Squille îicMà o l . 26: No. 26. $1.50 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1909. P er Y e a r E n te re d a» second-class m a tte r May 8, 1905, a t th e postoffice a t Coquille, Oreiron, un d er act of Congress of March 3,1879. DR. R. S. DeArmond Woodmen Of The World PH Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON. Office a t Slocum ’s Drug Store. Coquiu.«, O hkoon . Will Have Big Time in Coos County. Coquille; the Hub City Will Furnish 50 of the 300 Candidates. Offioa Pbone M ain 211. A. F. Klrshman, D e n t is t . Offloo two doors South of Post office. C oquille . - . Oregon. --------- 1 ----------------- I ____ _ 1 I_____ Dr. C. W. Endicott D bn tist Office on F ro n t Street Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon I r TOLLMAN P h o to g ra p h e r Residence Studio. I __________ !___ E. D , SPERRY A ttorney and Connoellor a t Law. Office in Robinson Building I_____________ I W. C . CHASE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offlo in Robinson Building, U pstairs The greatest fraternal time in the history of South-western Ore­ gon will take place in Coos county the first week in October, at this time the Head of the Order, Head Consul I. I. Boak will be the guest of the camps, this will be the first visit of a National Officer of a fra­ ternal Order to our county and the five camps of Coos and the four camps of Curry county with their 700 members will make the forest riirg with their welcome. A steam­ er will be chartered to bring the crowd from the outside cities, many prominent Woodmen from Oregon and Washington will visit Coos county, every city in Coos county will dress in her best aud show the many visitors what a great countv they have in old Coos. Coquille the Hub City of Coos couuty has launched a red hot campaigu for 5O new members, and will work under a special dispensation, new members will be admitted tor $3.00 covering all costs of joining during the campaign. J. P. Smith Organizer for this district will help secure the big ol Oregon, the largest Order in 65— Webfoot, Portland, Ore. 1206 Coos county, and the largest Order 63— La Fiesta, Los Angeles, in Coquille. The Woodmen of the California...................... 2204 World is the Order that places a 99— Spokane, Spokane, Wash 1115 monument over the graves of its 460— Bakersfield, Bakersfield deceased members aud is well nam­ California...................... 1026 j ed the Order that does things, Hie 2— Pueblo, Pueblo, Colo.... 1005 giant of the west. 13,803 Every city in the county will have large banners accross their United States Senators and Con- j streets a welcome to the visitors. Excursions will be run on all boats gressmen who belong to the Wood-j and on the railroad, and hundreds men of the World. ( U n it e d S tates S e n a t o r s ) will take in the entertainments and Chamberlain, Geo, Oregon. clam bakes and barbecues it will be Dixon, Joseph M, Montana. a gala time from start to finish. J Byrd, Adam M., Mississippi. Collier, J. M., Mississippi. Cole, Ralph D., Ohio. Cox, William E , Indiana. Davenport, James S., Oklahoma. Favrot, George K . Louisiana. French, Burton L , Idaho. Garner, John N., Texas. Glass, Carter, Virginia. Gregg, Alexander W., Texas. Gronna, Asle J., North Dakota. Haggott, Warren A., Colorado. Hamilton, Daniel W., Iowa. Hawley, Willis C., Oregon. Haugen, Gilbert N., Iowa. Henry, Robert L. Texas. Pendleton No. 4 i Pendleton.. Prospect No. 140 Portland..... Willamette Falls No. 148 Ore­ gon C ity ........................... Eugene No. 115 Eugene........ Queen City No. 48 Baker City Oak No. 125 Roseburg.......... McMinville No. 128 McMIn- ville.................................. Coos Bay No. 196 Marshfield Geo Washington No 261 Port­ land................................... Pine No. 198 Silverton.......... Douglas No. 258 Oakland...... Sunnyside No. 319 Portland. Prosperity No. 396 Portland 430 lowed to become delinquent. 403 The Woodmen of the World was the first Order to render assistance 35O to the sufferers at Galveston, Hep- 330 i pner, and San Francisco. 300 The W. O. W. is a reserve fund 226 Order, not investment— not bank­ ing— not speculation—just pure, 223 simple, plain, economical, safe and 221 sound protection to those who must need it. No graft, frenzied finance, 221 or contributions to political parties, 21O but honest, capable,careful manage­ 2OO ment, assuring permanency with 2OO rapid and continued growth. 2OO FRATERNITY. The W. O. W., through its chan­ nels of organized benevolence, is building homes for the poor and unfortunate— is paying off mort­ gages— feeding, clothing and edu­ cating tens of thousands of children — helping the widow and making lighter the burdens of old age. Man, through the instincts im­ planted in his breast, fraternalizes naturally. It is a law of nature that like attracts like— fraternal men are attracted to a trulv frater­ nal order, hence the fraternal and C. R. BARROW Attorney and Counsellor a t Law Firat-olasa References F ifteen Years’ Experience C o q u ille C i t y , O re • J. J STANLEY LA W Y ER Martin Building • F ront Street COQUILLK, O h EQOK A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney - at -L aw , N otary P ublio , C oquille, : : Oregon Hon. I. I. Boak, Head Consul. class for the camps of the coun ty, the initiatory work of the Order A ttorney - at -L aw . will be put on by Head Camp of­ ficers assisted by a team of 30 men N otary P ublic , fronr Portland. General Organizer Coquille, : : Oregon. Frank B. Ticlietior will be with the camps during the month of August, he will also put the name ol Coos Hall & Hall, county in the homes of one million ATTORNKYS-AT L*W, people of the United States and Dealer in R a il. E stats of all k inds. Canada. The Woodmen of the M arshfield, Oregon. World is the Order that does things, ___ ]______________I____ and they will leave nothing un­ done in order to make this mam­ E. G. D. Holden moth log tolling the greatest event L awyer , of its kind in the history of this J u s t ic e o f th e P each U. 8. Commissioner, Q enersl Inaurano«- section of the stale, every town in A gent, and N otary P nblio. Offioe the county will have a good live in Robinson B uilding. committee and they will have the C oquille regon. support of every business man in the county as well as the press, never before has this county had List Your Property With such a chance to advertise its won­ ders, and show its beauty to so STUTSMAN & COMPANY many strangers at one time. REAL ESTATE The Woodmen of the World is Office F ro n t S t., Opp. Hotel Coquille the largest reserve collecting Order CLAUD STUTSMAN, Mgr. in America, the largest Order in the COQUILLE, - OREGON west, the largest Order in the state Walter Sinclair, Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfg.Co. Incorporated. M a n u fa c tu re rs of The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. 621 Thurman Street r eg o n . Frank B. Tichenor General Organizer. Candidates Join Now social strength ot the Woodmen oi the World. BUSINESS, McLaurin, Anselm J. Mississippi. Every band of music in the coun­ Hemenway, James A., Indiana. ty will be secured for the big time. Piles, Samuel H., Washington. Committees have been appointed Representatives— as follows: Coquille— S. L. Curry, Wm. Aiken, Wyatt, South Carolina. Neathery, Chas. Strang, C. O. Dry- Beall, Jack, Texas. den and Geo. Gilman. Bell, Thomas M., Georgia. Marshfield— W. U. Douglas, F. Bonynge, Robert W., Colorado. P. Norton. W. P. Murphy, F. E. Allen and F. 8. Dow. North Bend— J. D. Stewart, H. A. Hanis, G. E. Mickey and C. D. Stewart. Myrtle Point— E. Schneider, N. O. W. Perkins and W. E. Lewellen. Bandon— A. McNair, E. W. Rossiter, R. L. Gimlin, R. W. Bul­ lard, C. H. Lewis, J. N. Hasking, and B. P. Hoxie. The ten largest camps of the Woodmen of the World in the west and their membership. Any mother who has had ex- VH . M H H 7 No. Camp No. members 64— Golden Gate, San Fran­ cisco, Cal......................... 2037 1— Denver, Denver, Colo.... I939 child is done nursing. Wipe it off 66— Seattle, Seattle, Wash.... I747 with a soft cloth before allowing 77— Multnomah, Portland, the babe to nurse. Many trained , Oregon............................ 1992 nurses use this salve with best re-1 ult. For sale by R S Knowlton Hon. John Pattison, Head Manager 286— Horae, Seattle, Wash.... 1226 Hon. W - C . Hawley, Head Man. P ortland , O October Coos County Coquille The Hub City Coming Head Consul 1. I. B:>ak The Greatest Fraternalist of the United States Hill, Wilson S., Mississippi. Johnson, Joseph T., 8. C. Kahn, Julius, California. Knowland, Joseph R., California. Landis, Charles B.. Indiana. McLachian, James, California. Macon, Robert B., Arkansas. Madden, Martin B., Illinois. Murdock, Victor, Kansas. Randell, Choice B., Texas. Russell, Gordon, Texas. Sheppard, Mortis, Texas. Scott, Charles F., Kansas. Slayden, James L., Texas. Smith, Sylvester C., California. Smith, William It., Texas. Taylor, Edward L., Jr., Ohio. Thistlewood, Napoleon B., 111. Vilstead, Andrew J-, Minnesota. Wallace, Robert M., Arkansas. Wilson, William W., Illinois. Webb, Edwin Y., North Carolina. O regon ' s laroe campa , This is what it will cost you to carry insurance in the Woodmen of the World. A ges Inclusive 18J to 22 23 [to ” 25 26 to 29 30 to [31 32 [ to , 33 34 .to 35 A m * 36 137 38 [ t o : 40 1 41 12 43 44 45 to 46 47 48 49 50 . $1000 $2000 70 75 80 85 90 95 1 00 1 05 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 30 1 35 1 40 1 45 1150 I 60 1 65 1 35 1 45 1 60 t 70 1 80 1 90 2 05 2 15 2 25 2 35 2:50 2 60 2 70 2J80 2 95 3 05 3 15 3 25 $3000 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 The first duty of a fraternal bene­ fit society is to insure its own life. It is then in position to insure or protect the lives of individuals. This can only be done by adopting sound business methods and charg­ ing a rate adequate, or in porpor- tion to promised benefits. A Re­ serve Fund for the inevitable rainy day is an absolute necessity. Orders without it cannot survive beyond a reasonable period of years. It you think you can get some­ thing for nothing, and keep it up, you are sure to be fooled. If you do not pay for It, the other fellow must. You cannot pay a dollar debt with "six bits” , neither can a man do an automobile job with a wheel­ barrow. Life insurance is a mathematical problem— the science of dollars and cents applied to life expectany. 05 20 35 55 70 85 (CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE.) 05 20 40 55 70 90 05 20 40 55 75 90 Assessments are payable each month and th e ra te s are based u upon age _ at n e are st birthday a t tim e o f application, except th a t the ra te a t age 01 60 a p ­ plies only to the last six m onths ceding 50th anniversary o f birthday. Camp No. members. The Woodmen of the World ia Multnomah No. 77 Portland 2344 Webfoot No. 65 Portland,... .. 12O6 19 years old and has paid to its Portland No. 1O7 Portland.... 57O beneficial ies $30,000,000. Salem No. 118 Salem.............. 55O Sick and disabled members are Albina No. 191 Portland....... 510 kept in good standing and|not al- 1 J. P. Smith, Special Organizer # *» V