Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 11, 1908, Image 3

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    P. 8 . Robison, of Norway, was in
town Saturday.
O. E. Fielding, of Bandon, was in
All kinds of feed si Skeels 4 Son. town Monday,
J. W. Felter, of Bandon, was in
Father D. P. Curley, of Marsh­
Pie Peaches one gallon cans 35 Coquille on Friday.
field, was in town Monday.
cents at O. Wilson and Co.
Margaret lies Co. at
Baby shoes! baby shoes!! Large
Joe Collier had the misfortune to Hall each Tuesday night.
severly cut his band Tuesday.
W. O. Mathews, of Fairview was
assortment, Robinson’s store.
Economny fruit jars and caps at in town Monday.
George Bsale had business over
Buy your suits at Land k Lyons’ .
from the Bayside Thursday.
R. W. Boyle, the Bandou Jeweler, Their prices will surprise you.
C. A. Pettengill, of the lower riv­
W. E. Crane, of Bandon, bad bus-1
er had business in town Monday. was a Coquille visitor Monday.
in town Monday.
C. C. Johnson, the lower river
at his new store.
A fine supply of new records just
sawmill man, waB in town Thursday.
Wm. Richardson, of Parkersburg, received at W. H. Schroeder’s.
Brain keeps on hand fresh bread,
was a Coquille visitor Monday.
R. E. Shine, of Empiie, had busi­
Alf. Machado, of Prosper, was
Three cans of standard tomatoes ness in town Monday.
among Coquille’s visitors on last
for 25 cents at O. Wilson and co.
The best flour in town at Skeels
R. E- Buck, of Bandon, bad busi­ k Son.
Calieo 7 cents per yard at Robin­
ness in town the first of the week.
Harvey James, of Bandon, had
George Leach and son Tracy re­ business in town Saturday.
W. H. Noble, of Marshfield, was
Lewis Brown and wife of Myrtle
a Coquille visitor on Thursday of turned from their trip to W ashing­
j Point were in town Saturday.
last week.
A. R. Enveart, of Gravel Ford,
Lex Cope, has returned* from his
Some nice rooms to rent.
to Curry county.
Mrs. Figg.
We have the most complete line
Mrn. Henry Johnson, of Riverton, week.
E. M. lilaekerby, of Bandon, hav­ of ladies’ coats ever carried in town |
did shopping in town Wednesday
ing hud business at the Bay, return­ Robinson’s store.
of last week.
Steve Curran, of North Bend, is
Sewing Machine needles at W. H. ed Friday.
J. M Bright, of Gravel Ford, was
in town Thursday, returning home
Friday morning.
“ Dement’s Best flour is the kind
Drane sells.
Mrs. Chns. Skeels, of this city
went to Bandon Friday to see
friendB and relatives.
Sugar, best granulated $6.40 per
sack at O. Wilson and Co.
Capt. Alva Lee, of Myrtle Point,
was a Coquille business visitor a
day or so last week.
W anted . $2,000 on first-class se-
urity. Apply at this office.
F ob S ale . Six lots and 8 -room buying hay in this valley for his
bouse well furnished; orchard and barn at that place.
bottom garden lots and out houses.
Chas. Harrington, the restaurant
E. E Bender, of Myrtle Point,
man, had two of his fingers pretty
shook hands with friends in Co­
badly mashed one day last week.
quille last Friday.
Ripe and green olives in bulk at
Get your table legs turned at
Quick k Curry’s. They have some
Capt. Danielson and son-in-law
patterns already out.
Hard wood,
$1 per set.
and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Rev. E. B. Jones and family left Davidson, were in town Monday.
for Corvallis Monday to enter up­
Go to P. E. Drane’s for Economy
fruit jars and caps.
on their new duties.
Anyone wishing house moving or
other heavy work done can be ac­
commodated by calling on H. L.
S. C. Braden, of Myrtle Point,
J. V. Hamblock, of Parkersburg,
had business in Coquille on Wed­ made our office a pleasant call while
in town on business last Friday.
nesday of last week.
Tablet'! we are closing out our
entire line at reduced prices, O.
Wilson k Co.
Mrs. J. N. McConnell started the
latter part of the week for Eugene
Rev. McConnell will join her about
the first of the year.
H. Sengstacken wanta 10 tons
chittim bark delivered either at C o­
quille or Marshfield.
Mrs.S. A. Yonkam, our County
Dairy Inspector, who had business
at the county court Thursday, made
our office a pleasant call while in
the city.
To obtain good berths on the
Breakwater call up Main 181. it
costs you nothing to phone.
H. H. Swasey, an aged veteran
of the late war, came up from Ban­
don Thursday on his way to Port­
land. He went via Roseburg per
Drane has the best thing in the
wav of fruit Jars that has ever been
on the Market. Call and see them.
place for the winter.
Clark’s O. N. T. thread 5 cents a
spool at Robinson's.
J. H. Magill was down from
Eden valley the last of tne week on
business and visited his sister, Mrs
A. J. Wilsou while in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, of
this city, departed for San Francis­
co Saturday where they will spend
the winter, Mr. Johnson will look
after the lumber market and take
care of that end of the business for
tne mill.
Groceries, drygoods, boots and
Guns of all kinds for sale or rent shoes, hats and caps, flour and feed,
at Goff k Goodman’ s 2nd hand always on band at Land k Lyons’.
Orders filled promtlv.
Department Comonder, G. A. R.,
The Educational League will meet
for this section of the coast, will
Fridny, Nov. 13th at 8:30 p. m. in
be here the latter part of the month
the high school room at the school-
for the purpose of installing the
house. Mr. John D. Goss of Marsh­
officers of newly organized Post in
field is to deliver a lecture. A full
this city.
attendance is desired.
F ob S ale . One complete outfit
Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! All kinds
for spraying. Call and investiga-
of new hats at Drane’s Store, Also
Goff k Goodman.
geuts’ furnishing goods.
E. N. Harry was in from Sitkum
Rev. C. H. Cleaves, pastor of the
on Thursday and was without his
crutches this time,having sufficiently M. E. church, south, at Grants Pass,
recovered from his late injury by al­ and well known in Roseburg, was
lowing a rock to fall on his foot married in that city Nov. 1, to Miss
Mae Herrington. They will reside
some time ago.
Coquille, to which place Rev.
Land k Lyons are closing out
their stock of clothing. Now is Cleaves has been transferred.—Rose­
a chance for a good suit of clothes. burg Review.
Kathleen Mavorneen by the Mar­
garet lies Co., next Tuesday night.
This popular and brilliant Isish
play needs no long description to
acquaint our readers wtih the treat
iu store for our theater goers next
R ooms — Nice furnished rooms to
rent in one of the nicest locations
in the town. Call on Fred Belloni
at the Nye residence.
M en’ s pants our values in this line cannot be duplicated in Coos
County. A strictly up-tio-date line to select from.
We have just received a nice
line of Heatherbloom Skirts
$2.50 and £3.50
W e want it to b e known that we will be headquarters for toys
and all kinds o f H oliday G oods.
O. W I L S O N
Geo. Flanagan, of Marshfield, was
in town Monday.
Dave Baker, of Lee, had business
in town Monday.
Mr. E. D. Sperry bad business in
Myrtle Point Tuesday.
Only the best groceries at Skeels
aod son.
County School Superintendent
W. H, Bunch has moved his family
Stanley Bartlett, returned from to town for the winter.
A big line of hosery just arrived
the East, Saturday where he had
been on business and a visit to his at Skoels and Son.
Arthur Mereen and wife, of Grav­
Saws gummed, filed and set at el Ford, visited relatives and friends
Q uvk & Curry's shop.
in town the first of the week.
The Woodman of the World gave
Just arrived— A swell line of din­
a blow out last Saturday evening ing chairs at W. C. Laird’s.
which was enjoyed by a large num­
The entertainment at the Dime
ber present.
Theatre last Friday was a grand
Furnished housekeeping rooms to
F ob R ent . Some good, f urn s bed
rent at the WHITE HOUSE.
housekeeping rooms,
Chas. Harrington, of the Skook- teachers or pupils. Apply at this
um Restaurant, returned from a
F ob S ale . #150 buys a good piano.
Geo. Hartly, has accepted a posi­ $75 cash and $75 in good potatoes
business trip to the Bay on Friday
Big assortment of ladies’ skirts tion as bookkeeper at Johnson’s or graiD.
mill and will move his family up
from $1 to $15 at J. W . Lencve’s,
Cal Slagle and family have moved
John Hamblock and son, Eugene, there.
to Lyons and Johnson’s mill on the
of Parhersburg, were among Co-
White River flour makes white lower river. Cal will act as book­
quille’s business visitors on Friday. light bread. Robinson has it.
keeper for that institution.
Cleveland's Superior
O. Wilson and Co. have on dis­
16 pounds best granulated sugar
Powder. The goods that save!you play a fine line of holiday goods. for $100 at O. WiLon and Co.
. ,
Come and make your selections
Robt. Richmond, brother of Dr.
Mrs. Chas. Zevely, of this city, early.
James Richmond of this city, arriv­
went to see her parents, Mr. and
Pie Apricots one gallon cans 25 ed in town Saturday from bis home
Mrs. J. L. Briggs, of near Riverton,
in Pigeon, Michigan, on a visit.
cents at O. Wilson and Co.
We have the largest line os la­
Ray Dean started Monday morn­
Remember wo carry every thing
gants’ and childrens’ shoes.
you need in grocery line. Land A ing for Eugone where he joines his
wife end mother who are at that We can suit you Robinson’s store,
Capt. W. T. McCloskey, the hard­
ware man of Myrtle Point, shook
hands with his old friends in this
city on Friday.
Bring your orders to Land k
Lyons for groceries, shoes or dry
Jas. D. Clinton and J. H. Rada-
baugh, of the Arago section, made
our office a pleasant call while in
town last Thursday.
The shoe with
the style and
wearing qual­
ities combined
$3.50 to $4.
CO., C O Q U I L L E , O R
H o w itt V o m * Di ff ONllou?
Mrs. Mary Llowlin of No. 228 8 th
Ave., Sau Fra ncisco, recommends a
remedy for stomach trouble. She
says: “ Gratitude for the wonderful
effect of Electric .Bitters in a case of
of acute indigestion, prompts this
testimonial. I am fully convinced
that for stoma .h and liver troubles
Electric Bitters is the best remedy
on the market to-day.’ ’ This great
tonic and alterative medicine invig­
orates the systitn, purifies the blood
and is especially helpful in all forms
of female weakness. 50 c at Knowl-
ton’s drug store.
A ll the latest styles in Ladies
suits at Robinsons.
F. W. Estbvirg, of Myrtle Point,
is fixing up tire Lyons building on
Front street anil will soon be ready
for business.
success nnd netted the library asso­
ciation a neat little sum.
The snappiest umbrellas at Skeels
and Si n.
F ’ijr Sale By
L. h. & Wh Shingle Co.
Bandon, Oregon.
P. O. Box 62
Maids from Alaska (sequel to Old
Maids Convention) Friday evening,
Nov. 20th. A comio drama per­
formed by forty people. The great­
est treat of the season.
F ob S ale — A high-grade Kohler
and Campbell piano, oak case, for
Are prepared to do all' kinds of
cash or on installments. Will sell
and foundation re­
cheap if taken at once. Call on W.
C. Laird.
C O Q U IL L E ,
W. C. L A IR D
Do You Intend to Build?
|C c n Did you stop to consider that a building made
11 D O out o f cement blocks is almost indestructabl*
and fireproof?
Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the
last cost?
Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and
cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of
Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in tha
Yours for business,
jv ie ala a t a l l H o u p s
P porn 6 a m t o 9 p m .
p ii« s t ~ C la « s
ATTH üSkO O kum
Six lot s East of Chris­
tian Church— good building place—
part bottom for garden.
F ob S a le .
C. A . H A R R IN G T O N , P ro p rie to r.
The instinctive spirit o f “ Getting all we can for what
we have” is a feature that’s ground into the red blood of all
of us. Every human creature inherets it. As the spirit of
“ How Long to Hold on,” and when to Let go” evidently
has reached a higlior order of development with the Jewelers
than in some of the others.
W e always believe in giving our customers the best mer­
chandise obtainable at the lowest prices. Our stock is com­
plete in all its departments, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
All kinds of repair work done and guaranteed
MBN! Your Fall Clothes
are Here
G E T A I. & S. B IN G S U IT T H I S
s p o o l « ) A t t o n t l s n Q l v o n to
C ö m m e r » i ö 1 M on
Wo M » k . R a t o » to
It is now reported on good au­
oog u lar B oa rd »«».
thority that the laborers holding
checks against the Larsen Lumber
Survey« Made, Estimates Furnished
General Construction
Co., will not lose their wages as
on all Cltueeg of Construction Work
first reported but that there is 2 , 000 -
000 feet of logs in the McCormac
Civil, Hydraulic and Mining Engineer
boom at Marshfield and that the
Land, Drainage and Mining Surveys Executed W ith
men's wages will have to come out
of them. The company are doing
Accuracy and Dispatch.
everything in their power to effect
Second Door East ot P. O.
a settlement and pay off the out
standing debts.
George Laingar came over from
the Lake section last week and vis­
The meetings at the Christian
ited upper river points as well as
church in this city are progressing
Coquille. He reports all well in
nicely and large crowds are greeting
that part of the couuty.
the minister every night. Fxcel-
Du prey’s Celery Headache Pow­ lont sermoDS are being preached
Best grade flour $1.35 per sack at
ders, give instant relief. Price 25 and the good music being fnrnish-
O. Wilsan k Co.
cents. R 8 . Knowlton, Coquille
I ed is a special feature. Mr. Mc-
“ W anted . — Good man in every
C ity;C . 5"! Lowe, Bandon.
CoiJnell is »man of abability and his locality— good pay; experience un­
’ W. H. Hull, of Riverton, who is I sermons are deeply appreciated by necessary to represent large Real
having some trouble with his eyes, those who hear him.
Estate organization. Write today.
B. F. Loos Co., Dee Moines, Iowa.’’
went to Marshfield Friday to con­
When you are in the market for
sult Dr. Straw in regard to his
Sick Heartache
trouble. We hope he may get re­ baking powder, Ain’t forget Cleve­
j This distressing disease results
lief soon.
Here are three reasons why.: from a disordered condition o f the
F ob S ale . — Half of a well selected Superior Quality (Pure Cream of stomach, and can be cured by
taking Chamberlain’s Stomach and
herd belonging to a lower river
dairyman, thirtyfive in number, at Neatest Package (screw-top can.) Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at
thirty dollars a piece, for particulars Rest price (31b can $1.00; 51b can R. 8. Knowlton’s drug store and
try it.
address F. E. F., care of this office. $1.65.
Largest assortment of
Rugs ever brought to Co­
quille. All sizes and prices
9x12 from $ 3 .50 up
Complete line of Holiday
China. ___________
W hen looking lor a pres­
ent for your friend call and
get one of those beautiful
Crayons, Pastels or Paint­
ings. Nothing nicer.
you ’ll find that a I & S B Suit mors
fully meets your ideas of what a good
suit ought to be than any you have
ever worn. I k S B
clothes are cut
from best of fabrics, smartly tailored
splendidly made.
They have a per­
fection of workmanship nnd finish that
is not merely temporary-I
k S B clothe*
are right, both when you first put
them on and as you wear them. Beau­
tiful now patterns in great variety;
Take a
rich colorings; tasteful effects.
us show you some of these new ideas.
8 T
Suits from $6.00
~ up to $35.00.
W ith You
Knowlton’s DrugStore
'.C IV F iM E A C A LL.
Has a Full Line.