Coquille 31 era là \ öl . 2 4 : No. 37. Entered ab second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the poatoiRce at 0 m v Ü1« i Oregon, under act of üongrcHH o f March 3 , 1879 . DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Cilice at Slocum’s Drug Store. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JUNE ,£F 1907 W hy is This Delay? List of New Text Books. $1.50 P er Y e ar Marshfield Races. Tho following article is taken Following is a list from the Roseburg Review of June books as chosen by the 10, relative to the inaction of the | Commission for use in Coos Ray people regarding the pro- public schools after the | posed electric line connecting Rose- i year: burg with the sea: KHADERS. of the text The date of the opening of the Text Rook Marshfield races will be on July 3. the Oregon Entries are now open with Secretary first of the F. P. Norton, of the Racing As­ sociation, and will remain open un­ til June 22. Four purses of $100 Wheeler’sG raded Primer $ .10 $ .25 each are up and it is believed that “ “ 1st Reader .10 .25 all of the different classes will be “ “ . 2d « .15 .35 filled. The purses and rules gov­ “ “ 3d " .20 .45 erning the rece meet as follow. Oyr’s Fourth R eader.. . . .25 .50 F irst R ace . “ Fifth R e a d e r..* .... .30 .60 For two and three-year-olds. GEOGRAPHIES, Half mile. Purse $100 Entry fee, Natural Introductory Geo- $ 20 . raphy.............................. .27 .54 S econd R ace . Natural SchoolGeography .57 1.13 For four-year-olds and upward. ABITHMETIS. Half mile. Purse $100. Entry fee Smith’sPrimaryArithmetic .18 .35 $ 20 . “ Practical Arithmetic .33 .65 T hird R ace . MENTAL ARITHMETIC For two-year-olds. Three-eighths No separate book adop ted; will of a mile. Purse $100 Entry free, use written arithmetic. $ 20 . SUNSET CITY Roseburg is still awaiting devel­ opments at Coos Bay on railroad matter. Our people are ready and anxious to go ahead with the work to­ ward consruction of the line and are A. F. Kirshman, growing impatient at the unexplain­ ed delay on the purtofthe Coos Bay D e n t ist . people who are in charge of the or­ Office two d oors Boatti o f F ob » offioe. ganization recently effected by the joint committees from the rever- - . Oregon. Coquille al towns interested. As the time goes by our people are inclined to give more credence to the rather startling statement of conditions re­ W. E. THRESHER ported from Bandou, and published ATTORNEY-AT-LAW in Thursday’s Review. The abso­ W e d d erb u rn - - - - - O regon lute silence of the Coos Bay papers HISTORY. F ourth R ace regarding tho line to Roseburg in­ Thomas’ElementaryHst’ry .60 .60 . .Free for all ages. Half mile. dicates that the movement is meet­ History of U. S. by Doub .70 1.00 Purse $100. Entry fee, $20. GRAMMAR. PACIFICREAL ESTATE CO., ing with no active support there. Entries for the above races dose If such bo the onse our peuple will Buehler & Hotchkis’ Mod­ with the secretary June 22,1907, at E R A N K B U RK H O LD ER , M O R. in all probability take up the Ban­ ern English Lessons... .30 .40 which time $10 is payable, and on Farms, Timber and Coal Lands. don proposition at an early date, as Buehler & Hotchkis’ E n­ June 29 the balance, $10, is payable. Residence and Business Property. glish Grammar............ the feeling to have a direct outlet to .55 All purses are guaranteed and di­ Mining Stock. the sea, and just as soon as it is, CIVIL GOVERNMENT. vided ns follows: 70 per cent to tho COQUILLE, - OREGON possible to get it. If Coos Bay de­ No separate book adopted— histo­ winner and 30 per cent to the sec­ sires to remain isolated, no one is ry to be used. ond horse. Four or more horses going to hinder them. Neither will PHYSIOLOGY to enter and three or more to start. Douglas county people put their First Book in Hygiene Owner’s colors must be named at E. D, SPERRT mouoy into a railroad for the per­ (Krolin) ...... 18 .35 the time of the secoud entry, June &ZSZSSSSZSZffiZS^£ZSSZSZSSZSZS^^ Attorney and Councellor at Law. sonal benefit of a few individuals. Graded Lessons in Phys­ 29, and horses must bo run under Office in Jiobinson Uuililiny Possibly the Coos hay sentiment, is iology and Hygiene such colors. Catch weights will be President Roosevelt is highly reflected in the following from the (K rohu) ........................... 30 .50 the rules. Under New Management. elated over the plate of solid gold Prop. Marshfield Times of Juue 5th: NATURE STUDY F. P. Norton, Secretary. which is to be presented to him by “ Every additional detail which Agriculture for Begin­ the people of Georgia as a reminder W. C. CHASE, After July first, the United States ners ^Burkett, Stev-" tends to throw light upon tbe South­ of Georgia Day at the Jamestown « ATTORNEY-AT-LAW will tij) the humble waiter in dining ens k H ill).......................38 ern Pacific lino to Coos Bay wilbo Exposition. The gold of which the cars of railroad trains, whenever a Office in Robinson Building, Upstairs W R IT IN G received gladly by Coos Bay people, plate is made was taken from a mine Government officials travels. This and for all realize the inestimable good Outlook Writing Books, S t r ic t l y located near the Georgia homo of I has just been decided by all depart­ 1 to 7 ................................... .05 that will result to the country as a F ir st -C l a s s . ments, after manv complaints from tbe President’s mother and the result of tho roads coming. Rich Outlook Copy Slips, 1 to C. R. BARROW, plato bears a reproduction of Bul­ C ........................................... .05 the colored dining car waiters had dairy, timber, and agriculture lands Attorney and Counsellor at Law poured into the various secretaries loch Hall, the Bulloch coat-of-arms, Outlook Practice Books, that have hitherto suffered because and Georgia coat-of-arms in addi­ First-class References A, B, C, I )......................... .05 and assistants. Tho custom for of lock of transportation will be Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall. tion to nu appropriate description. Fifteen Years* Experience years has been to all >w traveling SPELLING. Successor to J. T. Litt ' i thrown open and the growth and The plate, which is six by ten in­ C o Q u iU iE C i t y , O r e | .05 ! officials 25 cents a day as proper development of the country will re­ Emp;re Writing Speller.. .. ches in size, is an exceedingly hand­ Heed’s Word Lessons...........12 .22 , sum to appease the dignity of the ceive a wonderful impetus. some piece of work. The box in porter on sleepiug cars but hereto­ MUSIC. \\S ‘There is still, however, a certain which it is encased is made of Geor- ?K fore tho dining car waiter seems to \l/ J. J. STANLEY amount of wonder as just where this New Educational course: The gambling frenzy which seized ?l\ .30 have been overlooked in the appro- line is going in relation to Coos Bay. j First B ook .......................15 tho excitable portion of our politi­ æ LAWYER pri tion bills. The matter was then Secoud Book.....................15 .30 The location of the route seems, * cal public and swept all before it for * taken up with the result that here-1 Third B ook. . . . , ................18 .35 Martin Building, • Front Street wrapped in deep impenetrable mys- J T. H. M EH L, Proprietor. a few hours last Sunday has pessed, * Fourth B ook.................. 20 .40 after he will receive more than even COQUILT.B. O b KG >N ^ toi y after it leaves the Umpqua river WS leaving a substantial sum in unearn­ /î\ the lordly individual of the whisk Fifth B ook .............. .25 .50 above Gardiner. It is certain that ed increment in the pockets o f one- Billiard broom, his fee being set at 40 -cents DRAWING. Card rooms /IS tho cities on the bay will have con­ half of its Y’ictims and assets deplet­ * a day. There are 4760 dining cars A. J. Sherwood, nection with tbe road. It is also j Art Education Drawing Books, 1 ed by the same amount to the other * and operated daily, according to the In­ and to 8, first three ■ ooks,1 15 cents; obvious that tbe strategetic point A t t o r n k y - a t - L a w , half. The spectacle presented harks * terstate Commerce reports, and it is between Portland and San I' rancisco i last five, 20 cents. N otary P u b l ic , back to the childhood of the race, Poo! Tables Drins estimated that there are on the road is Coos Bay because of its d e e p ! Coquille, : : Oregon * H igh H o n o r F o r C o o s Bay. for the Government daily 725 offi­ before the qualities that are known water facilities. JVis practically as­ as judgment and discretion wero de­ * cials. Should they each contri Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. i sured that the bay will not be bridg- Coos Bay now enjoys tho distinc­ veloped. The sight of men eager * ed. Therefore tho Southern Pacific tive honor of be ug the headquar­ bute 40 cents to the colored waiter, to place their money or its equival­ Walter Sinclair, City News Stand. must long before this have purchas­ ters for the Oregon Order of tbe the total daily amount would be ent in property or future earaings A ttorney -A t -L aw , * ed its route, which it appears must Eastern Star. A telegram received $290, or the real tidy sum of $102,- in jeopardy upon an issue concern­ N otary P ublic , prrillei the eastern side o f tho bay. yesterday stated that Mrs. Florence 850 a year. ing which the guess of one man is Coquille, : Oregon. There could be no better plan fol­ Bnrgelt was elected to the chair of For more than a month some of seldom seen outside of the commer­ lowed than for that road to pass Worthy Grand Matron of thiB State, tile logging outfits have been unable cial grain pit or the annual gather­ down that side of t t ° hav. It is the highest office in tho Stnto to sell their logs. The sawmills at ing of tribes on an Indian resevation. Hall & Hall, order, and is undoubtedly a great Portland and other points are only The thing to be regreted in a game “ It is admittedly a freight road. A t romans- at -I. aw , It lias for its chief aim tbe handling compliment to the ability of Mrs. S. runing in the daytime, instead of of this kind is that it is not possible Doaler in R eal E state o f a ll k in d s . of the enormous volume of freight E. Bargelt, who has been a Grand being operated day and night as was for both sides to lose.— Oregonian. B . FELNTOIV Marshfield, Oregon. which its coming will nurture. Officer for the past four years, hav­ formerly the case. There is a gen­ W anted : By Chicago wholesale Pxop _______ L Freight roads are not wanted on the ing received the appointment of eral stagnation in the lumber indus­ and mail order house, assistant man­ peninsula o f Coos Bay. lhey Grand Electa from Mrs. Gatch, of try all along the line, caused by Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. G ood Rigs in redi A. Sehlbrede, the falling off in demand at San ager (man or woman) for this coun­ ness for specinl trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. should all run down tho mainland Salem, tour years ago. Salary This will make Mrs. Bargelt’s Francisjo. Logs enough to cut ty and adjoining territory. kttorney-at-Law, across the bay. We have a very Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex­ small peninsula here and cannot af­ fifth year in offices of tbe Grand severul million feet of lumber are pense money advanced. Work Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. ra. Fare $5.50 lblic. Phone 761. held on the lower river. The owners pleasant; position permanent. No ford to let it be taken up by more Lodge of the State. u —~ — - u s a n t iD , O regon . Tbe Grand Chapter of Oregon are unable to get any kind of i investment or experience required. than our terminal tracks and local Spare time valuable. Write at once opened Thursday in Portland at 8. offer for them.— Telegram. electric railroad.” for particulars and enclose self-ad­ While tbe line from Roseburg is 30 A. M., and will continue until New line of ladies’ belts at Rob­ dressed envelope. Superintendent, Saturday evening, soon after which E. G. D. Holden, not mentioned in the foregoing, it 132 Lake St. Chicago, 111. inson’s. • *#»w - virtually givec notice that the bay Mrs. Bargelt will return home. L a w y ir , MRS. M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress. Vetch and fodder corn seed at Mrs. Bargelt joined the local G! A. Rdbinson has just received J ustice o r the P i a c i towns have “ no room’’ for any ter­ Knowlton’8. a complete new line of men’s Degli- S. Commissioner, General Insurance minal ground for this line. Or is chapter of tbe Eastern star seven P lanerman W anted . — A first-1 gee overshirts. Agent, and Notary Public. Office Fancy and Staple it possible that the Times’ article years ago and since that time has class planerman is wanted immedi­ A nice line of sheet music haB in Robinson Building. was inspired by the fine Machiavel- held all of the five highest positions ately by Riverton Lumber Co. just been received by C- E. Barker Coquille regon. Groceries. lan manipulations of some S. P. in the local order, ¡ d addition to the Call early and get the best. Garden seeds garden seeds at | k Co. representative, who is thus endeav­ five since held in the Grand Lodge Knowltons Drug store, a full sup­ We wish to call your attention to oring to block the movement for of the Stat6. The position of ply of garden seeds. Both in bulk | the fact that we carry the best hams Worthy Grand Matron is an import­ aud in packages. Nuts, Candies, To­ another line almost in its incipiency? and bacon on the market. Every F or S ale . New 8 Room Home; piece guaranteed, at Land & Lyons'. Tbe spirit that occasioned the sub­ ant one, and entails the necessity bacco and Cigars. scribing of over $100,000 here in of a great deal of traveling, as all central location; lot 100 x 108; Eggs For Hatching S tr . D I S P A T C H less than 24 hours is already begin- of the chapters in the State, of which I garded and barn; exellent condition, there are over a hundred, have to ; address. P.O. Box 186 iog to grow restive under the appar- From all thoroughbred stock— Tom White, Master be visited and their work pissed Coquillo Oregon, 8. C. Brown Leghorn, $1 per setting antly needless dalay and if Coos bay Leaves I Arrives or $5 per 100. Black Menorca and B an don........7 a - m . | Coquille___ 10 a - m . does not want this road, the Ban­ upon by Mrs. Bargelt. It is neod- i C oquille....... 1 p-M. | B andon___ 4 p - m . White Plymouth Rocks, $1 per set­ less to a«y that Mrs, Bargelt is an W . L. M cA D A M S 8. H. McADAMS Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield don proposition will be given carlv ting. No hundred lots. able woman in lodge work, b ein g 1 Anv persons who want Jexcelleut I and steamer Echo for Myrtle Point. consideration. Also some young registered Jer­ ¡especially proficient as a critic ofipsture for horses and cattle should ! the work" done by the chapters. Mrs. ! ell on the undersigned. Pasture sey cattle and Berckshire pigs. Str. F A V O R IT E Large stock of grass Recti at J. C. W atson . | Bargelt is the wile o f the well is about nine miles from Coquide. J. C. Moomaw, Master, Knowlton Drug Store. Coquille, Oreg. B ros . known Marshfield jeweler,— Times H a s se s aye Arrives ..... «’s q u ille........ 7 a - m . Han«Ion.. 10:45 a - m . for Oyster shells and grit Timber Claims Bandon.......... 1 P-M. C oqu ille. 4:45 P-M. Residence tor Sale. Nice line of silks just arrived at chickens at O. Wilson k Co’s. Mrs. Nosler’s. ------- 1 am in the market for the pur­ O. 'Wilson & Co. have received „ „ .„ . . I Nice residence, Eight Rooms their full line of spring and summer “ White River H our is the best m A b , th Urge p in try. Hot and chase of good fir, or cedar claims, S tr. E C H O CARRIAGE AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES goods. Robinson has it. cold water upstairs and down, mod- for spot cash, in favorable locations. H. Jam*. M ail«, Let me hear from you at once, at re* I Arrive« For Sale, one work horse six cm conveniences. Nice lawn and WAGON WORK AND OUTFITS Attention Dairymen, Knowlton rtleP oiut. ..7 a - m . I nqnitleC’y 9 SO a - m . Port Huron, Michigan. years old, weight over 1300 pounds. I fruit trees. For price and terms call has a large stock of fodder corn, aille C i t y ... 1 p -M. | M yrtle P ’t. .4 00 r » . C o q u ille - O re go n A s o ra G . M ackay , ¡on V. R. W ilson Coquille. Oregon. t>eet seed, carrot seed, and Vetches. Apply to Frank Nelson, Norway. D eity except Samtay. C o q u il l e , O r e go n . F ilone ain I'll. T w o m ile s b e lo w B a n d o n . A beautiful seaside residence plat fronting on­ to the Pacific Ocean with lull view of the big water and the most westerly city in the U. S. Lots on sale by the Bandon Co=0pea tive Realty Company Come Early and get First Choice. Geo. Conger, Livery Feed Best of Turnouts i Sale Stable Hay, Grail*, Feed. )¡eieio¡0!e¡o¡e¡e¡e¡oieioíe¡e¡oieie¡oie¡eK)ie¡oK)!G^ Josh’s Place, R0SE3URGMVIYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE North Coquille Store COQUILLE RIVER STEA MBOAT CO j North Enei nenry Street Bridge. Notice McADAMS BROS. EXPERT BLACKSMITHS and Horse Shoers