Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 14, 1908, Image 1

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    ï i
Coquille jtifftlà
V ol .
26: No. 6.
Entered as second-class matter May BANDIT HOLDS UP
8, 1905, at the postoffice at Cequille,
Oreiron, under act o í Congress o l March
Office at 81ocum’ s Drug Store.
C oquille , O regon .
Main 123.
A. F. Kirshman,
D kntibt .
Offloe two doors Sooth of Post offlo*.
Dr. C. W. Endicott
D entist
Office on Front Street
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
A.ttorn«y and Ooancellor at Law.
Office in Robinson Building
Offlos in Robinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-class References
Fifteen Years’ Experience
C oquillb C it y , O rk
law yer
Martin Building
Front Street
CoQUiLiiB, O regon
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttorney - a t - L a w ,
NeTAEY P u b l ic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A ttobney - a t - L a w ,
N otaby F u b l io ,
Hall & Hall,
A ttorneys - at - L aw ,
Desisi in R * a l E s t ì t s o f all kinds.
Marshfield, Oregon.
C. A. Sehlbrede,
Notary Public.
Phone 761.
M a r s h f ie l d , O regon .
G. D. Holden
L awyer ,
U. 8. Commissioner, General
Agent, and Notary Public.
in Robinson Building.
Neis Po Nelson,
P r o sp e r , O re g o n .
Agent for
Gets Two Revolvers From Men
And Escapes Without
Leaving Clue
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 8 .— A
lone masked highwayman held up
the stage from Myrtle Point within
a mile of Rooeburg last night, and
after taking about $50 in cash, some
jewelry and other valuables, made
his getaway. Just before disappear­
ing from the passengers whom he
had compelled to dismount and
“ shell out” he called to the stage
driver to give his “ regards to Sheriff
Fenton.’’ No clue has, so far, b'.an
found to the bandit.
The stage robber displayed all
the chivalry of a plumed knight of
centuries ago. As the stage round­
ed a sharp curve in tbe road where
he stood bidden by trees, be stepped
out in tbe roadway and ordered
the drivers to halt and dismount.
Keeping them covered he called to
the eight occupants of the stage to
come outside. They quickly com­
plied although some of tbe women
almost fainted.
“ D on’t be scared ladies,” said the
bandit, “ I won’ t molest you.” And
he didn’t. He ordered them to step
away a little to one side and did not
ask them to turn over their jewels
or money.
The men quickiy complied with
his order to “ shell out.” As M.
Plumb and Harrv McChesnev
turned over their pocketbooks and
change, the bandit noticed some­
thing in their hip pockets and sharp­
ly ordered them to come through
“ clean.”
As they emptied their
hip pockets his eyes twinkled at the
sight of two loaded revolvers.
That tbe bandit did not make a
greater haul was partly due to his
chivalry in the treatment of the
women and also to the thoughtful­
ness of John Hastings of Bridge.
Hastings heard the robber's com­
mand to the drivers to “ stop” and
he at once realized the situation.
Grabbing his pocketbook contain­
ing about $800 in cash, be dropped
it to tbe bottom of the stage and
Mrs. J. Barnette of San Francisco
did likewise with her wallet which
contained about $ 1,000 worth of
diamonds and jewelry.
Following are the names of the
passengers and the amounts they
Mrs J. Barnette of San Francisco
no loss.
M. Plumb, of Portland, five dol­
lars, watch and revolver.
Miss Rooney, of CoaleJo or Co-
quille, no loss.
Harry McChesney, o f Kahlotug,
Wash., fifteen dollars and colts re­
R. Heald, of Olalla, Ore., fifteen
C. McKroskaD, of Olalla, Oregon,
watch valued at $125.
Thomas Duncan, driver, three dol­
W . C. Benham, driver, four dol­
lars and fifty cents.
Woulld Mortlage the Farm
A farmer on Rural Route 2 . Em­
pire, Gr., \V. A. Floyd by name,
says: Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cur­
ed the two worst so-es I ever saw:
one on my hand and one on my leg.
It is worth more than its in gold I
would not be without it if I had to
mortgage the farm to get it,” Only
25 c. at R S Knowlthn’s drug store.
Buffalo Gasolene Engines
A good horse— gentle and true-
Tbe best, cheapest and most con-
weight about 1350 lbs. Can be Been
yenient power on the market,
at Jim Jenkins’ ranch near Riverton
Will drive double or single.
------------ Mg * »-------------
Manufacturers of
Shall government by Standard
Oil, of Standard Oil and for Stan­
dard Oil perish from the earth?
Tired mothers, worn out by the
The Celebrated Beramann Shoe paevisb, cross baby have found
The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill men.
621 Thurman Street
P o r t l a n d , O regon .
N o tic e
Notice is hereby given that all
persons owing bills for board and
lodging at Hotel Coquille are re-
queated to come forward and settle
tie same with the underaigned at
M bs . M. A. T up per .
Coquille, Oregon, July 28, 1908.
A Series of accidents
A sories of accidents befell R. D.
Hume’s two gasoline boats as they
were coming up tbe coast from Port
Orford to this port Wednesday af­
ternoon that almost caused tbe
wreck of the Enterprise, Captain,
Johnson, the boat Mr. Hume bought
to replace the Berwick which was
wrecked on the Siuslatv bar last
Tbe Enterprise had in tow the
new boat Ospray, whioh is much
larger than the Enterprise, and
which was recently launched from
the ways on the Coquille river, [and
was proceeding up the coast on a
perfectly smooth sea.
Both boats
carried light cargoes.
When almost to Cape Arago the
engines of the Enterprise suddenly
refused, to work and the Ospray’s
engines were started and two lines
passed to the Enterprise prepara­
tory to crossing tbe bar.
past the black buoy the lines parted
allowing the Enterprise with her
captain and crew of 8 men to drift
directly toward the big rock, upon
which the swells threatened every
moment to smash the little boat.
The lookout at the life saving
station saw tbe predicament of the
boat and crew and hastened to her
They made the trip in a
remarkably short time and succeed­
ed in getting a line from the Ospray
to the drifting boat before it* hit
tbo rock.
The Ospray had stood by, but on
account of the swells could not get
a line to the helpless boat.
Some of the cargo w&s washed
over. The Ospray towed the dis­
abled boat to the city dock where
her engines are being given atten­
tion. It will be remembered by
those who have followed the gaso­
line boat building of Coos county
that the engines of the Enterprise
refused to work for six months af­
ter they were installed and three
gas engine experts grew discour­
aged trying to make them go.
Tbe members of the crew are con­
gratulating themselves on their nar­
row escape and praise the life sav­
ing station for their prompt and
able assistance— Ceos Bay Harcor.
A Healthy Family
Torn Stamps W ill Not Go.
Eugene Items.
A new order in the pogtoffice de­
partment went into effect recently.
By its terms defaced stamps here­
after are worthless. Should a cor­
ner be torn off, no matter how small
or the stamp be mutilated in any
way it cannot longer be used. All
letters bearing such stamps will be
held at the postoffice two weeks for
roaovery, and at the end o f that
time, if not claimed, will be sent to
tho dead letter office.
Another phase of the order is also
interesting. Pe. uuesion is now given
individuals to perforate the stamp
with a reasonably small instrument
for identification purposes. Such a
step is intended to prevent the send­
ing of anonymous letters, or the
theft or mutilation of private mail
of any nature.
The second assembly for the year
at the University of Oregon was
held Wednesday, October 7th, at
10 a. m.
It bein g Student Rally
Day the assembly hour was given
over to the student body.
two college songs were suog by the
glee club, President P. L, Campbell
made the opeuing address.
Following President Campbell's
speech several representative men
spoke on tbe different phases of
student activities.
The enrollment at the N. of O.
now numbers SCO.
The new building on the Bible
University grounds will soon be
The enrollment at the Bible Uni­
versity is now beyond last year’s
mark and many more are expected.
A, Coos I ts .
The Godfrey family of whom we
made mention the last week or so
are on their way down the coast,
having concluded to winter in Cal­
We give the following
mention of them from the Port Or­
ford Tribune made while they were
at that place: The Godfrey family
gave one of their high class per­
formances in Nielsen’s hall last
night. They excel in acrobatic
feats, and the two little girls are the
source of much wonder among the
younger folks. The troupe are on
their way down the coast and de­
serve the peoples’ patronage, as
they are not grafters, and present
one of the cleanest and most enter­
taining programs of any show that
has ever passed along the coast.
They give another performance to­
night, with an entire change of pro­
gram, and although tbe patronage
was liberal last night a larger at­
tendance is expected this evening.
It can well be said of tbe Godfrey
family that they are all stars.
Political Speaker Interrupted
Public speakers are frequently in­
terrupted by people coughing.|This
would not happen if F oley’s Houey
and Tar were taken as it cures
coughs and colds and prevents
pneumonia and consumption. The
genuine contains no opiates and is
in a yellow package. Refuse sub-
sttutes. sold by E. J. Slocum.
Our whole family has enjoyed
good health since we begati using
Dr. K ing’s New Life Pills, three
years ago,” says L. A. Bartlet, of
Rural Route i, Guilford, Maine.
They cleanse and tone the system
in a gentle way that does you good
25 c. at R . 8 - Knowltons drug store
---------- ► ----------
New North Bend Bank.— Accord­
ing to a report in business circles to
day, a number of North Bend busi
ness men are planning to organize»
second bank there. The new insti­
tution is to be a national bank and
to have $50,000 capital, it is under­
stood.—The Times.
If the conference of Pacific Coast
commercial bodies held in San
Frnncisco the past week had result­
ed in nothing more than its section
regarding national conyentions, the
meeting would have been one of
the most important, viewed from
the standpoint of the develop of
Oregoa, Washington and their sis­
ter states, ever called.
It waa
unanimously agreed by the dele­
gates in attendance that the Coast
should act as a unit in working to
secure such convention, each city
endorsing the invitation of tho oth­
ers, with each of course to have a
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syr­ fair proportion.
up is used nearly every where, be­
For Chronic Diarrhoea
cause it not only heals irritation of
of the throat and stops the cough,
While in the army in 1863 I was
but it drives the cold out of system taken with chronic diarrhoea,” says
through its laxitive principle by as­ George M. Felton of 8 outh Gibson,
suring a free and gentle action of Pa. “ I have since tried many rem­
the bowels, aud that is the only way edies but without any permanent
to cure a cold. You can’ t cure it as ¡relief until Mr. A. M. Miles, o f this
long as you are constipated. Insist plaee persuaded me to try Cham-
upon Kennedy’s Laxitive Cough bearlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
Syrup. Sold by R. 8 . Knowlton. rhoea Remedy, one bottle of which
stopped it at once.” for Fale by
San Francisco, Oct. 10.—The U. R. 8 . Knowlton.
S. gunboat Yorktown has arrived
We have several desirable places
from cruise in Alaskan waters, and
for young ladies who wish to work
confirms the news of the summary for board and room while attending
executive of several Jap seal poach-1 Business College. For full particu­
ers by tho Russian authorities on ' lars, address.
M iller -C leaver B usiness C olleoe .
the Komandorsky Islands. The
North Bend Oregon.
Japs were convicted of pirace.
---------- -W»» ----------
----------- • — ------------
For Salo
Burns, bruises and scratches, big
and little cuts or in fact anything
800 acres of land consisting of
lequirtnga salve, are best and quick­
est soothed and healed by DeWitt’s timber, coal, fruit, farm and pasture
Carbolized Wich Hazel Salve. The land; also team of fine young mares,
best salve for piles. Be sure you one colt, one yearling mule and
get DeW itt’s. Sold by R. S.
some thoroughbred Plymouth Rock
cockerels of imported stock.
quire of Frank Snow, box 193, Co­
Best grade cane sugar $6.40 per quille,Oregon. No agents need apply
sack at O. Wilson A Co.
Cascasweet a boon and a blessing,
Cascasweet is for babies and chil­
dren, and is especially good tor the
ills so common in hot weather.
Brown and White
Look for the ingredient printed on
the bottle. Centaines no harmful White Plymoth Rock and Black
drugs. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. \ Minorca cockerels for sale by J. C.
Watson. Also pairs and trios can
Will Oddy, of this city is agent be furnished on short notice.
for D. S. Rouse, the coal man at
Place orders with him
Dt. C. W. Endicot is now located
for the best fuel in the market.
in his new office on Front street
“ Dement’s Best flonr is the kind and is prepared to do all classes rf
modern dentistry.
His methods
Drane sells.
and instruments are all modern and
Drain keep« on hand freah bread, up to date.
“ Dement’s Best”
Drane sells it,
$1.50 P e r Y
l. H. HAZRAD, C u t i s
R. E. SHINE, V is* P r it
Of* C OQ U IL 1L1H , O R B O O M .
T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u a in e «
Board of Dlreetoi
R. O. Dement,
A . J. Sherwood,
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine.
National Bank o Commerce, New York City
Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francis«}
First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, 0 «
If you want a watch come and
examine our stock.
We will sell
you one at the right price and guar
antee every one.
We will also do you an honest
job of Watch Repairing.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
We have constantly on hand a
be received by the undersigned on or
before November 7th, 1908, lor the clear­ line of Columbia and Edison Phono­
ing and grubbing of tbe north-west
quarter of the Masonic Cemetery, that graphs and Records.
is, all of the Block No. 3 and the North
W. H. S H R O E D E R
line of lots of Block No. 2 with the
Opposite Hotel Coquille
streets between and around the said
blocks; all tbe roots and stumps upon
the lots to be grubbed or blown out and
all logs, stumps, roots and brush to be
burned, leaving the ground ready tor
the plow. The right to reject any and
all bids is hereby reserved. Five per
cent, in cash or certified check to be de­
posited with the bid as a forfeit in case
tbe bid is accepted and the bidder fails
to proceed with the contract.
By order of Chadwick Lodge No. 68,
A. F. A. M.
v ît
Coquille Transfer Co.,
W . H. M A N SE LL, Prop.
Why Colds are Dangerous
Parties having hauling of any k n d will receive prompt attention by oall-
in Phone 116.
Because you have contracted or­
dinary colds and recovered from
themwithout treatment of any kind
do not lor a moment imagine that
colds,are not dangerous Everyone M /
M / \ l / NL' \ |/ \ y \ I S \ |/
\ l / \ I S \|/> \ l/ ■.!/ M / \ y M / M /
\ 1 / M / \LZ
knows that pneumonia and chronic /N /1\ /IN /l\ /K / i \ / in 7K /I n /K / i \ /K /K /|\ ^ \ ^ \ /t\ /t\ 7K /N 7N 7K 7K Tf; ^
catarrh have their origiu in a com­
mon coid. Consumption is not
caused by a cold but the cold pre­
pares the system for the reception
and development o f tbe germs that
T. H. MEHL, Proprietor.
not otherwise have found lodgment.
It is the same with all infectious
diseases, Diptheria, scarlet fever,
Card rooms ^
measles and whooping cough are
much more likely to be contracted
when the child has a cold. You
will see from this that more real
danger lurks in a cold than in any
Soft Drinks ^
other of the common ailments. The
easiest and quickest way to cure a
cold is to take Chamberlain’s Cough
Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco.
Remedy. The many remarkable
cures effected by this preparation
News Stand.
have made it a staple article of trade
M / \ 1 / W \l/- M / MZ \L- M / M /
N l/ M / M / S IS \ l /
\L/ V I / MZ SL/
S ty
over a large part of the world. For 7K7K7K
sale by R. S. Knowlton.
I Josh’s Place, 1
Notice is hereby given that there
are two Bteere, one red aod the oth­
er red and white spotted, branded
Z, and marked ■ upper-bit in right
ear and over crop off left. The
The owner of said cattle are hereby
notified that in case they are not
taken away that they will be held
for damages.
S. D om ingh iji ,
Arago, Or.
Where Bullets Flew
W . I.. M c A D A M S
and Horse Shoers
C o q u ille
O re g o n .
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.,
a veteran of the civil war, who lost
Qood. S h a v e and. H a i l C u t
lost a foot at Gettysburg, says:
“ The goodElectricBitters have done
is worth more than five hundred
dollars to me. I spent much money
doctoring tor a bad case of stomach
trouble, to little purpose. I then
Across the street from Hotel Coqnille
tried Electric bitters, and they cur­
ed me. I now take them as a tonic,
and they keep me strong and well,”
First Class Bath Room in Connection. Hot and Cold Water
50 c. at R. S. Knowlton drug store.
A good dairy ranch, five miles A B STR A C TS
below BandoD. A fine chance for
anyone wishing to go into the dairy
business. 30 or 40 acres of good
beaver dam land; 160 acres in
all. A fine stream of water running
through the place, plenty of fish,
being near Boak lake, plenty of fruit
Marshfield and Coguille, Oregon.
and berries, also near tbe ocean and
Sunset City addition to BandoD,
We have completed a thorough, up-to-date
good roads school handy, com­
mands fine view of the Ocean, well
A b stra ct
P la n t.
broken from winds, shell fishing
handy. Old age cause of wishing to
We are now ready to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at short
For particulars see Ed Taylr,
the flour sell.
notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attentioa.
on the place.
■ ■
- » « •» ♦
Anyone wishing house moving or
N o t ic e to T a x p a y e r s
other heavy work dons can be ac­
commodated by calling on H. L.
Please take notioe tl it the second
installment of taxes will be delin­
Whenever you have a cough or quent October 5th. 1908. No cards
could just remember that Foley's will be sent out except upon ap­
Honey and Tar will cure it Do plication.
not risk yonr health by taking any
Dated September 10th, 1908
but the genuine. It is in a yellow
W . W. Gage.
package. E. J. Slocum,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank
Coguille Post Office.
Phone at oar expense when ordering ABSTRACTS.
J. 5 . 'B s r t o n , A b stra c to r.
H e t i r y 'S e n f s U c k e n / M s n a g e r .