille Valley. by Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. Estimates gladly furnished, Prices as low as A bit extreme perhaps— N O T IC E . the lowest. but it is those little unusua' here and there that Any person cutting timber or touches add individuality to a gar­ hark of any description on the lands Yard and Office, proijt St. near Depot. ment. of the Southern Oregon Company These suits are well worth or removing same, or other proper­ 331 ty, from said binds, without being looking at. Come in, then, duly authorized iu writing, will be to-day—if only to look. The prosecuted according to law. Any person furnishing sufficient prices are very modest. evidence for the recovery of pro­ perty so taken and conviction of the parties concerned, will be given one- half of the property recovered. Bandon Marshfield, Incandescent Electric Light Sails from Portland Saturdays at 8 p m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays a t seruice o f tide. P Coquille Agent, ■ ■ W IR e L e S. Johnson Lumber Co. T MILLER, PAUL L. STERLING. AGENT. CQUILLE, PHONE NO. 181 Coos Bay and Portland Capt. F. Southern Oregon Company. “For some years I suffered from intense colicky pains which would come on at times and from which I could find no relief,” says I. S. Mason, of Beaver Dam, Ky. “Cham- oerlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ hoea Remedy was recommended to me by a friend. Alter taking a few doses of the remedy I was en­ tirely relieved, xhat was four years ago and there has been no return of the symptoms since that time.” This remedy is for sale by. R. S. Knowlton. GEO. L ROBINSON h o n e THE COQUILLE RIVER LINE B e tw e e n San F ra n c is c o a n d B a n d o n Steamers FIFIELD and BANDON L O Twin Screw, New and Past W 1st Class Passage Up Freight - R a t e s - - O u r In te re s ts A re y o i/r In te re s ts . TO O regon via good - $7.50 3.00 F a ir ra te a n d s e rv ic e o u r m o tto . C. M. SPENCER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON Price of Preferred Stock of the United W ireless Telegraph RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Company: SOUTHERN PACIFIC A P R IL A. F. ESTABR00K 00. Agent, San Francisco, C a lif A. p. MILLER, 1909 ^ • FIV E C E N TS A COPY NEW IDEA P UBLÏ S H I N G C O M PA NY NEW YORK TO UOR READERS We have critically examined all the magazines published for women and the home, and without hesitation we have selected the NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE as by far $3 From Chicag’o $ 3 0 .6 0 From St. Louis Stationery, Fruits, Cigars, To- the greatest value for the money we have ever seen offered by any publisher. All its features are superbly illus­ $25 From Omaha bacco, Confectionery. trated—the latest styles in fashiou being depicted iu From Kansas color plates, hall-toues and drawings. It is the most C Street Coquille, Oregon complete housekeeping guide purchased. Not only does TO THE PUBLIC it excel in fashion news and housekeeping suggestions, Write letters to everybody you know F i H s t - C l a s s jvieals a t a l l H ours but every topic of feminine interest is handled in a prac­ in the East anil tell them about these Se Pvloe. P i»om 6 a m to 9 p m . low colonist rates. Send il.em litera­ tical, entertaining way. Every issue contains many ture about Oregon, or send their ad­ dresses to us and we will do it. In this fascinating stories by the highest paid writers in the way you can be a great help in the ATTHESkookum R e s ta u ra n t world. grow th and progress of your State. C. A. HARRINGTON, Proprietor. By special arrangement with the publishers we are able We M a k e R a t e s to to offer all our readers a S p e e l a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to YOU CAN PREPAY FARES Note the steady and rapid ad- ance in the price of stock since the organization of the Company. per share February 23, 1907.............. $10.00 September 1, 1907 11.00 October 1, 1907,.......................12.50 November 10,1907...................14.00 January 1, 1906 15.00 March 1, 1908 16.50 June I, 1908 .. . 17.50 August 1, 1908 18.50 October 1, 190S ......................20.00 December 15, 1908 .................22.50 February 15, 1909 25.00 May 1,1909 30.00 August 1,1909 35.00 The price will remain at $35.00 for a short time only. It’s a chance for anyone from any place if you want of a lifetime to make a safe invest­ to. Deposit the necessary amount with ment and large profits. our local agent and he will telegraph 5 2 C i t y pegulat« B o a n d e n s Ct tH lm e n ei à l M«r» S p e c ia l B argain Tlie safe and reliable twin “I have used Chamberlain’s ticket promptly. O. L. Hopson, Fiscal Agent Colic, Choleoa and Diarrhoea Rem­ screw Coos and Curry Counties. Box 323 Arago edy since it was first introduced to j f V I lie New and Speedy, Marshfield. the public in 1872 , and have never I Inquire of Agents or w rite to Langlois Office in the “ Chandler” found one instance where a cure THE COQUILLE HERALD WM. McMURRAY - ONE YEAR Parkersburg was not speedily effected bv its use. General Passenger Agent Capt. Olsen, Master. I have been a commercial traveler The Oregon Railroad .4 Navigation Co. ONE YEAR for eighteen years, and never start NEW IDEA WOMAN’S MAGAZINE - Will make regular trips between Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) out on a trip without this, my faith­ PORTLAND. OREGON TOTAL VALUE C o q u ille R iv e r a n .j * an ful friend,” says H. 8 , Nichols of Lee I.ake Side Oakland, ind. Ter. For sale by R. F r a n c is c o . Lampa 8 . Ktiowllon. N o Stop-over at W a y Porta. Get Together Coos ton General Blacksmith Klectiic Lights. Everything in First and stand together is the key­ Class Style. and Horseshoeing.... Another Pioneer Gone. note of Forrest Crissey’s A 320 acre South Atrtean Veteran j CALL ON second article on the farmer Bouuty Land Certificate issued by Daniel Hayward of Empire, an­ $2.00 IN VALUE FOR $1.65 44 44 Harvey Allen S tr E liz a b e th other Coos County pioneer, died All kinds of Repairing, lagging in his fight against dishonest the Departnient of the interior, | commission merchants, Don’t Government of Canada, Ottawa, Bunday morning at 5 o’clock. Mr. and Carriage Work. miss it. Hayward entered this county in under the Voluuteer Bounty Act, the early 50 's and has resided in Then read “ Happiness ”— 1908. Good for 320 acres of any Empire over 40 years. He died of one of the prettiest boy and Dominion land open for entry in j apoplexy having suffered several at­ All Work Guaranteed girl stories ever published. Albert 1 , Saskstewnn, or Manitoba. I tacks since last March the one last Any person over the age of 1 8 1 All in tbc years, man or womau, can acquire Friday proving fatal. this land with this certificate, with­ SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S Mr. Hayward was born in Ohio out further charge. For immedi­ For »ale by Collier A Getty. Second St., Rose Building in 1827 making him over 82 years ate sale— $800 00. Write or wire j of age at the time ot bis death.— L F. Telford, 131 Shuter street, Coquille, - Oregon SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD 1 Toronto, Canada.” Harbor. $1.50 .50 $2.00 BOTH FOR ONLY $1.65 D. and inspect L. Perkins the largest and most handsome line of Gents’ Furnish­ ing Goods in the City. The Newest and most handsome thing in the City in BOOTS AND SHOES U S E T H IS C O U P O N The Herald Publishing Co., GENTLEMEN: —Enclosed find 5 i .65 for which enter my subscription to the New Idea Woman’s Magazine aud your paper, both for one year. Nam« Addreus