LOCAL N E W S. Frank Nelson, of Norway, was in D. W. Baker was in from Lee on to see us while in town Monday. Monday. Chas. l ’t ndleton was in from the farm on Saturday. ! Drain keeps on hand fresh bread,1 Capt. JoLu Myers was down from ! Dr. Kirshman, the demist, is Norway Monday, y A big masquerade will be given home from his trip east. Margaiet lies Co. at Masonic f in Ibis city Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burkholder, L. E. Eachus was down from the of this city, made Marshfield a short ^ or kinds of sewing, go to i ranch near Norway on Monday. visit on Friday *Irs M o r g n * Mis8 Ilob,n80n on 1 I Front 8t. Attorney L. A. Roberts of Myrtle Saws gummed, filed and set at Go to Land & Lyons’ a for nice K Point, was in town yestrday morning Quick & Curry's shop. suit of clothes. They will save you W. H. Hull, of Riverton, was B orn — At Johnson's mill, October money. | L Coquille business visitor on Friday, 17, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Turner A. B. Daly, of Marshfield, the ^ Sewing Machine needles at W. H McNaab, a son. logging machinery man, was over Schroedei’s. Buy your suits at Land & Lyons’ . last Saturday looking up prospects Mrs. W. B. Smith was in town Thei. prices will surprise you. j Go to P. E. Drane’s for Economy from Fishtrap between boats on Fri Len Hartley and Mr Stevens were fruit j ars anj caps. day. down from the Myrtle Point section 1 W jinted To R ent . Any one hav ‘ ‘Dement’s Best flonr is the kind one day last week. ing a farm to rent address “ F ” care Drane sells. A fine supply of new records just ‘ H erald , Coquille." Mrs. George Henninger was down received at W. H. Schroeder’s. from Fishtrap Friday doing shop­ B o r n . —Near Myrtle Point, O c ­ ping. tober, 15, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Best grade flour $1.35 per sack at Devault, a daughter. O. IVilsan & Co. I f you have any repairing that Wm. Bingaman was up from Bandon on Saturday. He informs us that his father s becoming very feeble, not being able to walk about since bis last stroke of paralysis. Ladies' Belts. We certainly do set the pace when it comes to belts and the prices are from 25cts to $2.50 Groceries. We put strees upon this word as there is a reason why our gro­ cery trade is increasing so rapid­ ly. We are saving others mcney we can save you. A trial will convince you. Our line is fresh and we can please you. “I . -ie shoe with the style and wearing qual­ ities combined. $ 3.50 to $ 4 . Dry Goods, well we have a nice line and are namfiig prices that have appealed to many and are sure to please you. Make our store your headquarters and feel free to examine our stock. Our Ladies’ and Gentlemen's under­ wear department is very complete and we can please you. We have just received our win­ ter waists and are showing some snappy styles. Every thing that is nice in the Side combs, back combs, come in and look them over. 25 to 75c M en’s pants our values in this line cannot be duplicated in Coos County. A strictly up-to-date line to select from. We have j u s t received a ni ca lin e o f Heatherbloom S k ir ts At $2.50 and £3.50 W e want it to be known that we will be headquarters for toys and all kinds of Holiday Goods. Mrs. J. A. McCord, of Bandon, is you can not do take it to Quick A F or S ale . A choice piece of bot- enjoying a a visit with the H er Curry. tom land. Inquire of George S ALD folks. J. L. Kronenberg, superintendent Robison, Coquille. J. H, Radabaugh was down from of the Aberdeen mill, went to Myr­ W. F. Ray, of North Slough, was tle Point on business Saturday. Arago on Saturday. over to Myrtle Point last week to Mrs. A. M. Anger started for see his father, W. H. Ray, who con­ B o h n — At Fairview, Ore., Octo­ SurveyB Made, Estimates Furnished ber 19, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. W Hnmboldt county, California, last tinues in a very serious condition. General Construction on all Classes of Construction Work Work. week, Mr. Anger will romrin here He met there a brother J. S. Ray O. Matthews, a son. from Colorado, and a sister, Mrs. J. Furnished housekeeping rooms to for the present. Civil, Hydraulic and Mining Engineer rent at the W HITE HOUSE. P. E. Drane keeps puffed rice H. Hurst, of Kansas, who have a delicious dish for breakfast and come so see their aged father during R. W. Lundy, the Myrtle Point Land, Drainage and M ining Surveys Executed W ith for siek folks. his illness. hardware man, shook hands with A ccuracy and Dispatch. Sig Hansen, manager of Dow’s many friend* in Coquille on Mon­ H. Sengstacken wants 10 tons Second Door East of P. O. COQUILLE, OREGON big warehouse in this city, made a chittim bark delivered either at Co­ day. trip to Bandon Friday, returning quille or Marshfield. Some nice rooms to reDt. See F or S ale . One top-buggy— SUMMONS. the day following. H. A. Todd was in from bis Mrs. Figg. single— apply at this office. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or- Round Hill farm last Friday, and he F o r S ale . #150 buys a good piano. F or S ale . Six lots East of Chris­ Frank Carr, the shoe manufac­ eqorf for the County of Coos. turer of this city, visited the bay $75 cash and $75 in good potatoes informs us that while he had some tian Church— good building place— Jenet B. Robison, Plaintiff,) vs. I Suit in fine timber destroyed by the fires part bottom for garden. and the Umpqua country a few days or graiD. II. J. Dexheimer, and G. W . | Equity. which burned over apart of his place, Drane has the best thing in the Dexheimer, Defendants. J Deputy Fire Wardens Chas. and last week. that in the eud he is greatly benefi- wav of fruit Jars that has ever been To H. J. Dexheimer and G. W . Dex- W anted . $2,000 on first-class se­ Clinton Crouch, of this city, recent­ heimer ;the above entitled defendants: on the Market. Call and see them. ly returned from a cruise in tbe tted, as there were several acres of curity. Apply at this office. In the name of the state of Oregon— Mrs. Thos. Livesey is up from land cleared, saving him of consid­ Ye n, and each of you. are hereby noti­ Mrs. Chas, Lorenz, of Bandon, mountains on the upper South and Humboldt county, Cal., again to see fied that you are required to apjiear and erable work. who bad been visiting her patents, Middle Forks. answer the complaint filed against you her father, Thos. Smith, and broth­ in the above entitled suit within six Fou S ale . — Half of a well selected Several packages of freight from Mr. and Mrs C. M. Skeuls, returned ers, the Smith boys, of the lower weeks from the date of the first publi­ herd belonging to a lower river A rapihj and addressed to D. C. home Friday. cation of this summons, towit: With­ dairyman, t.hirtyfivo in number, at river. in six week from the 28th day of Octo­ Big assortment of ladies’ skirts Howarth at Coqutlle, are in the thirty dollars a piece, for particulars Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! All kinds ber, 1908, and if you fail to appear and hands of W. H.Mansell, the transfer addiess F. E. F., care of this office. from $1 to $15 at J. W . Leneve’s, answer on or before the 9th day of De­ of new hats at Drane’s Store, Also cember, 1908, that date being the last day Nels OsmundBon, of Marshfield, man, awaiting the owner. Congressman R. W. Ellis, of geuts’ furuii hing goods. of tlie time prescribed in tbe order of publication, judgment will be taken Phone 251 and your orders will Eastern Oregati, delivered a grand shook hands with friends in this city Mr. Meed has withdrawn from against you for want thereof for the re­ sent right out by Land A Lyons’ and other parts of the valley a cou­ Republican speed) to a large and tbe Margaret lies Co. and, we un­ lief demanded in plaintiff’ s complaint, free delivery. a succinct statement of which iB as fol­ ple of days last week. entniuiastic ifhdience at the court­ derstand will retire from the stage, lows: That plaintiff’ s title to lots one, Dave Drew who is making his house last Thursday night. Mr. two and three, of block three of Port­ Cleveland's Superior Baking on Ellis handled his subject very well having fallen heir to a good fortune land Addition to the town of Bandon, Powder. The goods that save*you home with the Drew Bros. Foour-Mile.spdnt a day or so in and showed that he is conversant through the death of an uncle. Mr. in the County of Coos ami State of Ore­ money. Cramer has takeD over the interests gon, according to the plat of said addi­ tion on file and of record in the office of A verry pleasant evening was town last week. He informed us that with our country’s politics. He of the other members of the com­ the County Clerk of said Coos county, the frost did not effect his section, spent by the Christian Endevor nt visitad the different towns o f tbe pany and will be sole manager in l>e quieted as against defendants and each of them, and that defendants l>e A. Wilsons last Friday evening and that grass on the ranges is very county and made similar talks to the future. He will see that the forever enjoined and restrained from fine. the people. He was entertained There was a nice program rendered personel of tbe troupe is kept up setting up any claim of right, title or interest in or to said land or any part K. Holverson has just received a while in this city by Judge E. D. after which games were played and to a high standard of proficiency thereof, for her costs and disbursements full line of the finest samples for Sperry and his estimable wife. light refreshments served. and will merit the liberal patronage in this suit, and for such other and fur­ men’s suitings. Examine them. ther relief as to the court may seem Tired mothers, worn out by the assured them. Remember we carry every thing meet and equitable. The Dime Theater will reopen paevish, cross baby have found you need in grocery line. Land & Service of this summons is made by No one is immune from kidney next Friday night. The machine Cascasweet a boon and a blessing, Lyons. publication in pursuance of an order trouble, so just remember that Fol­ Cascasweet is for babies and chil­ made by Honorable John F. Hall as Mrs. Jno. Thomas came up from booth has been lined with steel and dren, and is especially good tor the ey’s Kidney will stop the irregulari­ county judge of Coos county, Oregon, asbestos, making it absolutely fire dated the 27thday of October, 1908. Bandon Monday and proceeded to ills so common in hot weather. ties and cure any case of kidney Dated this 27th day of October, 1908. the Bay to take a steumer for Port­ proof, and a reoccurrence of Friday Look for the ingredient printed on aud bladder trouble that is not be- .1. J. STANLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. land. She will join her husband, night’s incident will be attended the bottle. Contaities no harmful ond the reach of medicine. Sold by E. J. Slocum. drugs. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. the Rev. Jno. Thomas at Sellwood, with no cause for excitement The steamer Plant which started C h ron ic (o iis tip n llo c Cured Oregon, where they will reside in ‘‘$2.00 Starts a fine Local Busi­ When you are in the market for from Coos Bay to San Francisco. ness, daily profits, $5 to $10. Partic­ baking powder, don’ t forget Cleve­ One who suffers from chronic the future. Saturday, met some mountaineous constipation is in danger of many ulars free, write to-day 3. F. land’s. Bring your orders to Land & Loos Co., Des Moines, la .,’’ Here are three reasons why.: waves just as she was getting acriss serious ailments, Foley’s Orino Lyons for groceries, shoes or dry Laxative cures chronic constipa­ E. E. Johnson returned from a Superior Quality (Pure Cream of the bar which disabled her steering tion as it aids digestion and stimu­ goods. Tarter.) gear and carried away her deck load lates the liver and bowels, restoring W. O. Matthews, of Fairview, business trip to San Francisco last Neatest Package (screw-top can.) and a portion of her railing. the natural action of these organs. was in Coquille on business last Saturday, and brings the news that Best price (31b can $1.00; 51b can The steam schooner Eureka stood by Ccmmene taking it to-day and you Monday. We noticed he wore an times have greatly improved, and $1.G5. till the Tug Columbia arrived. It will feel better at once, Foley’s that lumber has advanced two dol­ unusually pleasant smile, and upon Tollman, Photographs, was then decided to send her below Orino Laxative does not nauseate inquiring into the cause we found lars per thousand. In case this or Rrip< and is very pleasant to take Any Thing; in tow of the tug, and will be oblig­ Refue substitutes. E. J. Slocum. out that he is the happy father of a proves to be permanent we will soon Any Where; ed to go into dry dock before return­ feel the effects in thig section. fine big baby boy. Any Time; ing. Arother boat may be sent a “ W anted .— Good man in every Tablet-! we are closing out our RED AND WHITE CEDAR Residence Studio. trip or so in horplace. entire line at rtduced prices, O. locality— good pay; experience un­ SHINGLES necessary to represent large Real Wilson A Co. More Than Enough is Too Much Fifty Years a Blacksmith Estate organization. Write today. Fin' Sale Ily To maintain health, a mature M arried — At Bandon, Oregon, B. F. Loos Co., Des Moines, Iowa.’ ’ Samuel R. Worley of Hixburg, L . H . & W . Shingle C o . man or woman needs just enough Va., has been shoeing horses for October 18, 1908, Mr. Alexander W. H. Norval, the Riverton mill more than titty years. He says: food to repair the waste and supply ' Bandon, Oregon. P. O. Box 62 Barklow, of Myrtle Point, and Miss man was up Monday and informs ‘ ‘ Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has etiergv and body beat. Tbe habit- ,________________ Irene Rowan, of Bandon. They will us that he is able to run about half given me great relief from lame back ual consumption of more food than reside at the Point where they both the time on local orders, and with and rheumatism. It is the best is necessary fer these purposes is tbe have a host of friends who extend liniment I e v 'r used.” For sale by prime cause of stomach troubles, the present outlook he may be able rheumatism and disorders of the R. S. Knowlton. congratulations and best wihses. to run full time in a short while. Kidneys. If froubled with indiges­ Riverfon Pickups. To obtain good berths on the He has shipped some lumber east tion, revise yonr diet, let reason and H EATO N & SH U CK Breakwater call up Main 181. it lately, sending it to the Bay by the not appetite control and take a few Riverton is now on a boom, e ver doses o f Chamberlain’s Stomach costs you nothing to phone. Are prepared to do all kinds of Wilhemina, thence to Portland by habitable building in town is now and Liver Tablets and you will soon Housemoviog and foundation re­ The ladies of the Eastern Star steamer. occupied. Strangers are seen on be all right again. For sale by B. will begin a series of whist tourna­ pairing. Burns, bruises and scratches, big our streets every day. Several fam­ S. Knowlton. ments early in November, to con­ and little cuts or in fact anything ilies have recently moved here, tinue through the winter, they gave teqiiirtiig a salve, are best and quick­ among whom are Tom Wilson and very enjoyable times last winter and est soothed and healed by DeWitt’s family, of Newport, who moved in­ can promis all whist players just as Carbolized Wicb Hazel Salve. The best salve for piles. Be surd you to the Self bouse. good a time th s winter, and will be get DeW itt’s. Sold by R. S J. M. Miller and family, of Kan­ glad to see them all ou t Knowltcn. sas, who moved into the old Bandon Anyone wishing to rent a good R. B. Sears arrived here from cook house. I. Watson, Mr. Mein- place will call at the H erald office, Iowa the middle of last week and ardt and their families have moved | or address R. A. Easton, Sitkum, proceeded to Myrtle Point where in two of the Pendleton houses. Oregon. he will visit with friends, the ac­ Big Halloween Event—To be quaintance o f whom he formed a • O A. Kelly has moved upon bis ranch, back of town. given by the ladies of the Eastern year or so ago while visiting his Mrs. E. M. Young has rented the Star on October 31, 1908, at the brother, tbe late Jack Sears, at that hotel for a year and.is now ‘ ‘Mine Masonic Hall. Admission, 10 cents, place. He had taken in tbe sound hoste’ ’ there. coffee and doughnuts free to all. country in Washington before com­ The Margaret lies Co. showed Come at>d see tbe big ghost walk ing here, and wi1) return home djy and spook dance, and enjoy the the Southern route, going through i here last Tuesday night, and will H ea ls at a ll Hour* S t-v lttl ■ return each Tuesday during the werid music of the phantom band Cftlifort)i(, on the way P n o m 0 a m to 9 p m . S e r v ie «. winter. at 9:30. Many novelties displayed in tbe various booths. A good time F or S ale : One No. 11 Ohio Peter Ellingson and wife was up guaranteed to ail. Eneilege Cutter with 34 feet of el- last Sunday, visiting relatives. AT TH E _ evator, 2 horse power, all in No. 1 Charles Peterson, Sr, has moved C. A. HARRINGTON, Proprietor. to his new residence. It is a beauti- cents. R 8. Knowlton, Coquille ,l u,re of ” A Hamilton, above l ful little home. S p ««l* l R tt«n tlon Q lv «n » . W « f i a i t « H a t « « 4« or sddreee Coquille. City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. 1 Johnson's mill ! oi D ona A nju . 5 t ti n > i ■ I« * o «r d «n . O. W ILSON & CO., COQUILLE, OREGON E I H KERN HOUSE MOVING Take KODAK W ith You Knowlton’s Drug Store Has a Full Line. Skookum Restaurant, Sound Ring Flour, Headquarters at Marshfield. Coquille Branch a t Big Ware­ house. SIG HANSEN in charqe . T h e instinctive spirit o f “ Getting all we can for what we have" is a feature that’s ground into the red blood o f all of us. Every human creature inherets j L. A s the spirit of “ How Long to H old on,’ ’ and when to Let g o ” evidently has reached a highor order o f development with the Jeweler* than in some o f the' others. W e always believe in giving our customers the best mer­ chandise obtainable at the lowest prices. Our stock is com ­ plete iu all its departments, Watches, C locks and Jewelry. A ll kinds o f repair work done and guaranteed E. C. BARKER & CO. Successor to WILSON JEWELRY CO. MEN! Your Spring Clothes are Here G E T A I. & S. B IN G S U IT T H I S FALL. You’ll find that a I & S B Suit mor* I fully meets your ideas of what a good ' suit ought to be than any you hav* ever worn. I & S B clothes are out from best of fabrics, smartly tailored splendidly made, They have a per­ fection of workmanship and finish that is not merely temporary-I & S B clothe* are right, both when you first pat them on and as you wear them. Beau­ tiful new patterns in great variety; rich colorings; tasteful effects. L*t us show you some of these new ideas. Suits from $6.00 up to $35.00. G IV E M E A CALL. KERR Ifyouare figuring on a Stationary or Marine Gas Engine W rite us— we will save you m oney and time. Engines Carried in Stock. A lso a complete line o f launch supplies gas­ oline and DistiFate in any quantity. Coos Bay Oil and Supply Co. MARSHFIELD. OB EGO i I b 1 5