Coquille Itòdà V ol . 25: No. 1. Entered a * second-class matter May *, 1905, at the postoffice at Ceqaille, Orexoa, under act of Congress of March 3 ,1 8 7 9 . DR. RICHMOND PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olfice at Slocum's Drug Store. Coqutu. 1 , O rkoon . Phone County Court Proceodinga. Expenses in vacation after July, 1907, term: Telephone............................... I!) 18 Janitor .................................. 80 00 ' Indigedts............................ 384 00 O fficers ............................. 1413 34 Expenses Septi mber, 1907, term. M ain 133. In re justice court expenses. State va Win. Carver. A. F. Kirshmcm, D entist . < )flW two d oors South o f Post otüoe. - Coquille . Oregon. 1 W. A. HENRY OF TEACHEK MUSIC Besitleuce in Bledsoe House Coquille, Oregon Phone 271 IN. E. THRESHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW W n o z a si'k v . . . . . O rroon PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., FRANK BCRK1IOLDKR, MOR. Karma, Timber and Coal I.ands. Reaidence and Business Property. Mining Stock. COQUILLE, - OREGON E. D. SPERRY Attorney and Coancellor at Law. Office in Robinson Building ! I. Ii. Bose J. P. leea............. 1$ C Lehmnnowsky, consta­ ble fees................................. B E Hampton, witness....... M O Stemmier, witness...... State vs Arthur Coach. Geo P Topping, J P fees... Geo. P. Topping Constable fees..................................... C. Carmichael, witness....... Ch is. Bennett witness...... O. A. Trowbridge, juror..... Chits Medley, ......... J A Barre,................... | John Shields, ............. j A. McNair...................“ .... J. W. Hudoo,............ “ .... 3 G5 1 50 1 50 1 50 8 00 5 2 2 1 1 00 1 00 In re Coroner’s Court Expenses. Inquest upon Robt. J. Kelley. J. R. Lightner, juror........... E E Ferry........................ Ivy CoudroD........ “ ................ E. O. Hall ......... E. K. Jones........ “ . L. F. Denning,...“ ............ J. D. JohnsoD,...“ ............ Elijah Kelly, witness........ James Boone...... “ ................ Osgood Shoup..... “ ............... Robert Bowron, witness..... John Leneve,.!........•'.......... Chns. Bradbury,.......•*.......... E. E. Straw, Examining M. 1).................. E. Mingus, Coroner,.......... 1 O' 1 1 00 00 0« 1 00 1 00 I 1 1 2 1 1 10 00 33 00 i Inquest upon body of J. T. Thom­ as. W. C. CHASE. J. R. Lightner,.... .juror... 1 00 ATTORN E Y-AT- L A W I S Kaufman............... “ ....... 1 00 Office in Robinson Building, Upstairs M. D. Poyntz...............“ ....... 1 00 J D Johnson............... “ ....... 1 00 I C H Marsh,................. “ ....... 1 00 Thomas Coke..............witness 1 90 C. R. BARROW, J T McCorraac,.................. " ... 1 50 Attorney and Counsellor at Law A Abbott ......... «... 1 50 First-class References Lester Sumerlin.................“ ... 1 50 Fifteen Years* Experience Hiram W right,................... " ... 1 50 OoQuiLLE C it y , O rk J Ned Dulley........................." ... I 50 C C Taggery, Examining M l>....................... 10 00 E Mingus, coroner............ 18 05 J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Circuit Court Expenses. E. L. C. Farrin, telephone, Martin Building, • Front street mileage etc.,.............. 12 90 C oquille , O eeqon B. E. Hampton.......... juror... 2 00 Joe Bledsoe,..................“ ..... 2 00 O. F. Houghley,........... “ ..... 2 00 A. J. Sherwood, Geo. Mehl...................... “ ..... 2 00 Glenn Collier,............... “ ..... 2 00 A ttohnst at - L aw , J C Brown, witness............. 3 80 N otabt P u b l ic , E M Blackerby, serving sub­ C oquille, : : Oregon poenas ............................... 12 80 T In Re Election Expenses. W J Rust, room reDt........... 2 50 Walter Sinclair, S J McCloskey, room rent A ttorney -A t -L aw , and meals............................. 5 50 N otary P ublio , School District 25,room rent 2 00 Coquille, : : Oregon. J H Uookard, Clerk of Elec­ tion ................................... 3 00 Stationery aDd printing. Hall & Hall, Coquille Herald printing A ttobnrts - a t .L a w , proceedings, notices....... 53 75 Dealer in R eal E st it s of all kinds. C O Dryden, b anks for Marshfield, Oregon. officers................................. 73 00 G A Bennett printing....... 6 j 0 j Coquille Valley Sentinel C. A. Sehlbrede, blanks for offices............. 17 50 Attorney-at-Law , j Coos Bay Times, notices to j teachers, continued. Notary Public. Phone 761. j T J Thrift, postage, etc....... 4 20 M a r s h f ie l d , O rr o o n . J S Dellinger, tax receipts 15 00 Glass & Prudbomme C». blank books etc................ 73 67 The Enterprise printing pro­ E. 6. D. Holden. ceedings ............................... 47 75 L awyeb , In re poor farm and inlirmaiy. J ustice of the P eace I. Commissioner, General Inaurane* J. W. Leneve merchandise, Î27 26 Agent, and Notary Publio. Office Coquille Furniture Co. cof­ in Robinson Bnilding. fin etc................................ 10 00 Coquille regon. Coquille Mill fi Met! Co. Mdse................................... 60 49 I W, Colin services............... II 50 M c A d a m s Broa, smithing... 9 10 32 00 I J. A. Lamb A Co., Hdwre... 11 15 Str. D IS P A T C H 13 70 1 N Lorenz Mdse.................... Indigent« and Insane cook in g............................. 18 08 Oregon Development League C. A. Johnson, coffin and Pioneer Hdwre Co, mats- Doings. burial of Saunders........... 25 00 ! rials.................................... 39 55 Dr E. Watson, drugH for The Country Club A Live Stook Coos Bay Creamery Co, Ramsford not allowed. butter................................ 3 00 Association have bought a site for E Mingus, services for Myr­ their borne and work will begin at C A Rodine, labor and sup­ tle Dulley, not allowed. plies................................... 34 90 once. J. W. Smith, allowed $5 per i Pioneer Grocery Co, sup­ A Tillamook cheese is on display month plies................................... 3 40 here which weighs 356 pounds and J D Wetmore. Hospital fees Alfred Rodine hauling....... 9 00 represents the product for one day to Sept. 1 s t ....................... 314 65 In re surveying roads. of 190 cows. It will be cut and Roads and Bridges. John Neal, chainman ......... 23 60 sold at retail for Thanksgiving. In re repairing Grave Ford Joe Mast, chainman........... 23 60 The noted Kikujiro Isbii, Chief Bridge. E B Robinson, axman......... 21 60 of the Japauese Bureau of Foreign Myrtle Point Hardware Co , Commerce, was recently entertained spikes ............................... 13 40 Henry Hayes, axman........... 6 50 here and took pains to say that war L F. R. Heller, lumber ..... 128 80 C B Massey, axman............. 6 60 between his country and the United M. J. Krantz, hauling Ium- George Carey, ebaintnan... States was impossible. ber...................................... 31 25 Roy Holuian, chainman....... 6 00 The advertising habit has cer­ J. E. Folsom, hauling Ium- H W Potter, chainman....... 4 00 tainly struck Oregon. Almost ber"..................................... 9 00 Wm Smith, axman..!.......... 4 00 every bank, business house and O. S. Coleman, hauling, lum- H B Smith, axman............... 4 00 factory in Portlund and throughout ber, timbers & labor...... 41 30 Heury Bryant, chainman... 6 00 the State are distributing leaflets W. A. Bright, labor........... 28 12 R A Cribbens, ebainman... 4 00 in their correspondence. Wm. Barger, labor............... 16 85 Less Evemden, axman....... 4 00 Jas. Freeman, labor........... 2 50 Chimney Humphrey, axman 2 00 The Oregon State Fair at Salem gives assuranco of being the best T. J. Weekly labor........... 9 35 James Rookard, axman....... 2 00 ever held. There is a dispoaition J. D. Bright, labor............... 16 85 Ralph Lasswell, chainman.. 2 00 here to make “ Portland Day” , Sept. Ghas Morehouse, labor...... 16 85 ! 19tb, a greater success from the John Harbison, -labor,...... 5 00 Ed Lasswell, axman........... 2 00 standpoint of attendance than ever Fred Moser,labor cedar tim- W L Walker, chainman..... 2 00 ber,..................................... 13 85 Geo Griffin, viewing roads.. 74 40 before. Secretary Taft’s reception by the K. H. Hansen, naris........... 1 00 A E Bettys & Holverstott, W . T. Brady, superintend- spec’ l improvro’t R D 22..1460 00 Oregon Development League broke all records. Many people went to ing ..................................... 37 50 In re Miscellaneous bills. the Armory as early as six o’clock. Pioneer Hardware Co. fuse Hotel Blanco, meals, lodg­ powder K. D. 2 ............... 3 35 ing, etc.......................•....... 5 75 The entire State was represented upon the platform and in the D C Walp, carrying chain 6 OO W D Ready, examining tea­ audience by well known Oregonians, Lake Creamery Co., bill not chers .................................. 32 50 and all of them have a better under­ allowed MinDie McCIoskey, examin­ L E Robbins, bill continued ing teachers..................... 32 50 standing of the Panama Canal than ever before. T 8 Evernden, timber, con­ Coq Furniture Co, burial of tinued. Travel is enormous. Many fam. Lockwood, etc................... 20 35 J O Stemmier, on contract ilea are coming to the State and-for W CuliD.investigating small special Improvements R. D. p ox..................................... 10 00 many hours during the day the Un­ 12..:........................................ 700 00 Coquille Electric Co, lights 17 00 ion Station shows an activity similar In re ferries R S Knowlton, sundries... 49 72 to that witnessed at a great nation­ C H Simpson keeper Coq. T H Mehl & Co, sundries... 2 10 al convention. They are ticketed ferry.:............ 90 00 T A Walker, insurance...... 75 00 for all points throughout the State and this travel will continue until A Albee keeper South Slu Phoebe Whetstone, washing F erry.......-.......................... 80 00 for jail............................... 13 05 the close of the colonist rates, Oct ober 31st. Pioneer Hardware Co., Clerks' Salaries. Sund forS . Slu ferry....... 12 40 Ray Collier, assessors’ office 132 50 Dress goods, ladies' and children's Joe Yonkers, towing for S. Zettie Hawkins “ “ 75 00 j wove bos and underware just in at Slu ferry........................... 8 00 Belle Thrift " •« 28 00 Oeo. A. Robinson’s. 8. O. Company sund for J 8 Lawrence “ •* 125 00 S Slu ferry ....................... 5 G5 Walter Culin, health officer 41 78 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION McAdams" Bros., smithing Jottie Watson, clerk’s office 116 25 Department of the Interior, for Coq. ferry................... 5 50 R H Mast, clerk's office....... 161 87 Land Office at Roteburg, Ore., August Roads and Bridges 13th, 1907. State of Oregon, 1 Notice is hereby given that Countj of Coos, j J W Mast, lumber for Lee STEPHEN A . CULBERTSON, I, Janies Watson, County Clerk, bridge ............................... 32 48 of Coquille, Oregon, has filed notice of A N Gould, surveying roads 23 50 ex-officio Clerk of the County Court hie intention to make final Commutation of the State of Oregon, in and for proof in support of his claim, vis: I Chandler, labor and ma­ terial R D 31.................... 75 00 the County of Coos, do hereby cer­ Homestead Entry No. 13925, made Feb. tify that the foregoing is a true and 14th, 1906, for the 8E,X of N W X . S% of Coquille Mill A Mctl Co. lumber R D 16 ................ 61 45 correct synopsis of the bills allowed NEX> N E X of N E X Section 21, Town- 28 South, Range 13 West, and that said by the County Court at the Septem- A J Sherwood for fence proof will tie made before L. A. Lilje- along right of way R D 16 63 92 j ber, 1907, term of the said County qvist, U. 8. Commissioner, and his office j Court, and of the whole thereof. In re labor R D 10 at Marshfield, G re., on Wednesday, Witness my hand and tne official October 9th, 19#7. Ray Norris 7 days............... 17 50 He names the following witnesses» to M O Flitcroft, 7 days........... 17 50 seal seal affixed this 9th day of Sep­ prove his continuous , residence upon, tember, 1907. O N Wilson, 6 i lays......... 32 50 and cultivation of, the land, vis: Lafe J ames W atson , Chss. Boone 6 } days........... 16 25 Cornwell, E. L. Webb, Geo. W . Corn- County Clerk. well and O. C. Gregory, all of Coquille, T. N. Boone, 6$ days.......... 16 25 (Seal.) Oregon. In re labor in R D 19 B kn . i a » n L. E d d y , Register. F ob S ale . A good 18-foot gaso­ Geo. Koontz, 18 days........... 45 00 Willie Lundquist, 17 days... 34 00 line boat, with or without engine, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, C D Edgell,5 days with team 20 00 cheap. Apply to Nels P. Nelson. Land Office, Willie Lundquist 6 days... 12 00 Prosper. N B Rnmbo, 5 days.......... 12 R F Shannon, 4 days team 16 R H Rosa, lumber R D 19.. 59 In re expenses in rock quarry. W Rickman, 18 days.......... 50 G W Eby, 49 5-8................. 95 J H West. 41 5.8 days....... 93 W Rickman, 24 5-8 days... 67 A W Ladd, 1 5-8 days with team................................... 7 B RandlemsD, 4 days....... 9 F L Spires, 1 day............... 2 C Randleman, 4 days......... 9 C Bsrklow, 4 days............... 9 A Lillie, 4 days................... 9 J B Clinton, 4 days......... 9 W F Keller, 5 3-4 days...... 15 H Keller, 4 days................. 9 | B B Sanders, 4 days,.......... 9 Ray Watkins, 3 days ;........ 6 Earl Watkins. 1 day...........• 2 Myrtle Point Hdwre Co, fools, etc,.......................... 10 I Leonard Enterprise Meat Co. Meats 36 33 '26 _______ T H Mebl A Co., Hdwre..... 23 8 I James Hatcher supplies.... Str. F A V O R IT E Elmer Cooper, labor........... 70 J. C. M oon*«. Master, ays I Arriva* < Chss. E. Fox, salary as 8t»p- Bandon. .10:45 a -W. | 7 A-W. Caqvifl*. t o d t ..... ........ .................... 116 Connillc. 4:45 F-w. 1 F-W. Leaves I Arrives etc ................................. Bandon . . . . 1 A-H. ! C oqn ills.. . 10 a - h . Cun s i l l s ........ 1 F-a. | Banilnn 4 r-H. P E Drane. Mdse. ............... Caaneeta at Coqnllle with train for Marshfield , R 8 K n o w l t o n , d r u g s e t c . . . a ad steamer E d»o for M yrtle Point. ’ „ f 35 20 40 50 00 00 66 Du prey’s Celery Headache Pow. 50 00 ilers, give instant relief. Price 25 cents. R. S. Knowlton, Coquille 18 City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. For a fine 80-acre place, 7 miles 00 from town and 3 miles from the 90 the river. Nice home with line or­ 65 chard with big variety of fruits, 20 call on R. J. Dean, Coquille, Or. 30 00 25 00 (X) 80 00 85 00 00 75 00 E. C. Barker A Co. have just re­ ceived the finest lot o f imported, Band painted chinaware ever brought to Coquille. There are aou e swell creations of art, both in the shapes of the articles as well as the p a iD t i n g . It will pay you to see them, l e Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! H artle y, contract Of interest to Man. Foley’s Kidney Cure will cure In re special im provem ents R D 6 any esse of k in n e y or bladder troub­ Sa ilin g, 15 d a y . ..... 33 75 j B-nt is n n t ^ y o n d , reiich of j Tom Sailing, 11 days and i auppliea ....................... . ! Harley Sailing, 13 days....... 1 Knut Nelson, 12 1-2 days... I Harve Tatten, 15 days....... j Joe Larson, 10 1-2 days and supplies............................. J Joe Schafer, 10 daye and supplies.............................. 1 Alma Sailing, 15 1-2 daya 31 29 28 33 Rosebnrg, Ore, Angust 13, 1907 Notice is hereby given that MRS. ANNIE MOON, (widow of Chas. L. Moon) of Coquille, Oregon, has tiled notice of her intention to make final five year proof in import of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 11648 made May 26th, 19o2, for the S X SK>4 Sec. 28. E X NF-X -ection 33. Township 26 Soqtli, Range It West.and that said proof will he made before L. A. I.iljeqvist, U. S. Commissioner, si his office at Marshfield, Oregon, on Thursday, Oct. 10th, 1907. She names the following witnesses» to prove her continuous residence m on, and cultivation of, the land, via: Sher­ man Klinn, of Coquills, Oregon; Oscar Moon and Willis Neely, of Fairview, Oregon, and A. L. Neely, of Riverton, Oregon. B e n ja m in L. E d d y , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. W. T. Kerr wants your wool. Department of the Interior. laind Olfice Will take all you have from 1 to at Roseburg, Oregon, July 6, 1907. 20,000 pounds. Give him a call be­ Notice is hereby given that Clarence Waters, of McKinley, Oregon, has filed 00 fore you contract. ppecial improvement K j) 3 i ......... ........................ g ig gQ COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Tom W hite, Mae ter $1.50 P er Y ear COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1907. 75 j 25; 12 75 ; E. J. Slocum. . - • - - Timber Claim s. notice of his intention to make final five- year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 11437 made April 8, 1902, for the N X 8 W X N E’ i and lot 2. Section 6. Township 28 S., Range II W ., and that said proof will he made before I,. A. Liljeqvist, U. S. Com ­ missioner, at his office at Marshfield, Oregon, on Saturday, September 7,1907, lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, said land, vis: William H. Myers, of Lee, Oregon, Arthnr Brown, “ “ “ W ebb Mast, •• " -------- 1 am in the market for the pur­ chase of good fir, or cedar claims, 27 05 for spot easb, in favorable locations. Let me hear from yon at once, et Henry Hervey, .................... 23 10 , Port Huron, Michigan. BENJAMIN L. E D D Y . A NOTTS O . M»CKAV, Register. Geo. Conger, Under New M an agem en t. Livery Best of Turnouts Feed and Sale S t r ic t l y F ir s t -C l a s s . Stable Hay, Grafi Opposite I. O. O. F . Hall. Feed. Successor to J. T. L itth ^ . y ¿ /I . n y /Is z y 71s > ¿ / - in y z / í y s z /rs ^ ¿ /t\ . y /is z y / K 'L y /ts c /t y ¿ s / y in z / in y /t ¿ s y ?Is z y / i z s y / N z y /is z y /ÎS z y ?IS ¿ yz 7ls ^ / ^ R ^ / y K z / y R ¿ /Is /IN * * * >K * :>k: T. H. M E H L,'Proprietor. /IN * y /IN z * SI/ * Josh’s Place. * * Billiard * and ^ * Card rooms 3/ NJ / * (j) 7 k * eta SI/ Pool Tables Fruits, oft Nuts, Candies. Cigars and D rin s /IS SI/ /IS Tobacco. * * S !/ /ÍÑ City News Stand. * <;) roseburg - myrtle point - stage LINE B. F E N T O N P rop Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Rigs in rft’ i ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery k u sin e B t Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Faro 15 0 North Coquille Store MRS. M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress. Fancy and Staple Groceries. Nuts, Candies, To­ bacco and Cigars. North hr.d c ï Henry Street Bridge. W. L. McADAMS S. H. McADAMS McADAMS BROS, EXPERT BLACKSMITHS and Horse Shoers CARRIAGE AND WAGON WR0K ] u ille LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES AND OUTFITS " O regon 1 GENT IS ALL IT WILL GOST TOO ■ H to write for our big F R E E UICVCLE catalogue showing the most complete line of high-grade j EH, SUN D ltlES at l*ltICI £8 ■ B ie Y d CK tE S , T IK K S and 8 UNDKIES B E L O W any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. M D O M O T B U T A B IC Y C L E O £°S/73t o r on any kind o f terms, until you hare received our complete F ree Cata­ lo g u e s Illustrating and describing every kind o f high-grade and low-grade bicycle*, old patterns and latest model*, and learn o f our remarkable LO W PR ICK S and w on derful new offer* made poasible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen’s profit*. M C S H IP O B A P P R O V A L without a cent deposit, P a y th e F reight and allow 10 D ays F re e T ria l and make other liberal terms which no other bouse in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu­ able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a f f / d s e Agmnt in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. 0 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ? " ¿J P r io n « $ 8 .3 0 per pair. w To In trodu on W o w m S a il Y ou m S a m p lo P a ir f o r O n ly ____ ____ w ont ■ out the (CASH WITH O S D tS 0 4 .SS) lit air NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. R e su lt o f IS years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS, CAC­ TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Not lea th e th ick rubber tread **A'* and puncture strips " B ” an d *4D,n a lso rlin strip “ H** t o p revent rim cutting. Thla tire w ill ontlant any othar Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual mo. Over m ak e—SOFT. ELASTIC and B AST HIDING. ttvsnly.fiva Thousand pair« M id last ysar. O F S C R IP T Iff m i Made in all Sire*. It IS lively ana essy riaing very auraDie ana nnr i msiae with a special quality o f rubber, which never becomes porous snd which closes up small puncture* without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds o f letters from satisfied custom ers stating si;'iialtp . on asphalt from I etng You do not oav a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. dlam nut o f 5 per con. (th.rrby m .kin* t h . price »*.st per ps.n if you send FULL CASH W IT H O R D E R ana en d ow this »dvertiseraent. W o Will s ln s e a d one nickal Dieted bras, hsnd pom p snd two Sampion met si puncture closers on full psid orders (these metal ouncture closera to be used in ease o f Intentional knife cuts or heavy sasheel. Tires to be returned at O C R ex Dense If for any reason they ere not satisfactory on examination. w ta re perfectly retisblekod m ooeysent to us is as safe aa in a bank. Ask your P s t master BaoChr. Itxpresa or Pretest A*eul o r the Editor o f this paper about us. If you order a M ir al these tires, you will And that they w ill ride easier, run fester, wear better, last looser and look S M E U r u ? r — b*ve w e t t e d or seen st eny price. W t k w . tb.t yon n il be » well plesmd that when you svaot u bicycle t o o srill c ive us your order. We want yon to send us a small trial and-Mae, pedals, «a rt, and repair., and O O A S T E R - B R A K E S , everythin* in the bicycle line are saidby u s .t halt the usual nricaa charred bv dealers and repair men. Writs for oar bi* SUNDRY eatalorue. , „ a n s s T ____ — but’ write us a postal today. DO NOT T H IN K O F BUYING a HELD' CYCLE OOiPlNY. Dspf. “J L" ORICACO, ILL.