V o l . 26: No. 25. Caqttillc îicmlfc COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1909. Entered ft« second-elan« matter May 8, 1905, at the postotfice at Coquille, J. S. COOK THIRD CIRCUIT JUDGE. Oreiion, under act of Uongre»» of March 3,1879. Prominent Marshfield Attor­ A New Day For Farm Boy*. IMPORTANT CASES DECIDED. Working Overtime. $1.50 P er Y ear Everybody Bowls Coquille Bowling Alley — .................................•<--------------- - - ... - - - ----------------------- Down through the centuries has Mrs. M. A. Tupper Gets Statehouse, Salem, Or., Feb. 16— Having worked half laBt night and come old request, "Give the ney Appointed by Govern­ boys a that chance.’’ Hotel Property, adjourning only when the milkman In the case of At the New or. His Jurisdiction will American farm bdys it has been was comi ng, the Senate was unable Clerk James Watson has just re­ to work up enthusiasm this morn­ Probably be Coos and granted with a liberality and wis­ the decisions of Judge Ham­ ing, and 14 bills of the House were Curry Counties. dom unparalleled in history. In ceived ilton in two important Coos county passed without any argument. 1909 these future farmers find them­ cases. was the City Jordan et Heavy eyed and tired, the Senate A telegram from Gov. Geo. E. selves surrounded by educational al vs. the One Now opened to the public, and everyone can in­ City of Marshfield, involv­ was in no mood to iguite fireworks, Chamberlain to J. W. Rennet this advantages such as the rurAl ing the attempted annexation of and the bills slid through readily. dulge this pleasant and healthful exercise to afternoon announced that he had youth of no country nt no time lias Eastside, in which Judge Hsmilton The majority of these, however, their hearts’ content. Two perfect alleys appointed John S. Coke ot Marsh­ enjoyed. To be a healthy farm boy holds plaiotiffs and against were for raising salaries of county field as the third judge of the se­ in this new day is a privilege. Most the City for of the Marshfield. Gilkey Building, West Side Front Street in various parts of the state. cond district a the Oregon circuit of the hardships and obstacles that The second decision was in the officers Of chief importance to Portland in the earlier days stood between court. of Baxter Bros. vs. Mrp. Tup­ was the passage of the hill to abolish The news came as a surprise to country boys and an education have case per, both parties residing in this compulsory pilotage at the Colum­ been removed by the state. Wise many and especially that Gov. city. This involved the ho­ bia River bar. Chamberlain should make the ap­ use of public funds by law makers tel Coquille case property was The Senate also passed the bill A. J SHERWOOD Pré». R. E. SHIHE.VI«» Fret pointment so soon after the state who have risen to a recognition of sold some months ago by which Mr. Top­ compelling six months of school in agriculture’s importance and needs L. H. HAZARD, Outlier 0. C. SANFORD, A»»t. Cuhler legislature had provided for a third per, Sr., to Baxter Bros, for about every district, and McCue’s bill judge for the district, or really a has made comparatively short and $14,000. Mrs. Tupper, a daughter- permitting counties to levy a tax circuit court judge for Coos and easy the road to knowledge. in-law of Mr. Tupper, Sr., refused for advertising purposes. Curry counties, as the new mem­ Farm hoys are duly appreciative to give up possession, the An appropriation of $10,000 was OF COQUIliUB, OREGON. ber on the bench will devote his and are making splendid use of its property bad been given claiming to her hus­ passed for an interstate bridge at time largely to them. However, it benefactions. Their organization by the father. Baxter Bros, Ontario, yet during the midnight Transacts a General Banking Business is more than welcome news to the into active local clubs, their parti­ band began suit for an ejectment. It session the Senate had refused to many friends that Mr. Coke has cipation in corn growing and other then Board of Directora. Correapondenta. was on this point that the case was to pass an appropriation of $9000 made during his lifelong residence similar'contests and their increas­ fought and R. C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York City Judge Hamilton’s decis­ preparing specifications for an L. Harlocker, on Coos Bay. The honor conferred ing attendance upon the short ion literally means the daughter-in- for L. H, Hazard, Crocker Wool worth N’l Bank, San Francisco interstate bridge between Portland Inai ah Hacker, R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, upon him is but a fitting recogni. courses and regular courses in the law holds the property. The case and Vancouver. lion of his ability. agricultural colleges are ample will probably be appealed. A, S. C oke C arried B ill . justification of the state’s generous Advertising Farms. appeared as attorney for While but few details of the ac­ concern. Each winter brings out Hammond Brothers, and J. W. Bennett Advertising combined with in­ tion of the legislature are obtain­ a larger and more enthusiastic rep­ of Baxter Marshfield for Mrs. Tupper. and enterprise, will do able, it is understood that the bill resentation of these young men at In the Marshfield it seems telligence more to elevate the farmer and give providing for a third judge for this the special courses in the farm that in the annexation case, proceedings district would have been defeated schools. Five years ago young only the voters of the City of Marsh­ deserved prominence to his occupa­ Stationery, Fruits, Cigars, To­ had-it not been for Mr. Coke. The folk constituted a very small per­ field voted on the proposition to tion than any other factor. In fact House objected to passing it on the centage of the attendance, middle have that city annex Eastside. Mr. many advantages are enjoyed at the bacco, Confectionery. present time by the most progres­ ground that -Gov. Chamberlain aged and elderly men were the prin­ Jordan, an Eastside resident, con­ sive farmers who may be recognized would appoint a Democrat. It was cipal beneficiaries of the work. the annexation on thegrouDd by the advertising which they do C Street..............................................................Coquille, so stated and Gov. Chamberlain, Little bad been done to interest tested that the residents of the annexed in one way or another. knowing that this section needed boys. Mow they are receiving their district had semething to say in the The great majority of farmers better court facilities as was peti­ due share of attention. matter. The Oregon law is not ex­ have not awakened to the necessity tioned by the Coos County Bar As­ A marked change in the methods plicit on the point, it is said, Judge of applying anything more to their M IN U E T sociation, said that he didn't want of teaching agriculture has occur­ Hamilton’s decision upholds Mr, occupation than hard manual labor, to see the bill fail. Mr. Coke hap­ red within the past decade. Form­ contention. The case pro­ which to be sure, is necessary and pened to be in Salem and Gov. erly it was a text book enterprise, Jordan’s bably will not be appealed. Coke indespensable, but which alone Chamberlain being familiar with having comparatively few contracts and Goss prosecuted ~\ the case, while classes the farmer with the man his ability through Mr. Coke’s ser­ with the earth. Now it is a syste­ E. L. C. Farrin of Marshfield, Lard, rep­ who works 10 hours daily with vices in the state senate, said he matic practical study of and about resented that city. shovel and pick and earns one or would appoint Mr. Coke to the animals and plants and their pro­ Hams, place providing the legislature ducts. Modern systems make the C. R. Klnger, the Jeweler, 1060 two dollars a day. Successful agri- We Carry Bacon, would pass the bill with an emer­ subject interesting* and intelligible Virvinia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., cultural advertising practiced by gency clause attached to make it to boys as well as older persons. writes: “I was so weak from kid­ intelligent and enterprising farmers Sausage, effective at once. This was agreed Grain and stock judging, because ney trouble that I could hardly will overcome prejudice and elevate walk a hundred feet. Four bottles the occupation of farming to a Fresh and Salt Meats. upon and the bill went through. of its immediate practical value and of Kidnev Remedy cleared plane where men can enjoy their A. S. Hammond, of Coquille, was the case with which it may be effec­ my Foley’s cured my backache regarded by many as being in line tively taught to large numbers of and complexion, the irregularities disappeared, labor and the same luxuries enjoy­ We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. You wonts always receives prompt attention. for the appointment. An effort to and I can now atteud to business ed by business men of other occupa­ has beeu the chief line of every day, and recommend Foley’s tions and professions. have the Coos County Bar Associ­ students work offered in short courses. It Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as The first step in agricultural ad­ COQUILLE V A L L E Y PACKING CO. ation indorse him for the appoint­ has served as a foundation on which it cured me after the doctors and vertising is to ma ke the farm a re­ ment was held up a short time age to broaden educational scheme other remedies had tailed.” E. J. spectable place of business and one BSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS but since then petitions have been of the most an profitable type. Ele­ Slocum. will incite patronage. The circulated. mentary soil study grew out of the But prodigies are springing up so which farm should with a Mr. Coke has not returned to seed We have a habit numerously in the new agriculture suitablo name bn and christened its stock and Marshfield yet but will be the reci­ in this campaign. country of getting down to that perhaps some proud mother duce marketed under the name pro­ pient of many congratulations when fundamental AND last. Present with a five year old corn expert the farm as well as the name of the of he does arrive.—Coos Bay Times. j short courses facts are strouger and would thereby be derived of the proprietor. The stock and pro­ comprehensive than in their keen pleasure of sending him to duce should have a specific trade Racing Off in California. more experimental state; they are not college! Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. We talk of baby beef and mark, to distinguish it iu Dame as Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 19—Gov­ yet perfected, and can never yeild baby mutton aDd early maturity in well as in quality aud to induce buy­ We have completed a thorough, up-to-date ernor Gillett signed the Walker- the returns derivable from the four- other animals. Mayhap the ten­ ers to become permanent customers. w > A b stra ct P la n t. Ottis racetract gambling bill today, year courses. But the general dency has got into the human family. —Prof. Hornbury, Wisconsin Agri­ 75 which will have the effect of closing principals of practical agriculture It may be that the schools have cultural College. X > We are now ready to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at short the big tracks at Emeryville and have been worked into such a teach­ within them the power of making notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Arcadia. The measure was sent able form that, with illustrative ma­ farmers of twelve-year-old boys who Foley’s Orino Laxative cures n 75 -î to the Governor on February 10, terial at hand, instructors are able can successfully compete as growrrs constipation and liver trouble and Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank the bowels healthy and reg­ after having been passed by both to help all classes of farmers, young and feeders with their fathers. Cer­ makes ular. Orino is superior to pills and “ “ Coquille Post Office. houses with practically no opposi­ and old. tain it is that our farm boys are tablets as it does not gripe or nau­ > Coquille MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. tion. Wide differences in ages are ob­ achieving results in these lines which seate. Why take anything else? tx 75 COQUILLE PHONE, 191. The proceedings were marked by served in modern assemblages at prove the immense practical value E. J. Slocum. Incorporated. Phone at our expense when ordering ABSTRACTS. X a causic attack on the clergy by farmers’ meetings, and especially at of the instruction given. It pays Two New York ladies have re­ > Manufacturers of TITLE flUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO.. n President Thomaa H. Williams, Jr., the colleges during the short courses. H J. 5. Barton, Abstractor. The CelebratedBerqmann Shoe of the Jockey Club, and by violent Recently at Purdue University gray commercially. It rewards in de­ cently lost damage suits against 75 Henry Sengstacken, Manager. veloping character and the power street railway companies for injuries The Strongest and clearest Water fulminatioos on the part of other haired men judged corn in one room ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS to do things. Proof shoe made for loggers, miners in alighting from street racetrack stockholders. The bill, and in another an enthusiastic lot of From that delicious slumber in received prospectors and mill men. owing to the fact that they however, passed both houses by boys 12 to 20 years of age received which tne farm boy revels after a care, 021 Thurman Street E. S. DEAN wore exceedingly high heeled shoes G. R. HENSLEY P o rtla n d , O regon . overwhelming odds, the Assembly instruction in that art. Many full day of activity he awakes to an which the court regards as unsafe 67 to 10 for its passage, of these lads were barely in­ educational ‘‘chance’’ the like of to walk upon, and which he blamed I ^ Thp safe and reliable tiw n -.^ ® voting while the Senate sent it to the Gov­ to the teens, several being under which has never before existed. for the injuries to the ladies’ankles. •crew ernor for signature with 33 ayes 13, Among this busy class was Great things have keen done for £l^^T he New and Speedy ,jgQ against but 7 noes. one little fellow under 12 years of him, but not too much and not yet Foley’s Orino Laxative is a new DEAN & TIEMSLEY FROBS. age. Quite a number of the boys enough. He can not be too well remedy, an improvement on the Chamberlain Will Leave. were either We wish to announce to the public that so young or so small trained for the struggles that await laxatives of former years, as it does C ap t. Olaen, M aster not gripe or nauseate and is pleas­ for their years that they could not On February 26th, less than a succeeding generations. If we can Will make regular trips be* * to take. It is guaranteed. E. we carry nothing but strictly first-class week alter the adjournment of the comfortably work on the judging avoid wars and stamp out the great ant C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n legislature, Governor Chamberlain tables. Boys of this size are as human diseases it is but a few cen­ J. Slocum. meats. Everything that is found in an up- F r a n c is c o . will go to Washington to be sworn deeply interested and do as credit­ turies to overpopulation of the Pears from the Rogue River val­ Wo S top-over a t W ay Ports. in as United States senator. His able work as their older brothers, world. Our farm boys must have ley, Oregon have again broken the to-date market. Courteous treatment, Electric Lights. Everything in First private secretary, Robert Caples, but they are at a disadvantage when the best conditions under which to world's record price for that fruit. Class Style. F ro n t Stre e t, C o q u ille . will leave today for Washington to grouped for study with older and grow strong in mind and body. Choice pears from that valley were pave the way. Chamberlain, how­ larger boys. In the future a spec­ Kindergartens of agriculture will recently sold in London for $10.08 CALL ON ever, will not resign as governor of ial class for these precocious chaps come. So will that highest type of per box. The former high price until he is sworn in. The will be provided at Purdue. There successful farmer and useful citizen was $8.20 per box. This leads the D. L. Perkins Oregon W hen You W a n t Good Coal B u y moment he is seated in the senate is something vital in educational which is now in the making. This Medford Mail to remark that the activities that attract children and better Rogue River pears become will relinquish bis position as chief bright new day is the harbenger of and inspect the largest a greater tomorrow for the Ameri­ known, the higher the price mounts. and most handsome executive of the Beaver state. But grandparents. Gazette. —Homestead. line of Gents’ Furnish­ for the protests Chsmberlsin would Just how much further it would can farm boy.—Breeders' ., , have resigned before his depsrtnre be advisable to extend the maxitrum ing Goods in the City. for Wsshington. Tbs protests, and tnimimum ages of persons wish­ P n e u m o n i a F o l l o w s I.n < > rlp | »e . Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds I I Pneumonia often follows in that may develop into pneumonia however, have made him cautious, ing to take short courses at the agri- grippe The Newest and most and but never follows the use of aie quickly cured by be will continue as governor | cultural colleges is an interesting handsome thing in the until seated. Should be not be speculation. Probably it would be Foley’s Honey ana Tar, for la grippe overnight Foley’s Honey and Tar. and it sooth­ coughs and deep seated colds. Re­ es inflamed membrances, heals the I City in 'seated, he can return to Oregon fuse any but the genuine in the lungs, and expels the cold from the temporarily expedient to make all BOOTS AND SHOES and continue as governor.—Ex. I under 10 and over 90 ineligible! J yellow package. E. J. Blocum. system. E. J. Slocum. 0smui)dsoi) & Gaffey, Props F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K A. P. MILLER, TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT COMPANY The People’s Market Sir. E lizabeth -- PEART’S COAL Leave Orders at the Scales