Gus Schroeder was down from L. D. Smith was over from the J. M. Bright was down from Bay side on Monday. Gravel Ford yesterday and made Arago yesterday. Ed ScrautoQ was in town Satur­ The steamers Bandon and Eliz­ Children’s shoes with heels at our office a .pleasant call. day. Robinson’s. Wes Gilman caine up from the abeth sailed from Bandon for San New lot of Cluett shirts at Robin­ J. E. Conger, of Riverton, was lower river the last of the week and Francisco Monday evening. The son's. Fifield is due. will reside at Johnson's mill. in Coquille last Saturday. Mrs. Lilly was up from Bandon Amos Raines, of North Bend, was Registered Berkshire pigs for For good pasture inquire of W. on Monday. sale— both sex. J. C. Watson, Co­ in town yesterday on business con­ A. Goodman. Children's wash dresses at Rob­ quille. nected with the Campbell estate, of Tom Guerin, of Myrtle Point, inson’s. R. E Shine, vice president of the which he is administrator. R. M. Ilayter was down from went to Bandon Thursday. First National Bank of this city, Registered Durock Jersey pigs, Arago on Friday. Some good organs for sale at was over from Emjiire, last Friday. the kind that latten on clover, for Khaki cloth by the yard at Rob­ Goff , Rogue river valley, their home goods, at Robinson's. who has been in the Coos Bay Life month. Compensation moderate. ducted by Lee Roberts, has been before coining to this city twenty- While in Myrtle Point call on takeu over by Messrs A. L. Miller Saving station for some time, is odd years ago, where they expict —J. H. Bowen. Haines for iceiretm, candies, fire­ and W. D. Felton who will conduct nqw making a visit to bis many t ) locate again. L. B. Hollenbeck, of Bandon, friends in the Coquille valley. He works and cigars. Opposite Guer­ the same in the future. was in town Monday on his way made our office a pleasant call Mon­ in Hotel. Now is the time to have your out to the hot spring for rheuma­ There is no auction in town only windows and doors re screened. day. He is now at Bandon, but tism from which he has been suffer­ Quick & Curry has the galvanized will probably spend his 4th with the milk man’s tell, morning and ing for some time. screening. friends on the North Fork and at $20,000.00 buy s 180 acres all bot­ evening. tom with good buildings. A Bnap for the next thirty days Myrtle Point. Capt. M. P. Pendergrass, of Virgil Wilson arrived in town — a flee home on Fishtrap at $225 Marshfield, greeted many old-time Get your table legs turned at Friday and is enjoying a visit with per acre. For particulars address friends in Coquille on Thursday and Quick & Curry’s. They have some $4500 buys 45 acres improved friends and schoolmates. His father, ranch with buildings. Hard wood, R. F. D. No. I, Box 193, San Diego, Friday of last week. He paid Ban­ patterns already out. V. R. and family are now in Port­ C al, or Box 17, Coquille, Oregon. don a visit while over this way, $1 per set. $12.50 an acre buys a fine tract of land. W. W. Gage returned the middle There will be a sale of home bak­ looking after property interests. land 360 acres, 35 acres bot­ New line of white linens, butch­ o f last week from Roseburg whither tom balance grazing. W anted . — Cream in quanities de­ er, embroidery or round thread, ing by the Ladies of the M. E. India, fronting, flaxon, and hand­ Church, at Fuhrman’s D ru gstore livered to Marshfield depot. Cor- be had gone with several members of his family who were on their $800 buys an acre all in garden kerchief, also brown and blue in on Friday, July 2. Everybody thell’s Delicatessen. way to California for their health. bouse and barn. See us for dress linens at Robinson’s. come and get your Fourth of July bargains. Come in and see' Mr. and Mrs. R. R. PownJir will dinner. go to some point in the southern us and list your property Mesdames Rhinehart and Garby, G. R. HENSLEY part of the state and are accom­ with us. We will give and tbeir sister, Miss Pigg, and the panied by Mrs. Gage and Bonnie, a square deal. childern of the former, of Glenn's i | mother and sister of Mrs. Powndei, of a business education Ferry, Idaho, arrived here jester- j and Miss Gladys Gage, another day on their way to Bandon for a cannot be questioned. You can obtain this knowl­ visit with Mrs. Cora Stillwell, Delivered at Your Door daughter who will stop near Santa Ro3a with Mrs Ed Wilhoit another edge for a trifling sum, if another sister. COQUILLE, OREGON. Twice a Day DEAN HENSLEY, Proprietors. | sister. you take up the studies at Editor C. E. Kopf, of the Bandon ; LOCAL N E W S . « A » ****, Closed Out! Owing to a big increase in busi­ ness our present quarters have be­ come to small for us and we have leased the store room formerly oc­ cupied by W . T. Kerr & Co., in the Woodmen building and will move Our Dry Goods Department JULY 6, 1909. Where we will continue to give you bargains. W e take this opportunity to thank our many patrons old and new for their very liberal patron­ age and will assure them in the future that We Will Treat You Right. In our old stand we will carry a most up-to- date stock ot GROCERIES and will add a full line of FEED, ETC. W e are saving others money, let us save you. O. WILSON & CO. Ilig Bargain List. Milk, Cream, Butter and Eggs The Advantage | Neathery & Gregg once. The time to enroll in our school work is limited. If you expect to attend a commercial school, the op­ portunity is now present­ ed to you, to take up any o f the studies without the incidental expense o f leav­ ing home to do so. The enrollment of pupils will close July 15, 1909. ANDERSON’S B u s in e s s C o lle g e Recorder made our office a pleasant call while in town Saturday. He j came this far with a brother who had paid him a visit an 1 was on bis ; way to his home in Iowa. Mr Kopf was accompanied by bis estimable 1 wife. W. S. Jess and family who have been in San Francisco for several months for the benefit of Mrs. Jess’ health, returned yesterday, having come up on Monday’s Plant, and proceeded to their borne near Johnson's mill. Mrs. Jess is much improved. Having Bought cut Mr. Laffer- ty’s Milk Route, I am Prepared to Furnish Any of the Above at Reasonable Prices. Phone Main 283 And yourOrder will be Promptly Filled. 1. R. NOSLER Sunday morning at the First Methodist Church a special service during the regular preaching hour will be held for members of tbc 'Sabbath School. Mr. Feese will j illustrate his theme with all kinds of nails. A special Patriotic ad­ dress will be given at the evening service by the pastor. Patriotic j songs and hymns will be sung. Mrs. Gambell will sing “ Columbia the Gem of the Ocean’’ members of lo­ cal fraternal and patriotic orders are very cordially invited to attend the service. E. S. DEAN The Peo pie’s M arl [et & vi ■ O f! CALL ON D. L. Perkins and inspect the largest and most handsome line o f Gents’ Furnish­ ing Goods in the City. The Newest and most handsome thing in the City in BOOTS AND SHOES We have a nice line of Groceries. We sell as Cheap as the Cheapest We will Buy anything you have for Sale. We want your Vegetables, your Chickens your E ggs We Pay the Highest Market Price. We are here to Stay. ___ W e W ill T reat PHONE M AIN 5-6 You R i g h t -------- CO QUILLE. OREGON