“■ *•*--*<* • W - 9 ' 9 ' 9 *9‘9 ‘9-9 Oregon in tho Lead. JUDGE HAMILTON SUSTAINED. # * • * » * * » * * * > * * * * > Oregon was the first of all the Supreme Court Decisions on states to “open up" its exhibit at Two Coos County Cases. D F DEAN, PROPRIETOR the Ahiska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi­ C O DRYDEN M ANAGER tion. M . A. TU PPER Holding that before intoxicating Proprietor It is the habit at the exposition liquors can be legally sold pursuai t County Official Paper. directors when they are showing to a license the vendor must know PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. notables through the grounds, to that the applicant for the alcoholic point out the Oregon building as drink is of lawful age, and that if Devoted to the m aterial and social up­ the first of the state buildings to he the seller errs in judgment in re­ building of the Coquille Valley particularly completed and one of the hand­ • ad of Coos County generally. Centrally and Conveniently Located Subscription, per year, in advanoe. $1.60 somest of any kind on the grounds. spect to such age he must suffer the consequences of liis mistake, the for all purposes, * Table Supplied A few days ago they were enter­ Supreme court, in an opinion writ­ Phone, Main 55. with the Best the market affords. taining the newspaper men of the ten by Chief Justice Moore, afiiras Sample Rooms for commercial men. state of Washington and as usual the decree of conviction enteied FARM ERS’ UPLIFT REPORT. led them up to the Oregon buildiug by Judge Hamilton, of the Circuit Free Transfer of Baggage to and to brag a bit They were invited in­ court of Coos county, against J. C. trom boats and trains, j* j* What the Country Life Com­ side and, to the surprise of every­ Wilcox, a saloon-keeper, who was one, fouod big red apples by the convicted of the charges of haviug mission Found. ton, great jars of fruits and grapes permitted a minor to loiter about Recently That agriculture in the United and other things that Oregon pro­ his saloon aDd of having sold liquor Newly Furnished Staten, taken altogether, is prosper­ duces, already to go to the tables to him. The appellate court also Throughout ous commercially, when measured aud shelves which were being rang, holds that it iB not necessary to by conditions that have obtained in ed around the building. prove in such cases that the propri­ Ü Before they got out of the build­ etor of a saloon knew that the liq­ previous years. That county people aro produc­ ing they were takeD down into the uor was sold to a minor by bis ing vast quantities of supplies for basement, where a cold storage plant bartender, since the proprietor is food, shelter, clothing and for use is in operation, and there everyone heh) responsible for the acts of bis of the 200 writers present was given bartender or agent, under the stat­ in the arts. Every form of delicacy in this line, and all the staple applo the size of a muskmellon utes. That country homes are improv­ an articles—the freshest aud purest. invited to come again, ing in comfort, attractiveness and and Oregon’s The Oregon Supreme Court has splendid buildiDg is, in I CAN SUPPLY EVERY ORDER healthfu lness. the decision of ibe lower one of the most attractive sustained court in the case of Quick vs. Swing That the farmer is almost neces­ fact, For anything to Feed Man, Horse or Fowl, and present features for those who now from Coos county. Quick had a sarily handicapped in the develop­ dock daily to the exposition grounds, my Prices are Established on the “Live and Let ment of his business because his but only recently tho California contract for a year’s employment by capital is small and the volume of building, a haudsome structure of Swing for which he was to receive Live Order.” his transactions limited, and he us­ modified Spanish architecture, was $1,000. After four or five months ually stands practically alone completed and it will be a close service, Quick was discharged and against organized interests. brought suit for the remainder competitor with Oregon for popular he of his year’s salary, claiming that he That the unattached man has favor. was entitled to it under the con­ problems that government should Eeod on Alligator. tract. The lower court sustained 8SSSS understand. That the reasons for the lack of a New Orleans, Jan. 27.—Deter­ Quick’s claim and so does the su­ highly organized rural society are: mined that Louisiana, auent the preme court." Lack of knowl edge on the part of Georgia ‘possum dinner, shall not Quick was represented by At­ farmerB of the exact agricultural be behind ì d furnishing unique and torneys Upton and Farrin and conditions and possibilities of their typical viands for the delectation Swing by J. W. Bennett. regions. J e w e le r of President-elect Taft, Secretary Because meats are so tasty they Lack of good training for country M. B. Treezevant, of the Progres­ are consumed in great excess, This COQUILLE, ORE. to stomach troubles, bilious­ * FRONT STREET, life in the schools. sive Union, which organization is leads £ ness and constipation. Revise your We carry a good line of Waltham, Handicaps placed on the farmers taking a prominent part in arrang let reason and not a pampered as against established business sys­ iug an entertainment of Mr. Taft on diet, Elgin, South Bend and Howard Watch­ appetite control, then take a few tems and interests, which prevents his visit here, bas advanced a plan does of Chamberlain’s Stomach and es. Before purchasing a watch else­ him from securing adequate returns to give the distinguished visitor an Liver Tablets and you will soon be where call and examine our stock and again. Try it. For sale at for his products, depriving him of alligator steak dinner in News Or­ well R. S. Knowlton’s drug store. Sam­ get pries. We guarantee our prices to benefits which would result from leans. ple free. be as reasonable as any. unmonopolized rivers and the good .C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 m James J. Cole, who has been en­ that would come from the use of Virvinia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. gaged in raising wheat in Eastern great tracts of agricultural land now writes: “I was so weak from kid held for speculative purposes. ney trouble that I could hardly Washington for a number of years E Q U IP P E D W IT H W IR E L E S S That some of the remedies lie walk a hundred feet. Four bottles came to Kennewick last week and Foley’s Kidney Remedy cleared paid $ 10.000 for a ten-acre peach with the National Government, of my complexion, cured my backache orchard. The land Mr. Cole paid some with the mates, some with vol­ and disappeared, untary organizations, and some with and I the can irregularities now attend to business $1000 an acre for was bought less individuals alone. every day, and recommend Foley’s than four years ago for $75 an acre. Capt. E. D. Parsons That a broad campaign of educa­ Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as It has been set out to peaches, and it cured me after the doctors and improved since then, and with the tion should be undertaken until the other whole people are informed on the Slocum. remedies had tailed.” E J. present outlook foo a bumper fruit crop in the Kenneah-k Valley, snbject of rural life. Sails fro m P o rtla n d S aturdays a t 8 p. m. P resident R oosevelt C omments on Race track gambling is getting should yield him very clcse to $500 its deserts tnroughout the country. ai acre this year.—Oregou Agricult the R eport , Sails fr o m Coos Bay Tuesdays a t service o f tide. That the level of country life is California is just now wrestling urist. high as compared with any preced­ with it, a bill having passed the GEO T. MOULTON, Agt. H. IV. SKINNER, Agt. F acts A bout Oregon. ing time or with any other land. house eliminating it from the state. Coquil e M a rsh fie ld That the object of «he commission This bill will also doubtless pass Has one-sixth 1 he standing timber is not to help the farmers raise the senate, and the governor will of the United ¡States, or more than better crops, but to call attention sign. There is nut the shndow of any other state. Government esti­ to opportunities for better business excus- for gambling at tb<- race mate, three hundred billiou feet track, and it should bn entirely pro­ A vast undeveloped area now and better living on the farm. That an organized co-operative hibit« d. It pii'bahly wrecks more available to the homemaker and in­ system is the form of business com­ lives of y n n n g business iiipii than vestor will go on the market in does uliiioit any other inti lence. It 100!). This will be the most lus­ bination the farmers need. AGENT FOR That the Department of Agricul­ the racing is dependent ii ;> n it for cious meloD out in Uncle Bain’s do­ ture should become in fact a De­ support (ail I it is not) tint.» ilo sway main «luring the present year. iDe Laval Separators, Stickney with tin r cii g— Agrii tilli l»t. partment of Country Life. Has arable laud enough for twen­ That the immediate Deeds "of Why not use Chamberlain's Pain ty million people. Present popu­ | Gas Engines and Dairy Supplies. country life are: Effective co-oper­ Balm when yod have rheumatism? lation 700,000. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. ation among farmers; new kind of We feel sure that the result will be Does more than any other state Call and see me before buying elsewhere. schools in the country, which shall prompt and satisfactory. One ap­ to advance irrigation, being the relieves the pain, and largest contributor of the United teach the children as much out- plication many have been peimatiently cured Btates Reclamation Fund. doors as indoors; better moans of by use. 25 and 50 cents sizes. communication, including good For its sale Ia natural dairying state. Annu by R. S. Knowlton. roads and a parcels post. al product $17,000,000, an increase Every fruit grower, no matter from $5,000,000 five years ago. B etw een San F ra n c is c o and B andon Myrtle Point Enterprise. what sort of fruit he raises, is in­ Western portion has j asture every terested in the bill uow before (ton- month in the year. Ranks second A crew of men are at work on the grass regula)ing the size of the ap­ in wool clip among the states. west approach of the wagon bridge ple box now used in the Northwest. Oregon npples, pears aud cher­ Twin Screw, New and Post across the Coquille with a pile It is proposed to make it larger ries find their way to the tablis of driver putting down piles and doing than the Winchester bushel by sovereigns aud multi-millionaires 1st Class Passage - $7.50 other work necessary to stop ths nearly one-fifth. This is being in­ of every civilized land—they are washing away of the approach. A troduced hy Eastern fruit growers, the best. Returns of from $300 to Up Freight - - - 3.00 large section of the bank was cut and should not be allowed to pass. $ 1,000 per acre on fruit lands are out again this winter and it was With the unanimous action of all not exceptional. O u r Interests a re y o u r Interests. F a ir rate and necessary that something should fruit growers on the Coast backing Poultry products $5,000,000 an­ good service o u r m otto. be done to protect the bridge Su­ up the efforts of the senators and nually. Local market demands representatives, this may he defeat­ pervisor Alex Snyder of the west times that amount at highest A. F. Estabrook, Co., Agents, Bandon, Oregon ed. But it will take concerted and three district is directing the work. prices A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. continued action to do this. While Has water powers (being rapidly F 'eole mt a ll H ou rs O. E. Marsters of Catching Creek you may be only growing berries developed) sufficient to run all the p i i * s t " C S l s e s r s v i e « . P ro m 0 a m to 0 p m . at this time, you cannot tell how Monday, the 8 th. in the United States. some adverse legislation will machinery , Livestock Mate at J. M. Arrington was named in the , soon t>e introduced ... afuztini’ *-r ,000,000 in packing , • estimated 1 . h your J indus* $«5 plants now a t t h e j s k o o k u m R e s t a u r a n t , will as executor of the J. P. Bark- try, and you will then need the Ä 8 - building insure a trebled market. doll estate. Mr. Barkdoll had a large sistance C. A. HARRINGTON, Proprietor. of the . apple Let Has two prosperous n icing sec amount of property that had reached every fru.traiser do his part in ,Is- tions, lofated in the eastern and We M a k e R a t o s t o S p s s l a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to a handsome value and the office of fe.t.ng this measure,—Oregon Ag- goulhern tu)ug uf the state— r eg u l a r * B o a r d e r s . • C S m r n s r s l K l Men executor will lie au important one. nculturiet. .» . , > gold, Hilver, iron, copper and oil Mr: Arrington has not yet accepted the trust offered him. The marvellous curative proper- * ®monK tho products, A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. ties of Foley's Honey and Tar has Hus diversity of climates and soils Willis Rickman at Arsgo on Mon-j^ e ò u ^ r .'n T c o l d T t h a '^ d r”! perate zone not dependent upon F R E D S L A C t I j E day, tho 8 tli. fused to yeild to other treatment. hot nights. Mr. and Mrs. C brie, Moeller wel­ Foley’s Honey and Tar will stop your cough, heal the lungs and ex­ There is now probability that comed a little «laughter to their pel the cold from your system. C O gU IL L E . - - OREGON home in uorth Mjrtle Point on Contains no harmful drugs. E. J. we will change < i white House Monday,the 8 th. •Slocum. j rough rider for rough dancer. Coquille tyerald. R : 13 r- h N i U Y HOTEL COQUILLE Do You Intend to Build? If So Did you stop to consider that a building made out of cement blocks is almost indestructable and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the world. Yours for business, COQUILLE CONCRETE WORKS j N € ( i (i GROCERIES ÖNIMENTS Coos Bay Monumental Works. Fine cemetery work a specialty. Estimates furnished on all kinds of monumental and building work. JOHN MITCHELL, PROP. Phone. Main 1731. M arshfield Oregon Ifyouare fig u r in g on a Stationary or Marine Gas Engine P . E. D R A I N E W. H. Schroeder Steamer Alliance Coos Bay and Portland T. H. MEHL THE COQUILLE RIVER LINE Steamers FIFIELD and BANDON ifa il*» n o n i n u Write us—we will save you money and time. Engines Carried in Stock Also a complete line of launch supplies gas­ oline and Distillate in any quantity. Coos Bay Oil and Supply Co. MARSHFIELD. OREGON Johnson Lumber Co. Keeps in stock a complete line of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Mouldings, etc. Our Dry Sheds are roomy and are filled with the most complete stock of Finishing Lumber in the Coquille Valley. Estimates gladly furnished. the lowest. Yard and Office, pront St. near Depot CHEAP CITY LOTS Prices $50, $60, $75, $100, $125 and $150 per lot. Terms to suit purchasers. In Barrow & Strang’s addition to the City of Coquille. The finest building location in the city. See Home Realty Co. Oregon Coquille, Incandescent Electric Light Prêt* the Button ^ i V D l ’C TAILO R Prices as low as and here you have it. Accepted throughout the civilized world as the most universally satisfactory il­ luminant for all purposes the Cleanest, Most Convenient, and the CHEAP­ EST light known. That furnished hy the C O Q U IL L B R IV E R E L E C T R IC C O is first class sad up to date in every reepect The rates place it within reach of all FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. r