Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 23, 1909, Image 1

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26: No. 42.
V o l .
Entered ab Hecond-clasB matter May
8, 1905, at the puatoffice at t'eyiiille,
Oregon, umier act of Congres» ol March
3 , 1879 .
DR. R. S. DeArmond
Office at Slocum’ s Drug Store.
C oquillr , O regon .
Offio:* Phone Main 128. Residence, 626.
A. F. Kirshman,
D entist .
Office two doors South of Pont office.
Dr. C. W. Endicott
D nntist
Office on
Front Street
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
P hotogiapher
Residence Studio.
Attorney and Counoellor at Law.
Office in Robinson Building
Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-class References
Fifteen Years’ Experience
O oquialb C ity , O re
Martin Building
Front Street
C o q u il l e , O bkqon
SI. 5 0
P er
Y ear
snap apart at the most unexpected
A G o o d Citizen G on e
O ld est P rison er P ardoned
A N ew Citizen.
time. That thread that holds to­
Died, at his home near Remote,
Rem ark: of the Rev. Dr. Feese, gether very great interests, and no Pioneer Priest of the Roman
Chicago, June 14.— William P.
Grants Pass Courier: Joe Rob­
Monday, June 14, at 9:30, T. J. M. Glyndon, the olJest prisoner in the ertson, an oldtimer who came to
one at his very best can overcome
at Obsequies of the Late
Catholic Church N ow Sta­
Hoopes; aged 62 years. 3 months United States, was pardoned a few this section before Grants Pass was
it— all are affected by it. No con­
Stian Danielson.
tioned at Portland.
and 25 days, Mr. Hoopes had been days ago from the Iowa State Peni­ founded, will leave in a few days
dition of life can stand against its
When a few years are come, then subtle and overwhelming forces.
Rev. Edward Donnelly of Marsh­ sick about a week with pneumonia, tentiary. He has been incarcerated for Coos county. His team is a
I shall go the way whence I shall
It is good that we do not know field has been transferred from and his son, John E. was the only 31 years During tho time he has pair of cows harnessed to a wagon
relative with him at the time of hi« been in prison tho world has moved. upon which b !s household effects
not return.— Job. 16 - 32 .
the exact time when we shall pass Marshfield to Portland.
Mr. aud Mrs. L. E. Brown, He has never seen an electric street­ are loaded. A ihird cow is led be­
Stain Danielson was born March the way from whence there is no
This pioneer parish priest o f the
passing and had known car, an automobile; has never used hind. All three cows give milk.
26 , 1843 . He died June 7 th 1909 return.
Roman Catholic church has served
hence having arrived at the age of
Hope is life’s invaluable asset. the church at Marshfield for mauy Mr. Hoopes since his arrival in this a telephone, novor saw a modern The whole outfit is lamentably
section, about three years ago, were skyscraper, a moving picture show, slow, but Joe is determined to get
66 years, 2 months and 12 days. It plans tor the future in the light years.
His birthplace was Arendal, N or­ of present reward.
He also attended the needs of called in by the son and brought and hardly believes an airship is out of the country and no matter
how, so any kind of team ie made
way. No doubt, he came from
Were we to know tfie time of the mission adjacent which ex ­ messages to his people in the east. possible. He was convicted
of to answer. Joe is one of the pio­
that sturdy Lutheran stock that has death, we would not value our tended trorn the Sutslaw ou the
murdering a girl, but always pro­ neers who require plenty of room,
distinguished the generations for its time by doing. We would tremble north to the California line on the former home at Muscatine, Iowa, tested his innocence. He was a and when the newcomers got too
most noble qualities.
with tear and groan with despair. south, the largest field on the Pa­ for burial.
member of tho 7th Independent numerous and kept a-coming, he
Mr. lloopes was born in Dela­ Company of Sharpshooters of Ohio, resolved to shake the dust of Grants
After his father’ s death, at the We would not plan for anything. cific coast.
Pass from his feet and hike out for
age o f sixteen the home land was
Yet, through death, many, many
To cover his territory Father ware county, Pa. and during the and during his years of confinement pastures new.
left lor the newer country across plans are broken.
Donnelly traveled on toot, by horse,
has draw'll a pension from the gov­
the waters, America.
My father planned during the wagon, rowboat, sailboat, gasoline Pennsylvania militia from 1861 to ernment of $12 a mouth. Part of
N e w Launch A rrives.
1865. Afterwards he was Bergeant this he has used for medical atten­
My observation for many years month of May o f a certain year to launch, steamboat and stage.
of marines i f the marine corps on tion, but has enough left to keep
has been that no better class of peO' go into business again. His right
The General H. A. H. Powers
He held services in cabins on the
Ticonderogn. He was a mem­ him comfortably.
pie has come to this country to good purpose and means had been mountain sides, in fisheries on the
newly purchased motor boat, ar­
make up part o f its citizenship acquired. His age and experience rivers and bays, in private houses, ber of Shelby G. A. R. Post at Mus­
rived from San Francisco on the
than that from Scandinavia.
should assure a most successful and attended the sick day and catine, and was abo a member of Of Interest to Farmers and M echanics Nann Smith and was given the iD i-
the Muscatine Workman and Legion
For honesty, morality, industry outcome.
tal try out June 14th by the owner
night, and the bedside of the dying.
Honor lodges. He is survived
Farmers and machanics frequent­ accompanied by a few friends.
arid thrift they are not to be ex­
Just three months previous to
He built a new ohurch at Marsh­
celled. Their ambition is to form this time he passed away. Had field and at Gardiner, and a tine by a wife and two children. His ly meet with slight accidents and
The only boat on the coast which
injuries which cause them much
an upright citizenship and they he known, he would not have hospital at North Bend that is open wife is in Oak Park, 111., and his annoyance aud loss of time. A cut can come near the General II is the
his daughter, Bessie, has been at.
He received his educa­ planned as he did.
or bruise may be cured in about Konocti, the 75 h. p. wonder of
to the afflicted, the injured sailor,
tending the Moody Institute at one third the time usually required
tion at the state district school
No doubt this good man, hus­ logger, miner or sawmill hand.
Prentis Gray. The Konocti is fast­
Chicago. His son, John E., has by applying Chamberlain’s Line- er on a straightway course, but
which included splendid moral and band, father, neighbor, friend, had
h ather Donnelly was chaplain
religious training. He chose the his plans for the following days— in the war of the rebellion and is been making his home with his ment as soon as the injury is re­ when it comes to turning a corner
ceived. This linement is also val­
trade o f carpentering. For three they were a part of his life— and he an honored member of the Grand father at Remote.—Myrtle Point uable for sprains, soreness o f the the General II swings as tho on a
pivot and thus wins the race. The
years he worked as ship carpenter and those
about him were bles­ Army of the Republic.
muscles and
rheumatic pains. boat is fresh from a race with the
on vessels plying from New York sed in the forming of them,and after
There is no danger o f ’blood poison­ Konocti and is in the best possible
He is one of the most eloquent
K illed b y Falling Tree.
ing resulting irorn an injury when condition. It has been attracting
and San Francisco. The responsi­ all life has its heritage.
orators and is in great demand on
Chamberlain's Linement is applied considerable attention on the bay
bility resting upon one in such a
Life lives on here after the pass­ Memorial Day and other patriotic
The Myrtle Point Enterprise has before the parts become inflamed when out, for it sure do move some,
position would naturally develope ing away o f that frail miud and occasions.
the following:
and swollen. For sale by R S 26 miles an hour, thats all.— Coos
a most sterling character. As an body. The father has not passed
With the gift of eloquence that is
A brief message was received Knowlton.
Bay Harbor.
early settler he purchased a farm away. His sterling character will the birthright of a son of the Emer­ here yesterday morning bringing
near Bandon, and later at Parkers­ have assimilated into those of his ald Isle, his wide knowledge of the distressing news that J.C. Royer
burg where he lived for mauy years children. His industry will be humanity gives him an imperisha­ had been killed by a tree falling
until his death. He was known in patterned after. His way ot doing ble hold on the hearts of the peo­ on him. Mr. Royer and family had
this section of country as an in­ things will be the topic for conver­ ple who know him.
moved to Lane county, near Mar-
dustrious and thrifty farmer.
sation long years from today. My
Father Donnelly has been a cola, about a month ago, and was
He was known by his many father’s face I see in my dreams champion of the cause of develop­ engaged in clearing up a piece of
friends as an independent, broad­ and am made glad. His voice I ment on Coos bay and in all west­ land which he had recently pur­
minded, public spirited man. A c­ hear once and again and am cheer­ ern Oregon.
chased. His parents, Mr. and Mrs.
commodating to his neighbors and ed, and the older I grow, the more
He has attended all development Henry Royer, had accompanied him
kiud in his home was he. His precious these experiences are.
congresses that have been held in to his new home. The message was
l/l/e Carry
marriage took place January 25 ,
The story about the good husband southwestern Oregon, and has been received by Daniel Barklow, who
r 872 ,to Miss Elizabeth Thrush, a often repeated will prove to be a an enthusiastic booster for Coos bay was requested to break the news to
native of California. To this union veritable balm in Gilead to the at all times
Mrs. Royer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
nine children were born, all living widow’s heart. The neighbors
It is a pleasure to chronicle his Thomas Barklow, and other rela­
Fresh and Salt Meats.
but one.
will be more considerate of one promotion to Portland, where he tives and friends. In accordance
All ar: about their father’s grave another because cf his life among­ will close his long cateer amid the with the request of the message, Mr. We are headquarters for euerythlng in the meat line.
today, surrounded by their many st them. The intergrity of and comforts of the metropolis.
wonts always receiues prompt attention.
and Mrs. Tbos. Barklow expected to
friends and neighbors who mourn loyalty of his citizenship will help
It was a very graceful act of leave for Marcola yesterday. Be­
with them in the loss of their father. them to hold up the true standard, Archbishop Christie to recognize sides the parents, Mr. Royer is sur­
The mother mourns at home a good life is not lived in vain.
this pioneer worker who has spent vived by a wife and eleven children
too weak through the affliction to
The spirit has returned to God his life amid the wilds o f the coast and bis death is particularly un­
be here with them. The Lord will who gave it. We have committed and mountains.—Salem (Ore.) De­ fortunate. The many friends of
bless and comfort her in this most the body ot the father to the grave velopment.
the family here received the sad
trying hour. As westaud beside the — “ the dust returns to the earth as
news with evidences of keen soirow.
grave we can but be reminded of it was.”
"I have used Chamberlain’s
We lovingly cover the
Oils, cleans and looks after his ponderous
some lessons that are so true. And mound over it with fresh and love­ Cough Remedy and find it to be
Cigarette S m ok ers A rrested
locomotive every few hours. In the little deli­
these words, "W hen a few years ly flowers. But father is not there, the best on the market,” says E W
Tardy, editor of the Sentinel, Gain-
cate watch there are wheels which make more
come, then shall J go the way "His spirit shall return to God who bora, Tenn. "Our baby had sever­
Ellensburg, Wash., June 16.—
revolutions than those of the fastest train and
whence I shall not return,” call gave it.” He has gone to his long al colds the past winter and Cham­ William D. Haywood, the notorious
them most vividly to our minds.
home. T he real home of the soul. At berlain’s Cough Remedy alway Socialist speaker and organizer,
do it day after day.
Is it not reasonable
gave it relief at once and cured it was the first man to be arrested in
Our attention is called to the death we return to God.
that these little wheels should be attended to
in a short time. I always recom­
few years allotted to man.
Not that we ha ve been far from mend it when opportunity presents Ellensburg under the provisions of
occasionally. Let us do your work for you.
Time flies” is theaddage. "Tim e him, we stand and live in his pres­ itself.” For sale by R S Knowl­ the new cigarette law. In com­
waits for no man” is the universal ence.
pany with two workingmen, Otis
and eternal saying.
Bates and Leo Smith, Haywood
It means the rather that we de­
N ick ell W ill L ik ely S erve
The hours of childhood seem part this veritable aud tangible
was taken into custody this morn­
days; the months, years. But be­ sphere of action into a more close
ing while in the Mint Saloon by
Washington, June 14.— Senators
fore we are aware old age is reach­ and intelligent presence of God.
Deputy Sheriff German. In justice
Bourne and Ch imberlain have inter­
ed and then the days seem hours,
court bonds were fixed at 815
All this is a very comforting as­
viewed Attorney General Wicker-
and the years months.
apiece. Haywood paid his bond
sham concerning the petition for
and wan released, but the other two
So at the best the years are few
We are reminded today o f provi­
the pardon of Charles Nicktll, the
were held uutil this afternoon, when
because their flight is so rapid and dential care.
1C P « Did you stop to consider that a building made
Jacksonville (Or.) newspaper editor,
all three were allowed to go on o l­
their number small, and they are
This husband, father, neighbor,
out o f cement blocks is almost indestructable
who was convicted of land frauds
der from the County Attorney, E. and fireproof?
always going— they never come friend, was made au orphan when
and who was recently denied a writ
K. Brown, who refused to prose­
back. Only come they as time but sixteen years of age. Fearless­
Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the
of certiorari by the Supreme Court.
cute the case.
marks (or memory. There is pro­ ly at this age he started out to
last cost?
Petitions numerously signed have
When arrested, Haywood was
gression in their passing.
make his way in the world.
Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and
been forwarded.
said to be under the influence of cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of
Another illustration of God's con­
We consol« ourselves that in
Though the senators and others
them 's the steady development of sideration for the fatherless as well will exert influence to induce the liquor and had just placed a cigar­ Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the
Yours for business,
that which is best and lasting in as the widow. The fatherless and president to a grant a pardon, as ette between his lips when he saw world.
the deputy. Both Haywood and
the widow are constantly mention­
utterance of Taft when Meldrum’s
That life here is but the lesser ed in the Old Testament Scripture application came up would seem to the workingmen dropped the in­
part of the whole. That, if we as peculiar subjects for Divine care indicate that it is not likely Nick- criminating materials to the floor,
where they were found by the of­
serve, we qualify for a better ser­ "H e upholdeth the fatherless and
ell’s pardon will be granted. The
When searched, materials
vice. If we minister we pass on
president said as to Meld rum: "No
better equipped for a more noble presence and good counsel and care­ government official convicted of for making cigarettes were found
on their persons. Considerable
ful provision may be missed,yet the
acts of official ciiminality should be
surprise was manifested at the
The lesson of the frailty of life is
need not tear.
here taught us.
As Nickell was a United States stand taken by the county attorney.
For a good many years have I Commissioner it is therefore prob­ This dignitary, in an interview tttis
Measured by human standards
that tne widow's children, able he will have to serve his sen­ afternoon, stated he did not believe
it is but a "hand breath.” In the
the law constitutional, and that he
light of God and eternity it dwin­ as a rule, prosper in this life and
will not prosecute any cases until a
bring no discredit to the unsullied ,
dles to nothing. The very securest
test case is made.
name ot the father "who has passed Good HargainH in Real Estate,
slate that we may be in, made so by on before.”
J Six-room residence, good location
R. E. SHIRE, VU e Prêt
health, wealth, power or friends,
This will not inteiest you il you
80 we commend this weeping _ i „ t 50x100 feet; fine lawn.
l. H HAZARD, Collier
0. C. SANFORD, Atti. Collier
are worth fifty thousand dollars,
family o f splendid sons and daught- 8DBp for $ 110 0 .
is wholly unreliable.
Business property bringing $100 but if you are a man of moderate
The Psalmist says it is "alto- ers and the dear mother and widow
to the consideration of a loving and per month.
A good investment, t means apd cannot afford to employ
! gether vanity.” The
song we
a physician when you have an ah
father. No Ami other snaps, see
would sing along the way ¡ 3 sudden­ doubt this bereaved family feels
O P C O Ç U I ü L j H, O R H O O f i .
tack of diarrhoea, you will be pleas­
S tctsman & Co.
ed to know that one or two does ol
ly hushed. Our labor ceases, when very grateful to this large company
— . ----------------
Many of our citizens are drifting Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l H a n k in g B u s in e s a
supposed by strength and good will of friends and neighbors assembled
about the grave to pay their re- j towards Bright disease by neglec- Diarrhoea Remedy will cure it.
to be best prepared for it.
spects to this good husband, kind ting symptons of kidney and blad- This remedy has been in use for
Board of Dirtctors.
We may personally be bereft ot
father and (riendly neighbor.
der trouble which F oley’s Kidney many years and is thoroughly re­
National Bank o Commerce, New York City
C . Dotaient,
A. J. Sherwood,
the benefit of well achieved success.
The prayer is that G od's bless- ( Remedy will quickly cure. C J liable. Price 25 cents. For sale
L. Harlocker,
L. II. Hazard,
( ’rocker Wool worth N’l Bank, Han Fiatici«,,
by R 8 Knowlton.
The brit'.le thread of life may iog may be upon us all.
Isaiah Ila ker,
R.E. Shine. Flint INat’l. Bank of Portland, Portland,
A. J. Sherwood,
A T T O B N B T -4ï-L iW ,
N o t a b t P o b i .10,
Walter Sinclair,
A t t o r n e y -A t - L a w .
N ota ry P u b l ic ,
Hall & Hall,
A t t o b n e y b - at L a w ,
Dealer in H eal E state of a ll kinds.
Marshfield, Oregon.
E. G. D. Holden
L aw yer ,
J u s t ic e of t h e P each
U. S. Commissioner, General Insnranoe
Agent, and Notary Pablio. Office
in Robinson Building.
i _____________ i
List Your Property With
Office Front St., Opp. Hotel Coquille
Thco. Horpian Shoe Mfg.Co.
Manufacturers of
The Celebrated Berg man n Shoe
The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill mem-
621 Thurman Street
P o r t l a n d . O regon .
Any mother who has had e x ­
perience with this distressing ail­
ment will be pleased to know that
a cure may be effected by applying
Cbamberlaiu’ s Salve as soon as the
child is done nursing. Wipe it off
with a soft cloth before allowing
the babe to nurse. Many trained
nurses use this salve with best re­
sult. For sal: by R S Knowlton.
Our friend, The Engineer
Do You lnteqd to Build?