» è Coquille Herald. O. H. Butler, Jr„ of Myrtle Point, was in town Friday. The Direct Primary Below we give the official couot — Teu Robinson w»s down from of the late direct primary election. J- f • DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Fiwbtrap on Saturday. Wfiile the vote wue very light the • Drain keeps on hand fresh bread, result seems satisfactory in gonersl, wOTinty Official Paper. P>e«. cakes and cookies REPUBLICAN Mrs. C, A. Pettengill was up from United States Senator— H. M. UliLIHHED F.VEltY WEDNESDAY. the lower river on Thusday. Cake, 462; C. W. Fuiton. 492. Representative G N Farnn, ivotcd to the material and social up- Elegant line of new gloves just Unp o f th e O oq n ille V alley particolari iriy in • at the — ' ~ White House. 230; L D Kinney, 452; F N Per­ o f C oos C ou n ty g en era lly , isu rip tion , p e r y e a r .i n ad vanoe. tl.flO W. E. Crane, o f Bandon, was kins, 270. Kinney’s plurality, 182 County Clerk — Jas Watson, 844 among Coquille’» many visitors on Phono, Main 55. Sheriff — E Heuckendorff. 93; J ; Thursday of last week. Harden seeds at Skeels’. Robinson’s store bas just got lots F Perrott, 280; Levi Smith, 353; I . Nordstrom was up from Park­ of shoes and it is no trouble to show A M Snyder, 173. Smith’ splural- them. ity, 73. ersburg on Thursday. County Treasurer—J B Dulley, The H erald is receiving many Sauer kraut on sale at Robinson’s. calls for dairy farms to rent. Ip f i ll; M R Lee, 281; Dulley’s major­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bean, of case you wish a good tenant, drop ity, 330. Iiiimpa, were in town last Thurs­ County Assessor—K H Hansen, us a line. day. Medleys If you want a nice suit of clothes 3fi0; N C Medley 481. Dill Pickles in bulk, nt Robison’s. — latest fall style. Robinson has majority 115 School Superintendent — W H Lt. W. Lundy of Mrytle Point, them. tvas a passenger to Bandon by W, R. Haines, the piano man of Bunch 551; Robt Goetz, 380. 'I hursday’s Liberty. Marshfield, spenl a couple of Bunch’s majority 171. Surveyor — A N Gould, 828. Big assortment of ladies’ skirts days in Coquille last week inter­ Commissioner — J A Davenport, viewing friends and talking busi­ from $1 to $15 nt J. W. Leneve’s. 235; Geo S. Davis 135; W Taylor ness to customers. Cora Stillwell, of IlandoD, was in Have you visited the City Bakery Dement 319; M J Krnntz, 49; H E Coquille on Thursday, being on bis in its nerv location? If not, do so Wilcox 103; Dement’s plurality 89 v av homo from the bay. at once. Justice of the peace Dial. No. 3— A new coffee at Skeels & Son’s at D. O. Newton, of Marshfield, rep- E G D Holden 138. 2->c.— a leader, as good as most 40c Constable— Bert Folsom. 3 senting the International Corres­ goods. Justice of the Peace— Diet No 4. The Coos BayMonumental Works pondent schools of Scranton, Pa. is prepared to furnish D ice iron fen­ made our office a plensnt call while G. G. Swan, 47. Constable— Wm HarmaD, 2 in town last Saturday. ces for yards or cemetery lots. Justice of the Peace— Diet. No. 5. Foil S ale . A small bunch of fine W. P. Fuller’s prepared paiuts oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb a. m . C oqu ille Lv. 11:20 a.m. Page wero both residents of Myrtle ture that makes the whole world Ar. 10;20 a. m. M yrtlePt.jLv. 10: 45 a.m . Point until recently. Both have kin. This explains why people who Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. many friends in this section who have been cured by Chamoerlain’s PAUL STERLING, Agent. • __________ will unite in extending hearty con­ Cough Remedy write letters to the --------------------- -------------- manufacturers for publication, that gratulations.— Enterprise. others similarly ailing may also use The Newest Thing in Town Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrun it and obtain relief. Behind every Is the Gents- Furnishings / — the cough svrup that tastes near­ one o f these letters is a warm ly as good as maple sugar and hearted wish o f the writer to he of Establishment of which children like so well to take. use to someone else. This remedy Unlike nearly all other cough reme­ for sale by R. S. Knowlton. dies, it (Joes not constipate, hut on the other hand it acts promptly yet He has on display a gently on the bowels, through fine line o f goods, whish the cold is forced out of the system, ami at the same time it up-to-date in all re­ allays inflammation. Always use spects. He invites Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup. Sold by Knowlton’s Drug Store. a ll friends in to ex­ W . A. TR A V E R g Ladies and Gents Tailoring C O Q U IL L K , O R E G O N . The Standard Bred □RIND“ Laxative Fruit Syrup S. M. Nosier and A. T. Morrison of the Coquille Stenm Laundry, have decided to operate an ice plant in connection with their laundry and are rushing tbo work as rapidly aa they can. They are having the ice machine which went through the fire of Myrtle Grove Creamery rebuilt and are looking for a new boiler lately ordered, while the work of arranging the building goes on. By the time the warm weathes is upon us those gentlemen will have their new plant in opera­ tion and will be able to furnish ice for this valley in abundance. amine goods and get Prices. Pleasant to take T h e new laxative. Does not gripe or n a u s e a t e . Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con­ stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom­ ach, liv e r and b o w e l s . Refuse substitutes. Prtos Boo. E J. SLOCUM The safe and reliable tiwn- ecrew Trotting- Capt. Olsen, M ister New line of Clothing, Shirt Waists, Fine Assortment of Em­ broideries and Laces. Dress Patterns o f ten yards each--Bigg- est Bargains vet John Ebert’s Ladies’ Fine Shoes and Men’s Walkovers. Stison Kellogg, the best loggers shoes on Earth. Reese’s Waterproof Clothing. Mcllwaine-Knight Co. Clothing. Stallion WAHKE P hone 74 W ill Make the Season of 1908 at Arago TERM S: T o Insure, $20 F or the Season $15. For further particulars apply to Ward Bros, at Arago, Ore Central Real Estate Exchange Coquille Mill and Mercantile Co B. B. PAULL, MANAGER COQUILLE, OREGON Upstairs in Robinson Building. Handles all Kinds of Real Estate A plac to prepare yours ef so that your next opportunity to enter the busi­ ness world on a good salary will not be Found. AT THE The Mercy Hospital ENROLL N O W . Miller-Cleaver Business College NORTH BEND, OREGON. O N im is AT NOHTH BEND Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to A ways carry in stock a large line of MONUMENTS TABLETS and H EAD STO N ES in DOMESTIC and FOREIGN MARBLE and • GRAN TE, al so agent for irou fences, vases and Settees for cemetery use. A ll W o r k 1C Did you stop to consider that a buildiug made 11 O U out of cement blocks is almost indestructable and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the last cost? Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the world. Yours for business, __________ COQUI LEE COIN CR ETE WORKS G u a r a n te e d . A CHOICE LINE OF Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of F. M. STEWART Phone, Main 1731. DAVID Mrshfield Oregon FULTON, Local Representative, Coquille, Or. Portland and Coos Bay S. BREAKW ATER C. F. M’COLLUM. AGENT. Phone Main 34. PAUL L. ) A. Street Dock. STER LIN G , " AGENT. 1 " " ■ Sisters of Mercy N O R T H B E N D . OREOO N FOR C 8 Ï S ? 8 JSfc. «HO A U THROAT «WD LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. carry a J T Io m ? a n d . F e e d . Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. SE C O N D AND HALL S T S ., OOQUILLE. DI0NEER MEAT MARKET , Marshfield Oregon, CQUILLE, We S. Line PHONE We Carry NO. 181 ■■ " ■I....... Pittenger & W ard N O R TH BEND, ORE. The only Complete line of M ILL and LOGGING “ SUPPLEIS In the County E. L. TO ZIER Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters fo r everything in the meat line. wonts always receiues prompt attention. HARNESS and E X T R A S C. H. BANNING GROCERIES ELOUR A N D PEED. ■ 1 - GOODS FRESH. ■ PRICES LOW. GIVE ME A CALL Your COQUILLE VALLEY PACSMNG CO. L. H. PEARCE H A R N E S S -H A K E R Myrtle Point, Ore. A complete stock o f Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., tlw ays on hand. Also carry a stock o f tents, wagons covers, horst couers, lap robes and everything usually found in a firs t harness shop. DEALER IN No Stop-over at W ay Porte. Electric Light.. Everything in First Class Style. Dr. King’s New Discovery S p e e i a l A t t e n t io n O iv e n to C a m m i n i l i Pe ö We M a k e R a t e s to R egu la r B o a rd e rs. D E A L E R IN Repairing o f Harness and Shoes. Before purchasing Ha r C oqu ille River an-J San ness elsewhere, get our prices. F ra n cisco . We are offering the best Bargains in the Oouit WITH S ko o ku m R e s tu u ra n t, Drane’ s Store, Coos Bay] Moimmentaf Works, f Fancy and Staple Groceries. Will make regular trips I k V s K IL L thc c o u g h and CURE THE LUNGS F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m . C A HARRINGTON, Proprietor. Incandescent Electric Light Press Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button To have iierfect health we must have |M>rfect digestion, and it is very important not to permit of anv delay the moment the stomaeh feels out of order. Take something at once that you think will prompt­ ly and unfailingly assist digestion. There is nothir g better than Kndol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour sto­ mach, belching of gas and nervous head iche. K >dnl is a natural di- gestant, and will digest what you eat, Sold by Kn uvlton’i Drugstore | M eals a t a ll H ou rs p iP st-'C la ss S ervice. LOST Do You Intend to Build? ^ I ^ T h e New and Speedy, Str. Elizabeth Manufacturers all hinds oj L u m b e r, M ouldings, etc. C B. R. & E. R R & NAVIGATION CO. Sails for Porltand ! Every Saturday D. L. PfcRKINS. G. ft. & ft. GO. luminant Cleanest, and for Most all put poses. That furnished by the ou R IV E R it. the CHEAPEST light known. there ave F .fcs Convenient, and E L E C T R IC C O Q U IL L E CO. ie fir.t class and up to date in evsry respect The rates place ft within reach of all FRANK MORSE, Prop, OOQUILLE, ORE.