Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 07, 1907, Image 1

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V o l . 24: No. 44.
Oilice at Slocum's Drug Store.
C o q u il l e , O k k o o n .
Pbone Main (128.
A. F. Kirshman,
D entist .
Office two doora South of Post ofiice.
W eddkrbuhn
- - - - -
O regon
Farms, Timber and Coal Lands.
Residence and business Property.
Mining Stock.
Attorney anil Counoellor at Law.
Office in Robinson Building
t i ü c
Entered as second-class matter May
8, 1905, at the postoffice at CoquUle,
Oregon, under act of Congress ol March
o m
l/v. C. CHASE,
OtBoe in Robinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-class References
Fifteen Years’ Experience
C oquim - k C ity , O rb
ADD TO OUR POPULATION the post office and in other publio Board of Forestry. Any permit ob­ less than
one hundred dollars
tained through wilful misrepresen­ (100.00) nor more t'ian one thous­
Take This as Personal to Ton
tation shall be invalid and give no and dollars ($1,000.00.)
and A ct at Once.
exemption from liability of any kind.
Section 10. Any person, firm or
Section 6.
Any person who sets coiqioration operating a railroad
The supreme need of all Oaegon
on fire or causes to be set. on fire within this State shall nnnually, or
and particularly your community is
any woods, brush, grass, graiD, when so directed by the State Board
more home-makers.
The opportu­
stubble, other material being or of Forestry, and in a manner and to
nity to secure them under the most
Nothing means so much to Ore­ growing on any lands not his own, an extent directed bv said hoard,
advantageous conditions is now at
gon as the colonist rates, and when without permission from the owner, destroy or lemove all inflamma­
Several cities, towns and villages you read this remember that there or who wilfully or negligently al­ ble material from the right-of-way
in this state will make a material is only one month in which to get lows fire to escape from bis own of such railroad; and upon neglect
lond, or anyone who accidentally or refusal to do such clearing, shall
addition to their population as a re­ advance work.
Never mind the beat. Don’t al­ sets any fire on his own land or an­ be punished by a fine of not less
sult of energetic work done collect­
ively through the commercial bodies low that lazy feeling to keep you other's and allows it to escape front than one hundred dollars nor ‘more
and individually by the citizens in from doing your duty. The new his control without extinguishing it, than one thousand dollars.
Section 11.
Any person who
advising thousands of people back home-maker may buy something or using every effort to do so, shall
be punished by a fine not less than shall unlawfully or maliciously set
east of the low priced one-way col­ you want to sell.
fifty dollars Dor more than one fire to any woods, forest, timber,
T ojc R ic h a r d s o n ,
onist rates which will be put on sale
Secty, Oreg. Development League. thousand dollars, or imprisonment brush or any vegetable matter what­
September 1st and continue until
for not less than one month nor ever with intent that the property
October 31st, to Oregon, from all
Protection Against Forest
more than one year; provided, that of another shall be injured thereby,
points in the United States.
it shall be lawful to build, in a care­ 6hall be guilty of a felony, nnd upon
These rates are agreed upon by
ful manner, camp fires on any un­ conviction thereof shall he punish­
all the railroads in the United Stat­
Following are several sections of
es aud Canada and are controlled by our Btate laws regulating fires which inclosed lands, the owner of which ed by imprisonment in the State
the Trans-Continental Passenger are of interest to many of the read­ has not forbidden such camp fires penitentiary for not less than one
Association, and Oregonians must ers of the H e r a l d and Bhould he thereon by personal notice or by nor more than ten years.
Section 12. In addition to the
bear in mind that the home-maker heeded by all citizens o f the county. posting such prohibition in con­
spicuous places or otherwise, if, be­ penalties provided in this act, the
is being invited on similar rates to
Section 4.
State fire wardens
Canada, California. Washington, shall take proper steps for the pre- fore departing from the place where United States, State, county, or
Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma and oth­ ventation and extinguishment of such camp fire has been built, the private owner whose property is in­
er States, and the state and com­ fires within the localities in which builder of such fire totally extin­ jured or destroyed by such fires,
munity to which he will buy his they exercise their functions, assist guishes the same; and, provided, may recover in a civil action the
ticket is the one that convinces in apprehending and convicting of­ further, that nothing it this section full amount of damages suffered if
him in advance that their particular fenders against the fire laws] con­ shall apply to the setting of a back the fires occurred through wil-
spot on this great earth is the one trol the use o f fire for clearing land fire, in good faith, to prevent the fullness, malice, or negligence, ns
determined by the value of the prop­
in which he should live. We have in the close season as provided by progress of a fire then burning.
only one month left before the sale section 6 of this act, and make such
Section 7. Any person who builds erty injured or destroyed, and the
detriment to the land and vegeta­
reports upon their work and condi­ a camp fire upon lands within this
Rates to Oregon from Kansas tions within their localities as may state, cot his own, without clearing tion thereof.
Section 13.
Any person who
City, Omaha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, be requested by the Board of Fores­ the ground immediately around it
shall detect anyone violating any of
and all the great Missouri Valley try.
They shall have the power of
and west of there, is $25.00, with a peace officers to make arrests for fire, or who leaves thereon a camp the provisions of this act, and shall
reduction of $2.50 on each ticket violations of forest laws. They shall fire burning aod unattended, or furnish information leading to the
of Umatilla; from 8t Louis, $30.00; have power to enter upon the lands who permits a camp fire to spread arrest and conviction of such per­
Chicago, $33.00; New York, $50.00 of anv person or owner in the dis­ thereon, or who uses any firearms sons, shall upon his conviction re­
and a proportionate rate from every charge of their duties; provided, discharged thereon other than in­ ceive one-half of the fine paid by
other point, large or small but this that in so entering they shall exer­ combustible gun-wadding, shall be su: h person so convicted, and the
ticket must be bought to your sta­ cise due care to avoid doing damage. punished by a flue of not less than balance shall go into the general
tion, and not~to Portland or Borne Any fire warden who has informa­ twenty-five dollars, nor more t b a D fund of the county.
Section 15.
That chapter two
other city, if you expect them to tion which would show, with reas­ five hundred dollars, and upon re­
come to you, and it devolves upon onable certainty, that any person fusal or neglect to pay the fine and hundred and General
the readers of this paper to see that bad violated any provision of the costs imposed shall be imprisoned j Laws of Oregon, session 1905, and
every letter that 'goes out of the forest laws, shall immediately take for a period not to exceed one day all other acts or parts of acts in con­
post office carries with it correct in­ action against the offender, either for every two dollars thereof, or flict with the provisions of this ate
formation relative to these rates. by using his own power as a peace may be subject to both fine and im­ are hereby repealed.
Get all the facts from your local officer or by making complaint be­ prisonment at the discretion of the
Have you examined that fine Pan­
fore the proper magistrate,or by the I court.
dress goods at O Wilson &
Get together from 10 to 25 active filing of information with the d is-1 Section 8. From June first to
C o’s.
citizens, raise a little fund for the trict attorney, nnd shall obtain all October first of each year it shall be
W. T. Kerr carries the Stillson
publication of a small leaflet giving possible evidence thereto.
Failure unlawful for any person, firm or
the important facts relative to your on the part of any fire warden re­ corporation to use any locomotive, & Kellogg loger shoes— best on
earth— aud every pair is guaranteed
community, along with these rates, ceiving compensation to comply ; logging engine, portable engine,
A nice line of sheet music has
and have ttao leaflet so light that it with the duties prescribed by this [ traction engine or stationery engine,
just been received by C- E. Btrker
would not add to the cost of pos­ act shall be a misdemeanor and using fuel other than oil in or nenr & Co.
Call early and get the best.
tage of a letter, and havo-a copy of punishable by a fine not less than forest or brush land, which is cot
W e wish to call your attention to
it in every letter written by business $20 Dor more than $250, or by im­ provided with an adequate spark the fact that we carry the best hams
mao or citizeu.
prisonment in the county jail for not arrester kept in constant use and and bacon on the market.
Several ministers throughout dif­ less than ten days nor more than repair. Any person, firm or cor­ piece guaranteed, at Land & Lyons’.
» — » -------------
ferent parts of the State, realizing three months, or both such tine and poration who shall fail to provide
the importance of these rates, are imprisonment.
Timber Claims.
and use such spark arrester shall
announcing the details about them
Section 5-
During the period be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
to their congregations and are ask­ between June 1st and October 1st, upon conviction thereof shall pay a
1 am in the market for the pur­
ing that they write to their real­ which is hereby designated the fine for engine or locomotive with­ chase of good fir, or cedar claims,
izing the importance of these rates close season, it shall be unlawful for out such spark arrester of not less for spot cash, in favorable locations.
are announcing the details about any person or persons to set on fire than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) Let me hear from you at once, at
them to their congregations nnd or cause to be set on fire any slash­ nor more than one hundred dollars Port Huron, Michigan.
are asking that they write to their ing, chopping, wood land or brush ($100.00), and shall be enjoined
A n o u s G. M a c k a y .
relatives and friends at a distance land, either his or their own or the from further use of such engine or
and tell them how cheaply they can property of another, without written locomotive until such spark arrester
Wool! Wool!! Wool!!!
come to Oregon.
T. Kerr wants your wool.
or printed permission from a State
Get your commercial body or fire warden nnd compliance with any engine shall be prima facie evi­ Will take all you have from 1 to
some one of your business meu to the terms thereof. This restriction dence that such appliance has not 20,000 p lunds. Give him a call be­
offer a prize to the boys and girls bhall not apply to tho burning of been adequately maintained in fore you contract.
who will write the greatest number log piles, stumps or brush heaps, in compliance with this section.
of letters,or who will get actual re­ small quantities at a safe distance
Section 9. All persons, firms
sults in bringing another family in­ from other inflamable material and or corporations, engaged in log­ Department of the Interior. Land Office
at Rosiburg, Oregon, July 6 , 1907.
to the community.
under adequate precautions and ging, or permitting logging upon
Under New Management.
places, get the new comers to write
to their old home papers, and as an
inducement to do this, let them un­
derstand that they can compete for
the eighty prizes, or a total of
$5000, offered by the Portland Com­
mercial Club.
M artin
Front Street
CiQUiLii«. O regon
A. J. Sherwood,
A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w ,
N o t a s i P u b l io ,
Walter Sinclair,
A t io b n b y - at - L aw ,
N otary P u b l io ,
Hall & Hall,
Uealei in R « a l E stât * of all kinds.
Marshfield, Oregon.
I_________ __________ J -------- —
C. A. Sehlbrede,
Attorney-at-Law ,
Notary Public.
M a r s h f ie l d .
PI«™6 7fil-
O rrgon .
The work of advertising these
colonist rates is up to each com­
L awtib ,
munity and each individual.
U. 8. Commissioner, General Insnranoe we could add a hundred thousand
to the population of Oregon in the
Agent, and Notary P u b li c . Office
next year it would mean many mil­
in Robinson Building.
lions of dollars of additioal wealth
to the state.
The school population of one dis­
trict in Tillamook county was doub­
led in six months through the cor­
respondence of the pupils. Cor­
vallis caused the sal« o f $600,000
S tr . D I S P A T C H
worth of land through advertising
in well-known agricultural papers
Tom White, Master
I Arrive.
in the older states.
The Oregon
Bandon ......... 7 a m . I Cnqmlle
.10 a - m .
Coonille...... 1 r-M. | Bandon .. . . 4 r-M. Developement
Connects at Uoquilte with train lor Myshfield over 16,000 inquiries from people
and steamer E :ho for Myrtle Point.
wanting to know about Oregon
farming lands.
S tr . F A V O R I T E
E. G. D. Holden,
J. O. Monmaw. Master,
There is an intense desire to
| Arrives
C m ,m ile ........ 7 A-M. ! Bandon.. 10:4.« A-M. come to the Pacific Northwest on
Bandon........ 1 P-M. I Coquiile 4:45 P-M. the part of the people of the United
States and this is particularly true
of Oregon. Make it intensely true
S tr . E C H O
of your community. See your lo­
H . Jams. Master.
cal agent and find out the exact
A rrive.
MrrtlePoln». . 7 A-M. | <«|ui:ie C y 9 30 a - m . i rate. Get more particulars, post
Co pilli# C ity ...I r-M. I Myti.e P t ..4 00 P-M.
: others, put up attractive notices in
Daily except Sunday.
personnl contrai, and in accordance
with regulations adopted by Raid
board; but if auy such burning
without permission shall result in
the escape of fire and injury to the
property of another, this shall be
held prima facia evidence that such
burning was not safe and was a vi­
olation of this section. Violation of
these provisions shall he punished
by a fine of not less than twenty-
five dollars, nor more than five hun­
dred dollars, or by imprisonment of
not less than ten days nor more
than three months.
Permits to
burn, as provided by this section,
may be issued by any state fire war­
den, an l shall contain such restric­
tions as to time of burning and pre­
caution to be taken as may be fixed
by the Stale Board of Forestry or
] left by said hoard to the discretion
j of fire wardens.
Any fire warden
! shall have the right to refuse, revoke
j or postpone permits when it is nec-
1 essary for public safety.
Any ap-
| plicant dissatisfied with the decis-
I ion of a state fire warden shall have
' the right of appeal to the State
their landa. shall each year burn
their annual slashing, by which is
meant the tops and debrs or inflam­
mable refuse left after lumbering,
that will carry fire or cause it to
spread, at such time and in such
manner and with such provision of
help as will confine the fire to their
own laDds; provided, that the State
Board or Forestry may, upon re­
quest by such or adjoining timber
owners, extend or restrict the limit
of time in which such burning shall
he done in cases where it deems
that public safety so requires; "pro-j
vided, that the provisions of this
section shall in no manner apply to
the burning of slashing and debris
ol inflammable refuse left sfter tim­
bering or logging in the counties
of Clatsop and Tillamook ”
persons, firms or corp »rations shall
procure a permit, from a State die
warden to do such burning in ac­
cordance with 'he provisions o sec­
tion 5 of this act. Any person, firm
or corporation neglecting or refus­
ing to comply with these provisions
shall be punished by a tine of not
Notice is hereby given that Clarence
Waters, of McKinley, Oregon, ha* filed
notice of his intention to make filial five-
year proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 11437 made April
8, 1902. lor the N X S E X . » W 'i NF
and lot 2, Section 6, Township 28 8.,
Range 11 W., and that said proof will !>e
made before L. A. Liljeqvist, V. S. Com­
missioner, at his office at Marshfield,
Oregon, on Saturday, September 7 , 1 90 7,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz:
William H. Myers, of la>e, Oregon,
Arthur Brown,
V, ebb Mast,
Henry Hervey,
Register, j
Best of Turnouts
S t r ic t l y
F ir s t - C l a s s .
Hay, Grail, Feed.
Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall
Successor to J. T. U W e
J o sh ’s
P la c e ,
T. H. MEHL,’ Proprietor.
.F fe
Pool Tables
Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco.
City News Stand.
B. F E N T O N
F ro p
Saddle Horses of best q u a l i t y always on hand. G ood Rigs in iid i
ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business.
Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty
Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Rosehurg at 10 p. in. Fare $5.50
North Coquille Store
MRS. M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress.
Geo. Conger,
Fancy and Staple
Nuts, Candies, To­
bacco and Cigars.
North fcr d
/u n r v Street Bridge.
and H o rse S ho ers
C o q u iile
O regon
.fj *5 » f f 1 ffSJS ■
to w rite fo r ou r big F R E E B I C Y C L E catalogue
■ show in g the most com plete line o f high-grade
w ™ mm m
T I K E S and S U N D R IE S at PRICES
i f l B E L O W any other manufacturer or dealer in the w orld.
WM <gKM H bm I m
D O N O T B U Y A B I C Y C L E tT Z S T S .
o r on anv kind o f terms, until you have received o u r com plete Free Cata­
l o g u e s illustrating and describing every kind o f high-grade and low-grade
bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn o f our rem arkable L O W
P R I C E S and w o n d e r fu l n o w o f f e r s made possible b y sellin g from factory
direct to rider with no middlemen’s profits.
W E S H IP O H A P P R O V A L w ithout a cent deposit , Pay the Freight and
allow lO Days Freo Triad and m ake oth er liberal term s w hich no other
house in the world will do. Y ou w ill learn everything and get much valu­
able information by simply w ritin g us a postal.
, W e need a R i d e * A g e n t in every tow n and can offer an opportunity
to m ake m oney to suitable y o u n g m en w h o ap p ly at once.
98-B O per pair.
To I n t r o d u c o
W o W ill S o il
Y o u a S a m p lo
P a i r f o r O n ly
■ out
the air
( c a s h WITH ORDER * 4 . 5 8 )
Result of IS years experience mltire
making. No danger fr o m T H O R N S . - - - - -
T U S . PIN S. N A IL S . T A C K S o r G L A S S .
Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can
be vulcanized like any other tire.
Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over
Ssisnty-fivs Thousand pa ir* sold lis t yeafe
N o tic e t h e t h i c k r u b b e r tr e n d
“ A ” n n d p u n c t u r e « trip e “ B**
e n d “ D ," a ls o r im « t r ip "H**
t o p r e v e n t r im c u t t in g . T h le
t ir e w ill o u t la s t a n y o t h e r
m a k e —,HO FT , E L A S T IC a n d
O F S C f t l P T l n H t M »d# In all «lie*. It is lively and e e »y riding, very darmble sn d lined Iniids
w l t h s K ^ i s l qiw iity o f rubber, w hich never becom e# p orous sn d w hich c lo w n o p sm »U punctures
l u h O T t i ^ n * the - i f to « a p t . W e have hundred» o f letters from M tl»fied eu »tom er» « » O n *
^ ? t2 r ir
been p tin p ed u p o n « or twicette » - h o l e ^
° T h e y y « h ^ n ^ .h g
■n ordinsry tire, the puncture resisting qualities b ein g Riven b y several U y e m o f thin » p e c t o l*
or » f t ro«<i».le overcom e b y
' „ r c o m ln i .1 1 m ct.on .^T h e regular price o f t h 3
•queerrd out betw een the ti
fo r advertl.inv t purpoaeawe are m ak in g a special factory price to the rides
of is f R so per pair, but fo r advertising
shippedMRM^d^lettdrJs.receiwsg^teS^hlpjtojD^o approval.
» r p a y ^ c e n t u n t il^ o u V ^ t fe x a m in e d and found th em strictly as represented^.
I promptly obtained In All unnntrle«, or NO F i t . I
I TftAOC-MARKS, CuTMlf And t <»pyr1«ht* reyl* I
I tered. Hs-nd Sketch, Model or Photo, for fn-e I
I r e p o r t on patentability. ALL b u s in c ss f
•x'lnaiYply. Hurpawtin« reference«.
, Wideawake Inventor« should have otir hand- I
| hook onllowtoobtain and Hell patent«. What in- I
I Tentionawlllpay.Ilowtoiret a partner .and other I
valuable information. Sent free to any addreM. I
. h V*.1! . „ d m m o . o d t w o ¿ m w o m et.1 puncture elow ra on fu ll paid o r d er, (thcae o d d
puncture closers t o ^ e used tn case o f intentional k n ife cut« or heavy gashes). T ire« to be fttW B M
at O U R expen se i f fo r an y reason th ey are not satisfactory o n exam ination.
n i . . . . . n rrfectlv reliable and m oney sent to u« ts as safe a« in a bank. A sk your Postmaster.
Banker, J x press or Freight Agent o r the E ditor o f th is P «p rr a b u t ns.
• J * 1.*
these tires, you w ill find that they w ill ride easier, run «**terLw ear better, last J o n g e r j
o _______________
o u rm
-M o k
Waihington, D. C.J
. Ih#
p m U I., part» and repairs. « M
line are • o k fb y ua at h a lf the a m i
i r b £ s S l U H D R Y c a t a l o g u e .____ ____ ___
Bricca charved by dealer» mnd rrp ,if men. Write for our
* — . ---------------
~ —
. . m m om but
out write ua
us s » p e ta l today. D O H ” O T T H I N K O V B D T IN O a
|D. SWIFT & CO. ÎSJSPJL 5*£^n-îyÂ
1501 Seventh St.,
___ ^
until you k n ow the a ew a*A