Sc M i l l of ComiiilB R iw T r a s p o r ta ta Compaur. Registered Berkshire pigs, both sex, for rale. Call on J. C. Watson, Chairman Mack is suffdring from breeder of Registered Jersey cattle, a formidable attack of landslldeltir. at farm near Coquille. D. r D E A N , PROPRIETOR tt $5.00 Reward to party havirg C. O. D R TD EN , M A N A G E R The Thaw c ise has all tbe other whiskey barrel No R. N. 95100 «I continuous performances put to the Parties having same will please n County Official Paner. blush. make claim with H erald office. Arrive Groceries, drygoods, boo s and it PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. You wouldn't have thought a shoes, hats and caps, flour aDd feed, always on band at Land & Lyons’. Devoted to tb e material and aoeial up­ year ago that the Japs were really Orders filled promtly. building o f the Coquille Talley particularly our dearest friends. end o f Oooe County generally. SAY! Don’t forget that Subscription, p e ry o a r .in adTanoe, *1.60 T o prove that his stomach is all that W. T. Kerr has tbe Phone, Main 55. right, Mr. Harriman has gobbled Coquille Herald. Notes and Commenta. up another railway system. Tbe Italian King may confer a S. L. Lafferty, of Norway, was in title of nobility on Senato r Elkins, town Saturday. but he cau t make him wear i t Economny fruit jars and caps at Drane’s. The political calender; Septem­ Wm. Howell, the pioneer logger, ber View with Alarm; October-Pre­ dict Victory; November-Take to was over from the bay Saturday. J. L. Kronenberg, manager of the the Woods. city. — ------- - u at u tt u ! 7 9 i U P. tt 4 9 :4 5 A. U 11 1 (t P u M. t( it tt it tt tt tt Leave Bandoli 6 :4 5 tt t • ti tt tt tt Arrive at “ tt 4( tt t< tt i a hi tt tt A, M. P. A. 9 d 5 i P. <• u tt tt 7 10 2 tt tt C 5 :3 0 A .P . MILLER, it Stationery, Fruits, Cigars, To- bacco, Confectionery. It tt «( c< DEAN & HEMSLEY, FIU)PS. — - . — A V a I d le d F l l t s e u l ’ e n r s äSSSSS-S&äSSi When You W ant Good Coal Buy I PEART'S COAL We wish to announce to the public that “ For fitteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which It was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill,” says A. F. Aberdeen mill, had business in town Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25 c. The higher the price of living the at Knowlton’s drug store. Friday. higher wages must go; and tbe Chas Adams, the Myrtle Point higher the wages the higher the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS blacksmith had business in town price of living. Notice is hereby given that bias will Saturday. be received by the undersigned on or Whether the cold wave predicted Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peart, of this before November 7th, 1908, for the clear­ city, made Marshfield a short visit by the Weather Bureau this week ing and grubbing of the north-west arrives, there is sure to be a cold quarter ol the Masonic Cemetery, tiiat on Friday. wave for somebody next week. is, all of the Block No. 3 and the North E. W . Sturtevant, o f near River­ line of lots of Block No. 2 with the ton, bad business in Coquille on Japan is doing her best, sinoe she streets between and around the said Thursday. looked that fleet over, to show the blocks; all the roots and stumps upon we carry nothing but meats. strictly Leave Orders at the Scales first-class Everything that is found in an up- to-date market. Coquille, Oregon. C Street The People’s Market best line of Shoes in the Men’s Suits at J. \V. Lonete’s. ti it tt A. Courteous treatment. M i i S8888S8gS8S' u SSB- ts IS s I Front Street, C oquille. R. W. BurruM A. H avens . B u ffu m & H a v e n s Arago, Oregon House aud carriage painters, and paperhangers. Estimates given on Work neatly aud promptly doue. Leave orders at W. H . Coos Bay Monumental Works. the lots to be grubbed or blown out and short notice. all logs, stumps, roots and brush to be Schoreder. burned, leaving the ground ready tor the plow. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Five per cent, in cash or certified check to be de­ Fine cemetery work a specialty. Estimates furnished on all kinds of posited with the bid as a forfeit in case the bid is accepted and the bidder fails monumental and building work. to proceed with the contract. JOHN MITCHELL, PROP. By order of Chadwick Lodge No. (18, Phone. Main 1731. Marshfield Oregon A. F. A. M. R. H. MAST, In calling tbe bank deposit guar­ 8-14-2t Secretary. For bargains in shoes, see Drane American people that they are her at his new store. '‘regular little cherry blossoms. Miss Corda Sumerlin, the Myrtle That. Providence, R. I., young Point milliner, visited in Coquille fellow of 80 who has just eloped in last Friday. an automobile will get a good Jack Yale, Levi Strauss & Co’s* spanking when bis mother catches veteran commercial traveler, is mak him. ing his rounds again. ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE Attorney J. J. Stanley, o f this city, had business which called him anty plan the mother of panics the Denver bankers furnish grounds for to the bay Saturday. SHERIFF 8 ALE. the belief tbat wbat they drank By virtue of an execution issued out L . A, Lawhorn was down from of the Honorable County Court of the hie ranch near Fairview the latter went to their heads. part o f the week. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Byers have received word that Mrs. Byers is improving in health. F ob R knt . Some good, furn shed housekeeping rooms, nice for teachers or pupils. Apply at this office. The charge is also being made, that the steel trust and oil truBtand other trusts have simply put their men back to work until the election is over, ns a bluff towards showing that prosperity has returned, when in fact many of these men are to be Did off when the election ¡a over. Tom Lane returned home Thurs­ day from Portland where he had The New York department o f la­ been as a witness in the Land Fraud bor bulletin rejoices in the fact that, cases. anyway, even if many men and wo­ For Sale—80 acres of fine second men are out of work, their absence growth timber J mile from river from factories is materially reducing Inquire at the H erald office. tbe number killed while being em­ L. P Maury who has been oper. ployed. That is to say, it is mors ating the head saws at the Barker agreeable to the bureau to have mill at Fairview, was in town Sat­ them starve to death than mangled urday. by machinery. ------ . ..»■««»>----- Insist upon your grocer sending F or S a l e . O ne top-buggy— you Cleveland’s Baking Powder. singlo— apply at this office. Don’ t accept a substitute; demand the genuine. A Valuable Tip. Mrs. A. L. Nosier, of Bridge, re­ After exposure or when you feel turned home Wednesday after a a cold coming on take a few doses visit of several days with her daugh­ of Foley’s Honey and Tar audit ter, Mrs. Aaron Wilson, of this city. will expel the cold from your sys­ tem. It cures the most stubborn Anyone wishing house moving or coughs and colds, and prevents other heavy work done can be ac­ pneumonia. Sold by E. J. Slocum. commodated by calling on H. L. Varney. For Sale Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Rigs ia read ness for special trips. I d fact, a general Stage and Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. in. Fare $5.4 Piano? State of Oregon, for the County of Coos on the 9th day of September, 1908, in favor of B. F. Hill plaintiff, and against E. G. Allen defendant, for the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Dollars and Thirty- Five cents Gold coin, together with 10 per cent, per annum interest and accru­ ing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, on Monday the 23rd day of November 1908, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the Court House door in Co­ quille, Coos county and State of Ore­ gon, all the right, title and interest which the said E. G. Allen defendant had on or after the 7th day of April 1908, in or to the following described premises, to-wit: W** of N\\ >4 W,li of SW '4 of Sec 34, the N W , of SEt^, N. E o f SWL 4 of Sec 33, and 8 E *-4 of E *4 of Section 22 all in township 29 south of range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian in Coos county, Oregon. Terms of Salt cash in hand. Dated at Coquille, Cooscounty,Oregon, this 19th day of October, 1908. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Coos county, Oregon Then see I. A. TUi^NELL Do You li)tend to Build? ( E x p e r t P ia n o 1C C ~ Did you stop to consider that a building madt I* ^ U out of cement blocks is almost indestructabl* and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost th« last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in tha world. Yours for business, T uner ) Two Tunnings a year for $5 Restringing, refelting and all general repairing. Prices reasonable as possible and guaranteed. First Class Work and Material. Leave your orders with Jerald Office C o q u ille , O re g o n . COQUILLE COIN CRETE WORKS C H E A P C I T Y L O T S T h e Fairview Nursery Co. The Newest Thing in Town C. 0. CROSBY, Manager. Is the Gents’ Furnishings Establishment of D. L. Prices $50, $60, $75, $100, $125 PERKINS. and $150 per lot. He has on display a fine line o f goods, up-to-date in all re­ spects. He inuites a ll friends in to ex­ amine goods and get Prices. The fishermen are enjoying the present run of fish and as a result Ranch of 160 acres grass land. several strings are being caught as 100 acres fenced and sown to tame well as the usual stories are in grass, some good meadow. Plenty of good running water, some fruit, order. Fair bouse, other out buildings on Qet your table legs turned at good road. Threo miles from store P 0 TThe safe and reliable tiwn-, Quick Si Curry’s. They have some screw and post office, at landing on tbe Co­ patterns already out. Hard wood, quille River. New and Speedy «1 per set. Price $10.00 pfc. .»re. Time will B. F Hill, of this city, loat a val­ be allowed on part payment if desir­ uable Jersey cow last week from the ed; or a good true team of young Capt. Olsen, Master. effect of having drank a bucket of horses of not less than 1250 lb’s Will make regular trips be* a paint that had been left open by each will be taken at a reasonable price. C oquille R iver and San some workmen. For further information enquire Francisco. F or S a l e . Six lots and 8 -rocrn of. D a vid P S trano , J b . No Stop-over at W ay Ports. house well furnished; orchard and Coquille, Oregon, Elect!ic Lights. Everything in First bottom garden lots and out-housea. ----- ■ S tr. E liz a b e th The testimony in tho land fraud cases which has been in progress at Portland for some time, was con­ cluded tbe middle of laat week and a large number of witnesses from Curry county, Myrtle Point snd Coquille returned a few days later. H a v e Y o u a G ood Class Style. No Case on Record FOLEY’S purchasers, Carries a leading variety of apple trees, Gravenstiues a specialty, plums, prunes and cherries, roses and shrubbery. Terms to suit A p p l" trees ^ to 6 feet $ 1 0 per hundred, 2 to 3 feet $8 per hi Barrow & Strang’s 100. A ll orders promptly filled. addition to the City o f Coquille. The finest building the city, location Phone 96 Farmers. - Oregon See Home Realty Coquille, Fairview, in - Co piONEER MEAT MAIftET Oregon Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line We Carry BREAKW ATER Sails for Porltand Every Saturday S. S. CZARINA, There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumo­ nia or consumption after Foley’s Honey and Tar has been tak-n,asit will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but I the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Contains | Andrew Hoben and Miss Pearl no opiates and is safe and sure. LL vou Phone Main 34. A. Street Dock. Marshfield, Oregon, Rezin were married at the Hotel F. J. Slocum. of any cast of Kidney or P a u l L. STERLIN G, AGENT. CQUILLE, PHONE NO. 181 Oregon in N orA Bend, Sunday Bladder disease that is not ■ ■ ......... night, Judge Schuster officiating. beyond the reach of medi- Mr. Hoben is a well-known real es­ , cine. Take it at once. Do tate man and the bride’s home is on Wlekhtm ftesIVtncs, South Inlet. They will reside at not risk ha ving Bright’s Dis­ East at Christian Church Hotel Oregon for the time being. ease or Diabetes. There is Does Gents' Fine Tailoring They are the recipients of congrat­ nothing gained by delay. ulations from their numerous in all its branches. Also deans SOc. and $1.00 B ottles. friends.—Times. Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. fo r everything in the meat line, Sails weekly for San Francisco, carrying We are headquarters wants always receives prompt attention. freight and combustibles onlv. COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING C. F. M’COLLUM, AGENT. KIDNEY CURE W1, , voll Incandescent Electric Light IS. Holverson. The Coquille Mill and Mercantile Co. have men engaged making ex­ tensive repairs to their mill in this city and intend to start up in the near future for a winters run. The mill hss been idle for some time, running a few days now and then to fill loc­ al orders, nnd we aro very glad to hear of its opening. The owners are doing their best to make a per­ manent industry of this institution and we have no doubt that they will succeed and it will mean a nice lit­ tle pay roil for our town. B. FENTOIV Prop and presses clothing in first- class style. The Mercy Hospital F. J. SLOCUM k i l l ™« c o u g h and C U RE th e LUNGS AT MOUTH BEND Is now open for tbe recep­ tion of patients. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters of Mercy NORTH BRND, OREGON "™ Dr. King’s New Discovery csrsf* JSSk. for *R P <11 THROAT AND 1UMC TROUBLES. G U A R A N T E E D SA T ISFA C T O R Y OR N O N E T REFUNDED. Pres* Accepted throughout'the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il Button luminant Cleanest, E. L. TOZIER for all Most p tijcsrs Convenient, and and CHEAPEST light known. there That furnished by the DEALER IN ou R IV E R HARNESS and EXTRAS it. ave Repairing o f Harness and Shoes. Before purchasing Har ness elsewhere, get our prices. We are offering the best Bargains in the County ELECTR IC the CO Q U ILLE CO le first clasa and up to date in every respect The rates place it within reach o f al FRANK M O R SE , Prop, j Se COQUILLE, ORE. Your CO