LU ¿7 C e n iti i l le V ol . 25: No. 23. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908. EnUred »e eecoml-cUae matter May I, 1*05, a t - t h e poetoffice at Cequille, Oregon, under act o( Oongreee of March 1 ,1(78. DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. O ffice a t Slocum’e Drug Store. O o o u il l b , O kiioon . Phone M»in 12B. 1 1 A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Office ‘ two dooro Booth ot Poet offioe. . Coquille . . Oregon. W. E. THRESHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW O kkoos W a D o ia n c a n E. D. SPERRY Attera#; and Couuoellor at Lav. Office In Bobtneon Building W. C. CHASE. ATTORN BT- AT-L 1 w Office ln'Bobineon Building, Upetaire C. R. BARRiW Alterne; end Oonneellor at Law Flret-elase Boferenoea fifteen Teere' Experience C o q u il l e C i t y , O re J. J. STANLEY law yer Marti# Building • Front Street OoqoiLie«, O regon A. J. Sherwood, A rroa n a x - x t -L x w , S o n a i P u b l io , Coquille, s s Oregon Walter Sinclair, A it o a e a r -x T -L iw , R e l i a i P u b l io , Coquille, i I Oregon. Hall & Hall, A it ® axai i - i t L iw , ilei la B e l l E ut n e of a il kinda. Marehfleld, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Netary Public. Phone 761. MARIHriBLD, O u e o o n . Death of Dr. J. W. Strange. Oo to Meet Steamer, Gravel Ford Itema. Dr. J. W. Strange, pioneer den­ tist and newspaperman, prominent in Roseburg’a fraternal spheres and flt one time a leading factor in local Republican politics, died at bis home, in this city, early Sunday morning, Feb, 9, 1908, after a ling­ ering illness of dropsy. He was 55 years sf age. Dr. Strange liad been confined to bis house con­ stantly for the past three weeks, during which time he experienced alternating periods of improvement and depression. The day before his death he was reported to be feel­ ing considerably better, but when his bedside was visited at 4 o ’clock the following Morning, the dim light of life had gone out. Mr. C. A. Smith and Mr. Arno Mereen, of the C. A. Smith Lum­ ber and Manufacturing Co., leave tomorrow for Bay Point, on San Francisco bay where the company is building docks and extensive dis­ tributing yards and warehouses which they will inspect. Mr. Smith will remain in San Francisco until the arrival o f the steamer Nan Smith which he will accompany from San Francisco to Coos Bay. Mr. Me- reen will not wait for the boat but expects to return to the bay in about ten days. A telegram received yesterday from Captain Nelson, of the Nan Smith, stated that the boat put in at Punta Arenas, South America, caused by the illness of some of the crew. This will delay her arrival about two or three days but she is expected to reach San Francisco about March 10 to 15 and will leave there shortly after that for Coos Bay.— Times. Lewis Strong of Myrtle Point transacted business at this place last week. Born in Blount county, Tennes­ see, Nov. 21. 1852, Dr. Strange came to Oregon with his parents, now deceased, and settled near Wil­ bur, this county. He taught school and studied dentistry, and was ad­ mitted to practice the latter pro­ fession when 28 yeara of age. Al­ though a highly competent dentist, he devoted a great part of his life to conducting news papers, always on Republican principles, and this brought him into prominence in his party. H e was elected school su­ perintendent of this county in 1881, serving one term, after which he served successively as reading clerk of the lower house of the Oregon legislature and chief clerk of the senate. During his tenure of office as school suprintendent, Dr. Streng*- acted as elitor of the old Roseburg Plaindealer. L iter he conducted newspapers in eastern Oregon and Washington, chief among the Pen­ dleton (Or.) Tribune. During the taking of the government census in 1890 he acted as superintendent of that work in eastein Oregon. At the conclusion of these duties in 1891, Dr. Strange reumed the prac­ tice of dentistry in Eastern Oregon and Washington and later in Doug­ lass and Coos counties. In 1903 he moved back to Rosebrg, and two years lrter embarked upon his last newspaper venture by establishing the Roseburg Spokesman He con­ tinued actively at work until Jan­ uary 1, of this year, when he be­ came so severely afflicted with the malady that resulted in his death. Dr. Strange was a charter mem­ ber and the first Mastei Workman of Roseburg Lodge No. 16, A. O - U. W ., a Past Qrand of Philetar- ian Lodge, I. O. O. F. and Past Con­ sul Commauder of Oak Camp No. 125, of this city. He was also a charter member of the Roseburg Presbyterian churoh, and a member of Union Encampment I. O. O. F. No. 41. Dr. Strangr is survived by his wife and one son, Dale.— Review. The Jumping off Place. £. Q. D. Holden L awtrb , Jwrioa or t u m P rior U. ®. Oom«i##ioa#r, General Insoranoe and Notary Pablie. Office in Robinson Building. Coquille regon. •QUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. D IS P A T C H Tom White, Master I Arrive« .10 AM. a -M. | Coquille. . 4 P-M. Cequille...... 1 P-M. | Bandon Cennecte at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer Edho for Myrtle Point. Leave# B a n d e n ........ 7 Str. F A V O R I T E J. O. Moomaw. Master, I Arrive# Ceaallle ......... 7 a -M. | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . Baadea ........... 1 P-M. I Coquille. 4:45 p - m . Str. ECHO I "Consumption had ine in its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King’s New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Improve­ ment began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again’ ’ says George Moore of Grimesland. N. C. As a remedy for coughs and and colds and healer o f weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumo­ nia New Discovery is supreme. 50c and $1 00 at R. S. Knowlton, drug­ gist. Trial bottle free. Wanted School District No. 58 desires ap­ plications from teachers for a term of school beginning about first of March. Grade and reference’s will be an importent consideration by the board. Adress W. D. Roberts. J. L. Briggs or J. D. Donaldsoo, directors Coquille, Oregon. Ask Yourself the Question J. rif M Leaves U r r à là Arrives ---------- -------- Child Burned to Death. Miss Sylvia Culbertson who has been attending school at this place returned to her home at McKinley last Saturday. Will Barger has rented the Wal- termeir place from Perry Parrish, aDd will make his home there this summer. T. P. Hanley of the Randolph Lumber Co. was looking after busi­ ness interests at this place last F ri. day. K. H. Hansen, our geniel merch­ ant, returned last week from a busi­ ness visit at Marshfield. Mr.¡and Mrs. Wayne Hollenbeck are visiting the former’s parents at Bandon. Cecil Carter of Myrtle Point ,ssed through this place Friday on his return from Brewster where he has had business for the last week. W. H. Bunch, who has had oharge of the Academy since the absence of Prof. F. 8. Bunch, returned to Coquille Friday. Assistant viewer, George Griffin, returned last week from.near Ban­ don where be had been helping lo­ cate a new road. Not being able to continue work on the bridge near the mouth of the North Fork, on account ot the late rains aud the raise in the river Contractor Bennett is enjoying a visit with his family at this place. The launch formerly owned by L. F. Smith has been taken to tbe bay by Jack McDonald who will equip it with an up to date motor. Mr. M. informs ns that the descent over the Bald Hill riffle was quite excit’ ng, as there was a fall of about three feet in the river at that place. Some 2500 saw logs went out of the river during the iaise. Geo. Hermann and Knight Bros, suc­ ceeded in getting out with the logs they were holding in the mouth of the East Fork. V. N. Barker, Mast Bros , aDd other parties made a run from the Gravel Ford boom in the North Fork. L. R. Robeitson County Manager of Tbe Pacific States Telephone Co. attended the annual meeting of the North Fork Mutual Telepbohe Co. at this place Monday. Lalice. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Harry of Brewster Valley was so badly burned last Monday morning to 9:30 that she died 36 hours later, Tuesday night at 11 o’clock, and the funeral was held Thursday afternoon, interment bein^; in the cemetery at Dora. Lalice and her little brother were left iu a room of their home togeth­ er while their mother was attending to duties in an adjoining house. She had not been absent long when “he was attracted back by the screams of the little boy and found the baby’s clothes a mass of flames. She quickly smothered the flames and hurried with the child at the home of James Laird aud word of this accident was got to Walter Laird who telephoned in for a doc­ tor. Dr. Stemmier happened to be out in taat neighborhood on anoth­ er call and was summoned to the aid of the little sufferer without loss of much time, but all efforts to save her life were futile, and sbe passed away at the hour stated. It is supposed that the apron of the child was drawn into the stove in the room and that her clothes were thus ignited. The baby wns badly burned about the face aud less seriously about the body, but more than a sixth of her body was U ncle Q usn . burned until the skin peeled off and Myrtle Point Items. there was no hope of her recovery Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carl retorn- though it is believed that the shock was the immediate cause of her to this place on Friday' from Twin Falls Idaho, They are the guests death.— Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. E F. Davenport. Many Sleepless Nights, Owing to a Two years age they left here on ac Persistent Cough. Relief Found count of Mrs. Carl’s health which at Last. she has fully recovered •For seveaal winters past my Mr. Watt Guerin and family who wife has been troubled with a most with his parents went to Needles, persistent and disagreeable cough, which inxariablv extended over a Arizona, is rapidly regaining his period of several weeks and caus­ health in that dry climate. ed her many sleepiest nights,’’ Mr. Tom Guerian is having a small writes W ill J. Hayner, editor dwelling erected on Sixth street for of the Burley, Colorado, Bulle­ the occupancy of Mr. Arthur Watt tin. Various remedies were tried each year, with uo beneficial re-1 anfi family, suits. In November last the caugh M tb . Will McCloskey is seriously again put in an appearance and ¡11 with neuralgia of the stomach. o 7 .t5 „t rS 'Z ::: n s r .; **.• i . p — Chraberlain’s Cough Remedy. The Club gave an auction sale and so- result was indeed marvelous. Af- cial at Smith's Hall on the evening ter three doses the cough entirely of February fifteenth which was disappeared and has not manifest- |arRe]y attended. A number of do. O r] itoolf Tltio ed itself amon since.” ^ This rnmn/1 remedy tr jq | nations of fancy work and useful for sale by R. S. Knowlton. articles were sold by Mr, Gatchell to the audience aDd a nice sum re­ alized. A short program pioceed- Stock Ranch of 280 acres, excel­ ee the sale consisting of songs, etc. lent range, also abundant out side which were well renderod and en­ range. The place has the following joyed. Supper was serve 1 later. improvements: Good house o f five A good round sum was received for rooms, porch 8ft in width on two which the ladies of the Club are|very sides bouse, pump on kitchen thankful. The Centennial Band rendered porch, good living water. Barn ... some beautiful peices both before 40 ft by 60 ft fully equipped W1 and duriDg tbe entertainment. stalls, roangers.stansions, etc. Large l Bender and wife wlio wood shed, wagon shed, chicken went to Portland two weeks ago ’ hsuse, etc,, all in good repair. Good report Mr. Bender as improving small bearing orchard, assorted fruit, nicely, He went to have his ear doctored. Clare Dement who cut considerable timber for logs aDd bis foot verv badly, is still on crutch­ some hay land cleared, considerable | es. O bserves . fencimg. Place well watered. Price, $7.50 per acre, terms, En­ Special Anr.ouncememt Re­ quire of D. P . S trano , J b , owner. Parkersburg Oregon. | garding the National Pure For Sale NOTICE FOR CONTRACTS Notice is hereby given for sealed bida for the construction of a ferryboat to be used between Marshfield and East Marshfield. Bids will he received for the construction of said ferryboat com- plata and ready for U9e including mach­ inery, house and such other parts as may be necessary for complete construc­ tion of said ferrvboat, said ferryboat to be equipped with either 20-horse power double gas engines, double cylinders 30-horse power double or triple gas en gines, double cylinders; 40-horse power triple gas engines, double cylinders ferrylmat to be constructed according to the plans and specifications prepared b H. K. Keed and on file in the office of the County Clerk of Coos county. Ore­ gon. Aleo for construction of boat com plete without engines, placing engines in boat and everything complete for ready use. Also for separate bids for engines to be delivered at Marshfield Oregon, on or before April 15th, 1908 Boat to be completed and ready for de­ livery on or before the 5th day of May A. D. 1908. All bids to be filed with the County Clerk of Coos county, Oregon, on or before the 5th day of March, A. D. 1908. at 10 o ’clock a. m. at which time all bids filed will be opened, Five per cent of amount of bid to be deposited with county clerk with bid.! The county reserves the right to re- joct any and all bids or to accept a bid not the lowest, if it deems it for the best interests of the couaty. Dated at the court house, city of Co- uille, Coos county, Oregon, this 5th ay of February, a . d . 1908. JAMES WATSON, County Clerk. ear REMEMBER WHEN IN NEED 0 Edison or Victor Phonographs, CutGlass,Hand Painted China, Silverware, W atches and Clocks call onus W e Guarantee E. C. BARKER & CO.’S Successor to WILSON 3 JEWELRY CO. Coquille Transfer Co., NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that the Btate Land Board will receive sealed bids un til 2 o’clock p. m. Monday, March 2, 1908, for the following described land: W ILL M EET A LL BOATS AN D TR A IN S . Lot 6 of Section 10,Township 30 south. Range 15 W. Each bid must be accompanied by Parties h iving hauling of any kind will receive prompt attention by call- cash or postal money order for at least in Phone 116. one-fifth of the amount offered. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Address the undersigned and mark /K /Tv /i\ /rs /i\ 7K / k /K 7ÎS /is 7t\ 7K /f\ /K T in ? n 71 s 7K /Is the envelope “ Bid for State Land.” CHAS. V. GALLOWAY, State Land Agent. Salem, Oregon, February 1, 1908. W. H. MANSELL. Prop. Josh’s Place, 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the improve­ ment and construction of a portion of the county road in Road District No. 12, Coos county, Oregon, according to the specifications on file with the County Clerk of Coos county, and a copv ot such specifications in the hands of E.N. Harry, Supervisor of Road District No. H. M E H L , P r o p r ie to r . 12. All bids to be filed with the County Clerk of Coos county, Oregon, on or be­ fore the 5th day of March, A. D. 1908, at 10 o’clock a. m. when such bids will be opened. Five per cent of amount of bid to be deposited with county clerk with bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at the Court House, City of Co- uille, Coos county. Oregon, this 5th av of February, 1908. ’ JAMES WATSON, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. > January 31, 1908. J Notice is hereby given that Walter R Smith, of Riverton. Oregon, has filed notice of Ids intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz. Homestead entry No. 12306 made Dec. 23, 1902, for the NW}$ Section 20. T ow nsh ip 28 South, Kangs 13 VV.W. M., and that said proof will he made before L. A. Liljeqvist, U. 8. Commissioner at Marshfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 6, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove this continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz. B. F. Smith of Riverton, Oregon. E. A. Smith of Riverton, Oregon. Madison Scott of Riverton, Oregon. W . R.’ Panter of Bandon. Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, 1 Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. [- January 81, 1908. ) Notice is hereby given that Benjamin F. Smith, of Riverton, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim viz: Homestead entry No. 11887 made July 31, 1902, for the N « N W )i Section 20, Township 28 South, Range 13W.W. M. , and that said proof will be made be­ fore L. A. Liljeqvist, U. 8. Commis­ sioner at Marshfield, Oregon, on Mon­ day, April 6,1908. fie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivafion of the land, viz: Walter Smith of Riverton, Oregon. Madison Scott of Riierton, Oregon. W. R. Panterof Bandon, Oregon. E. A. Smith of Riverton, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. Why not use Chamberlain’s Pain M vrtlvPviut.. . f »-«. | oqniile O’; 9 30 A-M CeqelUe C lt;...! r-w. | M;il.e P’t. .4 00 r-n Balm when you have rheumatism? Dell; exL-epi Sands;. We feel sure that the result will be prompt and satisfactory. One ap­ plication relieves the pain, and Food and Drug Law. many have been permanently cured Cut prices— lA d ieef felt fur-top We announce that by its use. 25 and 50 cent sizes. ped slippers $2 00, now $1.46; $1.75 1 _ , , are plensed a to t r u For sale by R. 8. Knowlton. P rosp er, O regon . dow fl.2 5 ; $1.50 now 954; $1.00 Fo.l?y 8 ? ° i,,eJ k * f °- * h *f ' tU colds and lung g troubles is not af* Robinson has a swell assortment now 75c at Robinson’s this week. A g e n t for fected by tbe National Pure Food of gents clothing in the latest styles SAY1 Did you know that yon and Drug law, as it contains no Buffalo Qasolene Engines and patterns. Call and examine could get more value for your opiates or other harmful drugs, and them. money at W. T. Kerr’s store than we recommeud it as a safe remedy i The b oat, c h e a p e st aud m oat Onion sets! onion sets!! Land k any other place on tbe OoanilU for children and adults. For eale | Lyons. fo a io a fjp o w o r o o th e m ark et, by E. J. Slocum, druggist. River? Nets P Nelson. $1.50 P e r Y Billiard Card rooms and and Soft Drinks Pool Tables Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. ^ ^ City News Stand. W. L. McADAMS 8.H . McADAMS McADAMS BROS. EXPERT BLACKSMITHS and Horse Shoers CARRIAGE AND REGON WR0K Coquille LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES AND OUTFITS ______-______-______ Oregon Good SHave and. Hair Cut GO TO R. E. NOSLER Across the street from Hotel Coquille First Class Bath Room in Connection. Hot and Cold Water F. S. DOW COMMISSION MERCHANT Agent for Sperry's Best and Sound r'ing Flour, Ground Feed Etc. Headquarters at Marshfield. Cequille Branch at Big Ware­ house. SIG HANSEN in charge. A BSTRACTS A B STRACTS ABSTRA CTS ABSTRACTS TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY COUGH Marshfield and Coquille, Oregon. GO We have completed a thorough, up-to-date i:iaBöagqcmcattiBU^’ -wxa A b stra ct aiTM xm P la n t. We are now ready to furniab correct ABSTRACT'S at abort notice, and ordera will receive careful and prompt attention. CROUP, WhoopingCough This remedy c ii elwiyi he deluded eyes end It pluses« to uke. It cesulei ee opium or ether harmful dru( and may he »Ives as coafl- dcntly to a hah; as to as adult Price 25 i i centi. Urte site St ceoti. Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank Coquille “ " Coquille Post Office. g MARSHFIELD PHONE, 148. COQUILLE PHONE, 191. Phone at our expense wben ordering ABSTRACTS. TITLE GUARANTEE k ABSTRACT CO., J. S . Barton, Abetractor. ABSTRACTS A BSTRACTS Henry Seogatacken, Manager. A BST R A C T S A B ST R A C T #