LOCAL NEW S. A! Garten came up from Bandon yesterday. Mr». Joe Ferry was up from C hildren’s shoes with heel» at Riverton on Friday. Rohiuson’s. New lot of Cluett shirts at Itohiu- Miss E ster Jobnsou goes to Ban son's. Francisco by the Fifield. G \V. Clinton, of Norway, was Some good orgaus for sale at in town on Friday. Goodman’s k Robinson’s. There is to bo a dance and basket W. F. Dickson was ever to town Friday from his dairy farm across social at Lam pa on the evening of the ‘24th. All invited. the valley. Buy your groceries while you For bargains in shoes, see Drone can save money th a t’s at O. Wilson at his new store. & Co’s. Mrs. B E. Beyers returned from Make your washing easy by us­ a visit down the river on Friday of ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s last week. store. F or good pasture inquire of W. The show windows in Lorenz's A. Goodman. store are being rearranged and fixed Attorney T. J. Hall, ot Marsh­ up in fine style. Mr. Campbell is field, hail business at the county doing the work. seat on Saturday. C. M. Goodman & Co., dealers Have you saw the new gnlatea in new aud second hand goods. cloth at Robinson’s store. Phone No. 364. C hiis Long, of Bundou, had bus­ As we go to press the word iness which called him to the Bay comes from Myrtle Point of the last Friday. death of W. L. Hayter, another of Saws gummed, filed aud set at our Coos county pioneers. Quick last week engineered a couple of sales which seem to have broken the spell, and several transactions have been and will h aie been made which would indicate that timeB are going to look up. Miss Mary Lewis, of Bandon, went to San Francisco by the steamer Elizabeth to have a trip with her father. Engineer Thomas Lewis, of that boat. She will stay over a trip or so and visit with friends in the city. Robinson’s store has ju st received a new line of embroideries, in nan- sook Swiss and cambric, also tuck­ ing and fronting for waists. Mrs. C- H. Fry, of Melolaod, Cal., arrived here last Friday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Dryden. She was accompanied by Mrs. B. E. Nosier, of E l Centro, who came to see her brother, Capt. J. C. Moomaw, and sister, Mrs. A. -------- , «a» ---------------- M. Snyder, of M yrtle Point, and T each ers' Exam ination. other relatives and friends. F oa S ale —A nice mare, buggy Notice is hereby given tbat the and harness, a spring wagon, saddle regular semi-annual examination of and bridle. H. M Branham, Myrtle applicants for state and county papers will be held by the examin­ P oint. ing board of Coos county, Oregon, Col. Win. Coach arrived at Ban­ at the court house, beginning at 9 don by the Elizabeth last Friday, a. in. Wednesday, August 11, 1909, coming up from San Francisco. He and continuing three days. Dated this 12tb day of July, 1909. met his son-in-law and daughter, W. H. B unch , Mr. and Mrs. Deo Carey who bad County Superintendent. ju st arrived from G rand Rapids, T each ers’ In stitu te . Michigan, with whom he is enjoying a visit. Mrs. Carey will be remem­ The A nouai Teachers’ Institute bered as Miss Mary Ella Coach who spent several months in thie city a for the year 1909, will be held in the school bouse in Coquille, Aug­ year or so ago, and who has many ust 17.19, 1909. riends in the county. Ai rangem ents are perfected for New line of white linens, butch­ the most successful institute ever er, embroidery or round thread, held in the county. The outside india, fronting, flsxon, and hand­ help and local assistance will be of kerchief, also brown and blue in the very best. Every departm ent of school work will receive due a t­ dress linens at Robinson’s. tention. A. E. Morrell, the gentleman who Very Respectfully, recently purchased the Clark A W. H. B unch , Dwire ranch, one of the best in County Superintendent. southw estern Oregon, passed N O TICE. through town last week accom­ panied by his estimable wife, on his Notice is hereby given that all way down the coast to loolt after Coos County W arrants draw n on his possessions. A brother, who is the General Road F u n d and en­ also interested in the farm, will be dorsed prior to Ju n e i, 1909 , will along in a short time. These peo. be paid on presentation at my of­ fice in Coquille, Oregon. pie came from the Sound country, No interest will be allowed on in W ashington. They seem very any of these w arrants after Ju ly much pleased with our section and 1909 . Dated Ju n e 7 2 , 1909 , at Coquille the prospects for the future. Oregon. A snap for the next thirty dayB T. M. D immick . —a (ice home ou Fishtrap at $225 Coos County Treasurer. per acre. For particulars address N O TIC E R. F. D. No. I, Box 193, Han Diego, Cal., or Box 17, Coquille, Oregon. All Coos County warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to October, 1st 1907 will be prid on presentation at my office in Milk, Cream, Coquille City. No interest will be allowed on any of these warrants Butter and Eggs after A ugust 1st, 1909. Dated this 1st day of July, 1909. T. M. Dimmick County Treasurer. Delivered at Your Door Twice a Day H aving Bought out Mr. Laffer- ty’s Milk Route, I am Prepared to Furnish Any of the Above at Reasonable Prices. Phone Main 283 And your Order will be Promptly Filled. I. R. NOSLER Notice. M c D o nalds SALT LAKE CH OCOLATES We Wish to A lw ays Fresh Sold in Original Packages Only. Quality Unexcelled. FOR SALE AT A n U p-to-D ate H otel. The Hotel Coquille of this place, which has heretofore been conduct­ ed by Mrs. M. A. Tupper, has changed bands and is now owned and conducted by the Baxter Brothers, and henceforth will be known as The Baxter. The in­ terior of this well known hotel has been remodeled and placed in first-class shape, having been newly painted and papered throughout, and now preseuts the appearance of one seldom seen in any city of twice this size. The sanitary con­ dition of this well known eating resort has beeD looked after with the greatest of care. The office room has been moved to the east wing of the building, and is now a nice, cozy waiting room, where all the latest periodicals and news­ papers may be found. Tho ladies waiting room or parlor is in the west wing of the building, and we must say it is a most elegant one, and one in which almost anything and everything may be found for the accommodation and entertain­ ment of the guests. Last Sunday was the opening dry, and seated at tables in the spa­ cious dining room were 134 guests, and we will venture to say that not one of these left b ut what were perfectly satisfied with the trea t­ ment they received, and th at not one single one left the “ least bit hungry.” Mrs. Alice Hite, as hostess, looks after the accommodation and enter­ tainment of her guests in the most pleasant and pleasing manner for which she has long been noted. Clayton Shoemaker looks after the culinary departm ent, and is assisted in this by E arl Winters, two of the best chefs to be found in this part of the state. H. J. Williams is acting in the capacity of manager, and it goes without saying that there will be no mistakes made with Hermann. The waiters are accommodating and pleasing, and always ready and willing to cater to the wants of the hungry. A force of men are now busy re­ modeling, painting and otherwise improving the outward appearance of the building, and when complet­ ed we will have one of the beat tiotels to be found anywhere in this part of tho state. The Baxter B rothers are to be congratulated in their efforts to es­ tablish in our city a first-class hotel as this is, and which has long been a much needed want. ------' ■ ■* Phone 151-J Seasonable Goods at Bottom Prices Silk striped poplin, 50 cent values - - - 38c Mercerized poplins in blue, brown, tan, red, grey and white, 50 cent values - - 38c Lucerine tissue, very stylish, in brown 35c, n o w .................................................... 25c Clarabel Batiste, 15 cents, now - - - 12 % c Imported Cottons, white, blue and tan, _ 40 cent values . . . . 32c Swiss Appliques, blue and brown, very neat patterns, 35 cents, now - - 29c Silk Novelty, tan, 50 cent values, now - 42c Richelieu and Ordmore silks, beautiful patterns in brown, blue and pink, 50 cents, now . . . . . 43c Mousseline Royal, tan, 35 cent values, now 28c Canna Batiste, 20 cent values - - 15c WHITE GOODS An Elegant Line in Plain Checks and Stripes. 20 cent values, 16 cents. 25 cent values, 221., cents 121 ■ cent values, 10 cents. Callao«*, Calleoas, hlues, greys, blacks and reds; 15 yards $1.00. LADIES' OXFORDS—$3 values, $2.25. $3.50 values, $2.50. $2.50 values, $1.75. BOY’S OXFORDS-$2.50 values, $1.75. CAILDREN’S OXroRDS-$1.75 values, $1.10. $1.50 values$1.15. 75 cent values, 60 cents. $1.35 values, $1.05. O. WILSON & CO. The Store of Big Values and Big Bargain List. Neathery & Gregg COQUILLE, OREGON. Prices Cigars, Ice SEA SO N Cream Cora Belloni GYMNASIUM Lyons uilding, Front Street, Coquille, J. S. LYONS, Proprietor Oregon RATES: $1 por month; S3 per quarter; $G per G months; $12 per year. Handles Maxwell Autos, all kinds of Sporting >ods. A W arning. Ma. E ditor . W hen I left Coos, Nome was my intended destination, but changed my course for the Indian reservations. When I left Coos there were a great many con­ templating come out here to secure homes, and I consider it my duty to let them know that it is all a de­ lusion. They will not stand one chance in a thousand of securing anything of any intrinsic value People are flocking from all parts of the globe, and a large proportion are left financially stranded. I t is impossible for me to describe the large influx of people. The rail­ road and hotels are reaping the harvest. There is some good land in the Coeur de Alene, b u t consider the chances against you. Coeur de Alene City and the surrounding county are beautifully situated on a navigable lake, and there are some claims th at are desirable, but would not justify the sacrifice and expeinse necessary to acquire it. This is no elaborate description, b ut merely n warning. W ill send you a paper. From your own correspondent. H. W. D unahj *. Little THE PALM... Confectionery, Tobaccos, F R U I T S IN Remodeled «------------------ Notice is hereby giyen that the undersigned gives Clarence Cun­ $4500 buys 45 acres improved ranch with buildings. ningham bis time, and will no long­ er be responsible tor his acts or $12.50 an acre buys a fine tract of any obligations ham ay contract. land 360 acres, 35 acres bot­ E. B. CüNNINOHAM tom balance grazing. M. E. WHITMORE. E F. MOKRISSY $800 buys an acre all in garden house and barn. See ua for Coos Bay Paving; and Con­ bargains. Come in and see struction Company. us and list your property GENERAL CONTRACTORS with us. We will give you Plans ami Estim ates Given a square deal. Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber, Contractor, Offices 117 Front htreet, Marshfield Ore- hat wo are selling our entire line of summer goods at re­ duced price.-. In accordance with our policy of carrying noth­ ing over from one season to another, we are^now offering you tremendous bargains in these lines. T «JÉ - Bicycle and Auto Garage. H EN SLEY E R DMAN The People’s Market EffDMAN & HENSLEY, Proprietors. We have a nice line of Groceries. We sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. We will Buy anything you have for Sale. We want your Vegetables, your Chickens, your eggs We Pay the Highest Market Price. We are to Stay. ...........W e W i l l T r e a t Y o u PHONE MAIN 5-6 R i g h t ........... COQUILLE, OREGON R. S. K N O W LTO N , President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pres. R. H. MAST, Cashier Farmers ai)d Merchants of Coquille Bai)H CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent