^uve you money? See if we can't Millinery ut cost it Mrs Morgan's O. Wilson Co. Slice m A Son cat r tile b Ft Cli m Ib'il r, of D'ra, had busi- Ulti' \ III j tried SOU’vU RING g> orerie« th-v cao buy. I!' - mi (.'nqnille ou Mon by. f ; ir? » Bring vmir order* to L ‘ie'1 A Mi an ! M r». J . E . C o n g e r came I) r T " t ' tr , the <1. 'l.t.ftl, Wi I* » e I. 1 ns f i gioeoriui, a' • oes oi dry Uji fioui Rivert'>n yesterday uioru- .. . 1 ». 1 ere i ur!) ¡*: A M ^ 11 .1 •ug. Point, Dr Wetn .. r., of M irile 1 J. C H ynes of M,yrtle Poiut, Skit Is A Son carry the best wav a passenger to the lay by Mon- brands of fb'ur.— $1 4<> •.van in tuwu Monday. L O C A L E N E W S . V. Winn r ivns ilo vu from the j d if Come in and ». e us. Our store has receinod a Dew coat of paint inside and out and we nro now ready to serve you hotter ufiernonu train. J. H. Rubeits, of Myrtle Poiot, W. P, Fuller’s prepared paints, came down by yesterday moruiog’Si Long w li ite and tun silk gloves oils nud varnishes at J. A. Lamb A train. ! than ever. 1 Go’s. nl Robinson's. ' See 11 we can't save you ‘ Mrs. C. C. Johnson and little F. M. Stewart, the Marabliohl daughter came up from Prosper on money. Mrs W. E (.’rane, of Ijandon ; marble cutter, and bride were in Monday, O. WILSON & CO. b id bueincs* in Coquille on Salar- town i day or so the first of the O e n e ra l M e r c h a n d is e L. L. Paulson, the coal man of Jay. w.eek. Riverton, nad hunintss iu town yea- James Oowi.u, of N *rth R o n 1. Ice oreaui will be served eveiv tordiij. I pini a few days in tide »celino Imi dav at tlm confection! ry o f Gi-ttv A L . J. Codv, the lumberman of week. ! Collier. Bandon, returned from the Bay ! Sewing Machine needles at W. H. Mr. Holopeter, the Bandon Saturday. Schroedet’s. Andrew Hatcher, of this city, re- j ! electric light and telephone man, For HOWARD Watches go to W. went to Myrtle Point ou business turned home Monday from a trip to H. Schrooder. Thursday. ) Klamath Falls. B ohn . In Myrtle Point. July 19, Go to Lund A Lyons’ a for nice C »pl. J. C. Moomaw and wife, o f 1 1908, to Mr. aud Mrs. J, P. John­ suit of clothes. They w ill save you this city, visited Marshfield one son, a son. “ Dement’s Best” is the flour mono y. The brick kilns at A rago have day last week. Drane sells it. All kinds of groceries at O. been opened and orders_ will be F or Sale— F ifty-five acre dairy . . . Wilson & Oo’ s. ranch, 40 acres bottom, 15 acres Fott S ale . A choice piece of hot- For bargains in shoes, see Drane promptly filled. Leave orders with Attorney (J. T. Treadgold, of Ban- good bench, with fair improvements. | *oln . laud- Inquire of George S. at his new store. W . H. Schroeder, the Jew eer. RobisoD, Coquille. don, had business at the county seat Price $5,500 on good terms. “ White R iver” Flour is the best E. N. S m it h , Myrtle Point. Cupt. Robt. Johnson, of the Bau- Robinson has it. ou Saturday. Earl Goodtnau arrived here last Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ploeger, of don life-saving station, came up on For sewing machine needles go to week from an extended visit in dif­ M yrtle Point, wero W. H. Schroeders. passengers business yesterday. Fintiti iv ’ h M el ion mi Sat uiiiay. ferent parts of California. Attorney L . A- Roberts, of M yr­ from the Bay by Monday’s train, Suit cases of all descriptions and having been over visitiug old tle Point, had business in Coquille sizes at Robinsnu’s. a day or so last week. friendB. F. F. Eddy, the dairyman of Fruit jars for sale at half price Go to Mrs. M. McDonald’s board­ near Prosper, made Coquille a ing house for nice clean rooms and at Gofi A Goodman’s. business visit on Saturday. meals John Langlois, of Bandon, came Aldon Candies, fresh form Port- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gage, Mr. up yesterday and proceeded to the ],. nil, at Oct tv & Collier’s. and Mrs. F red B ello n i and Mrs. J hay on business, aud will return to \V. A. Pantn ai d family moved M. N ye started to Curry County day. to Myrtle Point last week. Mr. Before buying a tent call on Goff Punter will be engineer on the Thursday for an outing and hunt­ ing trip. A GoodmaD ; it means money to you. Echo. F ink and P lain S e w in o , A t home Mrs. G. Tyler, o f Bandon, visited A fine supply of new records just on the T bridge, by Mrs. Emma her aunt, Mrs. Joel Patterson, of received at IV. II. Schroeder’s. Hanscom. this city, Sunday, and on Monday Mr. nit d Mr. Chas. Zeverlv are Wm. Candltn, of this city, re­ went to Myrtle Point to see friends. Point to m>viug from Myrtle T o obtain good berths on the Mr. Z. is holding a turned Saturday from a sojourn of C 'quille. two or three weeks in California. Breakwater call up Main 181. it position on the Dispatch. He visited Ssnta Cruz and other costs you nothing to phone. Rij» assortment of ladies’ skirts sections while absent. Ralph Davis, of this city, was fr.iui f l fo $15 at J. W . Leneve’s, Order your fruit and ornamental struck in the face by a cable at the Mr». George Snyder, of Marsh­ trees, shrubs aud berry plants from Aasen camp yesterflay morning and field, went to Myrtle Point yester­ G. T. Moulton, severely hurt, but not seriously in­ day to visit her parents, Mr. and A. G. AikeD, of Marshfield, jured M r,. John Sturdivant, of that place. deputy game warden, was in this Use D eW itt’s Little Early Risers, Kohitison has a big assortment of section a few days or so last week pleasant little pills that are easy to B i. ter r.rown shoes for children. looking out for hunters who are take. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. L. 13. Fitter, the Middle Fork chasing deer with dogs. H . J. Miller, wife and daughter, piimeer, came down on business “ $2.00 Starts a fine Local Busi­ of Madison, Wisconsin, are in Coos Monday end returned Tuesday. ness, daily profits, $5 to $10. Partie-1 county looking about the country The I I ekai . d office received a pleas­ ulars free, write to-day B. F. they are taking a general tour of Loos Co., Des MoiDes, la.,’’ ant call the west. Robinson’s store has just got lots Mr. and Mrs W. H. Young who Drane has the best thing in the of shoes and it is do trouble to show have lived in the Fishtrap section wav of fruit Jars that has ever been them. for several years, will start for on the Market. Call and see them. Mrs. G. W. Kistner who had been their old home in Iowa, where they Last Friday morning Earl Schroe­ visiting Mr. and Mrs. W . L. K ist­ will reside in the future. der, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W . ner, of this city, returned to her Dean’s photo studio will he open home in Humboldt county, Cal. on the first and third Sundays in each month, and will be closed the last week. second and fourth. Remember we carry every thing R. R. Powndsr has just received you need in grocery line. Land A a new vehicle for his stage line. Lyons. It is a strongly-built hack and he Dr. Wm. Tntom will be in Co- will work four horses to this rig quille Saturday, August 1st, and and will make good time. will remain one week, at which time F ob S ale , Span of 4 and 5 year he will be prepaired to do all kinds old geldings and harness,weight 1450 of dental work. ponds. Sound, gentle, true. $450. ‘‘Sound Rtnq’’ flour is the best Addrss J. C. Lett, Norway. straigt wheat flour made from the George Gilman who has been in best hardwheat from the Northwest. California for some time past, re­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Goodman, for turned home Suudav, accompanied many years residents of this city, by his sister Miss Florence and start this week for their home at Miss Bessie Robinson. Their many Richmond, Iowa, where the aged friends are pleased to see them parents of Mrs. Goodman reside, back. and will again make that their home. Mrs. Geo. E. Peoples, of this city, Wanted— Work in the country for ii now enjoying a visit from her middle-aged woman. Address Mrs. mother, Mrs. A. B Galloway, and n A., care box 4, Marshfield, Oregon. friend, Mrs. Fortune Aureguy, of M. O. Warner, the piano tuner, San Francisco. With them little will be here this week on his 20 th Dorris returned, she having gone annual professional visit to Coos down with her father who returned counfy. All old customers will re- last week. cieve a call as well as new ones, D eW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve is As to his skill and ability, he needs good for cuts, burns, and scratches, no recomroendatons at this time. It is especially good for piles. F ob S a l e . One two-horse wag Recommended and sold by R. S on, and a cart, good and strong as Knowlton. new. Inquire of K. Holverson, Thé Trustees o f the Coquille Jas. T . Jenkins, of Riverton, came Library Association met at Mr. E. up Monday with one o f his little D- Sperry’s on Monday evening to hoys who is baviDg a serious time frnme the by laws for the use of the with an abcess on one of his eyes. corporation recently formed for the He weDt on to Marshfield with the purpose of properlv Tiandling the little fellow to see Dr. 8 'raw, who property acquired by the association gives him considerable encourage­ — also officers were elected as follows: President, R. S. Knowl- ment. I ton, Secretary R. H. Mast, Groceries, drygoods, boots and | Treagurcr j E Quick, shoes hats and caps, flour and feed, , always on hand at Lam! A Lyons’., F oley’s Oritio L a x a ti, e, the lax- Ordera filled promtlv. ative, stimulates, but does not irri- j tate. It is the best laxative Ouar- A 'i important change was made i anteeil or yotrr money b.ck E. J. in this city last week when Hotel J Slocum. H. Schroeder, of this city, received a fall, fracturing the bone in one of hie thighs. He is 'g e ttin g along nicely. Both single and double riggs for hire at Coquille Livery Co’e Stable, opposite Fish’s Factory. Phone 350. Leave 6:45 it Leave it Coquille » 4 10 7 A ii .’M. ii Bandoli it it ii I P. “ ( • (< 7 10 it ii 2 ii ii 4« ii 2 Arrive t>t “ A. “ Arrive at “ ii ii ii 9;45 ii ii it it ii 9:45 4( i. tt 5 I it (i u I I t P “ it it ii 5 >1 u (1 ii ii 5:30 1 C B. R. & E. Il R & NAVIGATION CO. Buy your suits at Land A Lyons’ . Their prices will surprise you. T IM E A large assortment of straw hats for men and womeo at Robinson’s. POTATOES Headquarters at Marshfield. Daily ex’t Sunday. No, house. SIG HANSEN in charge . S. Line Sperry new, flour made at Taco­ ma, Wash., with the same care as “ Sperry’s Best,” “ Sound Rinq.” BREAKW ATER 1. Marslifi’illÀr. 12:30 p.m. Coquille Lv. 11:20a.m. MvrtlePt. Lv. 10:45 a.m. quarters for Kerrigan strawberries Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. this season. PAUL STERLING, Agent. Pasture to Let. Sails for Porltand Every Saturday S. S. C Z A R IN A , Sails weekly for San Francisco, carrying freight and combustibles onl. C. F. M’COLLUM, AGENT. For good pasture for horses aud Saturday is the day to get your cattle, V. j miles from Coquille, on picture taken. I will rnuke a re­ the Marshfield road, apply at the duction on all pictures taker on A. Street Dock. Marshfield, Oregi r. Saturday, excepting stamps. My blacksmith shop of W. L. McAdams. Phone Main 34. gallerywill be open on the 1 st and P A U L L. S T E R L IN G , A G E N T. C Q U IL L E , P H O N E NO. 3s i and 3rd Sunday and closed ou the 2nd and 4th in each month. R ay D ean WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHEG “ Dement’s Best flour is the kind Drane sells. Best the World Affords I f you want a watch come and ” It gi ves me unbounded pleasure to recommend Buckleu’s Arnica I Salve,” says J. W. Jenkins, of j Chapel H ill, N. C. “ I am convin- | ced it’s the best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore burn or wound to which it is applied. 25 c. at Knowlton’s drug store. -------------------- - ♦ —- H o w is This? examine our stock. We will sell you one at the right price and guar antee every one. FIN E Watch Repair­ We will also do you an honeet job of Watch Repairing. ing. Jewelry Repairing. When you want to buy a PHONOGRAPHS We have constantly on hand a line of Columbia and Edison Phono­ Stoves of all kinds, cooking uten- j sils, both new and second-hand, w atch c a ll o il me I w ill save graphs and Records. Wash tubs, wash boilers, chairs, W. H. S H R O E D E R you money. dressers, commodes, bed-stead's lied Jeweler, Opposite Hotel Coquille springs, mattresses bed-clothes Musical instruments, Etc. Prices WATCHMAKER A JEWELER. lowest yet. G off A G oodman . Oregon. Corner of Front A Hall st. Coquille, V . R . W IL S O N , Eastman’s Cameras and Camera Supplies MEN! Your Spring Clothes arj & You’ll find that a I A >S B Suit more fully meots your ideas of what a ; nod suit ought to he than ovor worn. I A S B Knowlton’s Drug Mr. Estabrook. the gentleman who is having several vessels built in Coos county, came up from San Francisco by way of Roseburg last week, coming in over the Coos Bay ■ Wagon Road aDd in from Fairview. He was accompanied by Mrs, Esta­ brook, Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Westfield, C. F. Johnson and C. L . Scrimmage They have visited Bandon and the Place bay side, and we understand that they will go out on one of the First-Class Ssrvlss. steamers after *n outing here. splendidly made. furnish are right, lU E fl H A R R I N G T O N , P ro p rieto r. S p e c ia l A t t e n t i o n O iv a n to com m ersla l Ps ö 6 bars fine Toilet Soap 25c 2 cans of Borated Talcum Powder, 25c 3 bars Mechanic Pumix Soap, 25c (It Slocum Drug Store Next Door to Post Office. them on and aa you wear them. Beau­ variety; rich colorings; tasteful effects. Let us show you some of these new ideas. Suits from $6.00 up to $35.00. Meats a t s it Ho urs F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m . Skookum Restaurant, both when you first put tiful new patterns in great your order with J. R. McAdams, or Rogers WS |*aka f l a t s * ta H sgu la r »o a r d s r s . It Can’t Be Beat They have a per­ I- not merely temporary-I A S B clothe* old growth, alder and fir pole wood to order. C. A The best of all teachers is exper - 1 ience. C. M. Harden, of Silver Coquille went out of bauds of the | M E . Church South. Set vices City, North Carolina, says: “ I find eld pioneer hotel man. J. P. Tup- ^ 8aod„ aR followg: . Electric Bitters does all that’ s per, and into those of the Baxter n chiBgi 8 ,lbj.,nt “ Ho nev from claimed for it. For stomach. L iver wy, Brothers The consideration * " * , ftrmnge hiTM- 3 p ni. J unior 1 and Kidney troubles it can’ t be beat. ^ l have tried it and find it a most $1,000. This D on. f the h f kesgue 8 p. ro, Preaching, subject j excellent medicine.” Mr. Harden businesses in the city. “ The false prophet’’. Special mu-i is right; it’ s the best o f all medicines G A. Robioson hss received his Everjbody cordially invited, also weakness, lame back, and all sto k ' fruit jars for the season. g p Thursday, prayer meeting run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under He. k ii * the Mason, Economy, 1 L. Everlasting and the Sob ram Auto- , 8 . P m Frrdaychm rpraet.ee guarantee at R. S. K now lton’s drug E. B. J ones , pastor, store. 50C maths sealer. cut fection of workmanship und finish that J. R. M cADAM S, Prop. AT THE any you L ive clothes ar from best of fabrics, smartly tail r< ■ I Coquile Wood Yard Will ere GET A I. & S. BING SUIT THIS FALL. H EAD Q U ARTERS AT Anyone wishing bouse moving or other heavy work done can be ac­ commodated by calling on H. L. Varney. Rev. B B. Pauli, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Barrow, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Brown, Miss de Jersey, Harry Disni ir, Mainar l Tozier and Good­ man returce'l from Marshfield Mon­ day, the former having attended the ministerea! association and the others an Epworth League conven­ tion in that place. Coquille Branch at Big Ware­ Subject to change without notice. No. 1. A nice line of Chambrees, and lace collors just in at O, Willsons A , L v . iTa. m Co’s. $Lv. 9:45 a. ni Land A Lyons’ store will he head­ Ar. 10 ;20 a. m Mr. and Mrs. W ill Oddy will go to Douglas countyjthis week to look after property Interests in that section. Mr. Oddy leaves his real estate business,in the care of A. P. Miller, the confectioner. Something new— tbeSchram Auto­ matic Sealer— at Robinson’s. He »Iso keeps Mason, Economy aud Ever­ lasting fruit jars. M. ii ii ii ii ii (i ii W ANTED Portland and Coos Bay S. TABLE. A. ii (i P. A. P. (i ii GIVE* ME A CALL. tT~ W . T. KERF Ifyouare figuring on a Stationary or Marii 3 Gas Engine Write us—we will save you money and time. Engines Carried in Stock. Also a complete line of launch supplies gas­ oline and Distillate in any quantity. Coos Bay Oil and Supply Fo. MARSHFIELD, ORE 'ON