R e c e iy e s Sad N e w s Coquille Herald. D. F- DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Countv Official Paner. FUHLISHED K VEUT WEDNESDAY. Devoted to the mitti-rml end social up­ building of ttie Coquille Valley pnrticnlarly and o f (loos County generally. Subscription, p* r y t a r .in advance, fl.fiO Phone, Main 55. Full lino of Diamond W canned goods at O Wilson and Co’s. E. E. I) If. of Arago, bad busi­ ness in town Monday. Robinson i pre-ting a large as­ sortment of suit , this week. Mrs. J. II. ' way, was in ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE Closkey, of Nor­ ity on Saturday. All linens 1 ■ lit at The White Houso will I« st .mped free of charge. B ohn On the North Fork Nov, 28, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lee, a son. Moore’s Nom-leakahle fountain pens at W H. Sehroeder’s Jewelry Store. George Halter, of the Fishtrap section, had businessiu Coquille on Saturday. Have you examined that fine Pan­ ama dress goods at O Wilson & C o’s. L. D. Carl, the Norway daryman, was, was a Coquille buisness visitor on Saturday P. E. Drane keeps puffed rice, a delicious dish for breakfast and for sick folks. Straw and crash hats, canvas Bhoes for women, mon and children at J. W. Leneve’s. * •t ci o f its goodness Buy the 3-lb can with screw Top and Metal iJande »$1-00 M rs. N osler’s L ocals When you wish to put in an or­ der for some fresb groceries, don’t Ladies' Misses’ and Children’s forget to ring up the Enterprise coats and furs —the latest. Meat Market,-they keep them. New Ceii a ati O O O O O 0 O *O O O O O O O O 0 < F R E D i o n G i v e n to C ö lT l m e r e l a l P e ö p le Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the ' owest consistent with good goods. g^^T he safe and reliable tiwii-jSrJ screw The New and Speedy,jjjy Y E A R S ’ rade M a r k * D e s ig n s o py r ig h t s A c . A. Street Dock. S p e c ia l fltte n R e g u la r B o a r d e r s . Office in W. H. Scliroeder’s Jewelry Store, first Mondayjin January, 1908. 1er *vf die icmily— filed wuh pholrp »pq* and pielure». H A R R I N G T O N , P r o p r ie to r . Sails for Portland Every Thursday M. G. Pohl, RegisteredOptician : i ve»— oí irrri -silo every r /m - Skookum R e s ta u ra n t, C A It costs you nothing to see E X P E R IE N C E T A T T H E BREAKW ATER M'.C frf I. TVW6AX9 WfWCr.t 6 0 Service. K >& ® <>0G O O & $<>O O O O C <>O C <>& G < t :*”« f jo cc. ttriiY j c u - m a moruhly publication contrimnj |.Uii», e»»ily-understood articles on live bo nr. gardes, farm and M e a lls a t at H ou rs F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m . F ir s t-C la s s Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line C O Q U IL L E , beautifully ti! ^tia'rd.good slorirs end tntrrcaib*;; articles about California and all the far Wf.it. Take no other CLEVELANDS Baking Powder BREAD - - - Delewnr"1 is half ’ ’wet” and half O. Wilson & Co. will be head­ “ dry”, which ought to make "half- quarters for Santa Claus this Christ and-half’ popular among the topers. mas. The boys and girls will re Only one marriage out of every member this. ten, is a failure, and yet they say A. W. Varney of the firm of Vnr- that DO per cent of the business uey and Tuttle, confectioners at ventures are failures. Bandon, :,l >k imls with hie man, An Italian count, one American frii n ; 1 i v or so last heiress married, turned out to be an week. ex-convict. Some of the other Get ne\t a n d u y your groceries counts have not been convicted. where it . i ; . uro for the clerks Canada is to be ceded a narrow to servo » where your goods This will he doliv i 1 in good shape. strip of land from Alaska. That plat - 1 1 A Lyons, Phone perhaps, is a sort of feeler. Maybe 2s xy Canada might take a few islands off School Su | Mitr-ndont Bunch re­ our hands later on. ceived last wi 1 largo number of F or Sale books reci'uiN ordered for tire libraries of v.-ral schools of the Stock Ranch of 280 acros, excel comity which -ro being distributed lent range, also abundant out side to the respective schools rango. The plaro has the following' Boy your books at Knowlton’s improvments: Good house of five Drug Store. Here you can find everything from a child’s 5 cent rooms, porch 8ft in width on two pump on kitchen picture book to the latest novels, sides house, Barn and the standard classics in both porch, good living water, prose and poetry in elegant binding. 40 ft by 60 ft fully equipped with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Laird, of stalls, mangers,stansions, etc. Large Johnson’s mill, visited a few days wood shed, wagon shed, chicken in town last week returning Satur­ hsnse, etc,, all in good repair. Good day. Mr: Laird is about all right small hearing orchard, assorted fruit, again after his late illness, and we considerable timber for logs and understand is at the head saws in some hay land cleared, considerable that mill again. fenrimg. Place well watered. C arpbt W iavino . Mrs. K. Hol- Price, $7.50 per acre, terms, En­ verson, Wickham residence east of quire of D. P. S trano , J r , owner. Parkersbnrg Oregon. the Christian church, does fine The increasing demand is convinc- Ask your grocer for it. Anyone wishing house moving or lars, address. R o o m in g H o u s e M illeh -C l - eavek B usiness C ollege other heavy work done can be ac­ in C o n n e c t i o n . North Bend Oregon. commodated by calling on H. L *«•* * Varney. It looks as if that reduction in the The most precious gift is the eye W. R. Haines, the piano dealer sight. Do not trifle with it. wholesale price of meat would be a had business in Coquille on Mon day, and paid the H eiialo office t long time reaching the consumer The Central Real Estate Ex­ change, Robinson building, has sev­ eral hundred acres of good timber lands ior sale at reasonable figures, Better call soon, if interested. B. B. Part, Mgr. Baknig Powder? Leave Orders at the Scales Spokane, Wash., Dec. 3.— On ac­ count of the carnival of crime pre­ vailing in Spokane at present, Chief of Police Rice will ask the city coun cil for 30 additional patrolmen. The thugs are operating iu daylight, as well as at night, nnd each day they seem to grow bolder in their deeds. One woman was held up in her kitchen and threatened with her life if she made an outcry. Last night auother woman was hold up near her home, horglovos torn from her hands by robbers, who demand­ ed her jewels, but an approaching car frightened them away before they secured them, and the woman fainted. Two other hold-ups oc­ curred last night. Foley’s Kidney Cure will cure any your children by supplying good case of kdiney trouble that is not wholesome hooks. A large stock of beyond medical aid. E. J. Slocum the best books at Knowlton’s Drug Store. R. H. Mast, tbe efficient and ac We have several desirable places commodating helper in tbe county for young ladies who wish to work clerk’s office, went to Bandon on for board and room while attending Saturday. Business College. For full particu­ The steamer Breakwater took a enrgo of coal from Coos hay to Portland her last trip. Since last winter's tuel famine in Portland things have been shaping them­ selves to hedge against a rec-urn n ;e of a like condition. Am I one of the thousands who are using Cleveland’s PEART’S COAL « Crime R am pant in S pokan e. Before purchasing a watch else­ where, call on Sohroeder the jewel­ D. 8. Rouse, the Riverton coal er, and get his prices on all kinds mining man and his estimable wife of time pieces. were Coquille visiors on Saturday Cultivate the reading habit in Word came last week that Pearl Burns, who was married diuiug the summer, was thrown from a horse not long ago, nnd so bodlv injured that she died from the effects aot long ago. She was a daughter of the lato E B. Burns — Port Orfor.l Tribune. ASK YOUR SELF G. L. Bowers, manager and mem» tier of the Mong theatrical company which has beeu playing iu Marsh­ field the past week, received a tele­ B. FEIV TCm gram Tuesday conveying the sad in- teligence o f the death of his father P rop at the old home in Ohio. It would Saddle Horses o f best quality always on band. Good Rigs in redi be impossible for Mr. Bowers to ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. reach home in time for the fuueral, Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty and as there was no one with the Leave Coquille at 6 a, m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare 15.50 company that could take his part he was compelled to go on the stage Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and do his work as usual. The cir­ !: " - v - " . . : "7.^i cumstances were unusually trying hut it is on»y one of the side lights W h e n Y ou W a n t Good Coal B u y of the profession he follows.—The Coos Bay Times. GIVE ME A CALL and luminant for Cleanest, Moot Couvenient, all purposes. That furnished by the you R IV E R ave the CHEAPEST light knowD. there it. Safe » and E L E C T R IC C O Q U IL L E CO is first class and t.p to date in every re-pect The rates place it within reach of all F R A N K M ORS E, Prop, C O Q U I L L E , ORE.