Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 30, 1907, Image 3

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There will be a dunce in Noeler’s
Hall next Saturday night.
Best stock of shoes on the river
K err’s.
D. P. Strang was up from River­
ton on Friday. •
Economy fruit jars at O. Wilson
k Co's.
J. T. Bell, of Norway, wants some
good fresh cows.
Shoes that can't he beaten at
Albert Bear, of Marshfield, whs a
Coquille visitor on Sunday.
W. T. C. Spencer, of Riverton,
was in Coquille on Sunday.
“ Dement’s Best” is the flour
Drnne sells it.
K. C. Robert», of Myrtle Point,
was a (J< quille visitor on Sunday.
Next, time you ordre flour, specify
J. Sterns, of Homewood, Illinois,
whb in Coquille the first o f the week.
Mrs. Thomas Ashton was up from
the Parkersburg section on Satur­
Full sloek of garss seed atKnowl-
ton’s drug store
J. R. MeQee was a Coquille busi­
ness visitor from down the river on
Friday last.
A beautiful piano on sale at Bar­
ker’s Jewelry store.
B o r n . At Fishtrap, October 22,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fish, a
Call on T. H. Mehl <fe Co. for the
Everlasting fruit jars.
H. F. and Walter McCracken of
Myrtle Point, were on our streets
last Sunday.
Fresh vegetables at Land&Lyons’
— Second street, Coquille.
Pair of good draft horses for sale.
Enquire of Z. C. Strang, Coquille.
Phone 20xx-t,
Childrens Teddy Bears, Coats and
Caps. Robinsons Store.
J. L. Knigbt, the cattle man, was
down .rom the upper river on
Thursday of last week.
Robinson has the ‘‘White House”
hoes for ladies and men.
Rev. Rushing will preach in the
Presbyterian church in this city
morning and evening on Sunday
Swell assortment of mens cloth­
ing just opened up at Robinson’s
Henry Holm, proprietor of the
Cash Meat Market. Marshfield, was
over this way ou Saturday looking
after stock for his business.
W. P. Fuller’s prepared paints
oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb k
Chas. Zevely who was taken down
with a severe attack of fever while
teaching the Norway school, was
able to be in town on Saturday.
Your money back if ‘White River’
flour is not satisfactory, Geo. A.
The Coquille Steam Laundry re­
ceived a new washing machine and
a new wringer of double the capaci­
ty of the old one which it will re­
place. These additions are made
necessary on account of their grow­
ing business.
Grace Gilkey who it will be re­
membered got a fall from the T
bridge some 8 months ago nnd sus­
tained injuries in her spine wrb
taken to Portland by Miss Elsie
Tilman for treatment.
They start­
ed yesterday.
The Mesdames Gallier, of the
Gallier Hotel, Bandon, went to the
bay one day last week to seek help
for their popular hostelry, but had
indifferent success. , Good help is
hard to secure in these busy times
in all lines of industry.
Quick makes ironing boards to
order form 50 cents up. One door
north of Sentinel office.
Amos Hatcher whom we men­
tioned last week as having come
over from the South slough camp
feeling somewhat indisposed, en­
tered the General Hospital in this
city, but by the last of the week he
he was able to be out again.
Those wishing
sewing done
should call on Mrs. MoGuffin near
the Christian church.
J. O. Stemmier, of Dora, was a
passenger on Saturday’s train from
this city to the bay. ¡Ur. 8temmler
has completed in good shape the
contract which be recently received
from the county court for extensive
improvements on the county road in
district No. 12. The work was re­
ceived by the commissioners and
I'.ad supervisor, and is cert inly a
good piece of road. Let the good
work go on
V. R Wilson, Resident Optician,
corrects errors of vision, repairs
broken spectacles, duplicates broken
First quality goods, teas on
able peices.
Paul J. Peralta, the popular agent
of the railroad Co. in this city, and
-Miss Ivy Langworthy, formerly an
operator in the teleohone office
here, were married in Marshfield
last Wednesday, Rev. W. R. F.
Browne, of that place, officiating.
County Clerk James Watson acting
as best man and Miss Esther Yager
as bride’s maid and the wedding
march was played by Miss 8usie
Eickworth. This was a very pret­
ty Wedding, and the first to be
solemized in the new M. E. church
pdifice at that city.
School books at Slocum’s.
was up from Par­
Mrs. Ed Rose wae
kersburg on Friday.
See the “ Bear Family" in Mrs.
Nosier's window.
W. Vandecar, of North Bend,
was in town Saturday.
Everlasting fruit jars for sale at
T. H. Mehl k Co s.
J. T. Conlogue was over from the
Klondike camp on Sunday.-
T. H. Mehl k Co. carry Mason
jar rubbers and lids.
J. W. Bell was in town from the
Norway section on Thursday.
Judge Selbrede, o f Marshfield,
went to Portland on business lately
Mens Fall suits just in at Robin-
sous casll and examine them.
John Morris, of Bandon, greeted
old friends and comrades in Coquille
on Monday
Full line of Diamond W canned
goods at O. Wilson and Co’s.
Drain has something special to
offer this week that will please the
house wife don’t íe g e t to ask what
it is
Be sure and see that fine Panama
dress goods at O. Wilson k Co’s,
B ohn : At the General Hospital,
Marshfield, Oct. 20, 1907, to Mrs.
Wittaker, of Gardiuer, twins, a boy
and a girl.
The right goods at the
price at W. T. Kerr’s.
Beautiful silk skirts at Robinson’s
Mens French Flauoel shirts at
V. R. Wilson, Registered Opto­
metrist. Office at residence.
Capt. Myers, of the Echo, took
a week off, and went to Bandon yes­
Buy the Gotzian shoe at O. W il­
son & C o’s.
DeWitt Clinton, the all-round
blacksmith, was down from ths
Point on Saturday.
Robinson his a full stock of
Ladies, childrens and Mens Wool
There is to be a social ball at the
Masonic Hall Saturday night for
the benefit of the Fire Department
Band. All who dance should be
sure and turn out and give the boys
a boost
Best Loggers’ shoes on the mar­
ket at Kerr’s.
E. R. Moon of Eugene, State
Evangelist o f Christian Sunday-
Schools will preach in the Christian
church of Coquille, Nov. 3, both
morning and evening. All are oord-
ially invited.
Full line of Boys and Girls W ool­
en Underwear at Robinson’s.
J. P. Goodman, whom we men­
tioned last week as being very low,
is still in a critical condition, with
little or no hopes of recovery.
Strangulation of the bowels is the
cause of bis trouble.
Sinclair’s hams and bacon at
Land k Lyons’, Second street.
White Spray Flour at Land k
’New fall shirt Wsists at Robin-
s o t i ’ s .
Remember—Slocum's Drugstore
Umbrellas for everybody at Rob­
n< xt d oor to Postoffice.
For first-class watch repairing to
Dermaia will positively cure dan­
druff, mat“ tbe hair grow and stop bo W. H . Sobroeder's.
falling. At Slocum's Drug Store
W. P , Fuller’s preparad pailita,
Mens Corduroy Shirts at Robio- «ils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb k
We have several desirable places! Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow.
for young ladies who wish to work 9 ‘l®r8> give instant relief. Price 25
for board and room while attending cents. R. 8 . Knowlton, Coquille
Business College. For full particu City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon
lars, address.
D. L. Perkins 1» receiving some of
M ili . eh -C leav kr B i siness C o ll eg e . his new goods, snd is getting them
North Bend Oregon.
placed on his shelves. We made a
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller, o f ’ mistake when we atated that be
Fishtrap, were in town one day the would occupy the rooms where the
latter part of last week and left at our Coquille Valley Developement Co.
office a sample from tbeir cabbage have offices, but takes tbe west room
patch. The bead tips tbe beam at of the same building. Mr. Perkins
27J pounds and is certainly a fine is shelving some very nice goods
specimen. It reminds us of tbe re­ and will be glad to show y ou eny
mark of an Irishman on attending thing he has that you wish.
I am in the market for a lew hun­
dred sacks.
Coquille, Warehouse
or address
P. S. DOW, Marshfield
an American fair, and seeing tbe
Robinson’s store has just got in
prize potatoes, ‘‘it wouldn’t take tbe largest shipment of Umbrellas
more than a dozen to make a man a that ever came to town and they
are dandies too.
* I; 'SHERWOOD Prat.
R. t. SHINE, Visa Frei
L. H. HAZRAD, Cisti»
C O Ç U IU L B , O R B a O H .
T r a n n a c t a a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s in e s s *
lia r» of Olrootoro.
R . O. Dement,
A . J. Sherwood,
L Harlocker,
Isaiah Hacker.
W e buy and sell it in quantities to suit y ou .
Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Steel who have
been up Coos river for a few weeks
M. Erwin, the plaster, of whom
the Dr’s health were in town Mon­ we recently made mention, and who
day. The Dr. is slightly improved has resided for some time at Bail-
the last few days.
don, died Saturday very suddenly
Hay, grain and feed always on at that place. We have been inform­
ed that his taking off was due to
hand at Land k Lyons.
strong drink.
Mrs. Harry Lockwood, of Port­
T. A. King, of this city, went to
land passed through town Saturday
„.SE E US™
on her way to Bandon where she the bay Monday to take a steamer
went to assist in the care of little for San Francisco. He is on hiB
Thomas White who was so seriously way to Fresno, that state, where he
injured by a fall one day last week. will spend the winter with his
daughter, Mrs. George NelBon, and
G. A. Robinson has ]ust received family who liye at that place.
his fall line of men’s heavy shirts.
W anted . George T. Moulton, of
A Mr. Duffey, hook tender at Coquille, will pay the highest cash
Pike’s camp was seriously hurt last rice for chittim bark.
week by a hook pulling and the
Noble Bros, are driving the piles
cable flew back cutting a limb off
a tree which struck Mr. Duffey in for the foundation of the Williams
the face causing several severe cuts building on Broadway, work on
which was temporarily suspended a
and scars.
few weeks since, owing to a dispute
I. Hacker, who a year ago with in regard to the title. This has
his wife went to southern California been amicably settled.
in company with Mrs. L. H. Hazard
Sound Ring” flour is the best
and children for the benefit o f the
health of little Austin, returned Sat­ straigt wheat flour made from the
urday, having come up by the Plant. best hardwheat from the Northwest.
He reports all getting along nicely.
The first Trust k Saving Bank
Robinsons has his new fall Coats opened its doors for business, Mon­
day, in temporary quarters across
for Ladies and Children.
the street from their new building
Carman and Crites Mill at Aber­ now under construction on the
deen are having all kinds of trouble buildiDg now under construction on
to find men enough to help in the the corner of
Broadway and C.
repairs that are being made on their streets.
building. There is lots of opportuni­
F or S ale . A good 18-foot gaso­
ty for able bodied men to get em­
ployment in Bandon and vicinity.— line boat, with or without engine,
cheap. Apply to Nels P. Nelson
F ob S ale . Two nice garden lots
The Butler is the name of the
with crop— some fruit— at west end
m odeled
iw store just opened in the north
of T bridge. Call on J. Snow at
the place.
B B A U fò ^
townsman, Capt. C. H. Butler. He
J. J. Owings’ the photographer, has a nice new and fresh stock of
who had been to Curry county to general
prove up on his timber claim, re­ flour and feed, and is ready to wait
turned last week.
After finishing on customers at all seasonable hours.
his business there he went out to Give the new place a call.
Josephin county, going out over
F. T. McMullen, one of Curry
the Rogue river trail to Ashland.
county’s promiuent and prosperous
Land k Lyons carry the most dairy farmers, accompanied by bis
complete stock of groceries in Co­ estimable wife, were in town Sun­
quille. Give us a call end be con­ day and Monday.
Th *y went to
the bay to have a look at that sec­
Ed Rackleff, the Langlois mer­ tion as well. Mr. Me was heard to
chant, was in our city Wednesday of say that they had just come up to
In buying a
S E L L S ON . q u a l i t y :
last week, remaining over till the “ see Coos county grow.”
beating stove,
day following looking after business
If you are going out ramping
matters, and then proceeded to give Land k Lyons your order. you want the assurance that tbe stove will give you satisfac­
Myrtle Point, where he visited hie They have everything you want in
tion and will prove to be as good, if not better, than you an­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rack­ the grocery line.
leff, and other relatives and many
T h is is natural, and we expect it. Consequently,
The Bandon Athletic Club have
leased the Opera House and will in the stoves we purchased for our trade this season, have been
When your wife wants you to or­ the future their club rooms in that
der something for dinner call in at place. This will make it much placed in stock with a view of giving all purchasers the best
Land k Lyons and leave your or­ more convenient for the members possible stove for their money. W e have a very extenslye
der and it will receive prompt at­ who do not care to go as far as it is line of all sizes and styles, and carry both wood and coal
now located. The lease commences
heaters. T he prices o f these stoves range from a few dollars
The Monumental MiningCompany the first of November. They will
up to $30. W e certainly have the stove you’re looking.
has been laying in a winter’s sup­
ply of provisions and it is their ex- the same as heretofore.— Recorder.
Let’s get our heads together and see.
pectation to work a force of ten or
Sperrv new, flonr made at Taco­
twelve men during the rainy season ma, Wash., with the same care as
on their placer property on John­ “ Sperry’s Best,” “Sound Ring.”
son’s creek. She mill that has been
Rev. H. M. Branham, who has
installed is now furnishing lumber
and timbers for tbe mine work, and been appointed take charge of the
a good season’s run is antiepated.— Myrtle Point South Methodist
church, preached his first sermon
here Sunday evening at 7:30, and
Knowlton’s has on hands a large will preach each Sunday evening
stock of grass seeds, suitable for hereafter, preaching in the morning
Fall seeding including No. 1 Im­ at some outside appointmont. The
parsonage at the church is being
ported orchard grass seed.
Hauing received my stock of
nicely finished and repairad for the
S. J. Lyons wss up from the lower use of Mr. and Mrs. Branham.—
river a day or ao the latter part, of the Enterpise.
week, meeting many friends. He tells
If you want something up-to-date / am now prepared to cater to the public in furnishing
ns that the new mill recently built
by himself and C. C. Johnson, near n a suit of clothes, Men’s Boys’ or
all goods in my tine at prices and terms
Prosper, is running on full lime, but youth’s, RobinsoD has there
consistent with good business principles.
not quite to full capacity as their
The Daily Home News of New
power ratchet sei has not yet ar. Brunswick, N. J. devotes a column
They aro helping the Pros­ to the marriage of Miss May Pobl
per mill in getting out some large of that city and Mr. Wm Heniy
Thatcher, foreman of the Lotus
Press company of New York. The
Jeff Wilson, of this city, under­
C. H. BUTLER, Proprietor
wedding took place at the home of
went an operation at the General
the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Fran­
Hospital Monday by Dr. Richmond,
cis Pobl, Wednesday, O ctober 10th,
assisted by Dr. Horsfall, ;of Marsh­
and was a very stylish affair with T IM B E R W A N T E D .
Cures Biliousness, Sick
field. There was an inceesion n ade
. manv outside guests present. The
in bis side and a portion of a nb
Headache, Sour Stom­
bride is the daughter o f Dr M. G.
removed and a large cavity cleared
Torpid Liver and
I Pohl of this city.— Enterprise.
of puse, caused from pneumonia
I will pay cash for timber land
n i c Constipation
which destroyed one of his lungs.
That hand painted china at E. C.
He is feeling first rale considering( Barker k Co’s i* tbe finest ever
P leaaaitt to ta k e
the circumstances snd is in good i brought to town. Don’t cpiss
Ecnrs s .O bzoov
ing them.
! National Bank of Commerce. New York City
L H. Hazard,
Crocker Woolworth N 'l Bank, San Francirce
R. E. Shine, First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, <'t
D o you want to Sell?
O-ood. S lia v ©
Do yo
want to Buy?
The Horse Shoer
First Class Bath Room in Connection.
W. H. MANSELL, Prop.
B O A T S A N D T R A IN S .
Parties haviwg hauling of any kind will receive prompt attention by call-
in Phone 116.
A g e n t fog th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty C oal.
The iTulIins Boat
and the
Ferro Marine
M ^U L
Hot and Cold Water.
Coquille Transfer Co.,
Across the street from Hotel Coauille
Chas. Stanley
A* W. Sleeper
and. H a i r
■ao To
The W. H. MullinsJCi mpm y of Salem, Obic— widely kDovn as the
largest builders of small boats in the country—install Ferro Engines and
no others. Befoie placing their order for the year they made very ex­
haustive tests of highest grade two-cycle engines made; tbe result was nu
initial order for 500 Ferro Engines—the largest single order ever placed.
If such large en/ine buyery as tbe Mullins Co. stake their whole year's
business on the Ferro after looking so carefully into all the engines
made, certainly you oupht to feel that this goes very far to prove that
the Ferro Engine has in fact the superiority we claim for it.
T h e Ferro M achine & F o u n d ry C o .,
C lev ela n d , O h io ,
ff? ! W . C .’ R O S E , A g e n t, C o q u ille, O regon
Did You Ever FStop to
T. H. MEHL & CO.
That it pays to buy
the best at the owest
W e buy the best
that money can buy
and sell on the lowest
Gents' Furnishings a
Come and examine
our Shoe Department
before purchasing.
Successor to Z . C. Strang in W . O . W . Building.
t t l e a n s e s the s y s t e m
thoroughly and clears
sa llow com plexions of
and blotches.
u Laxative Fruit Syrup p,” pl.7
g u a ra n teed