Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 17, 1909, Image 3

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R esolu tion of C on d olen ce.
Sheriff Cage went to the Hay Fii-
W o . CamBin, Ul« general agent,
went to tlio Bay yesterday.
At a stated communication of
How’s your blood?
Pongee, Kol a and Popliu silks
Choice onion seta at Know lbn’s
Ever go to Hot Springs?
Beulah Chapter No. 6—E. O. 8.
at Robinson's.
Drug Store.
Wbat’s the use.
held in Masonic ball, Friday even­
VVe have it bottled.
Attorney Sherwood and daughter, ing, March, 12th 19011 the follow­
Andy Anderson wns in from Ids
Fuhrinau’s Pharmacy.
farm across tbo valley yesterday. Emma, went to the Bay Thursday. ing resolutions of oondolence were
Fresh oysters—Any style, or in
New spring giuhiun at Robinson's.
Garden, grass un field seeds at uuuulmously adopted.
oan on at Maryland Cafe.
Wm. Noriis returned from a bus Knowlton’s Drug Store.
Whereas, our sister Mamie Slagle,
Wm. Rohm, of Riverton, wns a iuess trip to Murshfield Monday.
The new long sleeve waists are in has suffered a deep giief and ir­
Coquille visitor on Monday.
reparable loss in the death of her
New laces and band trimmings at Robinson's.
Rolled barley, shorts, bran and
,, ,
which occurred at Medford,
i . . D , .
at Robinsons,
Nice line of sprin g caps
wheat at Robinsou s.
10 I Ore. March 8, 1909—therefore be
Mrs. M. W. McCormick, of Riv- school girls at The White House,
1 hree papers garden seeds forj
I it
did shopping in Coquille
Mr. and Mr*. W . L., of | U, 8olved _ T hat wo the members
10 cents at Knowlton's Drug Store, j
this oitVi uollt to the Bay Friday. of jjeujab chapter, No. #— E. O. 8.,
Saws gummed, tiled and Bet at
o .. > .i. i. r’.i »,*.• ’■.
For bargains iu shoes, see Drune
New line of spring bills for men lo extend to our sister our most
l ...
»< l»est no .1 •
■ ;
* n
and i
s e w * or*. ^
>wn a
Mr «ml Mr®- Wilbur Hayter, ol
Riverton, are tho nappy parents of
t to a fine baby girl.
Opening of white goods at Robin-
sou g tins week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Biasca, of Arago,
Rev Horsfall and wife, of Marsh­
tbo parents of u 15-pound
field, visited with friends in this
boy one day last week.
city Monday.
ib i
K. H
is irn,
Something new in Buster Brown
“ High Top’ ’ shoos for children,
Misses and young ladies’ at Robin-
Two distinct earthquake shocks
were felt at Riverside, Calif., at
6:30 on tlio 12th
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs one
dollar per setting of 15 for sale by
J. Quick, Coquille, Oregon.
The poorest family can afford
meat when bought from the P eo­
ple's Market, Dean & Company.
Tozier, Ibo expert shoe manu­
facturer. Keep him in miDd.
J. W. Flanagan, the oil King of
Marshfield was shaking bands with
bis many friends, iu this city Mon­
Robinson’s new spring shoes are
F. T. Crewe, the Myrtle Point
cigar manufacturer, returned yes­
terday from a trip to Mexico. He
is looking lino after his trip.
Mrs. Winnifred Gaffey was born
in County Roscommon, Ireland, in
the year 1844.
Her maiden name
was O’ Parrel.
She came to
America at the age ot 18, was mar­
ried to Patrick Gaffey in the state
of New Jersey at the age of 25.
To this union were born seven
children, five bohs and two daugh­
The father and two child­
ren, a son and daughter, passed to
the great beyond a number of
years ago. One daughter and four
sons are left to mourn the loss of
as good, kind and unselfish a
at Robinson’*.
nceri and deepest sympathy in mother as children ever possessed.
R C . Demeut, of Myrtle Foiut, i
««**1 loss she has sustained and
She passed away at Coquille
r i
March 11, 1009, aged 65 years and
bail bumncB* in Coquille last lburs- ruu!lu be
R csolvcd -T h at a copy of these
seven months, after an illness of
i. ............
I - sent to our
and , lcn
i en WBat s
thine that lov-
gprinL'millinery is now on self
, sister
j ^\tr> ming mat iov -
1 <:opv l)u^ * 11 1 m oniTi of the meal ¡ng banj 8 anJ aching hearts could
p-iptn ..... eq; ,v M-1'1 :l 1 on the do to make her last days on earth
Borne.— At Bandon. March 14. | U1inutrs of our Chapter.
comfortable was done, and her de-
1909, to Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. I.orenz,
^ 1! 1 1
mise has cast a gloom on the com-
a daughter.
1 in - nix L amb j Inun;ty ¡n which she lived.
Big lino of the uew gloves just j
mi. F olsom writer heard a little child of eight
Committee on Resolutions. | years say, “ Take these flowers to
in at The White House.
Alfro Feller, o f Bandon, return-!
j Mrs. Gaffey’s funeral. I do not want
A B o o s te r’s C reed
ed Thursday of last week from 1
| to go, I loved her so.
If it were
“If there is a chance to boombus- some one else it would be dffierent,
North Bend.
Anything - ou want in groceric■. J iness, b lom it. Don’t be a knocker, but I want to remember her as
Don’t pull a long face. Hope a bit standing in the door as I usad to
at Robinson’s
a smile on you. Hold up your see her.’’
Mark Davis, of Fresno, California,
Those left to mourn her loss are
in here visiting his daughter, Mrs h-ad. Get a ! >!d with both hands.
! h n j ill. Bury your hatchet. Mrs. Katherine McGee, Thomas,
Alex Urqubnrt.
Drop your tomahawk. Hide your William, John and Bernard Gaffey,
Baby slices! baby shoes!! Large
litflo hammer. When a str inger and residents of Coquille.
assortment, Robinson’s store.
Irops-iu tell him t!ii , is tho great-
The remains were laid to rest in
Dr. straw, of Marshfield, visited
fist town on earth. It is. Don’t be the Marshfield cemetery on Sun-
Bandon and this city a couple or
mulish. Don’t roast. Be jolly, day, March 14, beside her husband
three days last week.
Get popular. Its dead easy. Help who preceded her in the year 1901.
The ln°test creations in ladies yourself along. Push your friend May the dear soul rest in peace,
princess suits at Robinson’s.
with yon. Soon you’ ll have a whole She leaves a host of* friends to
A. McNair, the Bandon hard­ proeei -ion. Be a good fellow.
mourn her loss, besides her family
ware merchant, w r s a Coquille bus­
All men are m t alike Onto in n who have the sympathy of the en-
iness visitor yesterday.
wliile you may find one who is very tire community.
M. M. J.
White River Hour makes
liite much alike. But some are differ-1 County papers please copy.
light bread. Robinsou has it.
cut. You’re not tho only shirt in i
B orn — I n
Oregon, tl wash. If von don’t like their Dearest Mother, thou hast left os,
And our loss we deeply feel,
March 12, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. style let’em a Erie. Don’ t knock.
{ j But ’Lis God who has bereft us,
H. E. Beckett, a daughter.
He can all our sorrows heal.
end of fun in minding your own
Some Rain C ods and Mackin­
business. And it makes other peo­ Yet again wo hope to meet the?,
toshes below cost at Robinson’s.
When the day of life is fled,
ple like you better. Better have
j And in heaven with joy to greet the»,
Senator W. C. China left for
others get stu.-k ou you than get
Where no farewell tear is died.
Salem Friday to meet with' the
stuck on yourself. Nobody gets
special session of the legislature.
Best in peace thou dearest Angel,
duck on a knocker. Don’t be one.
1 ill our storms of life are o’er,
Cut price on nil White lawn and Be good.— American Printer.
Then we’ll come with joy to greet thee,
silk waists. Geo. A. Robinson.
* -*• *
On that happy, golden shore.
H airim au S e e k s Beggar
Law re o <-1 lbii-kleC returned from
Holms lb -ine s College I-’ri.lny.
L egs D am aged b y Fire.
Tucson, Aiiz., March 9.—A beg-
He pl ot o«icd to h.s home at Lar -
g i- to whom E. H. Harrimau gave
San Francisco, March 9.— A spec­
a dime while in tbia city Thursday
Tan! Tan!! Tan!!! Tics for gents lust, is Vicing sought by railroad ial from San Jose states that when
ladies and children at Robinson's detectives under instructions from George Campbell, of Sunny Yale,
awakened be the mem-
11. W. Dunham who h s been at tho railroad magnate, who is now was rudely
, „
„• t ->
, . ., ,
Department of that
the throttle of the steamer Liberty, in Smnlo #
and who has kept
‘ . . . . . .
.... . .
place, he discovered that both of
on Cots Bay, returned home Fri­ the wires hot in an effort
to obtain f .
., , ,
, ,
his wooden legs were merrily blaz-
sonic trace of the man.
, „
. .,
i l l mg, Campbell was sleeping in the
Tin ; men haw been instructed
°’ . r „
. .
New white goods at Robinson's.
American Hotel when a fire broke
— Rats-iste, nanook persian lawn, to be on the lookout for the man, j
out. His life ivas probably saved
long cloth, butcher and iudiau whose description h i been tele, j
by the daughter o f the proprietor,
grap id ti all I inte alón; - the j
who discovered the blaze and ran
G. Tl. Hancock,"a member of the hue. '.Vhi
in her night clothes to warn the
Coos Bay life saving crew, acrom-f Harri man's sudden interest in the
fire department. The blaze was
pu tiled by bis estimable wife, went | mau is not
, , known bere. ,
, practically confined to Campbell’s
Mlub- Mr !! (••riman a- 1 a party 1
j t
to Bandon Bat '(¡kursdtn- to visit
room, and lie slept blissfully while
relatives and fiii nds.
his wooden extremities provided
pot platform the beggar approai-lied
fuel for a lively bonfire. The chief
If you ib n't want to sill your
him and tobl a story about .having
damage was to the legs.
land don't list them with E. II.
been crippled while in tho service
-* «•» -
Kern, Coquille, Oregon.
of tho Southern Pacific. It is pre­
I have more inquiry for all kinds
A cwlio was taken to l ’ r< sper by sumed that tile magnate's interest
^ of lands than I can supply. Send
the Dispatch
yesterday for the was aroused, and that
, ,
• . I me vour lands for sale. E.
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. thought he had dioidi 1 to assist i
1 Ki rn, Coquille, Oregon.
Metcalf who died Monday. We the man if he could be
understand that the cause of her
early taking away w as consumption.
Money saved for you if you buy-
Wm. McAdams, formerly of the
dry goods at O. Wilson A Co.
blacksmithing firm of McAdams
Mrs. Ida Lewis, wife of W. T.
Bron, expects to start for Idaho
Lewis the real estate dealer, gave
City in a few days.
birth to a 12-pound hoy Sunday,
March 7,1909, at Ellensburg, Wash.
Shoes have won popularity with the
Guns of all kinds for sale or rent
woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker,
at Goff & Goodinftti's 2nd hand
B orn —To Mr. and Mrs. Bunno
F. A. Tozier, of Eugene, who has
Lang, at Myrtle Point, March 8,
1909, twins, a boy and a girl. The been iu Coquille for severul weeks
assisting his brother, E. L Tozier,
boy living only a few hours.
the.shoe and harness maker, return­
Goff <fc Goodman have an assort­
ed to Eugeue the last of the week.
ment of good, stout, servicecble
Make your washing easy by us-
overalls. Como and
see them,
ug Washing Tablets at Dram ’
Mrs. Fannie E. Dyer, of Bandon,
returned home Thursday after a •vMr, and Mrs. Alfred S chroder,
visit with Mrs. Morris, the music who went to San Francisco t>. short
teacher. Miss Anderson, who ac­ time ago for treatment for Mrs
companied her, returned to the Bay. Schroeder, she having been in poor
health for some time. She is very
Get yirtfr table legs turned at.
much better and will go to Ihe Bay
Quick it Curry’s. They have some
patterns already out.
Hard wood, for treatment in tho future.
$1 per set.
P. E. Drane keeps puffed rieo
a delicious dish for breukfast and
Mrs, Morgan will have on display
for sick folks.
a full line of up-to-date spring mil­
The report thut her owners were
linery on Suturday, March, 20th.
about to sell the Alliance is denied
All are invited to call and inspect
by Geo. D. Gray, President of the
goods and learn prices.
California and Oregon Coast Steam
Go to the People’s Market, Dean
ship Co. Mr. Gray says there is
k Hensley Prop’rs, for the best ba­
con, lard, bams, and meat of every not the slightest foundation for tin
description. They treat yoif square. report.
Fou S ale .— A few Early Herbun
Bradford, the infant son of Mr.
potatoes. Cali on Ed. Johnson
and Mrs. E. P. Coomps, o f Johnson
The Elizabeth arrived in the
mill, died Thursday of last week.
Tbo funeral was held Friday, Rev. rii’fer from Sait Francisco yesterday
Thomas Barklow, of Myrtle Point, morning. She had been on the
repairs, was
conducting the services.
like a bran
I have more inquiry for all kinds
uew boat. She also received a new
of lands than I can supply. Send
propeller which will add to her go­
me your lands for sale. E. H.
ing qualities.
K ero, Coquille, Oregon.
Clark’s O. N. T. thread 5 cents a
Wm. Norton woo recently sold spool at Robinson's.
his farm near Dairyville was in our
The body of Lewis Lindsay, a
city two or three days last week.
son of Wm Lindsay of Myrtle Point,
He expects to locate in the Coquille
pnssed through Coquille on the
valley again. Mr. Nortou has been
12th inst on the way to the parents
in rather poor health for some time,
borne. The young man was about
but we hope he will be all right in
18 years old, and died suddenly at
a short time.
Robinson has a big assortment I
Boise, Idaho, Monday, March 1st.
Knowlton has on band a large The funeral was held at Myrtle of baby shoes both in soft and hard J
supply of field corn, also No. 1 Point Sunday, the 15th.
How can any person risk taking
F or S ale .— In first class order, some unknown cough remedy when
A. B. Daly came over from the one eight-horse boiler and engine. Foley’s Ilonev and Tar rusts them
Bay Monday to look up business Inquire of J. Selson, Bullards.
no more? It is a safe remedy, con­
among our logging people. He is
tains no harmful drugs, and cures
City Recorder Rose h is posted the most obstinate coughs and cold
the gentleman who furnishes all
notices calling for the annual mnn- w hy experiment with your 1 ' ! ' '
kinds of supplies, in particular, fine
je n iu n
icipal election for ‘ lie city of Myrtb Insist upon having the gemun
donkeys adapted to the heavy work
Point, which in to be held at the Foley’ s Honey ami Tat.
required of them n handling Coos
city ball between the hours of Hand man’ s Pharmacy.
county’s log timber.
The highest ensh price paid forj
5, on Monday, the 5th day of April.
Mackinaw coats $4.50 and $5.00 The nominating convention is to be all kinds of Furs, Hides and Pelts
by Geo. T. Moulton.
in blue, gray and brown at Robin,
son's, also rubber-lined duck coats. held at the city hall Wednesday,
- *•*- -
March 24tb.
Card of Thanks.
F ob P ale .— A 1000-pound De
Anyone ivisliing to borioiv a few
Laval Separator and 3-horsepower
We wish to tender r ,r most sin. I
hundred dollars, giving good secur­
boiler, 60 gallon tank, pipe fittings,
and heart felt thanks to the!
ity should call at the H e r a l d office.
buckets, etc. J. T. Jenkins, Co-
many friends and neighbors whoj
Grandma Leneve, of this city,
were so kind during our late trouble ,
celebrated her 84tk birthday list
nn-1 rendered valuable service at tbr ,
If you don’t want to sell your ;
Friday. A birthday dinner was
accidental death an 1 the burial of.
land don’t list them with E, H.
! given her and a party of her old-
our husband and son-in-law,
Kern, Coquille, OregoD.
time friends nt the home of her
Mas. I. W . D aniels .
Alex Carlson, a young man about
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Rose, which
M rs . M. A. L eniwt .. j
30 years of age, who was em ploie 1 ^
enj()red bv B„
--------— ------
“ *
Kr0Mnber* ' Fi*«* O in lI»,, Lim b.
null Detima.
Lcienz and Meaner.
Tbe best and most wholesome
8j,oflg for woodsmen; Tozier's
•inn's; the puries’ h r ). Go to the Rugger Shoe". The glovis for wear
1’eople’a Market.
- 8. F. Fear Glove*. E. L. Tozier.
berlain’s Salve. It allays the itcii-
ing and smarting almost instantly-
M nv cas » s have been cured by it'
use. For sale by R- S. Knowlton.
The Scuffer
Shoes for
Boys and Girls
The most sensible shoe ever
made for boys and girls. They
wear longer and look better
than any other s h o e .............
They fit The feet
W e have them in the Black, Patent Leather
and Tan.
Come in and look them over.
O . Wilson § Co.
I am going to dispose
of all the following goods
at a great sacrifice.
Men’s Suits, Wemon
and Misses Coats, Skirts,
Waists, Mackintoshes
and Raincoats.
Have You Any For Sale?
Send description, prices and kinds
of timber to E. H. HERN., Coquille,
f V Oregon. Also any other lands. I
have customers if prices are right.
I lividual instruction in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- jo
ing, Penmanship, Rapid Calculation and Commercial Usage.
. . I
. . . ,
n n lo r o n n n f im r r n m n u n n f n il-
i nls
to competently
outer counting rooms, not ou-
h with a theoretical knowledge of these branches, but with prac-
tic d views of business, •: lined from an expert accountant, a suc­
cessful teacher and business man.
Coquille, Oregon
Building, Front Street, Coquille,
J. S. LYONS, Proprietor
RATES: $2 per month; $5 per quarter; $9 per 6 mouth*; $12
per year.
Handles Maxwell Autos,
all kinds of Sporting
Bicycle and Auto
S( chim nn>l he will demonstrate his iitnens as a teacher, and v
In the W o r ld of B usiness y
as an auditor and accountant.
When You Want Good Coal Buy
-------- -------
at the Smith mill at Marshfield, and Leneve is one of the very
F o r D ifte a s -n ot t h e S k in
who haB been missing since Febrn. ! pioneers who reached this coast by
. . . i-.n
ri-io i
in fenretl lie has me wit on P aJ*: xv^en that meant privation* nod on-1 and bathers' Itch, »re characterized (
ns be bad a considerable amount of ^
h>rdshipg bpBi,je tlle j{ej
hy an intense itching and smarting,
money with him, and leave* wage.
wpre Me8(Um< which often makes life a burden and
7 per relit, preferred, participating, full paid and non-assess-
abb- stock offers the l est investment known to the American pub­
lic today.
For full particulars address
0. L. HOPSON, Fiscal Agent
Coos and Curry Counties, Box 323, Marshfield, Ore.
P E A R T ’S C O A L
Leave Orders
at the Scales