T T ie Coquille Herald. E n t e i-p r ie e - Bsrt Tuttle, the machinist, was ovsr from Marshfield on Monday. S c M é of Molilo River Transpirtation Company. A . P. MILLER, The Mprtla Point mill stated up Registered Berkshire pigs, both Monday to cut some lumber to fill Leave Coquille 7 A. M. Leave Bandou 6 :4 5 A. M. sex, for sale. Call on J. C. Watson, F. DEAN, EDITOR AMO PROPRIETOR orders they had on fils. «( U (( it breeder of Registered Jersey cattle, 9 7 %l (< (• £ . C. Roberts retured Wednssdsy at farm near Coquille. I P. 10 (I u u C o u n ty Official Paper. from Portland where he had been Groceries, drygoods, boots and <4 P. 2 4 shoes, hats and caps, flour and feed, Arrive at «1 far about a week on business. 9:45 A. Arrive at A. 945 PUBLISHED KVEBY WEDNESDAY. u << u (( if Surveyor Wherst of the C. B. R. always on band at Land A Lyons'. il “ i P. Orders filled promtly. a a «( ( • ti A E. railroad cams up Monday to i P Devoted to the material and sooial tip- Coquille, Oregon. 5 ’ C Street SAY! Don’t forget that <( (« (( U baildingof kheOoqailie Valley particolari r*j do some further surveyiug and 5 ___" ity «en generally erally. • ad of Oooa Conni dvanoe. (I.BO marking on the proposed new depot InbRoription, peryear,in ad that W. T. Kerr has the site. The matter of buildiD g a new Phone, Main 55. best line of Shoes in the dedot has not yet been definitely settled, however. W hen You W a n t Good Coai Buy Men’s Suits at J. \V. Lenete’s. The red bellflower apple which B obs . On the South Fork, Oct­ is increasing in popularity and Political Speaker Interrupted ober 20, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Sel pronounced to be the best early win­ don Warner, a daughter. Public speakers are frequently in­ ter apple grown, le said to have For sewing machine needles go to been originated on Middlo oreek in terrupted by people coughing.(This would not happen if Foley’ s Houey W. H. Schroeders. this county. and Tar were taken as it cures ----------- - .a. ------------ - H. Bennett, the barbr who has coughs and colds and prevents F o r Coapprrt T lila been with J. L. Thompson for some Chapped skin whether on the pneumonia and consumption. The time, left Monday with bis family hands or face may be cured in one genuine contains no opiates and is Offers their entire stock of first class Marble nnd Granite Monuments for Seattle, Washington. night by applying Chamberlain’s in a yellow package. Refuse sub- at a 25 per cent discount from present shop prices until October 1, 1908. sttutes. sold by E. J. Slocum. For bargains in shoes, see Drane Salve. It is also unequaled for A ll W o r k G u a ra n te e d . sore nipples, burns and scalds. For at his new store. JOHN MITCHELL, PROP. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS sale by R, S. Knowlton. ------------ — ------------ - Tice Wagner was down from the R. W. B erro* Marshfield Oregon A . H avens . Notice is hereby given that bids will Phone. Main 1731, Economny fruit jars and caps at S e t h Fork last Fridav for the pur­ DAVID FULTON, Local Representative, Coquille, Or. be received by the undersigned on or pose of finding a market for seme of Drans’s. before November 7th, 1908, for the clear­ F ob R ent . Some good, furn shed ing and grubbing of the north-west bis fine apples, of which he has a housekeeping rooms, nice for quarter of the Masonic Cemetery, that large lot. teachers or pupils. Apply at this is, all of the Block No. 3 and the North For Sale—80 acres of fine second office. line of lots of Block No. 2 with the growth timber J mile from river F or S ale . Six lots and 8-room streets between and around the said House and carriage painters, and paperhangers. Estimates giveu on Inquire at the H erald office. house well furnished; orchard and blocks; all the roots and stumps upon short notice. Work neatly and promptly done. Leave orders at W. H. Mrs. V. L. Arrington, of Myrtle bottom garden lots and out-houses. the lots to be grubbed or blow n out and Schoteder. all logs, stumps, roots and brush to be Point, passed through town W ed­ Get your table legs turned at nesday on her way home from a visit Quick & Curry’s. They have some burned, leaving the ground ready tor Hard wood, the plow. The right to reject any and with her daughter, Mrs. Q. It. Han­ patterns already out. all bids is hereby reserved. Five per $ I per set cock, of Empire City. Stationery, Fruits, Cigars, To­ bacco, Confectionery. ONMENIS PEART’S COAL Coos Bay Monumental Works. Leave Orders at the Scales Buffum & Havens cent, in cash or certified check to be de­ Insist upon your grocer sending DeW itt’s Little Early Risers, the you Cleveland’s Baking Powder. posited with the bid as a forfeit in case famous little liver pills. Thev are Don’ t accept a substitute; demand the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to proceed with the contract. small, sure, safe pills. Sold by R. the genuine. By order of Chadwick Lodge No. fi 8 , S. Knowlton. J. DeWitt Clinton was in town Monday, he having arrived recently from Southern Oregon and North­ ern California where he has been in- gsged in mining for some time. He will make his home in Coos now, having taken up a homestead on Weekly creek. The brick kilns at Arago have been opened and orders will be promptly filled. Leave orders with W . H. Sohroeder, the Jeweler. George Clinton last week while assisting his brother, DeWitt, more his goods onto his homestead near Gravel Ford, had his dogs with him, and while they were at work the dogs treed a large panther which George killed. There were two of the panthers which had killed a nice spike buck upon which they were taking a feed. It was a large brute and had a beautiful pelt. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Ho­ tel, Voughn, Miss., For several mouths I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a triend recommended Dr. K ing’s New Dis­ covery. I began taking it, and three bottles affected a complete cure.” The fame o f this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. 8 old at R. S. Knowltons drug store 50 c, and fl.o o . Trial bottle free. -----------------------a- • « > ----------------------- A . F. A . M . 8-14-2t R . H . MAST, Secretary. SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos on the 9th day of September, 1908, in favor of B. F. Hill plaintiff, and against E. G. Allen defendant, for the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Dollars and Thirty- Five cents Gold coin, together with 10 per cent, per annum interest and accru­ ing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, on Monday the 23rd day of November 1908, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the Court House door in Co- quille, Coos county and State of Ore­ gon, all the right, title and interest which tho said E. G. Allen defendant had on or after the 7th day of April 1908, in or to the following described premises, to-wit: Vf}4 of N\\ ' 4 . \V }■<, of SW>4 of Sec 34, the NWJ4 of S E )*,*N . E l i of SW >i of Sec 33, and HE}* of SE}£ of Section 22 all in township 29 south of range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian in Coos county, Oregon. Terms of Sale cash in hand. Dated atCoquille, Coos county,Oregon, this 19th day of October, 1908. * W . W . GAGE, Sherifl of Coos county, Oregon Have You a Good Arago, Oregon Piano? Then see I. A. TURNELL ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- (E xpert P ia n o T uner ) Restringing, refeltlng and all general repairing. Prices reasonable as possible and guaranteed. First Class Work and Material. Leave your orders with t|erald Office C o q uille, Prop Saddle Horses of best quality always on baud. G ood Rigs ia read ness for special trips. I d fact, a general Stage SDd Livery business. Accommodations for TaveliDg men a specialty Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. to. Fare $5.S The Fairview Nursery Co. Do You Intend to Build? 1C C - . Eairview, - Prices $50, $60, $75, $100, $125 Terms to suit purchasers. In Barrow & Strang’s addition to the City o f Coquille. The finest building location the city. See and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost tk« last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed aad cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion at Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in th« world. Yours for business, COQUILLE CONCRETE W ORKS Drane’ s Store, DEALER IN Fancy and Staple Groceries. A CHOICE LINE OF Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of piONEEl? MEAT MARKET Oregon Sails for Porltand Every Saturday S. S. CZARINA, Sails weekly for San Francisco, carrying freight and combustibles only. C. F. M’COLLUM, AGENT. K. Hoi verson, eb'r nVhJ! r“ch ofm'di Kodol is a combination o f the natural digestive juices and it di­ gests all classes of food and every kind of food, so you see it will do the work that the stomach itself does. The only difference between it and the stomach is the stomach can get out ot ordor and Kodol can­ not, but Kodol can put the stomach into good order. Buy Kodol today. It is guaranteed. Sold by R. 8 , 1 Knowlton. The Mercy Hospital an d CURE th e LUNGS I AT MOUTH »END Is now open for the recap­ tion of patients. The terms are $ 10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters of Mercy J