Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 28, 1909, Image 3

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    LOCAL N E W S.
Children’s black and tan scoffers
at Robinson’s.
Ladies khaki suits at Robinson’s.
Attend "The Clay Buker’’ tonight.
Mrs. A1 Lilley was up from Ban-
Adam Pcrshbaker, of Prosper,
Elder Clapp, of Myrtle Po.nt, had don Saturday.
was in Coqnillo a few hours yes-
S L. Lafferty delivers fresh aer­
business at the Bay last week.
ated milk.
New collars for ladies at Robin- terday.
Choice onion sets at Knowlton’s son.
Pongee, Koba ond Poplin silks
Buy your groceries while you
When anything is required
Drug Store.
H. T. Austin moved to Lampa can save money that’s at O. Wilson
at Robinson’s.
in the line of office and sta­
J. O. Slemmler, of Mvrtle Point, yesterday.
Big dance at Nosler's Hall 'at-
tionery supplies it will pay to
returned from the Bay on Friday.
ur lay night, May 1st.
Kobe Silks in all the latest shade
L J MaSoon aod ,arailT arr,ved
remember that we make a
here Monday from the Willamette
New spring giobnm at Robinson’s. at Rose’s.
Rolled barley, shorts, bran and
specialty of them. We carry
valley. Thoy are on their way to
wheat at Robinson’s.
Mrs. R. F. Shannon, of Bandon,
Mrs. W. A. Bean
up rom ( jurry c ouuty where Mr. Magoon
T ypew riter 'Piper,
John Liraont, of Bandon, was in I came up Monday and visited friends (tiverton yesterday.
Carbon Paper, Stenographers’
has a homestead. They are well
Coquille last Thursday.
bee Rose for low prices on flour.
Big line of the new gloves just ]ea8ed w-th the c0>Bt countr
Note H ooks, ¿Manuscript
For bargains in shoes, see Drane No combination for him.
in at The White House.
Colters, Letter Files, Waste
at his new store.
If you want 2nd hand sacks we
W. H. Hunt, of Bandon, was a I Q to the People.8 Market.
Paper Baskets, etc.
Ask for what you want we have have them. C. M. (joodmun A Co. Coquille visitor yesterday.
. , .
. ,
as all miscellaneous
There is to be a high school en-
It. C. M. Goodman A Co.
Robinson’s new spring shoes are
New line of gingham just arriv- terUinB, nt in the evening April
supplies such as mucilage,
Tozier, the expert shoe manu­ in.
ed at Rose’s Cash Store.
paste, inks, pens, pencils,
1 30th at the Masonic Hall consist­
facturer. Keep him in trind.
George Sigsby, of Fishtrap, was
The steamer Elizabeth arrived in ing of songs, choruses, quartets,
rules, etc.
J. W. Evans, of Arago, was down in town Saturday. Mr. Sigsby was the river yesterday morning.
duets, readings, and the farce corn­
puljrnjan’s Pharmacy
to town on business Monday.
looking for a home for sale.
Spring millinery is now on sale edy, "That
Rascal, Pat," All
. . .
Tne new long sleeve waists are in
should turn out and give the school
Money saved for you if you buy at The White House.
at Robinson's.
dry goods at O. Wilson A Co.
Miss Georgina Hayes, of Myrtle a boost.
sterrscope with 100
Dr. Mingus, of Marshfield, was a
Our old friend, K. D. Goram, was Point, is visiting friends in this
For Sale. A good baby buggy. views for one dollar at Rose’s Cash
Coquille visitor on Thursday.
Apply at the Up-to-Now restaurant.
up from the lower river on Satur city.
Make your washing easy by us­ day.
Robinsou’s store has new spring It has been reported that A.T. Mor­
The Coos County Stock Co. in
in g Washing Tablets at Drnne’s
rison, a candidate for councilman,
Three papers garden seeds for belts.
‘The Failure’’ at the Masonic Hall
10 cents at Knowlton's Drug Store.
The steamer Dispatch is expect­
which is a mistake. Mr. Morrison Tuesday night, May 4th.
C. Martini, of Norway, made our
Z. T. Siglin, of the Isthmus, who ed on her regular run today after a
Those wash suits are just the
is possessor with S. M. Nosier of a
office a pleasant call while in town
attended court at this city last Fri­ thorough overhauling.
valuable piece of property near the thing for you to buy at O. Wilson
day, informed us that he will fire a
Just received a new line of mens
A Co’s.
steam laundry which fully qualifies
You must sell flour at $1.05 says nice kiln of brick this week.
neckties, Robinson’s store.
Clay Moore,
the well known
him to hold the position.
the trust. But Rose says "N o,” a
Tan! Tan!! Tnn!!! TieB for gents
The steamer Favorite is again on
Marshfield saloon keeper died Fri­
Now is the time to have your
small profit for me.
ladies and children at Robinson’s. her run after a few days’ lay off on
night very suddenly. The
windows and doors re screened. day
Wm Kalen, the Portland hide
Bert Ilandleman, of the Bandon account of a slight breakdown.
Quick A Curry has the galvanized physicians prounce the cause of his
buyer was in this valley a few days life saving station, visited friends
death to have been apoplexy.
White River flour makes white screening.
up the river one day last week light bread. Robinson has it.
Saws gummed, filed and set at while he enjoyed a day off.
J. M. Nve, of the Coquille Mill
Quick A Curry's shop.
The lastest creations in ladies A Mercantile Co., started for Port­
J. E. Morris, of Bandon, was a princess suits at Robinson’s.
land Thursday on business con­
Coquille visitor between boats on
W e Have Tents the following nected with the new arrangements.
Garden, grass and field seeds at
sizes: 8x10, 10x12, 12x14. Fancy
The very best northern grown poles and hard-wood pegs for same. Knowlton’s Drug Store.
seeds, at Knowltons, three papers C M. Goodman A Co.
J. L. Kronenberg, superintend­
We, the undersigned, business men of Coquille, Oregon,
for 10 cents.
Anything you want in groceries ent of the Aberdeen mill, was up
take great pleasure in recommending Prof. Anderson’s Practical
Rev. C. D. Price, of Bancroft, was at Robinson’s
to this city on business yesterday,
Business College, to all persons desiring or intending to take a
a Coquille business visitor last
business course.
District Attorney Geo. M. Brown having returned from his trip to
Prof. Anderson came here highly recommended by some of
did not attend this term of circuit San Francisco.
Knowlton has on hand a large court, but left the duties of that
New line of spring hats for men
the best business men of the country, as a practical Book-keeper
supply of field corn, also No. 1 office to be looked after by his dep­ at Robinson’s.
and Accountant, also as an able Instructor, and thus far he has
certainly filled the full measure of his recommendations. His
uty, L. A. Liljeqvist.
J. B. Fox, of this city recently
Music by Gage's Orchestra at
course in Book-keeping, Rapid Calculation, Shorthand and Pen­
Latest style ladies tailor suits received a telephone message from
the dance Saturday night in Nos- just in at Robinsons.
manship is as good as can be obtained anywhere, and at much
his sen-in-law, Howard Whipple,
ler’s Hall.
expense than it can be had at any of the business colleges of
J. D. Bark'ow, of Arago, was in at Roseburg, he having moved
The best nnd most wholesome
our cities.
town Saturday. He reports the from Idaho to Douglas county for
meats; the puriest lard. Go to the
Prof. Anderson certainly deserves the support of the people
family all well except the little girl residence. These gentlemen have
People’s Market.
of Coos County, and while he is having full classes, we hope to
who is a sufferer from hip disease, not met for over 30 years.
J. K Shields, the Bandon black­ and she is improving slowly.
see the number doubled in the near future. There is no reason
Nice liue of spring caps for the
smith, had business at Coquille last
why Coos County should not have a first class Business College|
I have more inquiry for all kindB school girls at The White House.
such as Prof. Anderson is conducting. And in addition to a
of lands than I can supply. Send
Robinson has a nice assortment
first class Business College, Coquille is centrally located and en­
H ot Water Tank 30 gal for sale
me your lands for sale. E. H.
of ladies up-to-date tailored suits.
at The Second-Hand Store. C. M.
joys an ideal climate. And without any solicitation from Prof.
Kern, Coquille, Oregon.
C. E. Houser, of Myrtle Point,
Goodman A Co.
Anderson, we heartily recommend his Business College to all.
John Johnson, of the Myrtle
was in town Monday. He was
Tbos. Guerin, of Myrtle Point,
Point branch of the Coquille Val­
complainiug of a hurt recently sus­
was a passenger to Bandon by Mon­
C M Sheets, Merchant
H N Lorenz, Merchant
ley Packing Co., was down from
tained while plowiug. His team
day’s Coquille.
the Point Sunday to see bis mother,
R S Knowlton, Druqgist
pulled him over the plow with the
I am nearly sol i out and want to
Mrs. S. P. C. Johnson, of this city.
W H Lyons, Merchant
A F Linegar, Merchant
list more timber lands. E. H. Kern,
W. B. Neathery and Wilson
A complete line of phonographs
Coquille, Oregon.
J S Barton, Abstractor
Gregg have opened a real estate offi­
G E Peoples, Creamery
E. C. Ostrander is back from ce in the Woodman building, two and records at E. C. Barker A Co’s.
L H Hazard, Cashier
G A Robinson, Merchant
Rev. E. B. Jones, Presiding Elder,
Marshfield where he had been sev­ doors north of the pustoffice.
J J Stanley, Atty-at-Law
T T Land. Merchant
eral days carpentering.
Glenn Barker, of Fairvicw was will hold the 3rd Quarterly Con­
C R Barrow, Atty-at-Lou
W Culin, M D
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs one in town Saturday having driven ference for Myrtle Point Charge M.
WC Laird, Furniture D .? r
dollar per setting of 15 lor sale by over the Bullock mountain. He
C M Goodman, Merchant
J. Q jick, Coquille, Oregon,
tells us that the road is rough, he
For particulars concerning the courses, rates, etc., address
Go to Nelson Smith’s for all kinds being the first over tne road this .8 P- M., and Sunday at 11 A. M.
All the people in that vicinity are
of vegetable plants, Aster, stock spring
and pansy seedlings.
New goods arriving every day at invited to these services. H. M.
The poorest family esn afford C. M. Goodman A Co’s. Call and Branham Pastor.
Office Supplies
To Whom it May Concern
he Less Money You Have to
Spend, The More W isely
You Should Spend It.................
Made of fine quality, hand­
somely trimmed with lace
and insertion, from.............
.......................... $ 2 to 3 50
A very nice line to select
from in plain and stripped
fo r .................... 10c per yd
A very nice lino of em-
broideried muslin skirts,
good quality nnd low priced
from .. . . . . $ 1 5 0 to 2 75
Well made and of good
quality of linen and crash
white and tau. You usually
pay #2. Our price ..$ 1 .2 5
Some very nobby patterns
in blues, greys, reds and
blacks, 15 yards for.......$ 1
Something stylish and looks
well made up. A large va­
riety of patterns to select
from...20c to 45c per yd
Fine quality, ribbed knit
vest................................. 15c
Better quality,
with lace and insertion.......
..................... ...............25c
Well made and trimmed
Porous knit, the keep cool
with silk, neat and new,
very stylish, panama and kind, sleeveless..$ 1 pr suit
alpacca. You usually pay
$5 to $7 50. Our price..... | RIBBONS
.........................$ 3 .5 0 to 6 I Best quality Smallest prices
We are Money Savers when it conies to Groceries.
Why Pay More when You Can Get Them for Less?
16 lbs Sugar
4 1-2 lbs Caracoal Coffee
14 lbs Good Rice
6 bars Good Laundry Soap
3 cans Standard Tomatoes
3 cans Standard Com
1 Gallon Apricots
1 Gallon Peaches
Raisins per package
Mush, extra good, per package
Peas, per can 15 cents two for
Beans per can 15 cents, two for
Flour, best grade
$ 1.00
O . Wilson & Co.
Our Friend, The Engineer
Oils, cleans and looks after his ponderous
locomotive every few hours. In the little deli­
cate wan.1’ there are wheels which make more
revolutions than those of the fastest train and
do it day after day.
Is it not reasonable
that these little wheels should be attended to
occasionally. Let us do your work for you.
meat when bought from the Peo-
pie’s Market, Dean A Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shuck have
sufficiently recovered from their
late attack of grip to be up and
tt’o out_
see them,
W. A. Roselle, of Bridge, has a
colony of bees which swarmed on
the 17th of this month. This is
said to be the earliest bees have
been known to swarm in this part
Wear Tozier’ s Logger Shoes and
S. F. Fear Gloves None better are
made. Call on E. L. 'lozier.
I. N. DeLong, of Riverton, was
up last Friday and was accompanied
borne by uis brother,C. A. DeLong,
of this city.
of the state
Shoes have won popularity with the
woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker,
Mr. C. P. Stevenson, of BandoD,
passed through town by yesterday’s
A new and elegant stock of pianos
just arrived at E. C. Barker A Co’s.
Call and see them.
The United States Dredging Co.,
of San Francisco, was the success­
ful bidder for the ditching of the
F .t Elk drainage district, and w ill,
proceed at once to get ready for
the work. A scow will have to be I
built for the dredger and some
other preparations
made before
operations will be begun.
F or S ale . — In first class order,
If you don’t want to sell your Oain
his wi,e who had beeD one eight-horse boiler and engine.
land don’t list them with E. H. an inmate of a Coos Bay hospital Inquire of J. Selson, Bullards.
Kern, Coquille, Oregon.
for aD °P<’ratioD-
Andrew Forsness was up from
There’s only one thing to do if
, ,
,, , . . . .
. your blood Is out of order— buy a
the lower river the last of the week. ¿ ottle o { Hot Springs Blood Rem-
K . visited his friend John Lind- edy_ j t does the rest. Fubrman’s
ebeck, of Arago.
The shoes for woodsmen; Tozier’s , J. W. Mast was up from Bandon
Logger Shoes. The gloves for wear yionday on business connected with
— 8. F. Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. thfl Fat Elk Drtinage district, be-
The keeper of the station at the ing gec-etary of the board of direc-
Sheep Ranch, is now prepared to , org
feed and take care of horses for the
j have more )oquiry for all kinda
traveling public.
j of lands than I can supply. Send
If you don’t want to sell y ou r, me your |andg for 8ale. E. H.
land don’t list them with E. H. Kern, Coquille, Oregon
Kern, Coquille, Oregon.
S im Nass, of astoria, manager of
Engineer C. I. Kime, of the \ the Prosper salmon cannery, was
steamer Echo, had business which j kere the last of the week looking
called him to the Bay on Friday. | after bis interests. He returned to
He returned Mouday.
the Bay Monday on his way home.
W agon-Sheets all sizes. Blue
Get your table legs turned at
WUite canvas hammocks, Camp- Quick A Curry’s. They have some
Sheetiron patterns already out.
Hard wood,
Joe Laird, the Myrtle Point
stable man, was in town Monday on
his way to. Sumner from which
point he started for Roseburg the !
following morning with a four-
horse team and load of passengers. |
He expected to start on his return !
from Roseburg tomorrow Thurs­
day morning.
Rose is not in any combination [
of flour mills. He buys for cash
and sells it at his own price for
cash. See Rose.
Earl Scbroeder, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Schroeder, o f this
city bad the misfortune to fall and
break bid left thigh bone last Fri­
day. This ic the third time the limb
has been broken in the same place
in about two years. He has the
sympathy of many friends in bis af­
FoCNn— A purse near steamer
landing in Coquille. The owner
may have the same by calling at
this office, proving property and
paying for this notice.
Camp-sfoves, Guns and Amunition. !
P®r ***"
Inf ict every thing necessary to con-
The ocean going gasoline boat,
stitute a complete camping outfit- the Gazelle, was here las* week for
We buy for cash and discount all the goods, etc, of J. R. Miller to
bills, which enables us to under- take them to Rogue river, but Mr.
sell many of oor competitor«. Come Miller was of the opinion that she
Call and see those waists from
aDd get prices we can save you was too small a oraft and would 75 cents to $3.50 st O. Wilson's A
p o ’s,
oonty. C M. Goodman A Co,
not send his goods by bsr.
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N
See him and he will demonstrate his fitness as a teacher, and
show to you his former connections in the YVoild of Business
as an auditor and accountant.
Have You Any For Sae?
Send description, prices and kinds
of timber to E. H. KERN, Coquille,
Oregon. Also any other lands. I
have customers if prices are right.
Building, Front Street, Coquille,
J. S. L Y O N S, Proprietor
RATE8: 82 per month; $5 per quarter; 89 per 6 mouths; $12
per year.
of Sporting
Handles Maxwell
all kinds
In the Fine Comedy Drama
D o n ’t F o i l to S e e 'I 'h i » G r e a t P l o y
Bicycle and Auto
I , M
W h e n Y o u W a n t Good Coal B u y
Beautiful Piece of Furniture Given Away.
Come and Take it Home With You.
S in g in g - a n d
- D a n c in g
Leave Orders
at the Scales