Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 06, 1908, Image 2

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    Coquille [jerald.
Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! All kinds
New Straw and crush hats at
of new hats at Drane’s Store. Also Ri blnson’s.
geuts’ furnishing goods.
Next, time you ordre flour, specify
Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew, of Port­ SOUND RING
For sewing machine needles go to
land, arrived h^re Saturday and is
enjoying a visit with her parents, W. H. Schroeders.
m m
N J euralgia
F ob S alk
Good secondhand
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Maury.
aewingmachine. Call on the H ehald
R heumatism
For the greatest bargain ever
Knowltons Drug store carries a
offered in a new piano, call on Mrs.
B ackache .
large stock of Stock anu poultry
M. Nosier, of the New Store.
I am coining out to run in oppo­
P ain in chest .
D istress in
sition to James Watson for county :
This is the time of year to get full Food.
value by feeding Stock Food to
Oregon or California Burbank clerk.
S leeplessness
your cattle. A large supply at seed potatoes for Sale. Address
J. C. W atson .
“Sound Ring" flour can be bought
Knowlton's Drug Store,
W. H. Wigant, of Myrtle Point, through/xny grocer.
Strauss & Co. make the best
F ob R ent . Nice large and uiry
clothes for men, women & children, drove down yesterdny, and made
Apply to Mrs. Figg.
we take your measure.
our office a pleasant call while in
Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured
D. M. Ferry’s reliable Flower
J eff D. W ilson .
An honered citizen of this town
Seeds at Knowlton's Drug store.
Dr. F. W. Jones, of Philomath,
was suffering from a severe attack
W. P, Fuller's prepared paints,
-------- ----- —* « • » « ■
Oregon, presiding elder for the U. oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb &
of dysentery. He told a friend if
A Californian’s Luck.
he could obtain a bottle o f Cham­
B. church, is in Coos county, and Co’s.
"The luckiest day of my life was berlain’s Colera and Diarrhoer
yesterday in company with Rev.
Earl Schroedcr had the misfor­ when I bought a box of Bucklen’s Remedy, he felt confident of being
R. Summerlin, went to Bandon.
tune to fall and break bis leg again Arnica Salve;” writes Charles F. cured, he having used this remedy
Tracy, California. in the West. Re was told that I
Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow yesterday afternoon, while playing Budahn
ilers, give instant relief. Price 25 with some children near bis home. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an an­ kept it in stock and lost no time in
noying case o f itching piles, which obtaining it, ynd was promptly
cents. R. S. Knowlton, Coquille
See the special prices on ladies’ had troubled me for years and that oured,” says M. J. Leach, druggist,
City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon.
and misses coats and furs at Mrs. yielded, to no other treatment.” of Wolcott, Vt. For SHle by R. S.
The steam schooner Minnie E. Nosler’s.
Sold Slider guarantee at R. S. Knowlton.
Helton was stuck by a severe storm
V. R. Wilson, accompanied by Knowlton’s drug store.
Garden seeds in Bulk at Knowl­
Friday night off Newport Oregon
amlfourteen of her crew were drown his son Virgil, left the last of the NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BID IN ton’s Drugstore.
ed. The house and deck load were week for Frisco to see the fleet ar­ BY THE COUNTY FOR DELIN­
washed overboard and the boat left rive. He will return in about ten RIGHT OF REDEMPTION
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received for the improve­
water-logged. The life saving crew days.
D r .M ilbs 'A nti -P ain P ills
W EDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1908.
The present term of circuit court
bids fair to be a long one or at an;
r ite, consume all the time Judge
Hamilton and District Attorney
Prown will have before they are
due to hold court in Douglas coun­
tv, The greater portion of ¡time so
far has been giyen to two cases,
that of the state against John Kel­
ly for stabbing, Wirbn, in which
case a jury disagreed at a former
trial. This trial resulted in the ac­
quittal of Kelly.
Oldland against the Oregon Coal
and Navigation Co. for damages re­
sulting from the boy receiving in
injunries while working in their
mine. The plaintiff was given $5,-
J. C. Wilcax of North Bend, was
convicted of conducting a house
of ill fame. He gets his sentence
Q. G. Swan, of Dora, is circulat­
ing a petition which is being gener
ally signed, asking that Coos coun
ty give bounties on the scalps of
wild animals as follows: On pan­
thers, $10; on coyotes, $5; wild or
“ bob’’ cats, $3. There is no question
at all but the encouragement of the
distruction of those animals would
be the greatest and most economi­
cal way in which our game cau be
protected. One family of panthers
would kill more deer in a year than
are unlawfully killed by half the
gunners of the county. And as it
is well known that wild oats are the
worst enemies young sheep and
goats have in this part of the coun­
ty, it is safe to say that they distroy
fawns. There are not many coyotes
yet, but it is known that there are a
few on the upper river, and it is
well worth while to encourage some­
one to see to it that they do not get
too numerous.
Try One
of Newport went to the rescue and
took care of all left on the vessel,but
11 had been drowned while'attempt-
ing to launch a boat, and four got
on a raft, three of whom were wash
ed off, and the one reaching shore
sustained a broken leg.
ment of a portion of the county road
Mrs. M Nosier haB a bran new
Notice is hereby given that under and
high grade piano that she offers at bv virture of an order of the County known as the King Creek change in
Court of the State of Oregon, for the road district No. 18. in Coos county,
a grand bargain.
If you have
m ’>V77t >*|
— —a
They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no
bad After-effect»
T ake
O nb
25 Doses
25 Cents
of the Little Tablets
a n d th e
P a in
Never Sold in Bulk
G one
Take a day off and get a livery NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY
team from the Coquille Livery Co.
Stable, opposite Fish's Box Factory.
United States Land Office, lioseburg
Phone 356. R R. Pownder, mana­ Oregon, March 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the Stale of
Oregon, on January 30, 1908, applied for
the E. % SAV. M ol Sec. 12. Ttp. 27 8 ..R .
10 A\\ of W. M. and filed in this office a
list of school indemnity selections in
which it selected said land; and that
said list is open to the public for inspec­
tion. Any ami all persons claiming ad­
versely tlie above described land or any
legal eiiboivision tiiereof, or claiming
the same under the mining lawa, or
desiring to show said land to be more
valuable for mineral than for agricul­
tural purpoaes, or toobject to taid selec­
tion for any lawful reason, should file
their elaims or their affidavits of pro
test or contest in tiiis office on or before
the 12th day of May, 1908.
I hereby
■eby designate
dei ’
the Coquille Herald
published at Coquille, Oregon, ns the
newspaper in which the above notice is
to be published.
B e n j a m i n L. E d d y ,
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will lie receiveil for the constrution,
furnishing materials, and also for the
construction ami materials separately,
for a lauding on the Coquille river, on
tlie county road near Parkersburg ac­
cording to the plans and specifications
on file witli the County Clerk. Five per
cent of the amount of b'd in the form
of a bond, certified check, draft, cirti-
ficale of de|iosit or casli to be deposited
with bid. All bids to las filed with the
Couuty Clerk of Coos county, on or be­
fore the 7th day of May, A. D. 1908, at
10 o ’clock a. in. The County Court re­
serves the right to reject any and all
bids, and to accept the bid not the high­
est if it considers such hid for the fiest
interests of the county.
United States Land Office,
Dated at the Court House in the City
Roseburg, Oregon, March 23, 1908.j
of Coquille. Coos County, Oregon, this
Notice is hereby given that in com pli­
13th day of April, 1908.
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled '.‘ An
County Clerk. Act for the sale of timber lands in tin»
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and in AA’ ashington Territory,” as ex­
tended to all the Public Land States by
Notice is hereby giyn that sealed bids Act of August 4,1892, James O. Farmer,
will be rsceied for improvement of a of Coquille, County of Coos, State of
portion of the county road in Roard Oregon, did on Oct. 4, 1907, tile in this
District No, 26, acording to specifications office bis sworn statement No. 9175 for
(except that timber is to tie removed the purchase of the NE i i of NE
from 20 feet, instead of 40 feet) on file Section No. 24, in Township No. 28 S.,
witli the county clerk of Coos county,
Oregon-.five percent of bid to the amount to show that the land sought is m ore
of bid to lie deposited with the county valuable for its timber or stone than for
clerk with the bid. Improvements to agricultural purposes, and to establish
consist of swamping, grading fills, cul­ his claim to said land before E. A.
Dodge, U. S. Commissioner, at his office
verts and bridges.
All bids to be filed with the conty at Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon,
clerk of Coos county, on or before the on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1908.
He names as witnesses :
7th day of Mav, A. D. 1908, at 10 o ’clock
D. J. Mitchell, of Coquille, Coos Coun­
when such bids will be opened.
Oregon; H. AV. Coats, of Latnpa,
The County Court reserves the right to
Coos County, Oregon; Peter Peterson,
reject, any and all bids.
Dated this 20th day of April, A D 1908, of Norway, Coos County, Oregon; Ole
Lund, of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon.
R r C arman ,
Any and til persons claiming adverse­
Special Master of R D 28.
ly the above described lands are re­
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 20th day of June, 190*.
Department ot the Interior, Land
Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 5. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Riverton, Oregon, lias filed notice of
his intention to make final five year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 11956 made Aug.
20,1902. for the SE.
Section 17, Town­
General Horticulturist
ship 28 south, range 13 AV. AV. M. and
that said proof will be made before
Pruning, Grafting, Budding
Register and
eceiver, at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Friday, May 15, 1908.
from scions, also
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon, Garden and Floral
and cultivation of, the land, viz: and hybrodizing done success­
William White, B F. Smith, Henry
Services reasonable,
Johnson and W. R. Smith all of River­ fully.
ton, Oregon.
Consultation free. 15 years
B enjamin L. E ddy ,
Your patron­
Register. of experience.
County of Coos, made on the 5th. day of Oregon, according to the specifications
March, 1908. and recorded in county on file with the County Clerk, and a
cimrt journal number9 at page 109 there­
of; and in compliance with an act of the copy of such specifications in the hands
Legislature of the State of Oregon, filed of Henry Bryant, Supervisor and Spe­
in the office of the Secretary of State cial Road Master of Road District No. 18.
Feburary 28th, 1907, commanding me to Five (ier cent of the amonnt of hid to be
make sale of all lauds bid in by Coos
county for delinqeent taxes to which deposited with the bid.
Whooping Cough
the county or other public corporations
All bids to be filed with the county
“ In Feburary our daughter had
For Sweet milk and cream call at have acquired title as provided in Sec­ Clerk of Coos county, Oregon, on or
the whooping caugh. Mr. Lane, of
tions 3131'ftml 3132 of Bellinger and Cot­
before the the 7th day of May, 1908, at
Hartland, recommended Chamber the City milk Depot, near the Enter­ ton's Cod», which said property will not
10 o’ olock a. in.
prise Meat Market.
Iain’s Cough Remedy and said i
price fixed on each parcel thereof hy
The County Court reserves the right
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Varney and saiilcounty court in said order and which
gave his customers the best of sat
the reject any and all bids.
isfaction. We found it as he said daughter, Mrs. A- W . Kelley, of said upset piice will be announced at
Dated this 7th day of April, A, D.
and can recommend it to anyone this city, to Marshfield Monday to the time of sale„that 1 will, onJThursday 1908.
the 21st day of May 1908, between the
having children
troubled with
attend the funeral of little Allen hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and
whooping cough,” says Mrs. A,
four o’clock in the afternoon of said day, Supervisor and Special Road Master of
Goss, of Durand, Mich. For sale Varney, lately drowned in the bay, to-w it:—beginning at the hour of ten
Road District No. 18.
whieh took place that afternoon.
o ’clock in the forenoon of said day at
by R. S. Knowlton.
the Court House door in the city of Co-
Sperry new, flour made at Taco­
Washington, April 30.— Police ma, Wash., with the same cars as quilie, Coos county, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction to high­
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
man Morris, on the Pennyslvania “ Sperry's Best,” "Sound Ring.”
est and best bidder for cash in hand, the
hereinafter described lands, which were will be received for the improvement
aveDue squad, has asked for a war­
Mrs. J. A. McCord, of Bandon, af­ sold for delinquent taxes and bid in by and construction of a portion of the
Alcohol is a narcotic-acrid poison,
rant for the arrest of Mrs. Alice ter visiting friends in Myrtle Point the county and on which theright of re­
only capable of being consumed in
has expired as follows, county road in road district No. 12, be­
Longworth, daughter of the presi and Coquille returned home last demption
ginning at station No. 1 on section line
to-w it:
a diluted state, though the dilution
dent, and has been turned down week accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Baber, J. N. O.— Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 in between sections 10 and 11, T. 28 S. R.
produces no change in the intoxi­
11 W. to station No. 66-97 which is on
The offence committed by hbr was C. O. Dryden, o f this city who en­ Blk.34, Portland add. t > Bondon.
joyed a few days visiting in busy
cating agent. The consumption of
Bennett, Geo. A.-Lots 1 to 13 both in­ the section line running north and south
not serioua—only automobile speed Bandon.
clusive and 21 to 36 both inclusive in
86 million gallons of alcohol(in the
between sections 11 and 12of said town­
Blk. 4, Steamboat add. to Yarrow.
C abpet W eaving . Mrs. K. Hoi
United Kingdom, for 1906) cost the
Ellis, Mary A.—Lots 2 and 13 in Blk. ship and range, according to the speci­
Ocean View.
fications on file with the County Clerk
consumers 25 millions sterling more
Centralis, Wash., April 3 0 — Sew­ verson, Wickham residence east of 3, Falconer,
R. C. & R. E.—Lots 9 to 28 of Coos county, and a copy of such spec­
than are required for the entire cost er diggers working in an alley late the Christian church does fine both inclusive in Blk. 34; Lots 19 to 26
carpet and rug weaving: Call and both inclusive in Blk. 27, Lots 4 and 5 ifications in the hands of E. N. Harry,
of the civil and military expenses yesterday took out $1.50 in gold see eemplee of her work and get in
Blk. 38; Lots 10 to 30 both inclusive Supervisor and 8pecial Road Master of
in Blk. 38: Lots 36 to 40 both inclusive road district No. 12. Five per cent of
for the year. We have a right to dust from a shovelful of gravel, and prices.
in Blk. 38; Lots 29 to 34 both inclusive amount of bid to be deposited with bid.
expect that the law, which is ideally as soon ub the discovery become
Insist upon DeWitt’s Witch Ha­ in Blk 10; Lots 1 to 6 both inclusive
All bids to be filed with the County
the guardian of the state, will before known the gold fevor struck the zel Salve. There are substitute, in Blk. It; Lots 1 to 6 both inclusive
in Blk. 21 and lots 19 to 28 both inclu­ Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, on or be­
long do more than it has ever yet
sive in Blk. 21, all in Portland add. to fore the 7th day of May, A. D. 1908, at
attempted for removing or reduc work and gold-bearing gravel has healing, soothing and cooling and Bondon.
at 10 o'clock A. M.
is especially good for piles. Sold
Gratton, Isaac—Lot 1 Blk. 11 in Ocean
ing public temptations to indul been found, but in small quantities
The County Court reserves the right
by R. S. Knowiton.
--------------a . « > » -----------------------
Harper, R obt.—Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 to reject any and all bids.
gence in the liquors that are power
Valued Same as Gold
in Pdk. 18, Portland add to Bandon.
Daied this 13th day of April, A. D.
less for good and powerful for evil
Holland, W . W .- Begin at the S. E. 1908.
It Keached the Spot.
E. N. H A R R Y ,
corner of lot 1 in Blk. 4, Woolen Mill
— Dr. Dawaon Burns in London
Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a Add. to bandon. run E. along the S. line Supervisor and Special Road Master R
dar View, Miss, says: “ I tell my
D. No. 12.
said Blk. 60 it., run N. parallel with
customers when they buy a box of large general store at Omega, O., of
E. line of said lot to N. line of Baid Blk.,
age solicited.
N oav at Mrs.
Friday evening, May 8, the Ban Dr. King’s New Life Pills they get
County Telephone Co., as well as of run W . along N. line of said Blk. to
G. R. Wickhams, oarding
don Coquille debate will be held at the worth of that much gold in the Home Thlephone Co., of Pike N. E. corner of said lot. run S. along E.
line of said lot to place of beginning.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
weight, if affleted with constipa­
House, Coquille, Oregon.
Bandon, on the question, Resolved
Hattie E. A Husband-Lot bids will be received for the construc­
tion, malaria or billiousness.” soid County, O., says of Dr. K ing’s new 38, Ingerham,
That the Best Method of Building under guarantee at K. S. Knowlton Discovery: “ It saved my life once.
A representative in this
tion of concrete piers at the South
At least I think it did. It seemed to Bandon.
up our American Merchant Marine drug store, 25c.
•Icffcrson J W, J .—LotB 19 to 28 both Slongh Ferry according to the plans and country by a large real estate
to reach the spot—the very seat of inclusive in Blk. 39, Portland add. to specifications on file with the County
is bv a System of Ship Subsidies
Special induce­
New Orleans, Apeil 30—Practi­ my caugh,— when everything else Bandon.
Clerk of Coos county, Oregon.
Five corperation.
Bandon upholds the Affirmative,
Wickham Rtaltfance,
Lane, 8 . R.—N. W. W of the 8 . E. W per cent of bid to lie deposited with bid. ments to those who wish to
cally complete reports from the sec failed.” Dr. King’s New Ciscovery
Sec. 32, Two. 27, 8 . R. 14 AV. W. M.
and the Coquille debators, Dorothy
not only reaches the cough spot ; it
of Christian Church
tions of Tezas, Arkansas, Louisiana, heals the sore spots and the weak and N. AV.
of N. E. L» and 19.48acres
become financially interested.
Watson, Owen Knowlton, and Jessie
off of tile S. AA'. ; 4 of N. E. J^, being lot Clerk on or before the 7th day of May,
Missippi. Alabama, Germena and spots in throat, lungs aud chest. number 37 placer mining claim Bituated
Does Gents' Fine Tailoring
Sweet support the negative. Ar­
1908, at 10 a. m.
Tennessee which were swept by the Sold under guarantee at R. S. in the Randolph mining district of Coos
The County Court reserves the right
rangements have been made with
’ ' 1 "
in all its branches. Also cleans
Oregon, containing 19. 48 acres,
recent tornado show that the death Knowlton’s drug store. 50c. and county,
in Sec. 33, Twp. 27, S. R. 14 AV. AV. M. to reject any and all bids.
the Transportation Company where­
and presses clothing In firs t-
roll reached a total of 502, and the
Leads,'Louisa—1 square acre, theS. E.
Fort Dearborn Building,
by those desiring to attend the con
cornW of which is situated 244 feet N. of Coquille. Coos county, Oregon, this
injured totaled 2,208. The death
class style.
test will be given a rate of 50 cents
RED AND WHITE CEDAR T w p.27, S.JR, 13 AAf. AV. M. lying about 8th day of April, A. D. 1908.
list includes all those who died in
for tho round trip.
The Dispatch
10 feet N. of Isthmus Transit R. R ., its
the hospitals at New Orleans, Nateh-
Oonnty Clerk.
sides being E . & AV. and N. & S. Lewis,
will leave CoquilU at 2 p. m. sharp
ez and other cities.
Louisa-Also begin at the S. E. W of S. E
F o r Sale liy
Returning Saturday, passengers will
>4 of N. E. M Sec 15, Twp. 27, S.R. 13 AV.
L. H. & W. Shingle Co.
AV. M., thence N. to within 10 feet of
be given their choice of leaving
Rome. April 30.— Natives living
of Isthmus Transit R. R „ thence
Notice is hereby given that sealed
Bandon, Oregon.
P. O. Box 62. eenter
Bandon in the morning or at noon
AA’esterly within 10 feet of eenter of said bids will be received by the undersigned
in the vicinity of Mt. Etna are
R. R. to S. side of Coquille Sor. Coaledo, for the special improvements of the
trembling in fear, many of them
N e w C ream ery at Lee
thence along S. side tiiereof to a point op­ Glenn Creek Junction and Douglas
posite Blk. 1, thence crossing Coquille County road in Road District No. 6,
fleeing in wild panic, because a ceri-
Str. at right angles to S. AV. corner of Coos County, Oregon, said improvement
The people of Lee are to at last ous is hourlly expected.-—For sev-
Blk. 1 to S. side of Main Str., thence'at being known as the Glenn Creek Falls
to have a creamery in the neighbor­ elal days the volcano has been
rigid angles South-westernly along N. Improvement, in accordance with the
line of Tom Greene’s lands, thence E.
lans and specifications prepared by C.
emitting gieat columns of Idark
to beginning.
. McCulloch. Bids will be received up
Aaron Wilson, of this place, Ims smoke. These are accompanied by
the 6th day of May, 1908, at 10:00
Long,' Emma—Undivided % of lot 4
a. ni. of said day. Said bids to
and \. E. '4 of Sec. 16, Twp. 24, S.R. 13
made nil arrangements to put in a rumblings
mid earth
trciu us
| he for removing rock mid dirt and mak-
plant at that place an I expect* to throughout the islaud, C> ops is inn in
Merriam. I. — Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 | ing roioh -d , clearing roadway hy cubic
| in Blk. 18. I’i'itlami add. 10 Bandon. j yards and also for clearing road way
have it in operntiou by the first of places have been ruined bv tie
Newstadt, AValtei — Lot 1 ill Blk. 26, rock work and making road lied com-
juttfc at the latesi. This will prove ashes that have fallen in grea* quan­
] olete by lineal roils. Work to begin at
vteamboat and. to A’ arrow.
Orris, I.lnda-Lots 13 and 14 in Blk.23,' the stake or station No. 46 and continu­
a great benefit to this rich little tities within a radius of many n i ’ei»
ing on tne line of said road until the
l’ortlan i add. to Bandon.
valley and the people have shown of the crater, (treat earthquake
j Osborne. F. F.-Lot 2 in Blk. 5. Bay special tax levied for raid improvements
be exhausted.
; \'i»w add. to Millennia.
their appreciation by helping very shocks especially in Santa Veronica,
Pollock. D. H .-Und. 4 of Lots'3 and
Each bid to be accompanied by a cer­
substantially on the building. Mr. Liogua and Gloss, arc reported to­
j 4 in Blk. 23, Portland add, to Bandon. tified check or bond payable to the un­
Qtiimby, Edwards A Brce-Lots 1 and dersigned in the sum of $50,00 to be for­
Wilson will run the plant independ­ day. Snow has completely coveied
14 in Blk. 3, lots 3, to 12 both inclusive feited in caae contract shall he awarded
ent of any firm or individuals nnd the mountain and a steady stream
in Blk 11, all of Blocks 4, 5, 6, and 7 and bidder shall fail to enter into con­
excepting lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 7 and tract within 10 days, with a suitable
we can assure the people that they of smoke is pouring from the crater,
with w hich an E ye G laas rides allot Blocks8 and 9 excepting lots 6 and understanding for the fulfillment of his
will receive fair treatment at hia
th « none don or,la nr
7in Block 9, all of Blocka 10, 16, 17, 18 contract. The said contract to be made
B . F E N T O N
n ose depends on its adjustm ent an,i 19 all in the town of Ocean View. in accordmnoe with Section 75, lawa of
bands and that this new enterprise
Biliousness and Constipation
rather than on the kind o f frame, j Stanley, C. E.-Lol 7 in Blk. 10. Port- 1903, page 284.
P x o p
will prove a great benefit to the
The right to reject any and ail bid* ie
For years I was troubled with
of N. AV. ' t of
Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Bigs in erdi-
community in furnishing a market biliousness and constipation, which ritere is a knack in b en d in g and ad- '"s a iu li! J. V l — N.
reserved; also the right to modify any
ju atin g fram es to fit a n ose that is Sec. 4, Twp. 26, S.R. 11 AV. AA’ . M.
nese for special trips. I d fact, a general Stage and Livery business.
right at their doors for a product of made life miserble for me. My ap­
Waterman, G. S. and J. E. Burton
Dated this 12th day oi February, 1908.
only mastered by one of practical I — Lot 7. 10 add 11 in Blk. 23, Portland
Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty
their farms.
petite failed me. I Inst mo usual
C h a r l e s R o d in k ,
experience in their construction. add. to Bandon,
Special Rosd Master for Kosil District Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.60
Charles L. Anderson, of North Ibrce and vitallitv. Pepsin prepar-
E. AA’ .-Lots 13, 14, 15and No. 6.
We make each pair of Farmes fit !6 AA'hitmore,
in Blk. 18,Portland add to Bandon
Bend, almost 80 years of age, fell tlons and cathartic only made
ninttters worse. I do not know each individual nose, and ottr lens­
Watkins, Ohas. Heirs of
W . U of !
dead on April 30th while amusing where I should have been today
K. *4 less 5 acres Sec. lOTwp. 28, S. R.
es are the very best quality that can N.
1 3 W .W M.
two little girls of one of bis neigh
ad I not tried chamberlain's stom­ be had
Young. M. M.— Lots 1ft, 17 and 18 ini
bors by wheeling them in a wheel­ ach and Liver Tablets. The tab­
Blk. 11, Woolen Mill a id , to Bandon. :
T o G i e * S a t i s f a c t i o n o r Y o u r M o n c r B a cii«
Ml of the above dencaibed lands are
Heart failure was the lets relieve the ill feeling at ones',
If. after lining two-third« of a *1.00 botti« of Kodol.
[odoL yn ti à a h o n M t lT M T I« h U M t
benefited you, w« will refund money Try
Kodol today, op thin r i s n a t M .
strengthen the digestive functions,
Fill out and diro «he follow ing,---------- I * t “ It * t .. . j —
cause of his sudden taking off.
-K ”07 v : h s E
purify the stomach, liver ami blood,
refund yc
Witness my hand this 21st. day of
____________ State.
helping she system to do its work
April 1908, at the City of Coquille, Coos |
DeWi tt’s Little Early Risers are naturally.— Mas. R osa P otts , B irin-- V . R . W I L S O N ,
Countv. i)regon.
c V t T H i » ù i ‘+-.
small, safe, 'sure and gentle little ingha in, Ala. The tablets are for
W» W . 0 «M t • B E L I E V E S S O U R S T O M A C H . B E L C H I N G . E T C . k . C . D . W I T T
C O M P A N Y. C H IC A O O . IL L .
Price Robison, of Norway, is pre
paring to attend the State Grange
which convenes rt at Eugene on the
11th and continues four days.
will visit relatives in the valley be­
fore returning.
Caivin C. Cooper
K. H o lv e rs o n ,
When You Want Good Coal Buy
The Ease and Com­
Leave Orders
at the Scales
tk>W by R. fj. Knowlton.
«idle by R. S. Knowlton,
Hilriftof Uoot Couuty, Oregod.
_ u a r a n t e e d