Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 25, 1909, Image 2

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    Coquille tjerald.
Base Ball at Bandon.
There was a large crowd weut on
the Base Bull and Development,
WEDNESDAY,AUGUST ‘25, 1909. Congress excursion to Bandon last
Sunday to witness the game be­
\ ocal advertisement* among local tween Ooquille aud Marshfield and
r - iiB|f five cent* per line each inser-
Cards ol thanks 60 cents each, to spend a few hours lisping in
t» -.t iary poetry five cents per line.
that city and on the btacb.
• lutions of Condolence and lodge
The Coquille team were the vie-,
h vi rtising five cents per line.
tors by a score of 9 to 2. The Co-
quide team did good playing from
The Cody .Hill Burned.
stai t to finish in this game, and
much credit is given the fielders, as
flames Thursday
they “ let nothing pass.”
night destroyed he saw mill be­
Flanagan made the only home
longing to the Cody Lumber Com­
run, putting the ball “ away out in
pany of Bandon, and one hundred
the woods", one of the longest hits
and fifty men are temporarily out
that has been maJe in any game
of employment as a result. The
this season.
fire wiped out every vestige of the
The next game will be played in
mill, its docks and everything sur­
this city next Sunday, which will
rounding the site. The steamer
make three games played of the
Bandon fortunately escaped des­
five signed up for.
truction, as she had left the docks
The following is a table of runs
a short time before the fire bioke
by innings:
out. The Bandon
loaded what
lumber she could take out over
6 0 2 2 2 0
Kelly, 2b.............
the Bandon bar, and then came to
4 2 0 2 3 0
Porter, ss...........
Coos Bay to finish out her load.
4 2 2 4 0 0
Howell, I f .......
The fire originated in the engine
loom, and it is supposed to have
been caused by spontaneous com ­
bustion, the fire communicating to
t he oil-soaked floors. The mill was
located at the edge o f the city, and
the hre department was unable to
stay the progress of the flames.
The mill had a capacity of
900 feet per day and was built three
years ago last winter. Since she
was started, there has never been a
delay o f any charater except for re­
pairs, nnd it has run continuously,
grinding out the excellent lumber
for which Coos county is noted.
There were seventy men employed
in the lumber camps on Lampa
creek and nearly as many more
about the mill and surroundings.
For the immediate present, all these
men will be out of employment, and
a day or so will tell whether they
will be so permanently.
The Cody Lumber Company is a
very strong concern financially, and
the principal owners are Col. C. E.
Coach, of Chicago, J. L. Cody and
Col. B. H. Rosa, of Bandon, and
George M oor:, of Michigan. It is
understood that Moore and Coach
have the largest interests in the
concern, and being men of ample
means, there is nothing else to be
expected except that they will re­
build the mill at the quickest time
This forecast is substantiated by
the fact that Moore aud Coach co n ­
trol extensive timber tracts in the
Coquille country
and uaturally
would see that the manufacture of
lumber is not dropped.
This company has been shipping
their lumber on the steamers Ban­
don and Fifield, and the temporary
lull in product may affect these
steamers for a time. However,
since there is a general revival of
lumbering all over Coos county, the
fire may not affect them to any
great extent. These boats can come
to Coos Bay and secure cargoes
duting the time the Bandon mill is
being rebuilt.
Flanagan c .......
Gardiner, p........
Folsom, lb ...........
Johnson, r f ........
McNair, c f .........
4 I
4 1
4 1
4 0
2 5 4 I
0 1 2 0
1 0 1 1
2 12 3 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
9 10 27 15
i 3 6
2 13 1
1 5 4
2 2 1
0 2 0
1 1 2
0 0 0
0 0 2
0 1 0
Total................. 31
6 27 16
Total .... .......... 38
M arshfield
Johnson, 2b.......
Monahan lb ........
Troch, c.............
M cKeown,3b.....
Chapman, If.....
Baker, p ........
Cowan, r f...........
McDonald, ss... ...
Collins, cf..........
Earned runs— Coquille 4; Marsh­
field 1; Home run— Flanagan; Three
base hits— Gardner, Johnson (Coq.);
Two base hits -K elly, Howell,
Monahan, McKeown 2; Struck out
— Baker 7; Gardner 6 ; Stolen bases
— Howell, Johnson and Porterfield,
(Coq.); Bases on balls— Off Gardner
— Monahan, Troch 2; Off Baker —
Porterfield; Passed
Umpire— Agnew.
•■«<» •
— ---
Go to the big show on Thursday
and Friday nights.
Mrs. J. D. Wetmore and sister,
Miss Ossacker, were down from
Myrtle Point on Friday.
Capt. J. C. Moomaw and family
started Monday for Rosebur to at­
tend Ringling’s big show.
Be sure to see Astro, the great
wonder, with bis all-star company
on Thursday and Friday nights.
Key. and Mrs. Horsfall were pas­
sengers from Marshfield to Bandon
by Monday’s train and Coquille.
Frank Willard aud family and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von Pegert
started for Roseburg yesterday to
see the circus.
G. A. Hanson sold through the
agency of Wm. Oddy house and
two lots, in Barrows and Strang
Addition to John McVay.
Get your table legs turned at
Quick & Curry’s. They have some
patterns already out.
Hard wood,
$1 per set.
J. W. Tollman returned Friday
L. J. Cody was manager of the
from Salem with Mrs. Tollman who
destroyed mill and M. J. McKenna
had been taken to that city for
was secretary of the concern.
medical treatment, and who returns
The actual loss to the Cody Lum­
entirely recovered.
ber Company is hard to estimate,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lyons are
bnt it is placed at so methlng over
home from a trip to Eugene where
t i 25 , 00 a There was $ 75,000 in­
they went to visit Mrs. Lyons’ sis­
surance on the property which was
ter, Mrs. Dr. Leep, nnd family.
wiped out.— Bandon Recorder.
They went by automobile and bad
— ■ - ------ »
« ------------
a nice trip nnd made good time.
B andon R ecorder.
The preliminary survey of the
Bandon Port Orford railroad is
all complete and the work of setting
grade slakes and preparing for ac­
tual construction is now under
headway. The distance from Ban-
to Port Orford, by the new survey
is 27 miles. This is five miles less
than the wagon road now in use
and the saving of five miles in dis­
tance means a saving of a big sum
of money in the construction of the
An easy grade all the way has
been found and the cost of the road
will be many thousand dollars less
than was first estimated.
The work of securiug right of-
way is progressing nicely. and there
is but little difficulty in getting this
matter arranged. Just as soon as
the right of way is secured, the con­
struction work will commence and
it is now thought that all o f this
cau be accomplished by September
15 th and possibly sooner.
People living along the lice are
interested in the project and anxious
to see the work commenced as soon
as possible. — Recorder.
Mrs, Edward Boyd nnd daugh­
ter, Miss Esther, returned from
Portland Monday. Mr. Boyd re­
turned to Salt Lake City and ex­
pects to be able to take charge of
his train as conductor in a short
Registered Dorock Jersey pigs,
the kind that ;attcn on clover, for
sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point,
Or. Phone 101.
l)r. H R. Talbot, of St. Diniel's
Episcopel church, in Portland, re­
turned from Bandon Monday and
proceeded to the Bay, and will
spend a week with Hon. J. W . Ben­
nett at his summer home, before re­
turning home.
Foil S a l e First class restaurant
with line business on reasonable
terms, also new piano. Write nr
call at this office.
Mrs. H. N. Lorenz n turned
from Hempstead, Texas, Wednes­
day evening, after having buried
her mother, Mrs. Pomeroy, whom
she had taken there with the hopes
of benefitting
her health. She
came in by stage to Myrtle Point
where she was met by Mr, Slagle
with his auto.
add to the pleasure of the
Take One With You
All Supplies at
n 0 w 11 0 n ’ s
Resolutions of Condolence.
Mamie Rebekah Lodge No. 20.
Auguit 19, 1909.
Whereas Our Heavenly Father
has, in His infinite wisdom re­
moved from among us our es­
teemed sister Lizzie E. Pomeroy,
Whereas, our pleasant associa­
tion with her as members of this
Lodge, render it meet that we re­
cord our remembrance of her;
therefore bo it
Resolved, that the sudden re­
moval of such a life from our midst
leaves a shadow' that will be deep­
ly realized by all the members of
this Lodge.
Resolved, that with deep sym­
pathy with the bereaved relatives
of the deceased, we express a hope
that so great a loss to us all may
be sanctified to our good by Him
who doth all tilings well.
Resolved that a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the re­
cords of this Lodge, a copy printed
in the Coquille Valley Sentinel
and Coquille Herald, and a copy
under the seal of the Lodge be for­
warded to the bereaved family,
and also that the charter of this
lodge be draped for thirty days.
“ The world for her held brightness
That shone around her way,
As she with heartfelt lightness,
Rejoiced in each to today.
While friends she welcomed gladly,
Ranked they with youth or age,
Who will remember sadly,
Her fair life’s closing page.
Submitied in F. L. & T.,
A nnie L awrence ,
K ittie W ells ,
R ay C ollier .
“ For some years I suffered from
Notice is hereby given that the un­
In tbe County Court of Coos County, In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ intense colicky pains which would
come on at times and from which 1 dersigned executrix and executor, re­
gon, in and for the County of Coos.
State of Oregon.
In the matter of tbe estate of Henrietta Lillian Curran, Plaintiff,
could find tio relief,” says I 8 spectively of the estate of John
8 . Pulley, deceased.
Mason, of Beaver Dam, Ky. “ Cham­ Weaver, deceased, have filed their fin­
al report and account in said estate in
C itation .
Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ the County court of Coos County, Ore­
To Horace A. Curran, the above named
ToCliarlev Pulley, Mrs. MintieCamp­
hoea Remedy was recommended gon, and that the judge thereofhas set
bell (n«'e Pulley), W ill Pulley, Albert
In tlie name of the state of Oregon, to me by a friend.
Alter taking a Thursday the 2nd day of September,
Puller, Ned Pulley, Frank" Pulley,
oil are hereby required to appear and few doses of the remedy I was en­ A. P. 1909 as the date and the court
Chester Pulley, .Mrs. Netlie Whetstone
house at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
answ er I he complaint tiled against you
(nee Pulley), Mary Pulley, Teddy Pul­
in the above entitled suit on or Indore tirely relieved. ¿hat " as I°l:r 'tars as the place for hearing objections to
ley, Mintie 41. Campbell 1 a guardian of
said final account and for tne settle­
tbe 91b day of September. 1909, tbe
the |K-rson and estate of Mary Pulley,
same being six weeks after date of tbe. of the symptoms since that time.” ment of said estate.
Ned Dully aa guardian of tbe person
B arbara E. B eyers , Executrix.
tirst publication of this summons, to- This remedy is for sale by
R. 8
and estate of Teddy pulley, J. J. Man
O phir H. B eyers , Executrix.
ley aa guardian ad litem of Mary Pulley wit: The 21st day of July, 1909, and if Knowlton
yot fail to appear or answer on or
and Teddy Pulley, and to all persons
before the9th day of September, 1909,
Interested, greeting:
In the name of tbe state of Oregon, tlie aauie lieing the last day prescribed
ie the order of publication, judgment
you are hereby cited aud required toap
will be taken against you lor want j
pear in tbe county eourt of tbe state of
'h * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^
Oregon, for tbe county of Coos, at the thereof and the plaintiff" will apply to ' Nt/
the Court for the relief demanded here­ /i\
court room thereof, at Coquille, in tbe
a suecinct statement of which is as
county of Coos, aud state of Oregon, on in,
Monday, the 6th day of September, A.
1. That tbe marriage contract now j ?K
D. 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of
existing between you and tbe plaintiff
said day, then and there to show cause,
be dissolved and held for naught-
if any exiBts, why an order of sale
2. That plaintiff’s name be changed,
should not be made as prayed for in the
and tiiat she may resume her maiden
petition of Mrs. Minnie Cam).bell, ad­
name. Lillian Wilson.
ministratrix of the estate of Henrietta
3. That plaintiff have judgment for 7t\
8. Pulley, deceased, for an order to sell
her costs and disbursements herein, and
tbe real property belonging to said es­
for such other and further relief as shall
tate of Henrietta S. Pulley, to-wit:
seem meet and equitable to this Court.
Commencing at the northwest corner
Service of this summons is made on
of section 6, township 28 south, range
you by publication in pursuance of an ?!\
Just now our line surpasses anything ever
12 west of the Willamette Meridian, in
order made by the Hon. John 8 . Coke, *
Coos county, Oregon; running thence
shown in Coquille. We know that we carry the
Eouth 20 rods, thence east 12 rods,
County, Oregon, dated tbe 14th day of *
largest line o f Brussels, Velvets, Axmimster, *
thence north 20 rods, thence west 12
July, 1909, directing publication of sum­
rods to the place of beginning.
Ingrain Rugs and Matting, and in all sizes, be­
mons to be made in the H erald , a
Also lo t! in block 66 and lot 1 in
weekly newspaper printed and pub­ *
cause our customers tell us we do. Come and
block 65 in Elliott’s addition to the town
lished at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
of Coquille City, Coos county, Oregon.
see for yourself.
and directing that said summons be
Also commencing at tbe northeast cor­
published once a week for six successive *
ner of lot l,blk 66,aforementioned,runn­
weeks; that the first publication of said *
ing thence casttlfeet niose or ¡ess and to
summons be made on the 21et day of
the township line, thence north to the
July, 1909.
place of beginning.
R. H. S mith ,
Witness, the Hon. John F . Hall,
J ohn F. H all ,
Judge of the county court of the state
J ames T. H all ,
of Oregon for the county of Coos, with
Attorneys for Plaintiff. TTC
the seal of said court affixed this 23rd
C O Q U IL L E ,
day of July, A. D, 1909.
J am es W a t s o n ,
* * * * * * * * * * * * £
- (S eal .)
In the County Court for Coos County,
State o(Oregon.
In the Matter of Margaret A. Baker,
Sealed proposals will be received at
Notice is hereby given that the final
the office of the City Recorder until
account of J. M. Hodge as Admini­
Wednesday Sept. 8, i909, at 4 o’clock
strator of the estate of Margaret A.
p. m. for the
improvement of Hall
Baker, deceased has been filed in the
street from the north line of Second
County Court of Coos county, state of
Street Elliott’s Addition to the north
Oregon, and that the sixth day of
line ot lot 11 block H o f Elliott’s addi­
September A . D., 1909 at the hour of
tion in the manner provided by the
10 o’ clock A. M., at the court house in
BAXTER BROS, Proprietors.
plant and specifications and estimate
Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, has been
ot tl»e City Engineer on tile in the office
duly appointed by such court for the
of the City Recorder.
hearing of objections to such final ac­
The right to reject any and all bids
The Hotel formerly known as the Hotel Coquille.
count and the settlement thereof, at
is hereby reserved.
which time any person interested in
By order of the common council.
such estate may appear and file objec­
Dated at Coquille. Oregon, Aug. 18,
Newly Furnished, Painted and Papered Throughout.
tions thereto in writing and contest the
E. G. D. H olden ,
J. M. H odge .
City Recorder.
Administrator of the said Estate.
Proposed Improvement of Second
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Street. Elliott’s Addition.
Notice is hereby given that the Com­ dersigned, Administrator of the E s­
mon Council of the City of Coquille, Or­ tate of James M. McDonald (sometimes
egon, propose to improve Second Street, known as J. M. McDonald,) deceased,
Elliott’s Adddition, from the East line lias filed his final report and account in
of Elliott Street to the East limit of Not- paid estate in the County Court of Coos
ley’s Addition, by grading the roadway County, Oregon, and that the judge
full width according to the established thereof has set Thursday the 2d day of
grade thereon as established by E. H. September, A . D. 1909 as the day, and
Kern, City Engineer, as designated by the Court House at Coquille, Coos
the plan or profile on file in the office County, Oregon as the place for hear­
ing objections to said final account
of the City Recorder.
Give Us a Trial and we will Treat You Right.
Remonstrance against the above men­ and for the settlement of said estate.
A . J. S herwood ,
tioned proposed improvement may he
tiled with the undersigned within ten
days after notice is first given of the
proposed improvement.
Roseburg, Oregon, Land Office
By order of the Common Council.
July 28, 1909
Dated at Coquille, Oregon, August 18.
Notice is hereby given that Frank L.
Huston, by his attorney in fact George
City Recorder.
Finley, of Crawfordsville, County of
Linn, State o f Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his application to
Notice is hereby given that sealed select under the provisions of the act
bids will be received for the improve­ of Congress approved July 1, 1898 (30
ment of a portion of the county road Ktat., 587-680), the 8 W « 8 E J i . sec. 19,
known as the Fairview and upper North T. 27 S. R. 11 W ., and NEW N W W ,
Fork of Coquille River County Road in N W W N E W , SwW NEW, sec. 30, T.
Road District No. 11, Coos County, Ore­ 29 S. R. 10 W . W . M.
gon, such improvements to consist of
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
grading and planking, according to the ly the described, or desiring to object
specifications on file with the County because of the mineral character of
Clerk, and a copy of such specifications the land, or for any other reason, to
in the hands oi H . E. Wilcox, Special disposal to applicant, should file their
Road Master for R. D. 11. Bids will he affidavits of protest in this office on,
received for separate contracts for grad­ or before the 4th day of September,
ing or planking, or single bids for both 1909.
grading and planking.
Five pet cent
B en . amin L. E ddy
of hi«l to be deposited with the County
. Register.
Clerk on such bids, and all bids to he
filed with the County Clerk of Coos
County, Oregon, on or before the 2nd
day of September A . D. 1909, at 10
o’clock a. m.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 16th dav of August, A . D.
VV. C . L a i r d
The Baxter
Special Attention
Traveling Public.
W hite
Mingling Bros., among the keen­
est of ull big showmen have passed
Eugene by this year on account of
the big interest which is being
taken in the forthcoming District
Fair to tie held them Sept. 7th till
12th. The Fair is being so well
advertised and the prizes and pre­
miums are of so alluring a nature
that even a circus wouldn’t be much
of a card to divide the honors, hence
the field is left clear to make the
District Fair with its races and
other entertainments a huge suc­
cess. The couuties represented in
the Second Southern Oregon Dis­
trict are Lane, Douglas, Coos aud
H. E . W il c o x
Special Road Master of Road Dis­
Curry and one thousand eight hun­
dred dollars is furnished the man­ trict No. 11.
This is to announce that
agement to be need exclusively for
F or S a l e
I have returned to Co­
Anyone wishing
A good young work mare, weight quille.
any work done in my line
F or S ale .
11350, nnd two fine Bonaparte colts.
can find me at all times at
G . O . L o w k , Norw ay.
A No. 1 Dairy Ranch of 157 acres,
about 120 acres cleared, about 100
my studio on Hall Street.
Go to the People's Market, Erd-
acres under plow, 40 head good
man & Hensley Prop’rs, for the ,
grade Jersey cow, 50 tons hay, 130
best bacon, lard, hams, and meat of
tons corn eDsilage, plows, wagons, every description. They treat you
The Photograper.
harness, cultivators, mowers, cream square
separators, milk eans, etc. One-
* .«• .
8 horse-power gasoline engine, one
10 ton per hour ensilage cutler,
10 or 12 head of hogs, two good
barns, two dwelling houses, two
orehards, all kinds of fruit, xvagon
road, railroad and river, about
200 rods of river frontage.
A snap
from ten to 15 years to pay for it.
Pacific Real Estate Co.
Leave your Real Estate TROUBLES to us
You Read The
• • • I 1 •••
Is the Official County Paper
Is the Best Aduertising Medium
Has the Largest Circulation
Does the Best of Job Work
Business is Good
Notice is hereby given thatsealed bids
will be received for the improvement of
a portion of the County Road known as
the Lee-Norway County Road in Road
District No. S I, Coos County, Oregon,
such improvements to consist of rock­
ing or gravelling said road according to
the f pocifications on tile with the County
Clerk, and a copy of such specifications
in the hands of H . K. Wilcox, Special
Road Master for R. P. No. 31. Five per
cent of amount of bid to be deposited
with the County Clerk on such bids and
sll bids to lie filed «ith th e CountyClerk
of Coos County, Oregon,on or before the
2nd day of September. A. I). 1909, at 10
o’clock a. m.
The County Com t reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated this lfitli dav of August, A. D.
H. E. W IL C O X,
Special Hoad Master for K. I), No. 31.
We Haven’t Any
Come in and talk BUSINESS, thats what we
Stutsman & Vore
Agents for that CLASSY Tract
East Richmond Park
• ••I I •••
Is Prompt in the Delivery of all Work
Prints all the Latest Hews
Is Equipped With the Best of Materia!
Is First Established Paper in Coquille