. • .-'V ■Ml (Taqttülf V o l . 26: No. 8. $1.50 P e r Y COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1908. ear •J"* Entered «a second-class matter May í , 1905, at the postofflce at Cequille, O iW jn , under act of Congress of March DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Slocum’s Drug Store. C o q u il l e , O r e g o n . Phone Mftin 123. A. F. Kirshman, Qffioe two doora South of Post offloe. < * * Oregon. I -J_____ Dr. C. W. Endicott D en tist Office on Front Street Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon E. D , SPERRY Attorney and Counoellor at Law. Office in Robinson Building W. c. CHASE; a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w Offioe in Robinson Bailding, Upstairs C. R. BARROW Attorney and Connsollor at Law First-class References Fifteen Years’ Experience C o q u il l e C i t y , O re J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building - Front Street C oqu ille , O beqon 1 A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney - at - L a w , N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t io r n e y - at - L a w , N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, : : Oregon. Hall & Hall, A ttobneys - at L a w , Dealer in R eal E st a t « o f all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. I C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. Phone 761. M a r s h f ie l d , O r e g o n . E. G. D. Holden L aw yer , J ustice of the P eace O. 8. Commissioner, General Insaranoe Agent, and Notary Pablio. Office in Robinson Bailding. Coquille SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT J SHERWOOD P r is . R. E. SUINE, Vili P m l . H. HAZRAD, C u b i a Of the amount of Monty and Warrants received for Taxes and Mile­ age, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, O p C O Q U I L a L i B , O P B G O p . A. D. 1908 April, To amount received, in coin and currenoy, $1955 76 T T r a n ^ a c ta a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u a i n e a i 2659 45 May. 1735 17 June. “ Board of Directors. i Correspondents. 840 23 July. “ SEM I-ANNUAL REPORT 821 27 Aug. “ R. O. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York CM|r 2625 67 » L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworch N’l Bank, San Francie«» Of the County Clerk of Coos County, State of Oregon, showing the Sept. Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said coun­ April 30. $1955 76 By amount paid to County Treasurer ty, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants May 29. 2659 45 1735 17 outstanding and unpaid, from the first day of April, 1908, to the 30th day Jnne 30. July 31. 840 23 of September, 1908, both inclusive. 821 27 Aug. 31. County Court and Commissioners; Salary of Judge, 2625 67 Sept. 30. Commissioners, etc.....................................................$ 1056 08 If you want a vatch come and Slats of Oregon, ) Circuit Court; salary of Bailiffs, Reporter, Jury and as. County of Coos, | examine our stock. We will sell Witlesses F0cc, Meals, Special Counsel, e tc.......... 5846 43 I, W. W. Gage, Sheriff of said County, do hereby oertify that the you one at the right price and guar Justices* Courts) Fees of Justices, Constables, Jurors, foregoing statement is correct and true. Witness my hand this 1st day Witnesses, e tc............................................................. 424 65 ef October, A. D. 1908. antee every one. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff’s Office; Salary and Expenses of Sheriff We will also do you an honest Sheriff of Coos County, and Deputies............................................................... 2338 27 By C. A. Gage, Deputy. job of Watch Repairing. Clerk’s Office; Salary of Clerk and Deputies............ 2621 02 F IR T N A T IO N A L B A N K Semi-Annual Reports of Various Officers. WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES D h s t is t . (joqdllle FINANCIAL STANDING OF COQS CO. regon. Neis P, Nelson. P r o sp e r , O re g o n . A gen t lo r Buffalo Gasolene Enqines The best, cheapest aud most con­ venient power on the market, Incorporated. Manufacturers of The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. 621 Tb rman Street P o r t l a n d , O regon . N o t ic e Notice is hereby given that all persons owing bills for board and lo d g in g - . Hotel Coquille are re­ quested to come forward and settle the same with the undersigned at once. M rs . M. A. T cppek . Coquille, Oregon, July 28, 1908. Treasurer’s Office; Salary of Treasurer.................... 615 00 Coroner’s Office; Fees of Coroner, Physicians, Ju­ rors, Witnesses, etc................................................... 516 65 School Superintendent’s Office; Salary of Superin­ tendent, Fees, e tc....................................................... 878 14 Assessor's Office; Salary of Assessor, Deputies, Extra Help, eto................................................................ 1020 00 Assessment and Collection of Taxes; Copying Tax Roll, Extra Clerks, Collctiog, Advertising, Levy­ ing on Property, etc.......... ................................... 1095 35 Tax Rebate; T bacc Refunded....................................... 12 55 Current Expenses; Books, Stationery, Postage, Ex- pressage, Telephones, etc., (all offices)..................... 1941 73 Courteouse Expenses; Janitor, Lights, Water, Fuel, Repairs, Furniture, Rent, etc............................... 1901 97 Jail; Board of Prisoners, Mediccal Attendance and Medicine, Repairs, Supplies, Fixtures, etc.............. 317 27 Poor— Care of; Salary of County Physician, Poor Farm Provisions or Transdortation Furnished, Hospital Charges, Brrials, etc................................................ 3532 27 Indigent Soldiers; Relief Furnished....................... 240 00 Insane; Examination and Expense......................... 203 40 Bridges and Roads; Material and Labor Furnished..18222 84 Ferries........................................................................... 6009 30 Election Expenses; Registration, Ballots andS upplies, Pay of Judges and Clerks, Deputy Sheriffs, e t c .. . . 2510 80 Scalp Bounty; County Bounty, one-third State Bounty 248 00 Health Officer.............................................................. 132 84 Juvenile Court............................................................ 39 00 Fruit inspector............................................................ 345 84 SE M I-A N N U A L SUMMARY STATEMENT PHONOGRAPHS O f the Finacial Condition of the County of Coos, in the State of Ore­ We have constantly on hand a gon, on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1098. line of Columbia and Edison Phono­ September 30,1908, To warrants drawn on the Coun­ graphs and Records. ts Treasures, and outstanding and unpaid............. $86,338 20 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon....... 6000 00 W. H. S H R O E D E R To outstanding unpaid County Road Warrants......... 18,919 86 Jeweler, Opposite Hotel Coquille To Estimated interest accrued thereon......................... 400 00 Total Liabilities....................................................111,658 06 September 30, 1908, By funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of County Warrants........................................................................ $9,639 59 By funds in hands of County Treajurer applicapable to the payment of County road warrants and Dis­ trict orders................................................................... 12,538 52 By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of County Warrants.................................. 11,177 00 Coquille Transfer Ço., W . H. M ANSELL, Prop- Total Resources........................................................ 33,355 11 Net Indebtedness......................................................$78,302 95 Sale A gen ts W a n te d Soon winter spraying will begin. Before the trees sprayed the or­ chards should be thoroughly pruned if in need of pruning as this will lessen the cost of material for spray­ ing and also the cost for labor. Here is a leak in the expense ac­ count that may be stoppeb by doing the right thing first— Oregon Agri­ culturist. W ILL M EET A LL B O A TS AN D TRA IN S. Parties having hauling of any kind will receive prompt attention by call- in Phone 116. $36.00 per week or 400 per cent, profit. All samples, stationery, and art catalogue free. We want one permanent agent in this locality * * for the largest picture and frame * * house in America. Experience un­ * necessary. We instruct you how to * * sell our goods and furnish the capi­ T. H. MEHL, Proprietor. 52,076 00 * * tal. If you want a permant, honor­ Outstanding Unpaid County Warrants, General Fund * * able and profitable position, write Why Colds are uangerous on the 30th day of Sept., 1908...................................86,338 20 * * Billiard Card rooms Because you have contracted or­ * Estimaten Interest accrued thereon............................... $6000 00 us foday for particulars, catalogue and samples. dinary colds and recovered from Outstanding Unpaid County Road Warrants on the * and and themwithout treatment of any kind * F rank W illiams C omaany . 30th day of Sept., 1908........................................ 18,919 86 * do not for a moment imagine that Estimated Interest accrued thereon............................... 400 00 1214 W. Taylor at., Chicago, 111. colds,are not dangerous Everyone * Soft Drinks ^ Poo! Tables 10-28-4t. knows that pneumonia aud chronic * Total amount of unpaid County Warrants. .$105,258 06 $640 00 catarrh have their origiu in a com­ * X . A Healthy Family mon coid. Consumption is not £ Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. STATE OF OREGON, 1 County of Coos, ) Our whole family has enjoyed caused by a cold but the cold pre­ * * News Stand. I, James Watsou, County Clerk of the County of Coos, State of Ore­ good health since we began using pares the system for the reception * and development o f the germs that * Dr. K ing’s New Life Pills, three gon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement N|/ \IS \\£ \{/ \k: M/ W M/ \J/ \}/ \\/ M/ \|/ \|Z ^ ^ 7N years ago,” says L. A. Bartlet, of not otherwise have found lodgment. 7K7K/K 7 t \/V\/K/K / in ? i \ 7K / i \ ?N /K 7l\ T in /l\ /i\ ?t\ ?K 7K 7TC 7K 7K of the number aud amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said Rural Route i, Guilford, Maine. It is the same with all infectious CouDty for the six mouths ending on the 30th day of September, 1908, They cleanse and tone the system diseases, Diptheria, scarlet fever, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants in a gentle way that does you good measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be contracted 8 .H. McADAMS W. L. McADAMS drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same ap­ 25c. at R .S . Knowitons drug store when the child has a cold. You pears upon the records of my office and in my official custody. will see from this that more real F or Sale Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County danger lurks in a cold than in any this 11th day of October, A. D. 1908. JAMES WATSON, 800 acres of land consisting of other of the common ailments. The County Clerk. timber, coal, fruit, farm aud pasture easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain’s Cough land; also team of fine young mares, Remedy. The many remarkable SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT one colt, one yearling mule and cures effected by this preparation Of the County Treasurer of Coos County, Oregon, for the six months some thoroughbred Plymouth Rock have made it a staple article of trade CARRIAGE AND LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES En­ over a large part of the world. For ending on the 30th day of Septemder, A. D. 1908, of money receired and cockerels of imported stock. sale by R. S. Knowlton. WAGON. WR0K AND OUTFITS paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account quire of Frank Snow, box 193, Co­ quille,Oregon. No agents need apply paid out. FOR SALE. C o q u ille ~ O regon To amount on hand from last report, general fund...$43425 65 I. A. Turnell the Looal Piano A good dairy ranch, five miles To amounts received from taxes, etc................................. 6862 97 tuner wishes te announce, that he below Bandon. A fine chance for Fines........................................................................................ 1539 10 will comence his fall Piano tuning anyone wishing to go into the dairy G ood. S H a v e and. H a i r C u t Clerk’s fees.............................. 3601 09 in Coquille the 1st of October and Refund— Costs State vs. Hoffman.................................... 151 50 GO TO will call on all of his patrons after business. 30 or 40 acres of good Sale of Tax Lands................................................................ 178 97 this date, Mr, Turnell carries full beaver dam land; 160 acres in Sale of old lumber................................................................ 7 00 line of repair and supplies and all. A fine stream of water running To balance Road Fund on baud................. 64127 34 makes restringing and felting a through the place, plenty of fish, To costs Wheeler survey-refunded.................................... 16 20 specialty. Leave or Jers at this office. Across the street from Hotel Coquille being near Boak lake, plenty of frnit To balance on hand last report......................................... 36117 21 To State apportionment— April......................................... 3500 00 and berries, aleo near the ocean and For Chronic Diarrhoea To State apportionment— Avgust........... .................. 4636 00 Hot and Cold Water While in the army In 1863 I was Sunset City addition to BandoD, First Class Bath Room in Connection. taken with chronic diarrhoea,” says good roads school handy, com­ TOTALS. George M. Felton of South Gibson , mands fine view of the Ocean, well Road Fund.............................................................................$64143 54 Pa. " I have since tried many rem­ broken from winds, shell fishing General Fund.................................................... 55766 25 B STR A C TS A BST R A C T S ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTs edies but without any permanent handy. Old age cause of wishing to School Fund.......................................................................... 44253 21 sell. For particulars see Ed Taylr^ relief until Mr. A. M. Miles, o f this plaee persuaded me to try Cham- on the place. $164163 00 bearlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ > > AMOUNTS PA ID OUT. os 03 rhoea Remedy, one bottle o f which Wh-ire Bullets Flew 73 By amount paid out on County W arrants.............. $22778 53 73 stopped it at once.” for Fale by H State Taxes................................................................... 23345 00 David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., n W q i Q R. 8 . Knowlton. Void Tax sale repayment........................................... a veteran of the civil war, who lost > > By balance general fund on hand........................... o lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: 9639 59 o "Dement’s Best" is the flour H By amount paid on School warrants....................... "The goodElectricBittershave done 73 39655 20 Drane sells it, Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. 73 By balance on hand................................................... 4598 01 is worth more than five hundred A nice line of Chambrees, and By road warrants redeemed.... ............................. 20261 08 dollars to me. I spent much money We have completed a thorough, up-to-date By road district orderB paid..................................... 29877 06 lace collors just in at O, Willsons notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. General fund. 55766 25 Varney. 50c. at R. S. Knowlton drug «tore. n H School fund... 44253 21 73 Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank Whenever you have a cough or Sewing Machines could just remember that Foley’s Coquille “ " Coquille Post Office. $164160 00 > Honey and Tar will cure it. Do STATE OF OREGON, at MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. For Sale or rent at Goff & G ood ­ 7 ) not risk yonr health by taking any County of Coos, COQUILLE PHONE, 191. man*. 1 I, J. B. Dulley, do hereby certify that the foregoing ¡1 a true and but the genuine. It is in a yellow W Phone at our expense when ordering ABSTRACTS."?,' > correct statement o f the amounts received, paid out and remaining on package. E. J. Slocum. F O R SALE. M TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., hand, in the county treasury, of said county for the six months ending $5.00 Reward to party having > Mitchell 3-inch wagon good as 73 on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1908. J. 5 . 3 * r t o n , A b stra cto r. H e n r y 'S e n g a t a c k e n , ' M a n a g e r whiskey bsrrel No R . N . 95169 3 Witness my band this 6tb day of October, A. D. 1908. Perties having same will please naw. Inquire Of Mr. J. W. Toll- an J. B. DLLLY, Conqty Treasurer, make claim ffith H erald office, ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS S mao at Y, R. WiUoo’a reaideooe. ABSTRACTS Josh’s Place, McADAMS BROS. EXPERT BLACKSMITHS and Horse Shoers __ R. E. NOSLER TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY