Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 26, 1908, Image 2

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Bandon Recorder.
Shocialiat Convention
mon council may compensate such
Dr. Straw who was over from the
individual out of the treasury for
Pursuant to call by notice for a Bay laat week, on a professional visit
such proportion of the expenses as
nominating convention to meet at to Ur. Waldvogel, performed a very
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 1908.
Coquille on Feburuary 14 1908. a •ncceesful operation by removing
clause prorides that a claim must
large and representative delgation the lens from an eye which that gen­
be made in writing and proof made
o f the Socialist party met and waa tleman had injured many years ago.
by evidence.
The second clause
NEW CHARTER. provides that a claim must be made called to order by A. W. Sleeper,
A. G. Hoyt returned to this citv
ohairman of the county centrial com­
in writing and proof made by evi-
on tbe lest trip of the Elizabeth
mittee. On motion A. W. Sleeper
dence. The second clause provide
having been in California for the pest
. ■
, . ,
was made permanent chairman and
that in any proposed street improve-
_ r „
three weeks. Mr. Hoyte reports
3 v ^
i S. L. Curry Secretary. After the
ment or repairs, if no bids are re­
his brother, on whoes account be
various committies were chosen ad­
ceived after proper notice, or if «11
was called to California, as improv­
journment was taken till one p. in.,
bids^received are deemed excessive
ed in health,
at which time the convention was
in amount or otherwise unreasona­
Boas.—To Mr. and Mrs, Edward
again called to order, and 8. L. Cur­
ble, the council may purchase ma­
Ohman, of Bear Creek, Jan. 30th,
The city council has requested terial and employ laborers to do the ry delivered on address of welcome
an 8-pound boy. Mother and son
me to prepare a statement of the necessary work, provided the coat to the delegates, after which the
reported doing well.
proposed charter amendments to be thereof shall not sxceed the sum of 1 nominations of candidates for the
Harry Hunt, who has been living
submitted to the legal voters at the five dollars per foot of the frontage
Myrtle Point for several months,
coming election to the end that all on such improvement
The third
Joint Secrator for Coos and Curry has sold bis property east of town to
such voters may be informed as to clause provides for the city taking
just what the proposed changes are. a lien on the abutting property counties, S-L . Curry, of Coquille; Ben Cope, of Four-mile,
Word has been received here of
The proposed amendments are on when the improvement are made un­ Joint Representative for Coos and
Curry, W. C. Weaver, of Marsh­ the death of Frank Strader at Los
file in the recorder’s office, but
der the second clause just mention­
field; Representative of Coos county, Angels Cal. Frank was well known
thev are somewhat lengthy and it ed.
M. Brewer, of Bandon;Couny Com­ in Bandon and vicinity, having lived
would require a great deal of time
Section eight provides that the
and inconvenience for each voter to city may be divided into sewerage missioner, S. Danelson, of Parkers here pracallv nil his life.
read and compare each section with districts and each district governed burg; Sheriff, john Hayden, of
Mrs. Steele intend* removing the
the present charter, a concise state­ separately by ordinance or resolu­ Marshfield; County Clerk, J. E. buildiDg on her property now occu­
Quick, of Coquille. Assessor, A. W pied by Dr. Sorensen as dental par­
ment o f the proposed changes pub­ tion.
of Coquille; School Su­ lors, and erecting a large three-sto-
lished in our two papers would
8ection nine provides for service
give every voter an opportunity to of citation in proceedings to fore­ perintendent, F. F. Wood, of Ban- rv building The
be informed as to the measure upon close any lien of the city in the don; Surveyor, G. A. Imboff, of change will probably be made in
which he is asked to express him same manner as summons in the North Bend; Treasurer, E. T. Cof- April.
felt, of Marshfield; Cororner, J- H
self at the coming eleotion. With circuit court is served.
James Walstrom and family left
At the
that end in view, the following is present personal service of such ci James, of Coquille, justice of the on the Elizabeth for San Francisco.
submitted. The sections as herein tation can only be made by the Peace for Coquille Precinct, Joel Mr. Walstrom will return to Bandon
Patterson, of Coquille; Constable of
mentioned correspond to the num­ marshal.
on the next boat, while Mrs. Wal­
same, E. A. McPuffee.
bers of the section in the proposed
strom and son will go to B -dwood
Sections ten and eleven are al­
Moved and carried that Secreta­
City to visit her sister, Mrs. Andreiv
most entirely new and provide for
Section one is for the purpos of sale of land under foreclosure pro­ ries of Locals he empowered to fill Graham.
correcting an error in the west line ceedings of city lieDS, the return vacancies for precinct offices and
This May Interest You.
of the boundaries of the city in thereof, objections BDd confirmation send the names in to the Central
committee on
No one is immune from kidney
which the word “ quarter” was omit of sale redemption and making of Committee. The
ted in the present oharter as print- deed after confirmation or overrul- Resolutions filed their report which trouble, so just remember that
wae adopted. Moved and carried Foley’s Kidney Cure will stop the
ing of objections. The sections of
irregularities and otire any case of
Section two provides for trial by the present charter attempting to that the ticket be called the “ Social­ kidney and bladder trouble that is
jury in the recorder’s court, which provide for|theae are very vague and
not beyond the reach of medicine.
en Messes. Quick and Cuny for the Sold by E. J, Slocum, druggist.
our present charter does not allow. indefinite.
use of their building for the con­
But on demanding a jury, the de­
Section twelve adds a clause pro­
Swell line of Bracelets just re­
fendant will be required to deposit viding for • lien on the land for the vention. Adjourned till 7:30 p 'm . ceived at W. H. Schroeder’s.
in court a sufficient sum of money expenses incurred in case the mar- when the meeting took place at the
There is to bo a masquerade hall
to pay all the expenses of such a sbrl is required to tear down and court house where the evening was at the Masonic H ’dl Saturday night.
jury. A clause ie also added to remove a dangerous or untenable
Men’s hats from $2 00 to $2.50
Weaver, Hayden
this section making more definite building on such 'and, and enlarges rades Curry,
at Robinson’s, this week 95 cents.
and certain the manner in which the authority to do this from the
W. P, Fuller's prepare l ptiuU
the recorder shall qualify before fire limits to the incorporation lim­
oils aod varnishes at J. A. Lamb &
Educational Leagua Meets
acting as a justice of the peace in its of the ci ty.
civil actions.
Sead Barley, Seed Outs, Seed
Quite a number were in attend­
Section thirteen changes the
Section three requires the city
amount from $100 to $1000 on jobs ance at the Educational League Whe t and all kinds of grass seed.
Land & Lyons.
treasurer to fil6 a monthly state­
which must be let by contract to be meeting on Friday. Owing to the
ment on the first day of each month
Robinson has just received a full'
paid for out of the city treasury aod absence of the President, the meet­
line of rubber boots and rubbers
instead of on the first Wednesday
further provides that if all bids be ing was called to order by the First also oil clothing.
as now.
rejected, the council may purchase Vice President, Miss Anna Dudley,
L ost . T«vo year-old Jersey heif­
Section four defines more clearly
The program consisted of a piano
material and employ laborers to do
er, marked crop and under bit in
the powers and duties o f the mayor
the job without further advertising
left aud slit in right ear.
in certnin casus wherein he is con­
Elma McDonald; a piano duet by
for bids.
W. M. H am mack .
sidered a member of the common
Section fourteen provides that Edith Perrott and Edna Gilkey; a
council. The present chartermnhes
notices shall be given by publica­
the mayor a member of the council
tion in two consecutive issues of a address by A. J. Sherwood. Tin
for the purpose of n quorum
The weekly newspapers or five cocsecu- subject was, “ Cultivation of Obedi-
amendment gives him a right to
tive issues of a daily newspaper, J anco Punctuality, and Decision.’’
vole when thus a member.
Mr. Sherwood handled the sub
and allows the council to select
Section five gives the council
either a weekly or daily newspapor je ctin bis characteristic manner
power to fix the names of streets,
Some of the points brought out
as the official paper, but in either
and omits the word ‘‘ordinance’’
case the paper must be published were as follows:—
from the manner proscribed for
That obedience must be taught
in the city. The present charter
compelling property rwners to im­
requires ten days’ publication with­ the child early in life.
prove, repair and clnin th« streets
out stating ir what kind of a paper through love, if possih'e but let it
and sidewulli
The pres« nt charter
i always ho unde-stood that failure
Respectfully Hul'ii ■ I toil,
requires an < i din lire in eaeh par-
to obey will he met liv just punish-
J. J ¡S tanley -
■v1 licit m Climber-
tie d instau
, IllC llt.
R eviv a l M eetings
some and ex 1 1 sive and not tie
Clnl ir« n who have been taught
proper legal proceedings, which is
Beginning next Monday evening, obedience in -chool.
by resolution.
An ordinance is Feb. 24, Rev. D. W. Thurston, the
The teacher’s love and respect, is
proper when the thing sought to pastor-evangelist of tbe First Bap- generally reciprocated by tbe child.
be accomplished is permanent or tist church of Marshfield, will assist A certain per cent however cannot
continuing and general and applies Rev. Thrums Baptist minister of be reached in bia way and mimt be
with the same effect to every indi­ this city in a series of evangelistic governed through fear of the conse-
vidual within the corporate limits. meetings. These meetings will he Iquem es of disobedience.
A resolution is the proper method held in the Presbyterian church and
lb - g ive an • xc I'e-it illustration
when the thing s'ltight to be accom­ good interesting meetings are ns i f how op • pi r-o .. wli i has not
plished is termporarv or not con­ sured. It v. Thur -tun ha hul
leir i d piiiicluaiity, mav
fining and Slid censes as soon as the \eril year»'experience in the i vm- ni ii-v snfT-r 'h ri y i fi:l i e to keep
sptcified things i< accomplished gelistic woik especially .» Washing­ im ipp -iiitiu nt.
ton, California, ns well-na this »bite,
and applies to n specified person and has beon remarkin'!« HUu.-ca-fii!.
A, a li speak g fr m ;n rsonnl
or thing, such as the building He is well-known in this count«, bn . bservatioD, he ‘ bowed 'hut appar­
of a particular sidewalk or im having ‘stumped’ the county in the ently insurmountable obstacles may
proving a certain street By omit­ prohibition tight of two years age. tie overcome through decision of
A series o f union revival meetings ! purpose.
ting the word “ ordinance, ” the have just been concluded in Marsh­
council may persue either method field at which Mr. Thurston did the ' In the discussion which follow ed
one point wan made which no
ordinance or resolution, that may preaching; these meetings are con­ com 's bom» to nil of us—that we
be proper. The word “ adjacent”
frequently punish one time, an
ia improperly used twice and the tendance among the host ever held in offense which at mother time,
in that citv: sinners converted, and
word “ which" once in this section churches blest and brought togeth - 1 when we are in a different mood,
The words are omitted and tha word er into closer fellowship. Every­ goes uunoticed.
At the close of the discussion reg-
“ as” ia added in another place body invited into these meetings:
where the grammatrical construc­ sinners that they may be converted elutions of thanks to all who in any
aod cbnrch members they may be waJ' assisted in making the Annual
tion requires it.
helped and be of help in the great- Teacher's Banquet a success, were
Section six also refers to street est of all undertakings — saving present and accepted. Some other
improvement and the words ‘‘com­ souls. The old gospel, an unselfish minor matters of business were at­
mon council” are substituted for gotpel, a Christ mighty to save will tended to before tbe meeting ad­
“ hoard of trustees” and the words lie the theme of sermon and song.
* «•* •
---- -
Solos will be sung and new songs
‘ ‘or resolution” are inserted for the learned. Come, and — “ Brethren
Knowlton's Drug Store has just
reasons above stated.
received a large supply of the very
pray for us.”
cboisest onion sets.
Section seved proposes to sdd
As has been the custom for the
three clauses to s section in the
For good dairy ranches, good
past four years, the Coquille E lu-
present charter relative to street cational League gave a banquet in farm or city property, call at th e!
improvements and repairs.
The honor of the teachers of the county Central Real Estate Exchange, B.
first clause is joined to a present as they assemble at the February B. Pauli, manager.
For Early Heburn seed potatoes,
clause providing that where cer­ examination. This was, usual, a
Tbe W. O. W. call on Ed. Johnson. Ail lress, Co-
tain improvements “ wonld be exces­ grand success.
sively burdensome upon any indi­ Hall was crowded to its capacity
with members of the League, teach­
Sold through the agency of Win.
vidual, and the benefits to be de­ ers and invited guests. The pro­
rived l>v such individual from such gram of musical numbers, toaste and Oddy to J. E. Madden, the Croy
improvement would be grossly dis­ speeches was well received and all tract of land containing 15 cares
proportionate t - his share of the ex. will look forward to the one to fol­ situated west of the Masonic Cemc.
peuse ol the improvement, the com- low with anxeity for iU hasty return. •ry.
Coquille Herald.
By Request of the City
Council, Mayor J. J.
Stanley Explains the New
Amendments to be Voted
on at the May Election.
For strictly scientific borse shoe­
ing, go to Sleeper.
Nice large and airy
Apply to Mrs. Figg.
F or R ent .
Big assortment of ladies’ skirts
from $1 to $15 at J. W. LeneveV
F ine
P lain S ewing , At home
on tbe T bridge, by Mrs. Emma
Youths, and men’s suits and over
coats at all prices and all kinds at
W. T- Kerr's.
W. T. Kerr has full line of youths
aod men's suits, ovnrcoats at »1
prices and of all kinds.
Dou’t go on the boats or train
hungry, as you can get a good din­
ner at tbe Palace restaurant in good
Rev. C. E. Botin, of Myrtle Point,
will hold services at the Presbyter­
is hereby given that sealed
ian church next Sunday, Morning
bids will be received by the undersigned
and evening. All are invited to at­ (or the special improvements ot the
Glenn Creek Junction and Douglas
Suffering A Dollars Savtd
E. S. Loper of Mnrilla, N. Y.,
says: “ I am a carpenter and have
had many severe cuts healed by
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It has
saved me suffering and dollars. It
is by fur the best healing salve I
have ever found.” Henls burns,
sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema
and piles. 25c nt R. S. Knowlton,
Mrs. D. W . Bourn
Teacher of Piano, Har­
mony and Vocal.
Best Eastern methods -Ziegfeld and
Sherwood systems.
Call at tbe
residence of Dr. Wetmore, or phone
main 136.
County road in Road District No. 6,
Coot County, Oregon, said improvement
being known as tbe Glenn Creek Falls
Improvement, in acconlance with the
Ians and specifications prepared by C.
. McCulloch. Bids will I f received up
to thefitli day of March, l'.HIH, at 10:00
o ’clock a. m. ot said day. Said hida to
be (or removing rock and dirt and mak­
ing roadbed, clearing roadway by cubic
yards and also for clearing road wav
rock work and making road lied com-
tdete by lineal rods. Work to be«in at
the stake or station No 40 and continu­
ing on the line of said road until tbe
special tax levied for said improvements
shall be exhausted.
Each bid to be accompanied by a cer­
tified check or bond payable to the un­
dersigned in the sum of $50,00 to t>e for­
feited in case contract shall be awarded
and bidder shall fail to enter into con­
tract within 10 days, with a suitable
understanding for the fulfillment of his
contract. Tbe said contract to be made
in accordance with Section 75, laws ot
1903, page 284.
The right to reject any and all bids is
reserved; also tbe right’ to modify any
Dated this 12th day oi February, 1908,
Notice ia hereby given that seal bids
will be received for improvement of a
portion of the County Road In road dis­
trict No. 26, according to the specifica­
tions on file with tbe county clerk of
Coos county, Oregon ; five per cent of
the amount ot bid to be deposited with
the County Clerk with the bid. Im­
provements to consist oi swamping,
grading, fills, culverts snd bridges.
All bids to )>e tile«! with the Oounty
Clerk ot Coos County, on or before the
5th day of March, A. D. 1906, at 10
o ’clock when aucli bide will be opened.
Tbe County Court reserve* th* right
to reject any an<l all bide.
I>mted this 15th day oi February A .D .
R. P. C arman ,
Special Road Master of R. D. No. 26.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received lor th* improve­
ment of a portion of the Oounty Road,
District No. 30 Coos County, Oregon,
according to tbe specifications on file
with the County Clerk ot said County
and a copy of which ia in the hands ot
It. E. W ilcox, Special Road Master ol
K. D. No. 30.
Such improvements to consist of
planking, corduroying, grading, making
culverts and fills, etc.
Five per cent of amount ot bid to be
deposited with county clerk with bid.
All bids to be filed with the connty
Clerk of Coo* County, Oregon, on or
before the 5th day of March A. I>. 1908,
at 10 o ’clock a. m. at which time all
bids filed will be opened.
The County Court reserves th# right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 14th day of February A. D.
H. E.
C harles R odins ,
For the Terrible Itching
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum
keep their victims in continual tor­
ment. The application of Cham­
berlain’s Salve will instantly allay
this itching. nDd many cases have
been cured by its use. For sale by
R. S. Knowlton.
Clensor— no rubbing
Special Road Master for Road District
board. Ask your grocer.
No. 6.
Manufacturers all hinds o/
Lumber, Mouldings, etc.
New line of Clothing, Shirt
Waists, Fine Assortment of Em­
broideries and Laces.
Patterns o f ten yards each--Bigg­
est Bargains yet John Ebert’s
Ladies’ Fine Shoes and Men’s
Walkovers. Stison Kellogg, the
est loggers shoes on Earth.
Reese’s Waterproof Clothing.
Mcllwaine-Knight Co. Clothing.
Chronic Constipation Cured.
One who suffers from chronic
coii*tipnti"n is in danger of many
serious ailments. Orino Laxatixe
Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipa-
pation ns it aids digestion and stim­
ulates the liver and Dowels, restor­
ing the natural action of these or­
gans. Commence taking it today
and you will feel better nt once.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does
not n usente or gripe and is very
pleasant to take. Refuse substi­
tutes. Sold By E. J.’ Slocum.
Coquille Mill and Mercantile Co
To Bring in all Kinds of
W e will pay cash for everything from a Jack Knife to
an automobile. Don’t let anything go to waste. W e
want Stoves, Furniture, Harness, Farming Implements,
Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments, etc.
W e sell all kinds of Stock and Farm
Produce on Commission._______________
Storage furnished for all kinds of Goods at very low rates.
W e are located in the Skeels Building opposite the Tuttle Hotel.
Call and see us we will treat you right
Harry & Goodman
no wash
G. M. & M« GO.
Thoroughbred Cattle, Hogs end
I will furnish through tbe season
eggs for hatching from thorough­
bred S. C. Brown Legborns, White
Legborns, Black Minorcaa and
White Plymouth Rocks at $1 per
Brown Legborns $5.00
per hundred, also eggs from the
famous laying Indian Runner ducks
at $2 00
J. C. W atson
Breeder of Thoroughbred Jersey
cattle and Berkshire swine.
W il c o x ,
Special Road Master of Roa«l District
No. 30.
- -