Coquille fjerald. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1908. Next Frida}’, April 17th, is the tl>ty set for the diatirect primary elec tion. This mode of nominating can. ili lates was adopted for the of purpose eliminating all possibil­ ity of “ putting up jobs’’ in the < loosing of candidates. Every vjler who possibly can should attend this election and do his full duty toward seeing to it that bis party puts up good clean candidates. In a general way this election is of more importance than the general election. If both parties get out good men, it matters little which is successful, and under the present system, your vote counts, as the vote is direct for the candidate, and not for a delegato to go and missepre- sent you at a purchased convention. Nither can a man “ cross the line’, nhd take part in the primary of the oppoBit party and use his influence in getting a man nominated who would be easy for hin own party oondidate to defeat. Come out and do your full duty. There was a meeting of the Dem ocratic centrist cominitee in this city Monday, at which considerable busi­ ness was tjansacted making ready for the coming campaign. For U g. senator-they will vote for Geo.E. Chamberlain; for representative in congress, first district, J. J. Whit­ ney; for joint senator for Coos and Curry counties, Hugh McLean. There will be a meeting of the com­ mitteemen in Coquille April 22 for the purpose of forming a permanent organization. ------ — » «■ » --------- - Robert Goetz, one of the Repub­ lican aspirants for the nomination for School Superintendent,has been a successful teacher of the county for a number of years, He was born in Coquille in 1881, but his parents soon moved to Cal., and the first ten years of his life were spent, there and in Massachusetts, after which they moved to Bandon. Mr. Goetz is a graduate of the nor­ mal course of Philomath College and he has since completed a two years’ course in law. He was prin­ cipal of the grammar school at Ori­ ent, Oregon, and principal of the Canyon City public schools, dur­ ing which time he had charge of a full four years’ High School. The Educational League met at the usual hour on Friday last, with the president, Mrs. Chase, in the chair. Edith Perrott, Leanna Curry and Jessie Goodman, each favorod the League with a recitation. The day being Arbor Day the ad dress upon the subject,” Beautify­ ing the School Grounds,” by J. J Stanley seemed very appropriate in deed. He told of the tree planting done by his pupils, in a certain school district in Kansas somo twenty years ago and to show that their efforts had been crowded with suc­ cess, read from a reply to his letter of inquiry to the County Supt. of that place. Tho results were very gratifying indeed. “ A sad mistako is made,” said he when every vestige of tree and shrub is cleared away iu preparing grouns for a school campus.” G eo M. B row n 's Statem ent. To my fellow Republicans of Coos. Curry and Douglas counties: The duties of the office I have had the honor to hold for nearly twelve years (not sixteen as is some time erroneously stated), prevent me from making a personal cam­ paign for renomination. In fact, my record as a public prosecutor, should make such a campaign un­ necessary. Also in this connection, I desire to refute the statement sometimes made that I am rich. I am sorry that I am not. If I were worth one- third the sum that some of those opposed to me say 1 am, I would gladly retire. My propert) con­ sists of my home residence and my farm which I have owned for thir­ teen years. For nearly eleven years, I bad the largest district in Oregon. This district was composed of Benton Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane and Lincoln counties. For nearly eleven years I devoted my entire time the duties of my office, workio hard and conscientiously and doing all in my power to uphold the law and punish crime and have en deavored at all times to give a full measure of labor for my salary, The last legislature recognized the fact that six counties afforded more work than one public prose cutor should be required to do and divide the six counties, constituting the second Judicial District into two Prosecuting Attorney Districts The office of Prosecuting Attor ney is judicial in its nature and informed men know that experience counts for much in such an office. Under the present laws of Oregon the Prosecuting Attorney has the powor, and it often becomes bis duty to sit as a grand jury and file informations in the Circuit Court, and place men upon trial for their liberties or their lives, without the aid of a grand jury. This is an extraordinary power and demands the best judgement that experience and knowledge can bring such an officer. I have been tried and my record as a public prosecutor has been written in the court journals of six counties. My friends have led me to believe that I should have the honor serving for oue fnll term in the present smaller district. I ask your votes, if you think I mer them, Very respectfully, G eorge M. B rown . ---------» « t »- . - G lo v e Sale. On Saturday, April 18th. the whole stock of gloves will be on sale at a big reduction nt the White house. ----*-«» » - S tatem ent of Principles. R O Jones O ies S uddenly. Fay Jones, of this city, received a teregam form his brother Roy on Saturday from California, stating that their father had dropped dead in Oakland that day. Fay went to the bay and took the steamer Plant to be present at the funeral. Heart trouble is given as the cause of his bcath. Rheumatic Pains Relieved, Mr. Thos. Stenton, postmaster of Pontypool, Out., writes: “ For the past eight years I suffered from rheumatic pains, and during that time I used many different lini­ ments and remedies for the cure of rheumatism. Last summer I pro­ cured a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and got more relief from it than anything I ever used, and cheerfully recommend this liniment to all sufferers from rheumatic pains.” For sale by R. 8. Knowlton, Mrs. W. E. Crane was up from Bandon on Monday. F or R ent . N ice large and airy room. A pply to Mrs. F igg. D. M. Ferry's reliable Flower Seeds at Knowiton’s Drug store. F or S ale Good secondhand sewingmachine. Call on the H erald Complete House Furnisher Don’t forget the glave sale at the White House Saturday, April 18tb. New and Complete Stock. If you want silence cloth for your dining Tnble Robinson has it. No book shall be loaned to any one to whom a book or an unpaid fine is charged. Lost books— The retail price will be collected for lost books and for those not returned or renewed af­ ter six weeks from date of loan. But if the books be afterwards re­ turned the charge for such shall be remitted; and the fine for not re­ turning the book shall be levied up to the time o f notification of loss, provided that in no case shall the araouut of fine exceed the cost of the book. Fine money— The library finis collected shall be applied to the re­ placing of volumes and buying of others. For and injjry beyond ordinary wear, an amount proportionate to the injury to be estimated by those in charge. Full line of Furniture, Bedroom Mattings. j Sets, Carpets, Rugs and Kitchen Hardware, Dishes, Agate Ware. V. E. Hixson, of Bill’s creek, was' in to see us while in town yesterday. j Knowltons Drug store carries a I large stock of Stock and Poultry Food. W. P, Fuller’s prepared paints,! oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co’s. If you are going picniciog, give rour order for pastry to the City Reading R o o m R ules. Bakery. See the special prices on ladies' The Reading room of Coquille is now open to the public between the and misses coats and furs nt Mrs. Nosler’s. hours of two and five-thirty each F ine and P lain S ewing , At home afternoon, and from six-thirty to nine each evening excepting Sun­ on the T bridge, by Mrs. Emma Hanscom. day. For Sweet milk and cream call at A goodly number of magazines, the City milk Depot, near the Enter­ as well as a number of books have prise Meat Market. already been shelved and others Before ordering suits, call and are being added all the time. The see Drain’s samples. Good fits and daily papers will also be found on satisfaction guaranteed. the tables. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! All kinds Magazines and periodicals are to of new hats at Drane’s Store. Also be read in the room. Books may geuts’ furnishing goods. be borrowed but the following rules P ay U p . A ll knowing themselves are to be observed: to be indebted to the steamer Echo Number of volumes, each borrow­ are requested to settle at onoe. er may draw one work at a time be­ DeWitt’s Litte Early Risers, ing entitled to both parts of a two- small, safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by Knowiton’s Drug Store. volume book. Time kept—A book may be kept Anyone wishing house moving or one week from date of issue and other heavy work done can be ac. commodated by calling on H. L. may be once renewed for the Varney. period E. N Harry was in from Brew­ Fines— A fine of five cents shad He be paid for each book kept over a ster vallev one day last week. is getting along nicely with the week without renewal, If kept two weeks the fine will be ten cents if right of way for the ditch for the three weeks twenty cents. The fine Power company. each week being double that of the previous week. W .C .L A IR D The Steamer Baudot] aailed Sun­ day. “ The House that is Pleased when you are Pleased. I f you live in town and want a NOTICE OF SCHOOL IN D E M N ITY SELECTION. suit for your self, your boy or wife, Notice is hereby given that sealed United States Land Office, Koseburg, bids will be received for the improve­ a postal will bring the sam ples to Oregon, Mardi 19, 1908. ment of a portion of the county road your door'-— J eff D . W ilsp n . Notice is hereby given that the State of known as the King Creek change in Oregon, on January 30, 1908, applied for tile E. SW . of Sec. 12, Ttp. 27 S.,R. road district No. 18, in Coos county, A Common Mistake 10 W . of W . M. and filed in this office a Oregon, according to the specifications Many women mistake kidney list of school indemnity selections in on file with the County Clerk, and a which it selected said land ; nnd that copy of such specifications in the hands and bladder troubles for some ir­ said list is open to the public for inspec­ peculiar to the sex. tion. Any and ail persons claiming ad­ of Henry Bryant, Supervisor and Spe­ regularity cial Koad Master of Road District No. 18. Foley’s Kidney Remedy corrects versely the above described land or any legal subdivision thereof, or claiming Five per cent of the amount ot bid to be irregularities and makes women the same under the mining laws, or well. Miss Carrie Harden, Bowl­ desiring to show said land to be more deposited with the bid. All bids to be filed with the county ing Green, Ky., writes: ‘ T suffered valuable for mineral than for agricul­ Clerk of Coos county, Oregon on or much pain from kidney and blad­ tural purposes, or to object to said selec­ tion for any lawful reason, should file before the the 7tli day of May, l: 08, at der trouble until I started to use their claims or their affidavits of pro Foley’s Kidney Remedy. The first teat or contest in this office on or before o’olock a. m. The County Court reserves the right bottle gave mu great relief, and the 12th day of May, 1908. I hereby designate the Coquille Herald after taking the second bottle I the reject any and all bids. at Coquille, Oregon, as the For sale by published Dated this 7th day of April, A . D, was entirely well.” newspaper in which the above notice is E. J. Slocum. 1908. to be published. B enjamin L. E ddy , H ENRY BRYANT, Register Supervisor and Special Road Master ol NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Road District No. 18. Department ot the Interior, Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Office at Ro elmrg, Oregon,Feb. 5. 1908. United States Land Office, ) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that Roseburg, Oregon, March 28, 1908 . ] E D W A R D A. SMITH, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids of Riverton, Oregon, lias filed notice of Notice is hereby given that in compli­ will be received for the improvement liis intention to make final five year ance with the provisions of the Act of and construction of a portion of the proof in support of his claim, viz: Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An county road in road district No. 12, be­ Homestead entry No. 11956 made Aug. Act for the sale of timber lands in the 20,1902. for the SE. V, Section 17, Town­ States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ginning at station No. 1 on section line See Jeff D. Wilon, before you or­ between sections 10 and 11, T. 28 S. R. ship 28 south, range 13 W . W . M. and and in Washington Territory,“ as ex­ said proof will be made before tended to all the Public Land States by der veur spring and summer suits 11 W . to station No. 66-97 which is on that Register and Receiver, at Koseburg, Act. of August 4,1892, James O. Farmer, he takes your mersure and guar­ the section line running nortli and south Oregon, on Friday, May 15, 1908. of Coquille, County of Coos, State of He names the following witnesses to Oregon, did on Oct. 4, 1907, tile in this antees satafaction. betw een sections and of said tow n­ prove his continuous residence upon, office hi« sworn statement No. 9175 for Tuis is the time of year to get full ship and range, according to the speci­ and cultivation of, the land, viz: the purchase of the NE of NE oi William White, B. F. Smith, Henry fications on file with the County Clerk Section No. 24. in Township No. 28 ., value by feeding Stock Food to Johnson and W . R. Smith all of River­ Range No. 12 W ., and will offer proof your cattle. A large supply at of Coos county, and a copy of such spec­ ton, Oregon. to show that the land sought, is more ifications in the hands of E. N. Harry, B enjamin L. E ddy , valuable for its timber or stone than for Knowiton’s Drug Store, Supervisor and Special Road Master of Register. agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before E. A . \V. S. Gordon pastor of the M. road district No. . Five per cent of Dodge, S. Commissioner, at bis office E. chureli will preach an Easter amount o( bid to be deposited with bid. NOTICE OF SCHOOL IN D E M N ITY at Myrtle Point, Coos Countv, Oregon, All bids to be filed with the County sermon at Eleven o’clock on the on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1908. SELECTION. Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, on or be­ He names as witnesses: theme: “ Can the dead live again?” fore the 7th day of May, A. D. 1908, at D .J . Mitchell, of Coquille,Coos Coun­ United States Land Office. ty, Oregon ; II. W . Coats, of Lampa, There will be an Easter Progrom by at 10 o’clock A. M. Roseburg, Oregon, February 26, 1908. Coos County, Oregon ; Peter Peterson, the Sunday School at 8 o’clock The County Court reserves the right Notice is hereby given that the state of Norway, Coos County, Oregon; Ole to reject any and all bids. Epworth League at 7 o’clock. of Oregon, on June 27, 1807, applied for Lund, of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. Any and 1 II persons claiming adverse­ Daied this 13th day of April, A. D. nwj^ of sec34, tp 27 S, R. 10 W . of For good dairy ranches, good ly the above described lands are re­ 1908. E. N. H A R R Y , W.M.anilfiled in this office alist of school farm or city property, call at the quested to file their claims in this office Supervisor and Special Road Master R indemnity selections in which itselected on or before said 20th day of June, 1908. Central Real Estate Exchange, B. said land ; am! that said list is open to D. No. 12. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, B. Pauli, manager. tlie public for inspection. Any and all Register. persons claiming adversely the above Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. described land or any legal subdivision ders, give instant relief. Price 25 Notice is hereby given that sealed thereof, or claiming the same under the mining laws, or desiring to show said cents. R. S. Knowlton, Coquille bids will be received lor the constrution, land to be more valuable for mineral City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. furnishing materials, und also for the than for agricultural purposes, or to ob­ Special Easter services at the M. construction and materials separately, ject to said selection lor any lawful rea- sod, should file their claims or their E. Church, South, next Sunday. for a landing on the Coquille river, on affidavits of protest or contest in this Pruning, Grafting, Budding E astersurm onatlla.m . Preaching the county road near Parkersburg ac­ office on or before the nd day of April cording to the plans and specifications 1908. Peopogating from scions, also at 8 a. m. Christening service. Any I hereby designate the CoqnilleHeralJ, on file with the County Clerk. Five per members desiring their children cent of the amount of bidin the form published nt Coquille, Oregon, as the Garden and Floral culture newspaper in which the above notice is and hybrodizing done success­ baptized, will be present at morning of a bond, certified check, draft, cirti- to be published. fully. Services reasonable, service. There will be special Eas­ ficate of deposit or cash to be deposited B enjamin L. E ddy , 15 years ter music at both services, solos, with bid. All bids to be filed with the Register. Consultation free. of experience. Your patron­ Anthems, etc. Evrybody cordialy County Clerk of Coos county, on or be fore the 7tliday of May, A. D. 1908, at age solicited. Now at Mrs. invited. 10 o’clock a. in. The County Court re­ G. R . Wickhams, oarding F or S ale . Eggs from the fa­ serves the right to reject any and all House, Coquille, Oregon. mous laying Indian Runner Ducks, bids, and to accept the hid not the high­ A representative in this est if it considers such bid lor the best $1 50 per setting. country by a large real estate interests of the county. M RS. J. H. R adabacoh , Dated at the Court House in the City eorperation. Special induce­ Phone 6x3. Arago, Ore. of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, this Wickham Residence, ments to those who wish to 13th day of April, 1908. East of Christian Church JAM ES WATSON, become financially interested. County Cldrk. One of the worst features ot kid­ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. l4 10 8 11 12 *4 8 12 IJ. Caivin C. Cooper Mr. Goetz has issued the follow G e n e ra l H o rticu ltu rist ing signed statement of his princi 22 pies nnd policy in the conduct of his office for the guidance of voters, Receives Congratulations- that they may know what to expect You will soon receive the con­ in the event of his nomination and gratulations of your friends upon election; your improved appearance if you If nominated and elected School will take Foley’s Kidney Remedy Superintendent, I will move to the as it tones up the system and im- county seat and be in my offico >urts new life and vigor. Foley’s evary day except Sunday or when Kidney Remedy cures backache, nervous exhaustion and all forms visiting teachers meetings. of kidney and bladder troubles. I will work to secure in every Commence taking it today. For town in the county a four years sale by E J. Sloe u m. H e urged that trees and shrubs standard High School with a good P riv a te Sale. be planted on our own school department in manual training. I will sell at private sale all my Believing that the best result can grounds for, Baid he, “ in doin g so we are creating in the chili! a love be secured by association with oth­ household goods consisting of the I _ _ .1 . n Does Gents' Fine Tailoring ney trouble is that it is an insidi­ for the beautiful which will be made ers I will hold local institutes in following: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ous disease and before the victim in all its branches. Also cleans Two iron bed steads with springs every (own in the county and I will manifest in the home life.” realizes liis danger he may have a ! Notice is hereby given that the Fat and matresses, two art square rugs Fort Dearborn Building, endeavor to organize nnd maintain and presses clothing in firs t- fatal malady. Take Foley’s Kid­ Elk Drainage District w ill receive sealed Much more of interest was pre­ 9 x 12 ft, two dressers, two stand ney Remedy at the first sign of bida for the construction of a drainage CHICAGO, ILL. sented by the speaker and those local teachers’ study clubs. class style. To encourage and better the work tables, one couch, three rockers, six trouble as it corrects irregularities system in said district, in Coos County, who took part in the discussion. and prevents Bright’s disease and Oregon, which will inelude the following: A Motion was made to the effect of the district schools and to arouse dining room chairs, one extension diabetes. For sale bv E .J. Slocum One main canal 3 ! feet wide, 8712 feet table, one kitchen table, oue bed n greater interest among patrons, that the eighth, ninth, and tenth long. One ditch, 14 feet wide, 6600 feet long. grades respectfully be asked to pro­ teachers, nnd pupils in their school room carpet 12x12 ft., one cbina Affords Perfect Security. Ditches 22440 feet long, 8 feet wide. tect and care for the clusters of work and home life, I will foil iw rack, one piece Lenolitim 10x12 ft. Ditches 4620 feet long, 4 feet wide. Folev’s Honey and Tar affords one Toledo steel range, one 30 gal. the example of other superintend­ Containing in all of said ditches, ap­ myrtles on the school ground’s, perfect security from pneumonia proximately, 169,000 cubic yards. thus making a beginning in the way ents and hold au annual school fair hot water tank, oue heating stove, and consumption as it cures the The right of way of all ditches to lie for the schools of Coos County. Morris chair, one combination j most obstinate coughs and colds. cleared three limes the width of the of beautifying the surroundings. I We have never known a single in- ditch. The lecture committee reported Sincerely believing in the future writing desk, pictures, tube, etc. widtli of all ditches is taken at All these goods are practically !8t" nc# of a cold resulting in pneu the The that Mr. Greenleaf, an impersona­ greatness of Coos Bav and the coun­ bottom, and are to be excavated to monia after Foley’s Honey and Tar ty in general, it will be my earnest new but we me making a great sac­ the level of extreme low tide, amt hav- tor and lecturer, would appear un­ had been taken. For sale by E. J ¿¡de'siopes'of 45 *. der the auspices of the League, on effort to make the schools of the rifice in order to get away by the J. Slocum. ! The average depth of ditches has been ---------------------------- estimated at approximately, 5 6-10 feet. the evening of the twenty-third. county, whnt the schools of a great 1st of May also one driving horse, All ditches to be dug along the lines harness and rubber tire run-about He comes well recommended and county should be. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS j and at the places indicated by the plans, buKf?y- Hix room house for rent at I stand for honestv. efficiency map and survey of said drainage system seould be greeted by a large audi­ Notice is hereby given that sealed the residence of I. R. Nosier ! now on file in the office of the County and progress in school supervision. bids will be received for the construc­ ence. Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, tion of concrete piers at the South j Bids w ill l>e considered for the com- A committee was appointed to Honesty in the sense of fair dealing Slough Ferry according to the plans and : plete system or any portion thereof. meet with others from the High to all and the faithful performance “ Nine years ago it looked as if specifications on fiie with the County Any an»l all successful bidders will School, the study and Porgressive of the duties of ray office, and effi­ my time had come,” says Mr. C. Clerk of Coos county, Oregon. Five be required to enter into written con- | tracts and give bonds with good and Clubs, to devise wavs and means ciency and progress in school work Farthing, of Mill Creek, lnd. Ter. per cent of bid to l>e deposited with bid. sufficient sureties for tlie faithful per­ ‘‘I was so run down ihat life hung All bids to be filed with the County formance of their contracts. and school supervision. whereby a public building may be on a very slender thread. It was Clerk «in or before the 7th day of May, All bids to be forwarded in sealed en­ In the forthcoming Republican erected, to contain a library, audi­ velopes to J. W . Mast, secretary of Fat then my druggist recommended 1908, at 10 a. m. 1 primaries, I respectfully ask the j Elk Drainage District, Bandon, Coos B . FEIVITQ1V torium and gymnasium. Electric Bitters. I bought a hottle The County Court reserves the right Countv, Oregon, by April 30th, 1908. Altogether the meeting was an in­ support of all who believe in the and I got what I needed—strength. to reject any and all bids Right* reserved to reject sny and all P ro p teresting and profitable one, and it I policies I have here outlined or who I had one foot in the grave, hut Dated at the Court House at the City bids. Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Bigs in re Dated March 4.1908. Electric Biters put it back on the of Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, this is to be regretted that more were are interested in good schools. By C. R. G abier , President, j nesa for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. turf again, nnd I ’ve becu well ever 8 th d. y of April, A. D. 1908. Respectfully yours, J. W . M ast , Secretary, > not present to give and receive of Accommodations for Taveling n en a specialty since.” Sold under guarantee at En J ohnson , JAMES WATSON, R obert G oetz . the beuegts thereof R. S. Knowlton's drug store. 50c. Board of Trustees * Leave Coquille at C a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. ro. Fare 15.60 County Clerk. --WANTED-- K. Holverson, An Insidious Danger. When You Want Good Coal Buy P E A R T ’S COAL Leave Orders at the Scales He Got What Ho Needed s ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE