W. P, Fuller’« prepared paint«, oils and varnibhes at J. A. Lamb k Mrs. Mary K ely of Eureka, Co’s. California, is now visiting her G . T . M ou lton will pay the h ig h - parents J. F. Lee and wife. M t cash price f«>r ciiitiiu j b .,k < 1 e j Riverton Pick-Up*. Coquille F|erald. SHERIFF’S BALE, NOTICE FOR CANCELLATION OF By virtue of an execution issued out COUNTY WARRANT». «f tna Honorable Circuit Court of the btate of Oregon, for the County of Coos Notice is hereby given that within on the 14th day of July, 1908, in favor of sixty days front the 1st «luy of July, A. f ’ » " d against D. 1908, the following County Warrants .. , | n i L. D. Kinney, Defendant, for the uum will be cancelled, if not presented (or of one hundred seven dollars and eighty payment within that time, and payment Riverton is improving. It now livered at the C ocjuille <1» p o . thereon will be refused, after sixty days make postal* i .w l .U v v m w n U twellty UoU1 Coin, H,lJ t0)?ether fourteen with dollar, boasts of a meat market, conducted I I w w ill ill make e i) v rn ria u s n o n u a a . - gml cents costi si!£ from said 1st lay of Julv, A. D. 1908: by A E. Martin. bly from any negatives taken by Mr. per cent per annum interest and ae- Warrant No 330. class L, issued to Chas. FUBLI8HE0 EVEKY WEDNESDAY. O w in os in the old W ilk in » oa llerv cruing costs, I have levied upon anil will T, Simili, «late Julv li, 1900, amount — ■ ■ 1 — - A n oth er racidsnos is b ein g con o w i n g , 111 III« OI.I W lim ns g a llery . geli io rcM h tn haml at pul!jic nlu,tion> $ l.fi0 . Devoted tome material and social op- structed here, Cbas. A. I’etersoc sr I also make a specially o f uew n eg- l on Saturday the 15th day oi August, Warrant No, 339, class L, issued to Thoe building of the Coquille Valley particularly »liven for nnalala H »v H i m llt 10 o ’clock, a. ill., at tbe Court A ndenon, date Julv 0, 1900, anioun atives for postals. HAY ULAN. House door itt Coquillei Coos County is the moving spirit this time. •»ad o f Coos County generally. * 1 . 00 . Subscription, per year, in advance. $1.50 n k __i. tv , _ .... and .State of Oregon, all the right, title Warrant No. 343. class L, issued to A. Another of the weekly c'ances Di es y ou r back ache? D o .you BllJ interest which the said L d ! Kin Munck, date Julv 0 , 1 ink ), a mount *1.50. was given last Saturday night have sharp pains in the side and the ney, defendant, had on or after the 30th Warrant No. 373, class I., issued to Phone, Main 55. sm all or the back? T h is is du e, u su- j day of April, 1908, in or to the following Henry Kern, Sr., date July fl, 1900, which was a success. a lly, to k id u ey trouble. T a k e D e- descr>be«J premises, to-w it: Lots 4, 5, amount $5.50. Dutch cleansor at Robinsou’s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Traver, of W i n ’ s K illn ev and B ladder Pills .’ 7 anil 8 m block No. «8 in the town W itt s ft. d n ey anti « la d d e r Fills. slte of Coos Bay, P la t“ li,” In the Coun- Warrant No. 442, class L, issued to J. Men’s Suits at J. W. Lenete’e. V. Strong, date July 0, 1900, amount Coquille, made Riverton a pleasant Ihev will promptly relieve weak ty of Coos, state of Oregon, as per re- *3.20. Fresh fruit at Getty & Collier’s. visit on Sunday last. They came back, backache, rheumatic pain* . corded plat thereof, Warrant No. 009, class 1„ issue«! to M. Drain keeps on hand fresh bread, and all Kidney and bladder disor- 1 Hated at Coquille, Oregon, this 14th M. Young, «lato July 8, 1900, amount down in the gasoline launch Ven­ 0 F. DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR County Official Paper. ders. u - ’ the Court for a decree forever annulling the marriage contract existing between yourself and the said plaintiff, and for a judgment against you for the costs and disburse­ ment« of this suit. This summons is published in t he Co- ouille Herald, a weekly newspaper pub­ lished in Coos County, Oregon, for «ix consecutive weeks, beginning Julv 29th, 1908, and ending 8epteml»or 9th, 1908, !>v order of publication made bv the Hon. John F. Hall, County Judge of Coos County, at Chambers in Coquille, Oregon, on the 21st day of July, 1908. GEO. 1\ TOPPING, Attorney for Plaintiff. W . A. T R A V E R Ladies and I Gents Tailoring C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terras are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to S is t e r s of M e rc y NORTH BEND, OREGON / Central Real Estate Exchange B . FEIM TOIV P ro p IC C -. Did you stop to consider that a building made II <)U out o f cement blocks is almost indestructable and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed aud cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in tha world. Yours for business, Drane’s Store, Fancy and Staple Groceries. D E A L E R IN COQUILLE, OREGON Upstairs In Robinson Building. H a n d le s a l l K in d s of Real E sta te A placj to prepare yourself so that your next opportunity to enter the busi- « *0 « F l o u r ancL F e e d . S E C O N D A N D H A L L S T S ., LOST ____________ J E. J. SLOCUM Coos Bay Monumental Works. is erecting a plant at A m oderate am ount o f m on ey w ill jsf.irf yo u in a profitable business. S T A R P O R T A B LE D R IL L IN G MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be The lV-t In i lie World. For full particulars regard­ ing well drilling tnaihir.es, tools, supplies, etc., write to A ways corry in sti ck a large line of MONUMENTS TABLETS'»nd HEADSTONES in DOMESTIC aud FOREIGN MARBLE and GRAN TE, nleo agent for iron fences, vases and Settees for cemetery use. A W o r k G u a ra n te e d . F. M. STEWART Phone. Main 1731. DAVID Mrshfield Oregon FULTON, Local Representative, Coquille, Or. THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. or Your COQUILLE V A LLEY PACKING CO. L. H. PEARCE HARNESS-HAKER Myrtle Point, Ore. A complete stoch of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stoch of tents, wagons covers, Horst covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. Incandescent Electric Light the Button A K R O N . O H IO t ! '< ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 0 < ANO CURE WITH the LU U Cßi Or. King’s New Discovery trick FOR e O ? L ?? ?9 T r W Ä D S1" *WP ALL THROAT *WPtl«j3TftOU3LES. G U A R A N T E E D SA T ISFA C T O R Y OR W O N E Y R E F U N D E D . i E. L. TOZIER DEALER IN HARNESS end EXTRAS Repairing of Harness and Shoes. Before purchasing Har ness elsewhere, get our prices. W j are offering the best Bargains in the County Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters fo r everything In the meat line, wants always receives prompt attention. Pres* P O R TLAN D . O REGO N. K IL L thc C O U C H Lard, Hams, ¡- Bacon, We Carry Miller-Cleaver Business College NORTH BEND, OREGON C O Q U IL L E . PIO NEER MEAT M ACHET ENROLL N O W . He Star Driiiiog nine Co. Wc carry a Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of Euergthing found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. B B. PAULL, MANAGER T h e g e n u in e F O L E Y ’ S H O N E Y a n d T A R is la » Y e l l o w package. Refuse substitute». P r e p a r e d on ly by Foley iL C o m p a n y , C h i c a g o . Wickham Residence, AT N0IPH BEND ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE A CH OICE LIN