Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 21, 1909, Image 2

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    Coquille fierait).
ED NESD AY, J U L Y 21, 1909.
' nail advertisements among local
; ling five conta per line each inser-
i . i, Carda of thanka SO cent» each.
ii ituary poetry five cent» per line.
!; dutioua of Condolence and lodge
a v nrtiaing five cent» per line.
O ar S p ecia l S ch ool M e e tin g
E ditor H erald : There was so
incch misrepresentation at our late
spi cial school meeting, and so much
misunderstanding resulting there­
from, that it certainly would be
well for all parties to first consider
all sides of the question carefully,
deliberately and dispassionately,
hi fore passing judgment.
this is what should have been done
at the school meeting. And this is
what the majority of the people
here would have done had they
In on let alone. A t least ninety-five
per cent of the people who were at
tho school meeting came there for
the purpose and with the intention
of giving tach and every proposi­
tion a fair and impartial considers
lion, and then voting for what they
dnemed best for the whole district
Ninety-five per cent of the people
believe in a fair, just and dispas­
sionate consideration of any ques­
tion before they pass upon it. And
they came to this school meeting
with that end in view, and no doubt
would have proceeded accordingly
had they been permitted to do eo.
But it was very evident from the
start that some three or four per­
sona were there for the purpose,and
only for the purpose of fiilibuster-
ing and bulldozing the decent and
deliberate ninety-five per cent of
the voters present, and for the
further purpose of preventing a
calm, dispassionate and sensible
consideration of any question. They
even refused to permit the majority
to consider the necessary repairs
upon the building we now have.
The roof leaks like a sieve, the
guttering and down spouting is all
rusted out, the furnacee need re­
pairing, and the entire building
needs painting, and needs it badly.
Bat the few filibustering bulldozers
said we had no right to consider
anything at this meeting except the
options on the tracts of land, and
they forced an adjournment. They
had better look up the law. They
even tried to bulldoze the chair­
man, but the chairman, like the lion
in Aesop’s fables, bad heard the
bray of the jackass in the mountain
years before, consequently he was
neither alarmed, discomfitted nor
disturbed by the Magpie imitations
he heard at this school meeting.
And had he not been required to
act as chairman, nothing would
havo given him greater pleasure
than to have taken the floor and
discussed with these bulldozers, the
various propositions before the
meeting. And especially go since
they scented to have it in for the
Board of Directors.
have made the chairman happier
than an angel of Paradise to have
taken a shot at them and their
bulldozing tactics.
In order to get Ihis matter squnre-
ly before the people, let us first con-
aider WHY this special school meet­
ing was called, and WHO requested
that it be called.
A t tho annual school meeting a
year ago, the people voted unani­
mously for the Board of Directors
to look out for a tract or tracts of
land of three or four acres for
school purposes, to be voted upon
by the people at the annual school
meeting this yoar, and the very
tracts presented at this special meet­
ing were all spokeu o f at that time.
But Mr. Knowlton being opposed
to the entiro proposition, and being
chairman of the board, the people's
request of last year was ignored.
At the last annual meeting the
people lignin voted unanimously,
requesting the board of directors to
secure options on a tract or tracts
oi land of not leas tban three acres
for school purposes, and submit the
same to the voters of the district to
be by them voted upon on July 12,
individual member of tho hoard.
And whoever states that wo had,
simply states a falsehood. I here
tske up the cudgel of defense for
tho school board collectively and
individually, and challenge any per­
son who makes such a charge
against the school board, to meet
me in public debate and discuss
their imaginary scheme.
persons, whoever they may he, can
congregate in little knots in storea
or on street corners, and make such
infamous charges against the School
Board, but not one of them dare to
make such a charge on a public
rostrum and meet ms in open de­
bate in support of their charge.
Clyde did not tell me who they
were, and I dont’t care who they
were. But in the language of Bob
Ingersoll to the man in Cleveland,
Ohio.I say to them,“ Now,either put
up on this charge, or shut up about
it.” The School Board did in this
matter, just what they were re­
quested to do by the unanimous
vote of the people. They secured
these options and presented them
to the people for their considera­
Now, what was the next step,
and the only
proper step to be
taken in the further proceedings?
Certainly it was for the people to
consider these various options care­
fully, deliberately and impartially,
like calm, sensible business men.
Discussing and
considering the
relative merits and demerits of
each tract without prejudice or
partiality. Then they could have
voted intelligently
either for or
against any one of the options, or
rgainst all of them as they thought
best. The people owed at least
this much to the Board of Directors,
for this one reason, if for no other,
and that is, that the Board obtained
these options and presented them
under the direction and at the un­
animous request
of the people
themselves, so expressed at the an-
ual school meeting. Hence, in­
stead of refusing to condsider them
they should have deliberated upon
them, and if for any reason they
were not satisfactoiy, they could
have voted them down. And I am
well satisfied that ninety-five per
cent of the people at the meeting
were there for that lair, just and
honorable purpose and for no other.
But from the very opening of the
meeting it was selfevident that at
least three or four were there for
the sole purpose of befoging every
proposition and preventing any
fair, just, or business like consider­
ation of any of the options present­
ed, and of any of the other busi.
ness properly before the meeting.
And their actions further showed
that they were determined to pre­
vent even any fair and intelligent
expression of opinion regarding
any part of the business properly
and legally before the meeting.
There is not one case out of a
thousand where the mass of the
people are not willing and in favor
of taking up a proposition and
considering it fairly and justly.
And they would have done bo in
this case bad they been let alone,
for the mass of the people of Co-
quille are aB intelligent and as
fair-minded as are the people of
any other section of our country.
But the gang were like the Irish­
man in court, a fair, just and in­
telligent consideration of the vari­
ous matters before the meeting was
exactly what they were afraid of,
hence their filibustering.
A number of statements were
made evidently for tho sole pur­
pose of prejudicing the voters.
And among them Mr. Knowlton
stated that he had understood that
we were intending to secure a tract
of land and then move the present
building upon it. Now Mr Knowl­
ton knew when he made that state­
ment that every member of the pres­
ent Board would fight to the last
ditch, the proposition o f moving
the present building. Neither one
of us would consent to any such
thing. On the other hand, our
idea is to retain and maintain the
present building just where it is,
and to improve both tho building
and the grounds. W e consider
the very idea of moving that build­
ing away as absurd. Mr. Know l­
ton must have boon having ‘‘pipe
dreams.” Further than this, Mr.
Knowlton knew also, and it has
been generally known and talked
in the district, that the chief pur-
posps of purchasing another trwi-t
L a s t S u n d ay’s B ase B all
Allen & Noah
That the new arrangement of the
league schedule, caused by the defec­
tion o f North Bend, in which double
headers are the order of the day from
henceforth to the end of the season,
was the delectable dish that the fans
hung'-red after found endorsement to
in trie two bum|>er crowds in atten­
dance at both games Sunday. Even the All kinds of Repairing, Logging
most ravenous had the call for more
and Carriage Work.
on his tongue, an unfailing sign that
the double header attraction is a popu­
lar drawing card.
The morning game was won by Myr­
tle Point to the tune of 9 to 7. It was
the first “ curtain raiser,” and before
many innings had passed, the farce
comedy Muse claimed it as its own. i
The immortal Bard Shakespeare would
bewail the slaughter of his “ comedy of
errors," for such was the exhibition,
the elusive sphere being as hard to hold
as the proverbial slippery pig. C o -!
quille started out with a lead o f three ;
runs, with Kelly steering the ship from j
the pilot house, with all signs of fine !
weather reported by his crew. Sud-! being imbued with the spirit o f “ let
denly the enemy were spied in the o f - ; me get at him. ”
fing, and after a severe cannonading in \ “ War Horse Nick” pulled off a play
the fifth, in which the good ship Co- j in yesterday morning's game that was
quille seemed to founder, the Myrtle j real inside ball, and'showed his “ in-the
Pointers log book read 7 to 4 in their j gameness.” With c nan on first Nick
favor. In the seventh the home boys shot the ball hit to him to Porter, .
made a desperate Paul Jones struggle, forcing the runner, executing a Hal
tieing the score, ’at which jnneture Chase play. Kelly shook his hand in
Kelly retired in favor c f Gunner Gard­ commendation on the play.
ner. Captain Folsom set off the sub­ liner to McDonald at short, with the
marine mine that sank the ship with a
double to left, driving in two ahead of tard,” as it would have broken up the
him to bear the news o f victory and party if it got by.
prepare the goat feast.
Chappie’ s fielding in the morning
game was gilt-edged. He is a hard
The afternoon game, which was worker and always in the game. The
played between Coquille and Marsh­ “ Terrible Swede1’ in left field for the
field was interesting throughout, even Butchers, nailed Chappie’s line drive,
though Coquille
foquiile had the “ edge
_ " o n the which was labeled “ homer.”
Hereafter no borrowing of players
game, grabbing
grabbf _ the lead and main-
taining it. The fans were kept on the will be permitted. Keep the teams in-
tip-toe of expectancy, for the “ Butch­ tact. Coquille will not countenance the
ers” were always dangerous, populating “ borrowing habit.”
the sacks in almost every inning after
The schedule calls for a double head­
the third. A feature worthy o f note er next Sunday at Marshfield. Come
was Bub's disposal of the first eight out all ye fans with a strong front, to
men that faced him via the water cheer the boys on to victory. Be sure
bucket route. All his packages bore and be aboard the train on Sunday. I
the C. O. D. sign to Flanagan, the love my wife, but oh you ball game.
wiley batsmen being unable to unravel Let us outdo the Marshfield rooters
his mystic shoots. Bub was steady in that accompanied their team last Sun­
the pinches, and'bunched hits was not day.
Our slogan —“ Get Behind the
Marshfield's middle name, for there Boys. ”
were many exiles left on the bases.
Coquille deserved the victory, as
they played steadier ball, excelling at
the bat and taking advantage on the
paths. Their superior team work, es­ Coquille
pecially the hit-and-run, opened the Marshfield
door for them in the coveted run col­
Myrtle Point 5
Marshfield’s new lineup is formidable,
and our boys have to work to defeat
them. Some good hitters are in the Flanagan.....
.... 476
ranks, and when both teams hook up
again, a battle royal is on the boards.
.... 296
K e lly ..........- . . . . .
.... 291
Earned runs, Coquille 5, Marshfield Johnson........
.... 250
3; First on Balls, off Gardiner 3, Sax­ Potterfield ....
ton 0; L e ft on Bases, Coquille 10, Howell..........
Marshfield 8; First Base on Errors, Co­ Lorenz..........
quille 3, Marshfield 3; Two Base Hits, Chapman......
Flanagan, Johnson and Troch; Struck
Out, by Gardiner 15, Saxton 2; Double
Plays, Port to Wick to Flanagan, Mc­
Donald to Troch to Baker; Passed Balls,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Flanagan 2, Troch 1; Hit by Pitcher, Oregon in and for Coos County.
Lorenz, Kelley and Porterfield.
J. C. Gardner, Plaintiff
C oquille
Lorenz, lb ............ . 3 0 0 0 5 i 0 Minnie A. Gardner, Defendant.
Gardiner, p........ . 5 3 1 0 0 3 0
To Minnie A. Gardner, the above
Howell, r f ......... . 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 named defendant, in the name of the
Kelly, 2b............. . 4 1 0 0 I 0 0 State of Oregon, you are hereby required
Porter, ss............ . 4 1 1 0 2 2 1 to appear and answer or otherwise plead
Johnson, 3b........ . 5 0 1 0 2 1 1 to the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled cause and court on or be­
Collier, c f ............ . 4 1 2 1 0 0 1 fore the 18th day of August A. D. 1909,
Figer, r f ............ . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 and if you fail to so appear, answer or
Chappy, I f.......... . 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 otherwise plead herein the plaintiff will
Flanagan c ........ 5 1 2 0 16 1 2 apply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in his Complaint to-wit: For abso­
Total ........... .33 8 9 1 26 8 5 lute divorce from you on the grounds of
cruel and inhuman treatment and per­
AB R lß SH PO A E sonal indignities rendering lile burden­
M yrsh field
Baker, p l b ....... r, 2 1 0 1 i i some, and for general relief.
Johnson, lb ........ . 3 2 1 0 5 i 2
This summons is published by order
Hall, Judge of the
Troch, c ............... 5 1 2 0 4 0 0 of Honorable John
Thompson, r f ss. . 5 1 0 0 1 i 0 County Court of Coos Cotmtv, Oregon,
made and entered on June 3ott>, 1909,
McCutcheon, 3b.... . 5 0 1 0 4 i 2 and providing that this summons should
McDonald, ss 2b. . 4 0 0 0 2 i 2 he published in the Coqcn.i.K H ehai . d
Cowan, c f ............ 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 for a period of not less than six consecu
Lewis, r f ............ . 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 live weeks beginning with the issue of
June 30, 1909, and terminating with the
Saxton, p i f ....... 4 0 0 0 0 3 1
issue of August 18, 1909.
Total............ .38 6 5 0 24 8 9
Attorney for Plaintiff.
General Blacksmith»
and Horseshoeing....
Full Line
Fine Toilet Soaps at
fi n o w 1 1 o n ’ s
of land was, First, that we really
need a larger tract in order to have
the children;
Secondly, that it should be secured
now, while we can have a choice of
good tracts naturally adapted to
school purposes. And it was the
consensus of opiuion clearly and
unanimously expressed at both our
last annual meetings that it was
best to secure a tract at the present
time and before all the most avail­
able tracts were taken and built
Another statement
made to prejudice the voters, was
iu regard to the price. Some said
that a thousand dollars per acre
was too much, and yet they admit­
ted that they had paid a thousand
dollurs for a fraction over an acre
twelve years ago, when land could
be bought all round here at from
forty to fifty dollars per acre. And
land ie much higher d o w tban it
was then. And yet some attempt
to raise a howl about paying ever
as much as they paid twelve years
ago. Town lots that were selling
for $150 to $250 when I came here
less than four years ago even, are
now selling at from $250 to $500.
And yet at that time, twelve yenrs
ago, they paid a thousand dollars
for a fraction over an acre. And
what kind of an acre? An acre of
on abandoned graveyard, where—
All Work Guaranteed
Second St., Rose Building
In the Circuit Court of the State otOre­ In the County Court ol the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Coos.
gon, in and for the County of Coos.
Ill the matter ot the estate ol Henry E.
Lillian Curran, Plainlif),
Gouthier, deceased.
Horace A. Curran, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
To Horace A. Curran, the above named dersigned nas lieen, tiy John F. Hail,
Judge of the County Court ot Coos
In the name ol the state of Oregon, County, Mate ot Oregon, appointed ad­
you are hereby requip d to appear and ministrator ot the estate ot Henry E.
aiiawer the complaint filed against you Gouthier, deceased. All persona hav­
ill the above entitled »nit on or before ing claims against said deceased, are
the 9lh day of i-eptemlier, 1909, the heieby notified to present said claims,
sauie being six weeks after date of the properly verified, to the undersigned, at
first publication of this summon«, to- the law'office of R. H. Smith, in the
wit: The 21st day ol July, 1909, and if City of Coquille, Cooa Countv, Oregon,
vox fail to appear or answer on or within six months from the date of the
before the fltli day ot September, 1909, first publication of this notice.
First , publication
of this notice is
tin-same being the last day prescribed
in.tlie order ol publication, juitgment | dated July 14tm 1909
S tephen A. G outhier ,
will be taken against you lor want
Administrator of the estate ol Henry
thereof amt the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded here­ E. Gouthier, deceased.
in, a succinct statement of which is as
1. That the marriage contract now In the County Court of the State of
existing between you and the plaintiff
Oregon, for the County of Coos.
be diesi Ived and held for naught.
In the matter ol the estate of James E.
2. That plaintiff’s name be changed,
Campbell, deceased.
and that she may resume her maiden
Notice ie hereby given that the under­
name, Lillian Wilson.
3. That plaintiff have judgment for signed has been, by John F. Hall,
her costs and disbursements herein, ami Judge of the County Court of Cooa
for such other and further relict as shall County, State of Oregon, appointed ad­
seem meet and equitable to this Court. ministrator of the estate of James E.
Service of this summons is made on Campbell, deceased. All persons hav­
you by publication in pursuance of an ing claims against said deceased, are
order made by the Hon. John S. Coke, hereby notified to present said claims,
Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos properly verified, to die undersigned, at
County, Oregon, dated the 14th day of tiie law office ol U. H. Smith, in the
July, 1909, directing publication of sum­ City ol Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
mons to he made in the H erald , a within six months from the date of the
weekly newspaper printed and pub- first publication of this notice.
First publication of this notice is
lished’ at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
and directing that said summons be fated July 14th. 1909.
A mos R a in e s ,
published once a week for six successive
Administrator of the estate of Janies
weeks; that the first publication of said
summons be made on the 21st day of E. Campbell, deceased.
Jul.v ' I9U».
K. H. S m ith ,
J ohn F. H all ,
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
J ames T. H all ,
will be received for the improvement
Attorneys for Plaintiff. anil construction ol a portion of the
County Road in Road District No. 19,
Coos County, Oregon, known as the
Bandon Bear Creek Road, according to
Proposed Improvement of First Street.
Notice is hereby given that the com­ tiie specifications on file w ith theCounty
of Coos County, Oregon, and a
mon council of the city of Coquille,
Oregon.propose to improve First street, copy of such specifications in the hands
original town of Coquille city, from the of S. J. Culver, Special Road Master of
east line of “ O” street to a |>oint which R. D. No. 19.
Five per cent of amount of bid to be
is 502.5 feet east of said east line of “ C "
street, by planking the roadway full deposited with the County Clerk with
width, all plank covering to he 4 inches bid and all bids to he tiled with the
thick, not less than 8 nor more than 12 County Clerk ol Coos County, Oregon,
inches wide, laid on stringers 4x8 inches on or before the 28th day of July A. D.
and securely spiked, said stringers to 1909, at 10 o’clock A. M.
The Comity Court reserves the right
he bedded into Hie ground except at
the east and west ends of said First to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 12th day of July A. D.
street, where the stringers shall he sup­
ported on a timber tressle.
Said improvement to tie made in con­
Special Road Master of R. D. No. 19.
formity to the charter, ordinances and
regulations of the common council and
the plans and specifications of the City
Engineer, filed in the office of tiie City
Notice is hereby given that sealed
Recorder of Coquille.
bids will be received for the improve­
Remonstrances against the above im­ ment and construction o f a portion of
provement may he filed w ith the under­ the County Road in Road District No.
signed within t en h a y s after notice is 19, Coos County, Oregon, known as the
first given of the proposed improvement. “ Bandon Dairyville Road” from John­
By order of the common council.
son Creek Southward, according to the
Dated at Coquille. Oregon, July 14, specifications on file with the County
Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, and a
E. G. D. H olden ,
copy of such specifications in the hands
City Recorder, o f S. J. Culver, Special Road Master
o f R. D. No. 19.
Five per cent of amount o f bid to be
“ The grave doth
gape, and doting
Proposed Improvement of Hall Street. deposited with the County Clerk with
death is near.
Notice is hereby given that at the bid and all bids to be filed with the
meeting of the common council of the County Clerk o f Coos County. Oregon,
No noise, but silence and eternal
city of Coquille, Oregon, held on the on or before the 28th day of July A. D.
6th day of July, 1909, an order was 1909, at 10 o’clock A . M..
Then, Timon, presently prepare thy
The County Court reserved the right
made that notice be given that the com­
mon council of the city of Coquille, Ore' to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 12th day o f July A. D.
Lie, where the light foam ol the sea
from the north line of Second street, 1909.
may beat
Elliot’s Addition to the north line of
S. J. C ulver .
Thy grave-stone daily.
lot eleven (11; in block fourteen (14) in
Special Road Master o f R. D. No. 19.
said addition.
And let my grave-stone be your
Said improvement to be made in
conformity to the charter, ordinances NOTICE OF S A L E OF R E A L ESTATE
Yea verily, be ye as an oracle of
and regulations of the city of Coquille
In the County Court of the State of
and the petitions filed in the office of
wisdom unto the little children.
the City Recorder, on the 6th day of Oregon for the County of Coos.
Selab! A thousand dollars, twelve
July, 1909, to which reference is hereby In the Matter of tliel
made for a more complete description of Estate of Joseph D. j-
years ago, for an acre of deserted
the kind of improvement contemplated. Hudson. Deceased. )
grave-yard! Where, at midnight—
Remonstrance l against , tiie . above im
Notice is hereby given that I, the un-
provement may be filed with the un- dersigned, duly appointed and quali-
The restless spirits of the illustrious
dersigned within ten d ays after notice | g e,j Administratrix of said estate, will,
is first given of the proposed improve­ by virtue of an order issued out of the
said county court on June 12th,
Go walking, with an eternal tread;
By order of the common council.
John F. Hall, County Judge of Coos
And the resounding echoes of their
Dated at Coquille Oregon, Julv 14, County, Oregon, sell, on August 15th,
mystic songs
1909, at private sale, at the Law Office
E. G. D. H olden ,
Strike chills to the bravest as they
ot R. H. Smith, in the City of Coquille,
Oregon, for cash, the following de­
pass along.
scribed real estate belonging to said
Flanagan and Porterfield, like the
Yea verily, ye little school chil­
estate, Viz:
offerings o f a southpaw—both of them
dren listen!
Lot 3 in block 64 in Notley’s Addi­
Notice is hereby given that Elizabeth
In the County Court of the State of Or Danielson lias been appointed executrix tion to the town of Coquille City in the
Aye, listen closely!
egon. in and for the County of Coos.
of the estate of 8. Danielson, deceased ; ! county of Coos, State of Oregon,
Dated this 15th day of June,1909.
and all persons having claims against
In the matter of the Estate of
Can ye not hoar, the inutile I echo of
M ahgarkt A. H udson
said estate are required to present them
A LF R E D N. OGDE, Deceased.
their silent tread?
Administratrix of the estate of
to the undersigned, properly verified,
To Bertha M. Ogle, Alfred L. Ogle, I together with the vouchers therefor, at Joseph D. Hudson, deceased.
And the distant music of their songs
and to Patrick J. W elch your guardian,
A j . Sherwood at Coquille,
o’er head ?
and to all others interested, ,f any there
Collnt Oregon, withln flix month.
A pleasing pastime of these illustrious
be. greeting
from the ante of this notice.
County Court of the State of
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Dated this 21st dav of July, A. D. 1909.
you, and each of you, are hereby cited
Oregon for Coos County.
While thesclusrl of the living stands
and required to appear in the County
o'er their lied.
Executrix. In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred N.
Court of the State of Oregon, for tliel
Ogle, Deceased.
A thousand dollars for an acre
Notice is hereby given that the un­
of, at Coquille, in said County of Coos
dersigned has been by the County
of deserted grave yard! Land that
and state of Oregon, on the 7th »lav of
Notice is hereby given that the under­ Court of Coos County, State of Oregon,
Septemlier. A- D. 1909, at the hour of 10
no ono would have for a dwelling
appointed Administrator of the es­
o’clock in the forenoon of said day, then signed, executrix of the Estate of Sarah
tate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased.
house, or for any other purpose ex­
and there to show cause, if any exists, Haughton, deceased, has filed in the All persons iiaving claims against said
why an order of sale should not be made County Court of Coos County, Oregon,
cept as a grave-yard! But good
as prayed for in the petition of John T. lus final report and account in the mat­ deceased, are hereby required to pre­
sent them, properly verified, to the
enough for the darling little schiol
Long, administrator of the estate of Al­ ter of said estate, and the Judge of said undersigned at
fred N. Ogle, deceased for an order to j court has set Thursday, the 19th day of
within six months from the date of the
sell the real property belonging to said I August, A. D. 1909, as the day, and the
first publication of this notice.
It was a most touching, beautiful
estate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased,to-witCourt House at Coquille, Coos County,
First publication of this notice is
The North-east quarter of Section i Oregon, as the place for hearing objec-
and aesthetic arrangement, and the
dated the 12th dav of June. 1909.
thirty-two, Township twentv-ftre, South I tions to said final account and for the
school yard certainly looks like a
of Range ten (10), West of the Wiliam- ' —4
41— ~*'4 of - said
« gi ««■»■*»«
Administrator of the Estate of Alfred
ette Maridian, in Coos County, Oregon.
or G old­
N. Ogle, Deceased.
Witness the Hon. John F. Hall, Judge I
smith's deserted village. Evidently
of the County Court of County of Coos I
Price of Preferred Stock of the all things are in keeping and ac.
i and State of Oregon, with the seal of j
said court affixed, this 16th day of July,
United W ireless Telegraph
cord. Selab!
A. D. 1909.
I t reminds one of an epitaph in \
County Clerk.
an old English grave-vard near
Note the stead/ and rapid ad­
London, which read« as follows:—
vance in the price of stock since
the organization of the Company. “ Here lies the body of Andrew Lear,
The Baxter
he Arvon is not so ex- j
treme in its Style as the
Whose mouth did resell (rom ear to
College Chan Suit, and
is intended for the man
Reader, tread lightly o'er his head.
For if he gapes, by Jove you're dead.” I whose tastes in dress are
So to nil fond and doting Mam­ somewhat conservative.
mas we would say, that if, at the
But as we sell only the
per share
February 23, 1907..........$10.00
September 1, 1907 ................11.00
October 1, 1907,....................... 12.50
November 10, 1907
1 4.00
January 1, 1908
The school board proceeded at March 1, 1908 .........
close of any dark and dismal school
1 7 B 0
once to do just what the people re­ Juno 1, 1908
day some of your darling little tots
quested them to do, and they did '
October 1, 1908....................... 20.00 are missing, just renumber that in
that and nothing more. And right
December 15, 1908
all probability Lear has gaped.
here I desire to call attention to a 1 February 15, 1909
And dou't forgi t ti nt it was a
matter that Mr. Clyde Gage put me May 1 ,1 9 0 ».........
thousand dollars for an acre of
onto, and that is, that rome persons
The price will remain at 130.00
desei Ini grave.y ird. L-*nd abso­
said we had a scheme up, and quite for a short time only. It'» a chance i
lutely valueless f r anv ether living
a few clsiined to be onto the scheme.
purpose, exL'ipt lor a loxriy, U aut-
ment and large profits.
In reply to this I will say that the
iful and aesth. tic s, h> ol giouml
O. L. Hopson, Fiscal Agent
for innocent, confiding children
board had no scheme up, nor have
Coos and Curry Counties. Rox 323 Yea verily, they say anv thing is
they ever considered any scheme,
good enough foi li.ei.i
S. iah!
or even thought of one, nor has any ^
Office in the "C h a n d le r"
T he C hsirmah .
of Brandegee, Kincaid & Co.
you will find the Arvon fully
as up to date in its style as
any of them. The materials
and making are the best, and
the prices, as always, are
very modest.
T ry The
Next Door to fierseys Store
J. H. SLAGLE, Prop
BAXTER BROS, Proprietors.
The Hotel formerly known as the Hotel Coquille.
New ly Furnished, Painted and Papered Throughout.
Special Attention Paid to the
Traveling Public.
A t Low Prices
Give Us a Trial and we will Treat
You Right.