0 W . P , F u lle r ’s prepared paints, ; SH E R IFF’ S SALE, NOTICE FOR CANCELLATION OF oils and varnishes at J. A. L a m b & By virtue of an execution issued out COUNTY W A R RAN T4. ef the Honorable Circuit Court of the The chance visitor to the H erald ’« 0 o ’g Notice is hereby given that within State of Oregon, for the County of Coos sanctum sanctorum need not be G . T. M ou lton will p .v the h ig h - ' ° n theU th , 1900, premises, to-w it: Lots 4, 5, amount $5.50. building sevoial firearms of uncer­ ally, to kidney trouble. Take De- described 0, 7 and 8 in block No. 78 in the town Warrant No. 442, class L, issued to J. tain age and invention, acquired in Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. site of Coos Bay, Plat “ It,” in ttie Coun­ V. Strong, date July 6, 1900, amount They will promptly relieve weak ty of Coos, state of Oregon, ns per re- X>. the settlement of old accounts long back, backache, rheumatic pains ] corded nlat thereof, Warrant No. 009, class L. issued to M. since forgotten, but which may now ind all Kidney and bladder disor- . Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 14th M. Young, «late Julv 0, 1900, amount The Coquille Her°ld- F-DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Cotuitv Official Paper. PUBLISHED EVEUY WEDNESDAY. Devoted to the material and aooial np- buitdir.p o f the Ooqnille Valley partloalarly end o f Ooofi Cunntv generally. Sob icription, per year. in advanoe. ft.HO Phone, Main 55. Dutch cleansor at Robinson’s. Mon’s Suits at J. W . Denete’s. H e r a ld 's A rse n a l. Ernest Wittick, a North Bend sa­ loon keeper, died of consumption be used in effecting settlement of last Thursday. other old accounts—present ac­ Drain keeps on hand fresh bread, counts not so wholly forgotten on An agitation for a free public li our part, at least. These firearms have found a tem­ brary is in progress at Bandon. A porary resting place in our sanctui good move that merits success. sanctorum, and, while not rea' New Straw and crush hats at harmful from an absence of amt R iblnson’s. nition within them, they have an A Roseburg boy named Mark W. appearance calculated to inspire Dunham while bunting in eastern mortal fear, and have doubtless Douglas county became madly in­ been formidable agencies of death sane and was sent to the asylum. It in many a European war o f five is believed that some varmint which hundred or a thousand years ago he suddenly encountered upset his They have been dug up with no mind. purpose of starting a political re Take your saws to Quick s Ex­ volution, through the campaign change to have them filed and set. The shop is 3 blocks east of the fairly inaugurated, being merely in tended as a part of our parnpherna postoffice. Word was received this week of lia in traveling to the haunts of the marriage of Miss Grace A. Hud­ subscribers. With these old "blunderbuses,’’ a son in Ban Francisco, on Monday. The foitunate man is Edwin M. K. couple of hungry bulldogs, and Rose, of Honolulu, Miss Hudson is gentle imploring smile on his vis a daughter of Elbert Hudson, of age the editor will pay a friendly Lakeport, was brought up here aod visit to the homes of some who have has many friends who extend good long been his customers with wishes on this happy occasion.— thoughtless oversight. Receive him gently, considerately Clear Lake Press. Lakeport, Cal. we ask; otherwise the consequences We make trips to Roseburg, good Spare us the drivers, no night riding. See us might be awful. before making the trip. Phone 356, hated necessity of heralding bloody Coquille Livery Co., R. R. Pownder. and harrowing events. -------- --- .~»®*~s---------------- manager. P. E. Drane keeps puffed rice a delicious dish for breakfast and Mrs. Martha Jane Hall, the ven­ for sick folks erable mother of County Judge J. If you want a nice suit of clothes, F. Hall and Attorney Jas. T. Hall, call on Land A Lyons, as we wish passed away Inst Wednesday at tbi close out our stock of clothing. The Judge’s home in Marshfield, aged prices are right. 73 years. Decedent was one of the For Sale. Fifty acre ranch 01 best known and most highly respect­ half mile from Coquille; 25 acres ed pioneer women of Southwestern bottom all cleared, fenced and oross Oregon, having crossed the plains fenced; balance bench land. Good Address in 1815 with her mother and father, buildings, orchard, etc. the late Isham Cox, who died down box 5, Coquille, Or. ders. Sold and recommended by 1 ,lJ 0 li. S. Knowlton. 1 • ... ... $ 1 . 10 . Roseburg, Oregon, May 7, 1908.) Notice is hereby given that Stephen A. Culbertson, of Coquille, Oregon, who on March 30, 1908, made Timber and Stone Application No. 9984, for the Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 28 South, Range 13 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before E. A. Dodge, U. S. Com­ missioner at his office at Myrtle Point, Oregon, on the 15th day ol September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: O. C. Gregory of Coquille, Oregon, L. N. Gregory, of Coquille. Oregon, Charles Pendleton, of Coquille, Oregon, L. W . Culbertson of North Bend,Oregon, BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. CHEAP CTIY LOTS Tfc Prices $50, $00, $75, $100, $125 and $150 per lot. Mr. A. Robinson of Drumqui u, Ontario, has beeu troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Trblets as "the best medicine lev er used.” If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy taken and plearsant in effect Price, 25 cents. Samples free at R. 8 . Kuowlton’s drug store. The organization of the Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. was completed Thursday, says the Times, by the election of W. U. Douglas as presi­ dent, R. T. Durett vice-pres., and J. W. Gardiner secretary. It was an­ nounced that the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. would be ready to tmnsfer its Coos and Curry coun­ ty lines and exchanges to the new organization by Aug. 30th. The old Marshfield franchise held by the Pacific compnny was found in San Francisco after all, not having been destroyed in the big fire, as was sup­ posed. The old franchise still has nine years to run. addition to the City of Coquille. the city. AT N0HTH BEND Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters NORTH of Mercy BEND, OREGON PEART'S COAL ■ Leave Orders at the Scales He has on display a fine tine of goods, up-to-date in all re­ spects. He inuites all friends in to ex­ amine goods and get Prices. Coquille, See - - - - Oregon P W. A. T R A VER The safe and reliable tiwn- Ladies and screw I T The New and Speedy Gents Tailoring C O Q U IL L E , OREGON . Str. Elizabefh Pleasant to take T h e pew laxative. Does not gripe or n a u s e a t e . Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con­ stipation by restoring the natural action o f the stom­ ach, liv e r and b o w e l s . R e f u s o s u b s t it u t e s . R. W. Burro* B u ffu m & H a v e n s Arago, Oregon House anil carriage painters, and paperhangers. Estimates given on short notice. Work neatly aud promptly done. Leave orders at W. H. Schoreder. B . FEHTTOIU P rop Home RealtV Co, D. L. PERKINS. Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Bigs ii n ,, j ? for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery I usine.-*. ness 3 Accommodations for Taveling men s specialty $ j Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at IP p. h i . Fsr* $5.6 I I Do You Intend to Build? 1C Did you stop to consider that a building mad« 11 ¡JU out o f cement blocks is almost indestructabl» and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost th« last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed an4 cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion o f Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in th« world. Yours for business, COQUILLE CONCRETE WORKS Central Real Estate Exchange D rane’s S to re , B- B* PAULL, MANAGER COQUILLE, OREGON Upstairs in Robinson Building. Handles all Kinds of Real Estate s, A C H O IC E L IN E O F Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. prepare full line of A placai to yourself so that your next opportunity to enter the busi­ ness world on a good salary will not be LOST F lo u r and. F e e d . Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. S E C O N D A N D H A L L S T S ., C O Q U IL L E . M ille r-O le a v e r B u sin ess C o lle g e N O R TH BEND, OREGON P r ic e B O o . is erecting a plant at P O R T L A N D , OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous P O R T A B L E W EI L, D R ILL IN G MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A m oderate amount o f m oney w ill sta rt y o u in a proBtable business. S T A R PO R T A B LE D R IL L IN G MACHINES We Carry • xM C o o s B a y Monumental Works. A ways carry in stock a large line of MONUMENTS TABLETS and HEADSTONES in DOMESTIC and FOREIGN MARBLE and GRAN TE, also spent for iron fences, vases and Settees for cemetery use. A W o r k G u a r a n te e d . F. M. STEWART Phone, Main 1731. DAVID Mrshfield Oregon FULTON, Local Representative, Coquille, Or. THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PO R TLAN D . ORCQON. or A K R O N . O H IO * Incandescent Electric Light Pres» Accepted througboutithe civilized world th* as the most universally satisfactory il- B u tto n t h e E. L. TOZIER LUM CS ßr. sting's New Discovery W ITH FOR C8¡fff* JSk. DEALER IN HARNESS and EXTRAS Repairing of Harness and Shoes. ANDAIL THR0A1 AND LUNG TROUBLES. G U A R A N T E E D S A T IS F A C T O R Y OR M ONEY REFUNDED. luminant Cleanest, COUCH I We are offering the best for all purp ose s Most Convenient, and and CHEAPEST light known. there That furnished by the ou R TV ER a ve 't . E L E C T R IC Sss the C O Q U IL L E CO is first class and up to date in every rsspest The rates place it within reach o f al Before purchasing Har FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. ness elsewhere, get our prices. Bargains in the County Your COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO For full particulars regard­ ing w ell drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to CURE Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters for everything in the meat line, wants always receives prompt attention. have been proved by C om petitive T ests t o DO T h e Best In 'I he W orld. and carry a We piONEER MEAT MAIftET ENROLL N OW . lie Star Drilling M in e Do. k i l l ™. D E A L E R IN Fancy and Staple Groceries. E. J. 8 LOCÜM East el Christian Church The Mercy Hospital When You Want Good Coal Buy I The finest building location in Is the Gents’ Furnishings Establishment of Wlcktism Residence, The little attacks o f stomach trouble and snd stomach disorders will undoubtedly lead to chronic I dyspepsia unless you take some­ thing for a sufficient time to strengthen the stomach and give i t } a chance to get well. If you take Kodol in the beginning the bad at­ tacks of Dyspepsia will be avoided, but if you allow these little attacks to go unheeded tt will take kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again. Get a bot­ tle of Kodol today. Sold by R. 8. Knowlton. :-3msmmmammaae ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE purchasers. In Barrow & Strang’s T h e Newest Thing in T ow n 14. Holverson, Does Gents' Fine Tailoring in all its branches. Also deans and presses clothing in first- class style. t. T Terms to suit Laxative Fruit Syrup p o u n d . To MYRTLE E. COPE, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon is the above entitled suit within ten ( 10) days from the date of the service of this summons upon you if served with­ in this County, or within twenty (20) days if served within any other County within the State of Oregon, but if served by publication, (lien on or before the last day of the time pre­ scribed in the order for the publica­ tion of this summons, which prescri bed time is six ((I) weeks, tile last dav of which time will J jc Wednesday, the 9th day of Septemlier, 1908. And if you fail to so appear and ans­ wer said complaint by the said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree forever annulling the marriage contract existing between yourself and the said plaintiff, and for a judgment against you for the costs and disburse­ ments of this suit. This summons is published in tlie Co­ quille Herald, a weekly newspaper pub­ lished in Coos County, Oregon, for six consecutive weeks, beginning Julv 29th, 1908, and ending September 9th, 1908, by order of publication made by the Hon. John F. Hall, County Judge of Coos County, at Chambers in Coquille, Oregon, on the 2tst day of July, 1908. GEO. P. TOPPING, Attorney for Plaintiff. Coquille, Oreg .n. C Street . . NV. P. Fuller’s prepared paints Don t forget that 0 ¡js am] varnishes at J. A. Lamb & $ 1 . 00 . 1 Co’s. Warrant No. 684, class M, issued to 8. j that W. T. Kerr has the Nelson, date April 3, 1901, amount 1 I Foil S a l e . Five year old mare $1.50. best line of Shoes in the weighs 1400 lbs well broke. Inquire Warrant No. 749, class M. issued to W. I of I. Nordstrom Parkersburg Ore. S. Hall, date April 4, 1901, amount city. $4.20. Take your weak ntaraed and crip­ By order of the County Court of Coos pled Umbrellu’s to F. S. Washburn, A. H avens . July 8, 1908. tbcrumbrella doctor, at the Bledso County, Oregon, dated NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. JAMES WATSON, lodging house. County Clerk United States Land Office, I □HIND Myrtle EL Cope, riage Contract. ~ ' da Defendant, J Stationery, Fruits, Cigars, To- bacco, Confectionery. Warrant No. 711, class L. issued to W al- i ter Clinton, date Julv 10,1900, amount \ $2.25. Warrant No. 577, class M, issued to W. L. Hay ter, date Jan. 19, 1901. amount -* Sheriff of Coos County. Oregon. SAY! in Curry in 1874. Mrs. Hall’s bus- H o w to A v o i d A p pen d icitis. C a p t. O lsen, M a ster. band, Wm. Hall, died at the bay in most victims of appendicitis are Will make regular trips be/ i 1892. She leaves several children those whe are habitually constipât to mourn the passing of a devoted ed. Folery’s Orino Laxative cures O o q u ille R iver a n i ‘ anj chrouic constipatien by stimulating and honored mother. F r a n c is c o . the liver and bowls and restores the Have you noticed that the clothes natural action o f the bowels. Fol­ N o S t o p -o v e r a t W a y P orts. you buy at Robinson’s retain their ey’s Oriuo Laxitive does not nau Electiic Lights. Everything in First shape and last longer than any oth­ seate or gripe and is mild and pleas­ Class Style. ers? They combine style with ant to take. Refuse substitutes- strength and durability. E. J. Slocum. The well known speedy running horse Snark is no more, he having IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE: OF OREGON, IN AND FOR been shot at Roseburg early last THE COUNTY OF COOS week as the unavoidable result of B. F. Cope. J his being kicked by a fractious rac Plaintiff, Suit to annul a Mar­ vs. ing runre in Dick Turpin's barn, breaking the upper bone of his right hind leg. Snark was owned by J. Fry of Grants Pass, and was on his way to Marshfield to take part in the fair races when the deplorable mishap occurred. He was raised in New York City where he broke the world’s record for 5£ furlongs at the age of 3. In this State he has also done some ptienomenal track work, particularly at Portland. A. P. MILLER,