LOCAL N E W S . Fresh fruit at Getty k Collier’s. Economy fruit jars at Laird’s. Panama Hats at Robinaon’B. H orn . Iu Floreuce Oregon, May New lot of beds just in at Laird’s For a nice hammock go to W. C. 28 1908, twiti hoy’s 8 aud 6 lbs. To the Dr. and Mrs. Tatum. Coquille Will Celebrate. The Po it Orford Tribune save Laird. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! All kinds Boys wash suits at liobiosoii's. One denck fork and 65 ft of rope For HOWARD Watches go to W that Curry County went dry 2 to 1 of new hats at Drane’s Store. Also' Dill Pickles in bulk, at Robison's. H. Scbroeder New Straw and crush hats at for sale at Goff & Goodman’s. gouts’ furnishing goods. W. E. Neely, of Fairview, had Lndies white silk shirt waists Rt blnson’s. Have you tried SOUND RING I will make postals very reasona­ at Robinson’s, flour? C. H. Pullen, of North Bend, was business in Coquille on Monday. bly from any negatives taken by Mr. O Wilson’s sale doses June 20th, A1 Flanders and his crew of men a Coquille visitor on Monday, A large assortment of straw hats for men and women at Robioson’s. Owing iu the old Wilkins gallery. Automatic Morris chairs at W. C. are getting along nicly with the con- "Dement’s Best flonr is the kind Will a’s o make a specialty of mak­ Laird’s. trret of improving Second street. Ice cream will be served every Drane sells. ing new negatives for postals. day at the confectionery of Getty k North Bend doors and windows A full line of Watkins’ medicines George Hartley has California R ay D ean . Collier. at Laird’s. and extrncts canvassed for by H. Burbank seed potatoes for sale. Nature bus provided the stomach A new line of light weight wool­ Tobacco & cigars sold at Getty n. near future. Special features are right, both when you first put They will visit M. D Sherrard, of near Port state and Idaho. will be had indoors. Look for them on and as you wear them. Beau­ Mrs. Gatchell’s brother, E. E. Orford, was in town Saturday. He program in a later issue. tiful new patterns in great variety; is mnking arrangements to move to | Sherwood, in Crook county. All kinds of groceries Wilson k Go’s. at O. This space is Reserved for Land & Lyons Schedule of Commie River Transportation Companr. Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line F IN E Watch Repair­ ing. Jewelry Repairing. BREAKW ATER Sails for Porltand Every Saturday S. S. CZARINA, Sails weekly for San Francisco, carrying freight and combustibles only. C. F. M’COLLUM, AGENT. , WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES Coquille, H a v e Y o u a G ood Piano? PHONOGRAPHS T h e n se e I. A. TURNELL , MEN! Your Spring Clothes are Here Leave your order with Mrs. M . 0. Rawlins Coquille, Oregon. Skookum Restaurant, W. C. Laird is offering some the bay, where he has been employ­ Robinson has a large assortment of hats in the new spring style in special rare bargains in dressers of ed for some months. different styles. Be sure and see For fresh O. K. Cre mery butter black' brown‘ ftnd W them before they are all gone. g i hi the Milk Depot, near Enter- Messrs. Nosier k Morrison, of Miss Docia Hay ter accompanied rpise Meat Market. tbe Coquille Steam Laundry, have by her nephews, Owen and Clay Dr. R, E. L. Holt who came from their ice factory in operation, hav­ Knowlt« n, started yesterday for Cal­ Portland a few weeks ago to take ing started up the first of the week. ifornia for a trip. They will visit Dr. Huston's place has been quite As a matter of course, they are find­ Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Beal at Dewitt’ busy and says be is much pleased ing some little trouble in getting Colifornia, where Miss Hayter will with the outlook for Bandon. the maebinery started, but it is only remain with her sister for some "Sound Ring” flour is tbe best a matter of a day or so until they straigt wheat floor made from the will be able to furnish ice io any months. best hur.lwheat from the Northwest. We make trips to Roseburg, good quantity required by our local drivers, no night riding. Bee us Mrs. W. O. Bonham expects to market. before making the trip. Phone 356, move to Rosebnrg soon ns her bus W anted . T o buy or rent, a don­ Coquille Livery Co., R. R. Pownder. band will be given full man., cment key engine for clearing. Spool manager. of the Myrtle Point-Roscbuig . ‘ age will do, if cheap. Apply at tbis H. A. McDuffee was down from line, since Mr. Fenton, who has been office. r bis place two miles east of town on looking after the line in person has Rev. Mead M. Bledsoe of Port­ Saturday in quest of a bear trap. been elected sheriff of Douglas com ty which will take bis time from land, paster-at-large of the Oregon His sod Ralph was at the mill yard the line. Baptist State Convention, was a near tbe house wheD a large hungry Fits rgiinst Miss Fits. Order visitor with Rev. Thomas of tbis cougar made its appearance and • T£ U» T i , " { 'f!' ! . * r r r " Uit* ,r 0 ® City Friday and Saturday of last showed some signs of making an P.E. Draue. Satisfaction guannteed 1 J week. They went to Bandon Fri­ attack, hut the young man bluffed J. E McKnight, of tbe uni- day evening where Rev. Bledsoe him out, when it ran down the hill ▼er*ity of Utah, with Mrs. Me- . . . . _ and entered a hole along side of Knight and their htt.e dangliler are Punched in the Baptud ball to congregation. This “ is * Mr. | large log which lies under tbe pile in town for a time, the Prof, being large ' * Tl"“ out on a leve of absence while be re­ Bledsoe’s first visit to Coos county of slabs at the mill. Ralph got hie cuperate« from a nervus attack. #n(j he is most favorably impressed gun and staved in watch while bis He is gettiog along very well and is with this section, declaring that in father came to town for a trap to highly pleased with tbe climate aDd scenery of Coos county. They his opinion it is the most pleasant, | place in his trail in case he failed to will probably be here the, the prettiest and fce«t section of th e1 come out during the day when they state. were able to watch for him. greater part of the summer Pro'. W ANTED rich colorings; tasteful effects. POTATOES Headquarters at Marshfield. S u its fr o m house. SIG HANSEN in charge. CHEAP CITY LOTS Prices $50, $60, $75, $100, $125 Terms to suit purchasers. In Barrow & Strang’s addition to the City o f Coquille. The finest building location in the city. See GIVE ME A CALL. W . T. KERR I f you are figuring on a Stationary or Marine Gas Engine Write us— we will save you money and time. Engines Carried 1 in Stock. Also a complete line of launch supplies gas­ oline and Distillate in any quantity. Home RealtV CO. Coos Coqujjjo, $ 6 .0 0 up to $ 3 5 .0 0 . Coquille Branch at Big Ware­ and $150 per lot. Let ua ahow you aorae of these new ideas. Oregon .P h o n e 33 Bay Oil and Supply Co. MARSHFIELD. OREGON