Coquille îicnilà V ol . 20: No. 48. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST II, [909. $1.50 P ek Y ear the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi­ handsome booklets issued by the cry for a playground." Older towub brings on catarrh, tuberculosis and FAIR NOTES tion hasn’t reelly begun yet. Euro­ rail lines has been written by re­ and cifies at first neglected this. headache. Sedentary life reduces E d it o r H erald : - -Occasinally we “But western towns and cities that the lower limbs, causes indigestion Things That May Be Seen at the peans are yet to come, and the presentatives of the Exposition find a mau who opposes any play­ are now building should take warn­ and nervous diseases. Play pre­ farmers of the West and all those publicity department and photo­ Seattle Exposition. ground for the schoolchildren, and ing and plot their playgrounds in vents all these, for action is the law Seattle, August 10,-Eor the first whose buiness depends directly or graphs showing the beauties of the gives as a reason, that they do no| the beginning.” Yet when I say I of growth for muscles, heart, lungs time in athletic hietory, western indirectly, upon the crops; have fair have heen taken especially for DR. R. S. DeArmond need a playground and should not these things, a few of the people of —all organs, even the bones. In a track and field men will meet the ngt started. Here in Seattle this use in railroad publications. PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. have one. We believe that any Coquille say l a m a fool or a knave, class one child expresses himself at East on a western field in the A. is not realized, but railroad men “The Exposition marks an epoch Office at Slocum’s Drug Store. person who takes this position is Eighth, some say build to the one time, but in play all of the A. U. game» at the stadium of the are working over time in planning in the development of the west,” C oquille , O regon . mistaken, and we have the entire old building and keep the school children express themselves all the Alaeka-Yukon-Pacific Exposition for the care of the thousands who said Mr. Mitchell. Watch tbe Office Phone Main 211. force of the social workers and the all and always together. This is j time. Play cures tuberculosis, Friday and Saturday, August 13 are yet to come. And let me say Eastern men go home, pack up, I 1 educational world back of our be­ the most absurd and foolish argu- Out of twelve hundred children ex- and 14. Tho critics freely admit that when they do come Seattle and come out West. I am not lief. If there is any one thing above rnent of all. It is only true to a cer- amlned in Chicago, one hundred that the western men have an ex­ will realize what splendid work saying this to boost either the fair A. F. Kirshman, another that is strenuously urged tain limited extent, alter which had it. They «’ere put outside the cellent chance to win the champion­ has been done by the railroads and or the Northern Pacific. It is the by the social workers and the such a method becomes not only city in a park where they played ship of the country. D entist . the Exposition’s Division of Ex­ concensus of opinion of those who educators ofour land for the better­ foolish and absurd, but it is actually themselve; into health. Stuttering These athletic events will be a ploitation. Every Western state, have heard the comments of the Office two door» South of Post office. ment of the conditions under which criminal to the children thus cramp- aud stammering are helped by play. climax of one of the most eventful and I mean ail west of the Missis­ Eastern visitor who has made h;s He is the children are being brought up, ed and huddled together. And our Nervousness and chorea ara im­ weeks at the fair. sippi, rÿll have to concede that first trip to the West. Coquille . - . Oregon. it is this thing of havng ample Scientific and School Journals-all proved, and catarrh, headache, and On Monday large delegations they are greatly benefited by the impressed with its vastness, rich­ playground for them. And this is over th.s country and in Europe foul-air diseases are prevented and will come from Los Angeles, Pasa­ travel to and from the Exposition.” ness, and hustle.” something we have not, and can­ are giving this very thing the most cured by play. The old proverb dena, and Santa Monica in Cali­ G. A. Mitchell, assistant general Dr. C. W. Endicott Bryan W ill Move to Texas. not have on the present location; severe criticism, not only as false that "Man is whole only when be fornia to celebrate the days of passenger agent of the Northern William Jennings Bryan is to and particularly so if we have any economy, but as an actual crime plays" is true, and children hun­ those cities. D entist Whittier, Ocean Pacific, mads this statement just move to Texas. He is reported to increase in the population ofour against the children, the future ger for bodily fatigue. Observe Park, and Venice will also have prior to his department from Se­ said so recently in the course of a:t Office on Front Street town. them at play and see how action Monday as their official day. hope of the State. attle with a party of tourists bound interview preceding his delivery 1 f Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon Some atgue for an addition to The consolidation of territory and attracts them. It organizes in­ Vancouver Day on Tuesday will for Yellowstone Pjirk. From the a lecture in an Ohio town. He de­ the old building on the plea of econ­ ol school districts, is the cry every stincts and regulates irritability. be the occasion for a large excur­ very beginning the Publicity De­ clared he intended to move toTexns omy. This is the most absurd argu­ where in order to strengthen the Ail the problems of childhood if sion from British Columbia. The partment of the Exposition has co­ following a South American tour, ment of any advauced aud we are districts, to secure a better grade of solved get the result—good health commercial club of that city has operated with the passenger de­ on which he will start this Fall. T O L L M A N surprised that any one would con­ teachers, and to lighten the burden a clear braiu. chartered several of the largest partments of all western lines in “I shall not seek the election to the sider it for a moment. In the first of taxation. But on the other hand, After the age of twelve the child strainers on the sound to bring the exploiting the Exposition and the Senate fiom Nebraska,” said Mr. P h o to g ra p h e r place, you never knew of a man re- the gathering of a multitude of has a new birth, for human traits crowds. Northwest in general and (he re­ Bryan. " I am not going to be a Residence Studio. modliug an old building that it did children into one building, is just as are born. His height, weight, and Dixie Day on Tuesday will bring sults are just as the representative Nebraskan, for I am going to move not cost more than it would have strenuosly opposed for the most ex­ stiength double; Nature is arming a large number of Southerners to­ of the Northern Pacific has stated. to Texas. I expect to continue in cost him to have built new. And cellent reasons that tt increases the him for the contest of life. The gether at the Fair. The people in Much of the material in the politics in Texas.” it is a proverbial saying that he danger of loss of life from fire, the adult male is forty-three per cent the Northwest who have come E. D, SPERRY had belter torn down the old one spread of contageous diseases, and muscle. Does he need play to keep from Southern states are taking a and built new. And alter he has the danger from un sanitary con­ these growing and healthy? Team lively interests in this celebration A ttorney am i Coanoellor a t haw . $2 it done he never has what he wants ditions that naturally arise where games, ball, gymnastics of all kinds and many are planning to take ■ Office in Robinson Building and it is never satisfactory. The any great number of peisons are are desirable at this period: and advantage of this time to see the 1 old pait is always in constant need gathered together for any length of girls are as much in need of exer- Exposition. 1 I of repair, and finally is rotted down time. And worse than these things cise as boys, if not more so. Newsboy’s Day will also be on while the new part is still in good even, it has been shown beyond dis­ Modern ways of obtaining play Tuesday. The Seattle newsboys W. C. CHASE. condition. Then as a "thing of pute that it actually impairs the for health merit all the attention are planning a fitting reception for ATTORN E Y -AT- LAW beauty," it always looks like the physical and mentil growth aud they are receiving. Children were their brethern from other cities. Offio in Robinson B uilding, U pstairs FR0N1 STREET, COQUILLE ORE. ragged end of bad luck and worse development ol the children, and left out in the planning of our Arthur P. Prague will speak at the management. It is neither Doric increase crime. In fact this crowd­ cities, for our forefathers did not exercises on "The Rise of the We carry a good line of Waltham, nor Corinthian, though it is a thing ing together is the most damable realize that “the boy without a American Newsboy.” Elgin, South Bend and Howard Watch­ C. R. BARROW of wonder. Iowa Day on Thursday will be kind of economy. I am surprised playground will become the father es. Before purchasing a watch else­ In the second place, it is not that any one who reads the Scienti­ without a job,” and that the way observed with an excellent program. Attorney and Counsellor a t Law where call aud examine our stock and economy in construction, since it to prevent crime, degeneracy and The 56th Regiment Band of Ft. fic and Educational Journals ot to­ First-olass References will cost just as much to build disease is to have people born and Dodge lias been brought from Iowa get pries. We guarantee our prices to day will attempt to champion such F ifteen Years’ Experience there as to build elsewhere. Note an exploded idea. The above reared with sound bodies, science to furnish the music for the oc­ be as reasonable Lfc any. C o q u iu . r C it y , O re the fact that it cost $4000 00 to • natned School Journal of Portland, nor states yet control birth, but the casion. build the two room; thit have makes a strong argument agaiust rearing of children is our problem. Roseland, B. C., Day will be tn been added; aud the further fact the vety idea of gathering a large Every child playing on the street Wednesday. A special excursion J. J. STANLEY that it would seriously impair the number of children into one build­ is a living cry for a playground and will arrive in Seattle on Tuesday usefulness of some of the rooms al­ ing upon a small piece of ground, we are awakening to that cry. The from the Canadian mining center, LAWYER ready there. where they cannot have good light, first public playground in America bringing a number of represen­ Martin Building • ront Street In the third place, it is not a plenty of room, an abundance of was opened twenty years ago in tative citizens. C O Q U IL L B . O OON economy iu fuel, since it will take physical exercise, and a large play­ Boston. But Chicago has shown The Worcester, Mass., Board additional furnaces and fuel to heat ground. And goes on to say that the real possibilities of' the play­ of Trade and the Worcester Glee * the new part there, just the same as all cities and tonms should look ground is an American city. It has Club will celebrate on Wednesday. A. J. Sherwood, if the new building stood in any after these things among the very spent a great deal of money on A series of concerts will be" given Lard, A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w , other place. first things they do. But when I twelve playgrounds in South Park by the Glee Club, which is one of Hams, N o t a r y P o b i . io , Fourth, it is not economy in jani­ mention these things, a few persons within the last four years. Already the best in the United States, at tor service, since it takes a man and in Coquille say with a good deal disease and crime are lessened by, the auditorium. Coquille, : : Oregon We Carry Bacon, Hoquiam, Wash., is planning on a boy now, ana with an equal ad­ of self-unctious scorn,— O, Barrow twenty eight per cent in that dis­ dition, it would take another man is a fool, or a crank, or else they trict. The actual cost was compar­ one of the most pretentious city Sausage, days at the Fair on Thursday. Walter Sinclair, and boy. And it would not take say he has a scheme up, “an ax to atively small. Fresh and Salt Meats. any more if the building stood in grind." And if this were spoken A t x o r n e y - at - L a w . A farmer allows one acre for one The Chehalis oounty building will be turned over for tho reception of some other place. in the true spirit of just considera­ hundred and fifty chickens, a city N o t a b y P u b l ic , We are headquarters fo r euerything in the meat line, Your Fifth, it cannot be done without tion, it is true, for I have "an ax exercisiug less judjinent, allows the official delegation from that C o q u ille, : : O regon. wants always receives prompt attention. city. injury to the present building. As to grind” in the sense, first, last and only one acre for fifteen hundred Seattle, August 10.—“Travel to I Heard a little boy say the other all the time, of doing all I can for children, but Andover, Mass , has day, "they would build on one the truest, highest and best educa­ sixteen acres for only six hundred initial impetus from physical train­ Hall & Hall, toom and spoil two." You cannot tion, training, and development, and seventy children. Other cities ing, as might be supposed, but from A t t o b n e y s - at L a w , build on to the piesent building socially, morally, and intelectuaily are doing much- New York has social workers and educators- In Dealei in U r a l E s t a i * o f a l l kind». without destroying the light in at of the children of my home town, the most expensive playgrounds in two and a halt years it has increas­ M a rsh field , O regon. least two rooms, if not four. And and also of the coinitry at large. the world—eleven of |thetn cost ed the playgrounds by one hun­ I T1____ the architect who says you can is We quote the following from the fifteen million dollars. But western dred per cent. It is a movement either an ignoramus or a knave. School and Home, publishad in cities that are now building should that will be restrained by no bar­ Oils, cleans and looks after his ponderous E. G. D. Holden Portland. “Joseph Lee, the Father take warning and plot their play­ He is an ignoramus if he does not locomotive every few hours. In the little deli­ riers. We have lived on the energy L aw yeb , know better, and he is a knave if of the American Playground, says, grounds in the beginning. Seattle stored up by our forefathers, but J u s t ic e o f th k P eack cate watch there are wheels which make more he is trying to work the people for play is nature’s law of growth and has authorized bonds to be issued the problem of the health of futute OoraiHiasiooer, G eneral Inaurane revolutions than those of the fastest train and len t, and Notary Public. Office a job. The whole theory of it is is vital to a child. He builds him­ to the amount of oue million dollars generations must be, in great part, do it day after day. Is it not reasonable in Robinson B uilding. self by it. Nature puts the pur­ provided one fourth be used for S lived by the American Play absurd aud impractical. that these little wheels should be attended to C o q u ille reg o n . playgrounds pose within aud hammers him into Sixth, it is not economy in graund.” A few years ago Kansas shape against it. Play is her meth­ occasionally. Let us do your work for you. Portland is now trying to buy a School Supervision, and to argue City expended seven hundred that it is, is simply arguing non- od of making him a man. The park on the East Side for five hun­ thousand dollars for playgrounds ALL WORK GU A R A NTEED List Your Property \V ith srnce, for ever since we have had child plays for the same reason that dred thousand or more dollars. San and recreation parks, in which they STUTSMAN & COMPANY School Superintendants, they have grass grows or flowers spring up; Francisco, even while rebuilding have swimming pools for both successfully and efficiently handled for the same reason that he is here ! after her great disaster, ordered a sexes, and they have set apart sev REAL ESTATE bond issue of seven hundred and eral days each week exclusively Office Front St., Opp. Hotel Coquille and managed the schools ol their at all. CLAUD STUTSMAN, Mgr. Froebel was the first to use the forty one thousand dollars, and ap­ for the children. Chicago and other district, whether the schools were X. J. SHERW000 Prat. R. C. SHINE, Vise Free COQUILLE, - OREGON situate a half mile, or from five to force generated during play to help pointed a playground commission cities and towns have done the L. H. HAZARD, Cashier 0. C. SANfORD, Asst. Cashier ten miles from tbeir office in the the child to a higher state of knowl­ of seven members as a part of its same. The above gives a short Central High School building. And edge; but before his time Plato said, municipal government. Hartford, synopsis of what is being done in at least once a month the whole The plays of children have the Conn., is amending ber charter and many places for the school children body ol teachers meet in regular mightiest influence on the main­ appointing a commission of six of this country. It has long been o p COQUIÜÜB, OREGON. Incorporated. session with the Superintendant. tenance or non-maintenance of members—made up of Mayor, known that brain power depends Superintendent of Schools, Judge largely upon good health and phy­ T r a n ^ a c t a a G e n e r a l H o n k i n g B u a i n e s a And this should be done in all cases. laws. M a n u fac tu rers of of Court, etc ,—to look after the sical development, and these in The Celebratedtiergmann Shoe Seventh, there is no room for any Children whocannat play cannot Correspondent«. Board of Director«. The Strongest and Neitrest Water more buildng on the old location. study or work without overdraw­ playgrounds, Cincinnati and Day- turn are the result of physical act National Bank o Commerce, New York Cit R. O. Donnent, A . J . Sherwood, to 1 , Ohio, have large pUygroundB, ion. And all of these are more Proof shoe made for loggers, miners There is not sufficient playground ing their resources of vitality. I < 1 rocker Wool worth N ’l Bank, San Francie© L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, prospectors and mill men. 1 for the children who attend there believe that the necessity of play is and both say that their playgrounds readily superinduced and more ef­ I-taiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. First Nftt’l Bank of Portland, Portland, 621 Thurman Street I now. And it would be a disgrace axiomatic and needs no proof. It have cost less than two cents per ficiently developed upon the "Amer­ P o b t d a ND, O r eo o n . | to the City, and a crime against the is more than an essential part of day for each child. Let school ican Playground.” And in so far the law of his growth, ot the pro­ yards be equiped and open after as I am concerned, my efforts and Z "For twenty years t I suffered children to lorce any greater num- cess by which he becomes a man hours and all the year round. Bos­ my work shall be given to advance from a bad case of granulated sore ber of children to attend school there eyes, says Martin Boyd ot Henriet- The School Journal published at at all. Children are young because ton common has long served as a the children of my town aud coun­ ta, Kv. "In February, I9°3- a Portland, iu its last issue, gives us a they play—men stop playing and ball ground for boys, and now the try to the highest and best citizen city is going to make it a regular ship, by aiding them to develop to gentleman asked me to try Cham- article on this question of grow old. the highest possible standard, their berlain s Salve. I k°u 8 '>to n * the absolute ntc;ssity of large and Do we, as teachers, believe that public playground. and used aqout two thirds of it and * 0 Three ye^rs ago there was formed physical, aoclal, moral and intelect my eyes have not given me any commodtus playgrounds to. the health Is subject to command? We tjouble since " This salve is for schoolchildren. It says—'fEvery have too long regarded the braitj the "Playground Association of ual faculties. f] P, B a * ih )W. tale by R 8 Knowlton, j child playing on the streets i»a living »part frqnj {(ifl {jqijy, jfoql air AmerlcB-”. Ii dh buy? In Entered as second-class m atter May 8, 1905, at tho pottoftoQ at Ooqoillt» Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ! School P lay Grounds. W . H. Schroeder Jeweler I PIONEER MEAT MARKET be COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO. Our Friend, Tl)e Engineer E. C. B A R K E R & CO Theo. berpan Shoe Mfst.Co. FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K