LOCAL N E W S . L)ivo Baker wnB in from Lee Inst Saturday. New lot of Clin U shirts at Robin- .ton h . Thomas Wilson, of Myrtle Point, was in Coquille Thursday. Khiki o' >t!i by the yard at R ob ­ inson's Father Curley, of North Betid, vi.-iteit Camion last week. Children's wash ilre-isi-H at Rob- ill sou V A. L . Neely was up from River, Mr. and Mrs. T. R Pointer went tou Monday. to the Bay one day last week. Pcrrv I’elerson, of Arngo, had For all kinds of ammunition » all ou J. S. Lyons. business iu town M uday. I)r. Wetnior« was down from The youngsters are happy, The Myrtle Point on Saturday. “ meriy go-round” is iu town. New and uptodate guns of til! John Moore, of Prosper, uiaile description at J. 8 Lyons. C'i quille a short visit ou Monday. D. I’ Strang, Jr., hud business J C. Hsyiios, of Myrtle Point, winch called him to the Bay »me day llll0Uii/< i screening. Arthur Fish returned from Seattle last Friday. He took up a lot of myrtle goods manufactured at the A. P. Miller and sister, Mrs. Chas. Fish furniture factory in this city, Webb, of this city, started Monday ! with which he did very well. The for their old home in Missouri <0 beautiful tables were highly appre­ 1 see relatives and friends ciated by all who saw them. Mr. and Mr». It. B. Rogers atd Robinson's store has just received Capt. and Mrs. Butlc-r, of this city, a new line of embroideries, in nan took several day’s outing on the sook swiss and cambric, also tuck­ S uitli Fork L.st w*tk. ing and frouting for waists. The shoes for woodsmen; Tozier’s Rev. S G Bettj s will ho! I servii es Persons in need of fruit trees or —S. F. Shoe«. The gloves for wear in the .Smith grove neui the Capt. Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. ornamental trees or anything in the nursery lino Deed not be held up 1 Butler place on Sunday afternoon Robert Rock came up from Pros­ at 3 o’clock. All should turn out per Monday and transacted business by those traveling salesmen going and bear him. in this city, and met many old through the country but buy from Mrs. O. R. Willard sold her house your resideut agent. George T. friends. and two lots in this city last week Moulton, Coquille. M. P. Sumerlin and sister, Miss W. Wals who was mining in the to J. A. Neely, a new arrival from Corda, the Myrtle Point milliner, re­ Merlin, this state. The deal was turned from a visit on the Bay last Eckley district till a couple of years made through the agency of Will ago when his eyes failed him, was Thursday. down to towD Monday to consult a Oddy. Jack Wilson, of Fourmile, passed We buy for cash, and sell for cash, physician concerning them. The through town toward the Bay Fri­ old gentleman will be ninety-one so you are not helping to pay other day. He visited his brother, Jeff years of age next November, but peoples debts when you buy goods in tbiscityon his return. gets about exceedingly well for one of us. We can and nil! sell cheaper Remember that J. 3. Lyons gives of bis age. Only for liis failing than merchants who do a credit away a $2.50 knife each week for sight he would he mining right business. C. M. Goodman 1 f K S