TUB TRIBUNE Chamberlain's Celic, Cholera and Hare you visited the City Bakery There is one preparation kuown When you want to spend a Leisure Hour drop in at today that will promptly help the in its new location? If not, do so! Mr. Mursters of Marshfield part­ Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have stomach. This is Kodol. Kodol at ouce. ner of Mr. McLain airived in P o rt! Saved Him $100 00 digests all clases ol food, and it does Take a day ¡ IT iv l git a li v iy ! Orford Monday to superintend the "In 1902 I had a very severe at­ it thoroughly, so that the use of 0. F- DEAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR construction of Hume's Cold Stor- tack of diarrhoea,’ ’ ejiys R . N. Kodol for a time will without doubt | team from the C quille Livery C". Stable, oppo it- Fish's Box Faotorv. sge buildiug here. He commenced Farrar o f Cat Island, La. "F or help anyone who has stomach dis­ E. Hatelier .V Co. Successors to C. A. Harrington J Phone 356. U 1 !, Po a odor, mttua- C o u n t v O fficial P a p e r. work with a gang of men Tuesday seyeral weeks I was unable to do orders for stomoch trouble. Take |Rer. anything. On March 18. 1907, Kodol today and continue it for the All kinds of Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and afternoon. 1 had a similar attack, and took time that is necessary to give you j Whttvo several desirable places PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. The thanks of the Tribune are Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and complete relief. Kodol is sold by I for youi g Indies who wish to work Candies also Fancy Candies. Devoted to th e material and social op- due to Mr. Emmons of the Cape ( Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me R. S. Kuowton. for board and room while attending b a ild in p o f the Ooqaille Valley particularly | Business C liege. Pm full particu­ Blanco Wireless Station for news of prompt relief. I consider it one of • rid o f Coos C ounty «enerallv. G. T. Moulton will pay the high­ lars, address. the best medicines o f its kind in Subscription, per.year,in advance, fl.o O the Ganns-Nelson fight, which Nel­ the world, and had I used it in est cash price for chittim bark de­ M il l e b -C l e a v e r B usiness C o li . eoe . son won by a knockout in the 17tli 1902 believe it would have saved livered at the Coquille depot. - North Bend Oregon. j_____ Phone, Main 55. This is the first wireless news ever me a hundred dollar doctor’s bill.” Fresh fruit at Getty A Collier’«. received by the Trtbune direct from Sold by R. S. Knowlton. m k When You W a n t Good Coal Buy Col. Coach was np from the lower the station, and we have the promise This is what Hon. Jake Moore, of more in the future, which our State Warden of Georgia, says of river Thursday. readers will appreciate. Kodol for Dyspepsia: "E . C- De- Coquille W ill Celebrate. Witt A Co., Chicago. 111.— Dear Sir Mrs. Sorensen of Dairy ville, wife Prof. Reedy, of Marshfield, was — I have suffered more than twenty of Dick Sorencen the pioneer hotel years from in Coquille on Saturday. indigestion. About keeper of that place, died suddenly eight een months ago I had grown m Dutch cleansor at Robinson’s. at their home on July 2nd of heart- so much worse that I could not di­ Adam Pershbalter, of Prosper,had failure, having been in her usual gest a crust o f corn bread and could business in Coquille last Friday. good health up to the time of the not letain anything on my stomach. f| W ill Dengan was over from the atroke, and surviving but a few min­ I lost 25 lbs; in fact I made up my & mind that I could not live but a short bay a day or so lsst week on busi­ utes afterward. time when a friend of mine recom­ ness. mended Kodol. I consented to try Do T ou r B est it to please him and was better in Drain keeps on hand fresh bread, one day. I now weigh more than J. P. Tupper, of Hotel Coquille, Girls and women who are start­ I ever did in my life and am in had business at the bay the last of ing on a business, professional or better health than for many years. industrial career, each and every Kodol did it. I keep a bottle con­ the week. Drane sells 10 cakes of fine toilet one of them would do well to em­ stantly, and write this hoping that may be benefitted. broider a motto iu large letters humanity soap for 25 cents, Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, B . FE1VTOJV R. W. Lundy, the Myrtle Point upon their inner conciousness, says Atlanta, Aug. 10 , 1904 .” Sold by ^ | .. —n, P lo p hardware man, was in town Satur­ the New Idea Woman’s Magazine R. S. Knowlton. j Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs ii> 111 d for August. The words to be el­ day on his way to Bandon. Boys wash suits at Robinson’s. aborately emblazoned where none noss for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. Elegant line of new gloves just SAY! Don’t forget that else may see, are these: „What- Accommodations for Taveling men n t pecialtj in at the White House. evei comes to you to be done, do it 1^5 I Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. in. F»r* |5.5 W . H. Msnsell, th6 transferer that W. T. Kerr has the C *1 mam, is having neat new cottage with the the best within you." There oomes a time to all when best line of Shoes in the built opposite that of W . H. Schroe- we have to perform big and little der. tasks that are distasteful to us. W. P. Fuller's prepared paints The girl who has a college or oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb A C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . The Newest Thing in Town |C Did you stop to consider that a building made even a high-school education, in C o’s. 11 D O out o f cement blocks is almost indestructable starting out upon a business life, Is the Gents’ Furnishings C. Timmons, the oanner, came and fireproof? wiU frequently he called upon to Establishment of down from Astoria last Friday, and Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the proceeded to Bandon to look after do things that she may consider beneath her dignity. But that is last cost? his interests there. Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and no excuse for not doiDg them well B orn . At Myrtle Point, July 3, He has on display a cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of The stenographer often may be 1098, to Mr. and Mrs. George W fine line o f goods, Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the asked to do the errands of the Bryant, a daughter. world. Yours for business, office boy; the teacher may find that up-to-date In all re­ for Sail— At a bargain, if sold she will have to sweep the school­ before August 15th, a farm of 40 spects. He inuites COQUILLE, OREGON Upstairs in Robinson Building. acres J mile from Arago Store. In­ room floor— a duty that the janitor all friends In to ex­ quire oi John Lendebeck, Arago, has caielessly failed to do; or the amine goods and get Prices. girl in the library may have to car­ Oregon. ry a large armful of books, a work For Sale—80 acres of fine second The safe and reliable tiwn- D EALE R IN growth timber J mile from river which obviously belongs to the screw porter. None of these duties were Inquire at th e H erald o ffice . "The New and Speedy,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse, of iocluded in the bargain when the girl or woman sought employment. this city, returned Friday from A CHOICE LINE OE For this reason the performance yisit of three or four weeks with Capt. Olsen. Master. relatives and freinds in Tuttletown, of the hated tasks is done with a Wil! make regular trips bef v careless hand and no intersted California. thought. But whenever a task Coquille River and ban P . E. Drane keeps puffed rice F ra n cisco . a delicious dish for breakfast «nd comes to your hand to be done, no Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest matter what it is, do it with the No Stop-over at W ay Ports. for sick folks. ENROLL N O W . consistent with good goods. Everything in First D. O. Clements, of Dallas, Texas, best that is in you, for every task Electric Lights. Class Style. has its useful lesson. S E C O N D A N D H A L L S T S ., C O Q U IL L E . Miller-Cleaver Business College is in Coos county for a couple of It is just as honorable to wash week looking at the country, with NORTH BEND,OREGON which he is well pleased from ap. dishes well as to run a bank success­ fully, The girl who can paint a pearances. beautiful picture should be as proud F or S a le . Some fine thorough­ of her ability to dust a room thor­ bred Scotch Coolie pups. Inquire oughly as to portray a sunset in of Josso Haskin, Coquille. brilli&Dt colors, The prophets of On Thursday while working at W IL L C U R E YOU his camp on the lower river Roll the Bible told us to do all things Anderson got in the way of a rol­ to the glory of God. It does not of any case of Kidney or matter whether dishei are to be ling log which caught him seriously washed, floors to be scrubbed, a Bladder disease that is not bruising one of his legs. dinner cooked, a poem written or a beyond the reach of medi­ We Carry P ay Ur. A ll knowing themselves marble chiseled. One act of service to be indebted to the steamer Echo is as good as another. 'All depends cine. Take it at once. Do on its performance. are requested to settle at onoe. not risk having Bright’s Dis­ Away« carry in stock a large line of MONUMENTS TABLETS.and HEADSTONES id DOMESTIC and FOREIGN MARBLE>ud ■ GRAN C. II. Southmayd, of Myrtle Point, ease or Diabetes. There is North BeDd doors and windows TE, »Iso agent for iron fences, vases and Settees for cemetery use. was in town Saturday, having at Laird's. nothing gained by delay. brought in a load of passengers A. W o r k G u a r a n te e d . We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. Your "Sound Ring" flour can be bought 50c. and $1.00 B ottles. from Roseburg. He came in over through any grocer. F. M. STEWART wants always receives prompt attention. RSPUSS BUBHTITUTSa. the Coos Bay Wagon road. Phone. Main 1731. Mrshfield Oregon Take your saws to Quick 3 Ex­ E. J. SLOCUM DAVID FULTON, Local Representative, Coquille, Or. The Coos BnyMonumental Works change to have them filed and set. is preparnl to furnish nice iron fen­ The shop is 3 blocks east of the ____ - _ - -- - J ™ l j ___ 11 1 ____ ______ ji'-gr w w i poetoffice. ces for yards or cemetery lots. Coquille Herold. Shiner’s Place Pool Table in Coos County. Best CHEAP C T IY LO TS 1 P E A R T ’S CO AL Prices $50, $60, $75, $100, $125 and $150 per lot. Terms to suit purchasers. In Barrow Leave Orders at the Scales I i Strang’s addition to the City of Coquille. The finest building location in the city. See Home Coquille, Realty Co. - Uregon W . A. TR A V E R Ladies and D. L. PERKINS. ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE Gents Tailoring I Do You lijtend to Build? Central Real Estate Exchange B- B- PAULL, MANAGER COQUILLE COMCRETE WORKS D rane’s S tore, Handles all Kinds of Real Estate F n n n rf Str. E liz a b e t h ^ prep are l O U I I U . yourself so that your Fancy and Staple Groceries. next opportunity to enter the busi­ Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of ness world on a good I ACT F l o u r a-ncL F e e d . salary will not be P FOLEY’ KIDNEY CD PIONEER MEAT MAIftET Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. Coos Bayf Monumental Works. , COQUILLE VALLEY Chas. Small, late of Texas, who has hern in the abstract office of Col. Smith for some months past, started fur Portland Thursday wher he expects to remain for a timo nt least. If you want a nice suit of clothes, cull on Land A Lyons, us we wish close out our stock of clothing. The i prices me right. For Sale. Fifty acre ranch one- half mile from Coquille; 25 acres bottom all cleared, fenced and cross We make trips to Roseburg, good fenced; balauce bench land. Good drivers, no night riding. See us buildings, orchard, etc. Address beforo making the trip. Phone 356, box 5, Coquille, Or. Coquille Livery Co., R. R. Pownder. manager. Help for Those Who Have Stomach Trouble. Miss Inez Lusk, of Myrtle Point, After doctoring for about twelve was down a day or so last week tak­ ing part in the lawn entertainment years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred Friilay evening. Her many friends . ; dollars lor medicine and doctors’ I hero are always pleased to greet her j tee,, I purchased my wife one box among them. 1 of Chamberlain’s Stomach and j Have you noticed that the clothes \ b 'v’er Tablets, which did her so, you buy at ltohinson’s retain their | ral,c“ K°oil 'h at she continued to shape ami last longer than any oth- " se , 'lera antl they have done her - - - more good than all of the medicine ers? They combine style with I bought befoie.— Samuel Boyer, strength and durability. Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is Attorney C R. Harrow, of thia for sale by R. 8 . Knowlton. Sample city, roturnod from Portland Fri­ free. day, He went out in the intereat of some of his cssec, there being some of the intrested parties resi dents oi the Metropolis. Delay iu commencing treatment for a slight irregularity that could have been cured quickly by Foley’s Kidney Remedy may result iu a serious kidney disease. F oley’s Kidney Remedy builds up the worn out tissues and strengthens these organs. Commence taking it to-day. For sale by R. S. Knowl- tou. tA Z T ty tfO S p itd l AT NORTH BEND Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters of Mercy NORTH BEND. OREUON H e Star Drilling M in e Go. is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous p © e«x> © ««*o«o© © o© © © oo««0 © o< i F IT E D 8 L A ( r I j E HARNESS-HAKER - - Myrtle Point, Ore. O REG O N PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A m oderate am ount o i m on ey w ill sta rt y o u in a profitable business. Pettinger & W ard STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to he TheJtes^Lt_Tb£_J^ 2 lI ii For full particulars regard­ ing well arilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. or A K R O N , O H IO * NORTH BEND, ORE The only Complete line o f__ M ILL and LOGGING! i SUPPLEIS In the County ,£ r b . Press Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory ¡1- luminant HARNESS and EXTRAS Repairing of Harness and Shoes. offering the best all purposes. Safes Most Convenient, tnd tbs and CHEAPEST light known. That furnished by the C O Q U IL L E R IV E R CO ave it. E L E C T R IC is first class and up to data in et«ry respest The rates place it within reach of al Before purchasing Har FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. ness elsewhere, get our prices. We are for there ou DEALER IN AMD ALL THROAT AMD LUNG TROUBLES G UAR ANTEED SATISFACTORY OR M O N EY REFUNDED. Incandescent Electric Light Button E. L. TO ZIER w™ Dr. King’s for C old 3 hs A complete stoch of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stoch of tents, wagons covers, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. Cleanest, K IL L tke c o u c h ano CURE t h e LUNGS New Discovery L. H. PEARCE T A IL O R C O Q U IL L E , PACKING CO Bargains hnl the Count