Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 18, 1909, Image 1

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    gfapite îlenilà
o l
26: No. 49.
Entered as second-class matter May
8, 1905, at the postofflce at Coquille,
Oreiron, under act of Congress of March
3, 1879.
DR. R. S. DeArmond
Office at Slocum’s Drug Store.
Office Phone Main 211.
A. F. Kirshman,
D e n t is t .
Office two door» South of Pont office.
Dr. C. W. Endicott
D entist
Office on Front Street
Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon
_______ L
P h o to g r a p h e r
Residence Studio.
A tto rn e y a n il Coutiocdlor at Law.
Office in R obin son B u ild in g
Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-class iteferences
Fifteen Years’ Experience
OoquiLLK C i t y , O ku
law yer
Martin Building
iron t Street
C o q u ille , O beoon
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttorney - a t - L a w ,
N o t a b y P u b l io ,
Walter Sinclair,
A t t o b n e y - a t - L a w ,
N o t a b y P u b l io ,
H all & Hall,
A ttobney 8- at
L aw ,
D e a le i in R e a l E s t a t k o f a l l k in d s .
M a r s h fie ld ,
E. G. D. Holden
J u st ic e
aw yh b ,
o f thk
P e ac e
U. S. Commissioner, General Insaranoe|
Agent, and Notary Public. Offioe
in Robinson Building.
List Your Property With
Office Front 8t., Opp. Hotel Coquille
M anufacturers of
The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe
The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill t n e D .
621 Thurman Street
P ortland , O
rkoon .
"For twenty years I suffered
from a bad case of granulated sore
eyes, says Martin Boyd ot Henriet­
ta, Ky. "In February, 1903, a
gentleman asked me to try Cham­
berlain’ s Salve. I bought one box
and used aqout two-thirds of it and
my eyes have not given me any
touble since ” This salve is for
ale by R. S. Knowlton.
Valley, and coming out the morn
ing of Sunday, October to, will go
Outline of the Itinerary of the T aft to Los Angeles, stopping for three T h e Following Article W as Pub­
hours in Fresno, Sunday afternoon.
lished Editorially in the Mem­
Party on Pacific Coast
The President will spend Monday
phis (Tenn.) Times of a
The President has just made pub­ and Tuesday, October t l and 12,
Recent Date.
lic a tentative outline of his trip in Los Angeles, visiting his sister.
through the West and South this
Throughout the world today
H arry K Thaw Insane.
Fall. It will embrace a journey
thousands of investment oppor­
approximating 13,000 miles, aud
White Plains, Aug- 12.--Justice tunities are being offered, the
will be one of the most notable ever Mills handed down his decision prices per share varying greatly,
made by a President. It will be as this morning holding Harry K. from a few pennies up into the
diversive as could well be imagined Thaw insane. He dismissed the thousands. The financial markets
and no “see-all-America” tour writ of habeas corpus under which
of the country are all astir, and
could be devised to embrace as Thaw endeavored to secure his re­ heavy investment» are being made
many points of interest in so brief lease from Mattenwan and he re­ every day.
a space of time as President Taft manded him to the custody of the
In many parts of the world are
will give to his jaunt to the Pacific state authorities at Mattenwan.
appearing in the daily, weekly and
Coast and back through the South.
monthly psasa glaring advertis-
Finch M ust Hang.
The President, accompanied by
ments— advertisment» the wording
Secretary Fred W. Carpenter, Cap­
Salem, Or., Aug. ro.— Having of which ie about the “ cutest” that
tain Archibald W. Butt, his military carefully “ examined every conten­ we have ever seen— well prepared
aide, several White House attaches, tion of counsel and every authority and doubtleas edited by men who
and perhaps a guest or two for vari­ cited,” the Supreme Court this understands the busine»», and who
ous parts of the trip, will travel in morning overruled every point are unusually well drilled in trick­
a private car, attached for the raised by counsel for the defendant, ery and varioua scheme« for de­
greater part of the trip to regular affirmed the decree of the trial ceiving the purchasing public
trains. During his tour the Presi court and sounded the death knell through deceptively woided an­
dent will traverse the Royal Gorge for James A. Finch, convicted ot nouncement«.
of the Rocky Mountains, will visit the murder of Attorney Ralph B.
Many of the class of advertise­
the Exposition at Seattle, will Fisher and sentenced him to suffer
ments mentioned in the foregoing
spend three days in the famous the death penalty.
are absolutely not worth the paper
Yosemite Valley, will stop off at the
The opinion is written by Justice that the «hares of itock are writtan
Grand Canyou of the Colorado, will T. A. McBride, and so thoroughly
on, and the "dividends” proraiaed
greet the President of Mexico on the is every point covered that it would
are simply stupendous, some ac­
international bridge over the llio seem no ground for an appeal to
tually offering aa high as a thou­
Grande River at El Paso on October the United States Supreme Court
sand per cent. It would certainly
16; will take a four days’ ride down could possibly exist. The opinion
appear to all men and women of
the Mississippi River fiom St. Louis is also unusual in that the Supreme
intelligence, and juet ordinary,
to New Orleans, with various stops Court says it could find no possible
everyday intelligence, at that, that
en route, aud will spend four days reason why a new trial should be
such immense dividend
on the ranch of his brother, Charles granted.
should be fully sufficient to con­
P. Taft, near Corpus Christ!, Tex.
vince moat anyone that fraud is
T im e to b e no M ore.
He will motor into Boston the
about to be practiced, and has been
morning of September 15—his 52d
Bangor, Me., July 29.— The and that the line has once more
birthday— and there board the car
Holy Ghost and Us society, whose been well baited, and lie* beneath
which practically will be a roving
principal base of operations is at the aurface awaiting further nib­
White House lor two months. The
Shiloh, Me., has received advices bling, and, finally, bites, and eo
President’s first stop will be at Chi­
that the end of the world is to come there you are. Today these trick­
cago, where he arrives Septtmbei
at ro:30 a. m. Wednesday, Septem­ sters are not quite so numerous as
16 , and spends the day, leaving ber 15.
they were in years past.
This ii
September 17 for Madison, Wis.
The Rev. Frank Sanford, who probably accounted for by the un­
The President will spend Septem-!
orginated the sect and calls himself usual activity of the United State»
her 18 and 19 itt Minneapolis. F ive1
In addi­
“ Elijah,” "The Uncrowned King’’ Postoffice Department.
hours will be spent in Des Moines.
and several other euphonious titles, tion to thid, publication and com­
Ia., September 2O, when the Presi­
plete exposure of so many of the
says so.
dent goes to Omaha Denver will
The Holy Ghost and Us society thieving echemee and attempts to
be reached the afternoon of Septem followers at Shiloh say he ought to defraud the general public has had
her 21. and the President will go al­ know, and are making prepartious a good deal more to do with elimi­
most direct from his train to the to don the pure white robes, pass nating this class of cattle, so to
State Capitol tor a reception to be up to the housetops of their colony apeak, than one might think. And,
tendered by state officials, cham­
in the sequestered Maine village whilst the prese is to be warmly
bers of commerce, ciuic organiza­ and await the dread moment. When commended for the heroic light
tions, etc.
it comes they expect to see the sky which it has made in its efforts to
Leaving Denver at 5 p. m., Sep­ go to the earth and the earth “bust­ eliminate such so-called “ inveat-
tember 22, the party will step tor ed" into smithereens, the sun tumb­ ments.” it is regrettable that «ome
an hour’s visit at Colorado Springs, ling somewhere and they them­ errors have been made, and, conse­
and then go on to Pueblo, Colo., selves transplanted into the realms quently, some of the best stocks
where, in the evening, they will be bliss, while all others pass onto des­ offered on the market have been
guests at the State Fair. The truction.
criticised that did not deserve such
morning ot September 22 w.ll find
Meanwhile they have painted ceniure, and, therefore, harm has
the President at Glenwood Springs. the entire tabernacle at a cost of certainly been done, not alone as
Colo., for a brief visit, and that $1000 and bought a great rug, so applies to the shares of stock itself,
afternoon he will visit Montrose to that the place will look nice any­ hut also in possibly preventing cer­
have a look at the great Gunnison way when ’’Elijah" gets home from tain inclined persona from invest­
tunnel of the Western Colorado ir­ his trip to Jerusalem and other ing their idle funds, they having
rigation project.
Returning to places in the yacht Coronet.
no other source of information
Graud Junction to resume the
Sanford sent the word home from than that ot the publication that
journey westward, the President Cape Town, where he recently has apoken so detrimentally of the
will arrive at Salt Lake City, Fri­ touched, that the world was about stocks in question. There are aleo
day aiternoon, September 24, to re­ done doing business, aud he is ex­ some periodical» that are little less
main there until Sunday afternoon pected back to Shiloh within a few than guilty of blackmailing. The
when the party leaves for Pocatello. weeks.
author know» it to be an estab­
Idaho, and Butte, Mont., the latter
He left Shiloh two years ago lished fact that there are some
city being reached Monday, at 6:40 while an investigation was being publications that, were they paid
a. m. Alter spending half a day in made concerning conditions in the a certain sum of money, instead of
censuring certain itock, would, to
Butte there will b ; a brief excur­ Holy Ghost and Us colony.
sion into Helena, Mont.
the exact contrary, commend it.
There are also publications that,
S w eets for the Cow.
Spokane, Wash , will be reached
for the sake of "yellow journalism,"
early Tuesday morning, and the
publiehed what they term “ expoe-
entire day will be spent in that city-
The forenoon of the 29th will be ernor W. D. Hoard of Wisconsin, ure»’’ of first this stock and then
spent at North Yakima, and the par­ in discussing the feeding of cows, that stock, and the reiult is there
ty will arrive at Seattle at 8:15 that stated that when the American is more or less a constant hubhub
evening. President Talt will spend farmer’s wife, a few years hence, day in and day out.
two days, September 30 and Octo­ hands her husband the shopping
As a mere matter of illustration,
ber t, "doing" the Alaska-Yukon- list there will appear the followiug: we will take the United Wireless
“ Chocolates for daughter Susan, Telegraph Company, with the gen­
Pacific Exposition, leaving Seattle
late the evening of the second day taffy for little Bill, and a gallon of eral offices located in New York
and arriving in Portland, Or., Octo­ molasses for the cow!
city. N. Y., whose stock Is being
“ Cows like sweets." he said. ‘‘I disposed of through what is known
ber 2, at 7 a. m. Two days will be
spent in Portland, the party leaving feed my herd a tegular ration of as the “ New York Selling Agency,”
there at 6 p. m. Sunday (or a trip molasses every day, and I find that of the earn« city, only the latter are
down the tamous Shasta route, they thrive on it.
domiciled at No. 18 Broadway, the
“ It makes their flesh fat and latter dealing altogether in invest­
through the Siskiyou Mountains.
The President will stop October their skins glossy. It gives zest to ment securi’iiee of the highest char­
4 in Sacramento, reaching Oakland, their appetites and helps their di­ acter.
Cal., early on the morning of Octo­ gestion. It increases the quanity
For the past two or more week«
ber 5. He will spend four or five and improves the quality of their now, a weekly sheet in New York,
hours in and around Oakland and milk, for it puts the cow in a good styling itself
the “ Financial
Berkeley before taking the ferry humor, and a good-humored cow World," and edited by one Gun­
ther, hae published articles of a
for San Francisco. After spending is the best milker.”
- ■. ■ -
vary bitter nature against the
the afternoon and evening of the
New line of white linens, butch­ United Wireless Tslegraph Com­
5th in San Francisco, the President
er, embroidery or round thread,
will leave early the morning of the india, fronting, flaxon, and hand­ pany, the largest concern of Its
6th for Yosemite Valley. He will kerchief, also brown and blue in kind operating in the United States
of America and elsewhere.
spend the 7th, 8 th and 9th in the dress linens at Robinson's,
the matter has been casually ex'
plained the basis upon which the
New York publication make* such
allegations appears weak— very
weak indeed.
To begin with, in
the June edition of the publication
issued by the New York Selling
Agency, under the title of “ Wire
less,” the following
card was
Investors are cautioned that
worthless stock is being offered as
good stock of the United Wire­
less Telegraph Company. Thia is
stock that was issued with the die
tinct understanding and upon agres-
ment that it was not to bs sold or
transferred; that, in case it was
sold or transferred, it reverted to
the company, therefore becoming
null and void. Notwithstanding
this agreement, which was fully
understood by the holders, and
contrary to the terms of the agree­
ment, some of this stock has been
sold in clear violation of the agree­
ment, so now it has no value what­
ever, being practically so much
waste paper, ii will not be recog­
nised by the United Wirelesi Tele­
graph Company. Only the origi­
nal holder of this stock— that is,
the person to whom it was first
issued— is responsible for this con­
dition. We have warned broker»
and investors of the facts, and are
giving the warning the widest pos­
sible circulation to save investors
from loss by being misled into pur-
chasing stock which the vendor must
know to be valueless, owing to the
mutual agreement between the
company and the person to whom
it was issued. In investing in
United Wireless Telegraph stock
be careful to' get treaeury stock
from some of the company’* autho­
rized selling agents, and you may
then know that you have itock re­
garding which there ie absolutely
no question.
P er Y ear
advertiiing, when the fact ii well
known that some of the best dailies
in the country are using its service.
The Evening News, of Buffalo, N.
Y .; Chicago American, of Chicago,
111 .; Boston Herald, of Boston,
Mass.; Evening Press, of Grand
Rapids, Mich.; and other news­
papers equally as prominent, and
all leaders in their respective sec­
tions of the country, and all of
hich speaks well indeed for the
United Wireless Telegraph Com­
pany’s apparatus, which is used,
and used exclusively, at that.
Could there be a more thorough or
complete refutation than this of
Gunther's dots and dashes, so to
speak, for that is just about what
his sfforts will eventually amount
to— nothing.
as we have been, it may be of es­
pecial interest to review the follow-
The United Wireless Telegraph
Company’s system is used by more
than a dozen of the leading govern­
ments of the world, whilst as many
more contracts are now under con­
sideration. Does this, or does it
not, plainly demonstrate what the
powers are thinking of the practica­
bility of the service? Furthermore,
it is indorsed unqualifiedly by such
steamship companies as the Ham-
burg-American,Mallory Line, Good­
rich Transit Company, Old Domin­
ion Line, Clyde Line and others
not necessary to make particular
mention of.
Today work is ptogressing on »
station at Santo Domingo, for direct
To Times readers we have to say communication with Tampa, Fla.
that, in our opinion, a better in­ This w’ill be, of course, in direct
vestment of funds could hardly be competition with the well known
made than in the stock of the and long established French Ca’de
United Wireless Telegraph Com­ Company, which has for so many
pany. We have decided to make 1 years enjoyed such au immense
such an announcement only after ! monopoly. Preparations are also
having entirely satisfied ourselves being made for the location of wire­
in connection with same. In order less stations by this same company
to give our readers and the general in the countries of China, Russia,
reading public as full benefit of Japan, Manchuria and other eqr. il­
our investigation as we can, so ly as important localities. To the
that they may he in the same posi­ United Wireless Telegraph Uonr-
tion, practically speaking, to judge
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
W . H . S c h ro e d e r
We carry a good line of Waltham,
Elgin, South Bend and Howard Watch­
es. Before purchasing a watch else­
where call aud examine our stock and
get pries. We guarantee our prices to
be as reasonable as any.
This was hardly dry before there
appeared in the so-called "Finan­
cial World” the bitterest charactsr
of an attack, in which it was al­
leged that the Unitid Wireless Tele­
graph Company was making a
strong effort to bunko ite former
purchasers of its worthless stockf
the New York paper not once stop­
ping to consider that a certain
agreement was still in existence, as
is carefully outlined and explained
in the above published “ Warning.”
The idiocy of such conditions up­
on the part ol Gunther’s sheet is
We Carry
plainly evidenced in the result of
several suits that have been filed
against the United Wireless Tele­
graph Company. In Portland,
Ore., a suit for the sum of $ 699 . 00 ,
We are headquarters fo r euerything in the meat line, four
by a well knonrn lawyer of that
wants always receives prompt attention.
city— J. W. Baker, by name— the
suit being, in reality, against the
firm of F. J. Catterlin & Company,
of Portland. On trial, the verdict
was rendered in favor of the de­
A similar suit, filed in the lame
city, against same firm, and by
Oils, cleans and looks after his ponderous
another party, had tha same iden­
locomotive every few hours. In the little deli­
tical result. Other suits based on
similar grounds have been filed
cate watch there are wheels which make more
only to have but one and the same
revolutions than those of the fastest train and
result, hence the fallacy of such a
do it day after day.
Is it not reasonable
measly claim as that made by the
be attended to
“ Financial World” may be eaeily
work for you.
and readily surmised.
Realizing that his charges in
above connection had been explod­
ed— falling of their own weight—
Gunther then publiahes a short
list of certain weekley, monthly
and daily publications, in which ». JL*HERWO0DJr«i.
R. E. SHINE, Vlas Pro.
he alleged that they have, one and
I. H. HAZARD, Cashier
all, declined to accept and run ad­
vertising matter of the United
Wireless Telegraph Company, the
O P C O Q U IU IiB , O REG O N .
inference, of course, being that it
was a fake concern, being conduct­
T ra n B Q C ta a G e n e r a l H a n k i n g B u s in e s s
ed for the purpose of robbing the
public. It would appear to us that
Bnrd tf Director*.
the attack of the “ Financial
o Commerce, New York Clt
World” i* little .short of ineane de­
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hasard, Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Franciae
lusions, especially ae it comes from
Isaiah Hacker.
R. E. »Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland.
one not “ in the clear" himself, in
our eetimation. The very fact of
the magnificent progress made by
the United Wireless Telegraph
Company ie ae atrong and com­
plete refutation of Gunther’s dirty
and underhanded allegation aa
could be had. Again, it appear*
rather strange that inch publica­
C O Q U I L L , K,
tions ae Gunther names would de­
cline inserting Wirelen Telegraph
Fresh and Salt Meats.
Our Fried, Tf)e Engineer
T A 1D O R