* . 1 Coquille Herald. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30. 1907. Big Bchool Meeting, Oo Saturday afternoon in re­ sponse to call from the «cbool clerk a large number of the patrons of this school district met at the school house to a vote a small tax for the purpose of raising funds to carry on our present term for a longer period than the original levy was sufficient to do. There were 84 voters prebent, and with a few re­ marks from Chairman Knowlton and the reading of the notice by Clerk Schroeder the balloting pro­ ceeded, with the result that showed 76 were in favor of a long term of school and were willing to bear their stare of the expenses by special tax, while but 8 voted in the negative. Aftar the result of the vote had been announced O. C. Sanford proposed that the sense of the meeting be ta­ ken on the proposition of adding the eleventh and twelfth grades next year. After favorable remarks on the subject by Mr. Knowlton, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Barrow, Dr. Tatom, Mr. Sherwood and Mr. Dunham, the proposition of Mr. Sanford carried unanimonusly. Mr. Barrow proposed three cheers for the taxpayers ofCoquille district, which were given with a will. He then spoke of every one useing their best efforts to push the school to the front and if possible make it the best in the state, after which, with a good deal of energy and en tbusiasm he gave us new high scool yell, as follows: -’Coquille High School, first, first, first. Coquille High school, last, last, last Coquille.High school, best, best best. Coquille High school! first! last! best!” While this latter was but a "straw vote,” it no doubt expressed the sentiments o f an overwhelming ma­ jority of our taxpayers. These two grades added to our school will give us four years of higb-school work, nud prepares a pupil for entering college. It is hardly probable that there will be any need for the 12th grade next year, but the prospecta are good that a largo class will fin ish the tenth this year and be ready for for the 11th next year, and if our tchool grows the next few years as it has the past two or three, more buildings .will be needed, and it would not be a bad idea to begin to plan early. It might be well to plan for a separate high-school building in the not far distant fu­ ture. There is no place more ad­ mirably located than is Coquille for nn educational center, and no time better than the present to begin the work of making it such. L L. Paulson, late of Portland, who is connected with the Big Hill Mining Co., at present engaged at opening a mine near Riverton, was in town Monday and purchased a fim Winchester rifle. While mak­ ing a trip through the woods lately on a prospecting tour, was followed for a mile’s distance by a large cou­ gar which was at no time more than a hundred feet away from him, and often closer than fifty, and frequent, ly uttered hair-raising growls that made Mr. Paulson feel somewhat uncomfortable, as he had no weap­ ons of defense. After this he will rnriv the gun reforred to and be ready for him. The woods were very thick and on this occasion only got sight of him once or twice. He to ind where a deer had been de­ voured by the brute. The schooner Novelty, belonging to llie Simpson Lumber C o, went ashore in a fog twelve miles north of t.’oosjbay on Thursday. She was b 'Und from San Pedro to the bay where she would have loaded with lumber. She carried n crew of ten men all of whom were saved. Her carrying capacity waa about 800,000 bet of lumber, and she was valued at $40,000, and carried no insurance. She was built at North Bend 21 years ago and will be a total loss. A. Q. Aiken and Cal Wright, deputy game wardens, passed throuth town last Tuesdsy evening on their return from s three-weeks' trip into Curry county where they had gone to look after violaters of tbs gone law. They were unable to fiud any positive proof of viola­ tions, but got onto rumors of par­ ties hunting deer with dogs whom they hope to be able to bring to ustice yet Myrtle Point Doing*. SER IO U S STAGE Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Guerin with their son Watt and family started for Arizona ou Monday via Rose- burg, Jas. Guerin and J. B. Barklow taking them out. Mr. Watt Guerin’s health has been failing for some time, and he with bis wife and son spent the summer at Medical Lake. Mrs. Geo. Guerin also haa uot been well, and it is hoped the change may be of benefit to both. One Man K ille d and Injured. ‘ Sound Ring” flour through any grocer. WRECK Several The People's Market keeps fresh vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Birming­ ham, Alabama, announces the en­ gagement o f their daughter, Corne­ lia, and O. A. Kelly of Riverton. Thore is quite a romance connect ed with the above engagement. Last summer Miss Burns was sent by her state to attend an educational con­ vention at Los Argeles. She return­ ed home by way of San Francisco an (1 Portland, In the mean time Mr. Kelly visited bis son in Oakland, and both were passengers on the same Boat returning home. Th above engagement is the result of sed sickness. Try it boys and see if you can do as well. ‘ ‘Dcment’s Best flour is the kind Drane sells. Mrs. 8. A Moore who is up from her home in California, and has been visiting some time with her sister, Mrs. Kruse, of the Isthmus, returned Saturday from Bandon where she had been to console another sister, Mrs. Rogers, at the death of a son, Carl Rogers whom we mentiond last week as having died the second day after bis wed­ ding. For bargains in shoes, see Drane at his new store. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Goodman, of Ashland, Oregon, who have been here the past two weeks visiting with Mr. Goodman, and his estima­ ble wife of this city, started for their home yesterday morning, g o­ ing bv way o f Roseburg, by Fish’s stage. Mr.Goodman is station agent at bis place for the Southern Pacific. Robert Folks, the young roan who has been working for Baxter Bros for some time, and who got a fall while carrying a keg of beer Into a cellar and sustained a fractured leg. died at the General Hospital Satur day night He had been drinking heavily which was the cause of his death. i y-v Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We Carry SLAGLE We are headquarters fo r everything in the meat line, wants always receives prompt attention. D R . W E T M O R E ’S P R IV A T E H O S P IT A L PEART'S COAL You are hereby notified that you are hereby required to appear and answer the complain filed against you in the above entitled cause and court within six week© from the date of the first publi­ cation of this summons, to-wit; With­ in ©ix weeks from the 30th day of Oc­ tober, 1907, the same being the day of the first publicatien of this summons. And if you fail to bo appear and an­ swer said complaint the plaintiff herein will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff’s complaint here­ in, which is for a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between yourself and plaintiff, and that plaintiff be awarded the care and custody of the three minor children of plaintiff and defendant,to-wit: Walter J. Moore, Harry A. Moore and Robert Moore, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper. This summons is pupi ¡shed by order of the Hon. John F. Hall, Jndge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos County, made in open court and entered of record in the above en­ titled court and cause on the 29th day of October, 1907, whieh said order spec­ ifies that the same shall be published for six consecutive and successive weeks on the same day in each week in the Coauille H erald , a newspaper printed ami published weekly in Coos county, in the Htate of Oregon, at the City of Coquille, in Coos Countv, Oregon. Dated this 29th day October, 1007. C. A. SEHLBREDE, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Ore- gon, for the County of Coos. Elson M. Peterson, ] Plaintiff, Suit in Equity vs, )■ for Divorce. Mammie M. Peterson, | Defendant. J To Mammie M. Peterson, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon : You are hereby notified that you are required to appear an answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the al>ove en­ titled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ mons, to-w it: within six’weeks from the 23rd day of Octol>er, 1907, the same be­ ing the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you fail to appearand answer on j or before the 4th da of D tee mber, 1907, the same being the last day of the time I prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint, a | succinct statement of which is as follows: | That the marriage contract heretofore j existing bet ween plaintiff and defend­ ant herein be annulled, set aside and j held for naught; and for such other and further relief in the premises as to the court mav seem just and proper. VP Service of this summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order made by Hon.John F. Hall, County Judge, of Cooa Countv, Oregon, dated Ortober, 21st, 1907, directing that ser-| vice thereof be made by publication of Your COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO. i The Improvement Club social at Smith’s Hall on last Friday was a very pleasant affair. The walks in the park have been graveled and it Andy Anderson who resides on is a great improvement. the foothills opposite town, was on our streets lately looking somewhat O bserver . worse for wears. It Beems that he The W om en ’« Study Club. had been in a mixup ih some way with a bale of hay and was considera­ The study club met with Mrs. bly bruised about the face. It was Hawkins on Saturday, the second reported that he was fatally hurt, Vice President Mrs. Belloni taking but we are pleased to say that such was not the case. charge of the program in the absence Fine piauo for sale at E. C. Bar­ of the President and First Vice. ker & Co. Excerpts from Lalla Rookh were "White River” Flour is the best read, as well as some of Moore's Robinson has it. shorter poems interspersed witn four of bis well-known songs. SUMMONS. After the literary work came dis­ In th© Circuit Court of the State of Or egon iu and for the County of Coos. cussions o f current events and as ) signment of work for Saturday Anna E. Moore, Plaintiff, ‘ next. The after noon’s work will vs. ^ Suit for Divorce. Thomas Moore, include review of Leigh Hunts Defendant, works; the last hour to be devoted To Thomas Moore, the above-named defendant: to domestic scieuee. The club will In the name of the State of Oregon. meet with Mrs. Figg. Rev. E B. Jones, and family, ar­ rived here last;“ Saturday. Mr. Jones will be the pastor of the M E. Church, South, for the ensueing year. PIONEER MEAT MARRET P ro sp er, O regon . Agent for The worst wreck ever known to I Tjatest creations in ladies’ fa ll! occur on the Myrtle Point-Roseburg coals and skirts at Robinson’s just Buffalo Gasolene Engines stage line happened Saturday even- arrived from New York, ing near the Sheep Ranch, which W. T. Kerr carries the Stillson The best, cheapest aud most con- is located not far fom the Douglas & Kellogg loger shoes— best on j . . , . county line. While going down a earth— aud every pair is guaranteed veuient power on the market, steep grade the horses became un­ manageable, and coming to a curve the horses failed to make the turn and all went over the grade except the driver, a Mr. Guerny, who, be­ ing first to see the danger, and be­ ing in the best place from which to T A IL O R jump, made the best of his oppor­ C O Q U IL L E , - - OREGON tunity and leaped to safety. There were four passengers on board, T. M. Morehouse, J. F. Quirk aud Messrs Page and Baldwin. The first named was the one whose lifie S B was crushed out while Mr. Quirk W h e n You W a n t Good Coal B u y had three ribs broken, but the lat­ g ter two came off with minor bruises. Mr. Morehouse was a traveling man who is well known by many of the | {$ i merchants of the county, and was well liked by all who knew him. Mr. Quirk does not censure Mr.l* en- ton, the stage man, and takes it as an accident which might happen at any time. FR ED Mrs. R. C. Dement accompanied her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. C. Norris, ou her return borne to Klamath Falls. She will visit with her daugh­ ter Miss Nellie Dement, who is teaching at Grants Pass, and will then go to see another daughter, Mis. Dr. F. M. White and the new grandson at the White home. “ Measles are quite prevalent around town. Mrs. J. C. Wilson, who has been in Portland the past few months, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Horrnce Curren, ri turned last week. always > ooooo0 oooooooeo0 ooo0 ooo< x Miss Bannie Barton, Mrs. M. O. Stemmier, sister, ie spending week with friends at Coquille. A1 Baker is having a very pretty modern cottage of seyen rooms erected on Fourth street, next, to Mr. Graham's residence. D ona A nna . “ b.b.„Sbt Nel¿ P Nelson. / am prepared to treat all Medical and Surgical Cases. Leave Orders at the Scales f p M l i t X ntes m a d « foe f l « o u « b « . men%. >O C O O O O O O O O O O O O Train Nurses in Attendance. For a “CHINE" you cannot beat th a t applied by For Farther Particulars Address Dr. WETMORE, “ Doc” The Bootblack COQUILLE, OREGON Phone 111 A t M o o m a w ’s B arber Shop. Central Real Estate Exchange k>O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 B- B- PAULL, MANAGER Iw. H. 8 CHR 0 EDER COQUILLE, OREGON Upstairs in Robinson Building. Handles all Kinds of Real Estate Watchmaker and Jeweler, JOHN Y O A K A M , President- F ro n t Street, C O Q U IL L E , A ll w o r k OREGON. g u a r a n t e e d J. M. W A G N E R , Vice President. W . T. DEMENT Sec’y & Mgr. ENTERPRISE MEfIT CO., . Successors to Dean & Morgan. Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line Fresh and Salt BREAKW ATER Meats, Fancy and Staple Lard, Ham and Bacon Sails for Portland Every Thursday PRINCIPAL PLACE OF Groceries BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON C. F. M’COLLUM, AGENT. Phone Main 34. A. S treet Dock. BOARD OF DIRECTORS M arshfield, Oregon, JOHN YOAKAM Pound. A placid to A BSTRA CTS next opportunity to enter the busi­ ness world on a good I ACT salary will not be L v /O I Enroll Now. > Ü3 ABSTRA CTS M . CO M anufacturers a ll kinds o j L u m b e r, M o u ld in g s , e t c . ABSTRACT > td in AND —J ABSTRACT COMPANY Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. > in SO > n H in We have completed e thorough, up-to-date A b stra ct > -Í & > n -3 in > 08 in H 50 > n C . ffi. & A B STRA CTS W. T. DEMENT. TITLE GUARANTEE C/3 03 MILLER-CLEAVER BUSINESS COLLEGE North Bend - • Oregon J. W . W A G N E R 2 P la n t . > ee m We are now ready to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at short notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank Coquille “ “ Coquille Post Office. MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. COQUILLE PHONE, 191. Phone at our expense when ordering ABSTRACTS. TITLE GUARANTEE J. S. Barton, Abstractor. B STR A C TS ABSTRACTS & ABSTRACT C O ., Henry Sengstacken, Manager. A 167 RAC OS H SO > o in w in 50 o m ABSTRACTS HAVE YOU New line of Clothing, Shirt Waists, AN Fine Assortment of Embroderies EDISON Will pay highest price for Red and Laces. Dress Patterns of ten Cellar Logs and Shingle Bolts (Jail or address J. E. Young A Cc., newspaper published W.t ocKo£ yards each—Biggest Bargains yet Bandon, Oregon. quille, in said Coo© County, Oregon, VICTOR week for a period of ©ix weeks. John Ebert's Ladies’ Fine Shoes C. R. BARROW, The most precious gift is the eye Attorney for plaintiff. night. l»o not trifle with i t and Men’s W alkovers. Stison ZONOPtjQNE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealrd shoes on r . . . T ... „ ,. bids will lie received for the construc­ Kellogg, the best loggers tion of one and one-half miles of per­ Reese’s Waterproof Cloth- Columbia Talking Machine and Records? manent road on a portion of the road Earth. leading from Henry Clemen's farm to Rear Creek which said road is known as Survey Number 3H4. Said improve­ ing. Mcllwaine-Knight Co. Cloth-1 ” ctt' ,on~ get ,h#m “ che,p,od °° “ eMy F‘ym eDta * ment to be made according to plans and si