/ i. Burglary at Bandon No matter how old they grow Nice line of silks just arrived at these actresses uover get over the Mrs. Nosler’s. Blessed with a kleptomaniacal marrying habit. Perhaps the reason James Henry desire, some light fingered gent cr It. E. shine, vice president of our Smith was called ‘Silent” Smith was D- F- DEAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR gents drilled up through the floor First National Bunk hud. buisness because he kept so quiet ubout the of Loreuz & H oyt’s general store number of heirs who were content- Countv Official Paper. Tuesday morniDg early and rambled in this city on Thursday. Best stock of shoes on the river ants for his fortune. over the establishment taking what­ PUBLISHED E V E llY WEDNESDAY. t K err’s. ever was easy to carry. Fortunately Rolled Barley in any quantity a The posters are out for an e.xcur- Land A Lyon's. the funds of the cash register had Devoted to the material and aocial np building o f the Coquille Valley particularly been removed all but ¥1.05 in small >u from Myrtle Point to Baudou to and o f Coos Countv generally. Subscription, per year, in advanoe, fl.fiO change, so they did not secure very 1 ike place on Juuc 2nd. A 1 9 0 7 Diary, Memorandum And Ac­ Coquille IJerald. Phone, Main 55. L i i t your property with the Home Realty Co. Infants’ long and abort cloaks at Mrs. Nosiers. Thos. Langlois, of Bandon, was in town on Thursday. Best Loggers’ shoes on the mar­ ket at Kerr’s. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ashton, of the lower 'river, were in town on Thursday. Oyster shells and grit for ehickens at O. Wilson A Co’s. W . F. Disher, manager of the Bandon Manufacturing Co., had business in town Thursday. Dr. Frentis the dentist will visit Bandon June 1st. Those in need of dental work will please call ear­ ly- O. Wilson & Co. have received their full line of spriDgand summer goods. much from that source. If Taft gets ahead on the race Sir Light fingers looked over the n ick, it it will take a mighty stock of clothing nnd shoes and h'im runner to shove past him. from the looks of the articles left it “ White R iver” Flour is the best was judged that they had taken one 1 ’ ibinsou has it. or more outfits complete,hat and all. Marion Clinton was in town The clothing is from the Bing Thursday and purchased a good Clothing House, and while there is wagon from T. H. Mehl A Co., the a couple of suspects, nothing has hardware firm. been done as yet. Lorenz A Hoyt Attention Dairymen, Knowlton propose to make this climate ex­ has a large stock of fodder corn, ceedingly warm for them if the beet seed, carrot seed, and Vetches. culprits are found. The same night the saloon of Ras­ mussen Brothers was entered and . Prosper, Oregon. about ¥35 was laken from the regis- j A g e n t fo r ter. Whether ¡the two crimes have any connection or not is not known, Buffalo Gasolene Engines but circumstances are such as to The best, cheapest aud most con- credit both burglaries to the same ' ni ent power on the market, source. A queer incident in the affair is that two half dollars were NOTICE OK F IN A L SETTLEM ENT, Notice is hereby give that the undersign­ overlooked in the till of the register. Whether they were left for the pur­ ed has this day filed in the County Court for (- 00 S County, Oregon, his final account pose of providing change for the in the matter of the administration of the morning’s business or not is not estate of K. H. Charlton, deceased, and know n but the firm is duly thankful tliatl 8nu* ( onrt ^as 8et • uesdav, the 12th N e is P. N e ls o n . F. M. Stewart, one of the pro­ . . .. „ prietors of the Coos' Bay Monumen­ fo r that small favor. tal Works, came over on Saturday Both establishments are in the to look after some busines matters habit o f leaving their cash registers on this side. open so that in a case ot a burglarv x ° F or S a l e . Fine Jersey bull, en. the registers will not lie broken. titled to registration, 3 years old This is the third attempt to burglar­ Enquire of E. Burgess' Lamps. ize the store of Lorenz A H oyt iu Judge Woodruff and Frank Stew­ the past few years. This timo the art, two prominent citizens of Cur­ safe was tampered with, but d o ry county, Were passengers from damage was done.— Recorder the bay by Saturday’s train. They W anted ,— Gentleman or lady to preceded homeward by the Liberty. travel for Merchantile House of W. T. K err carries the Stillson & K ellogg loger shoes— best on large capital. Territory at home or earth— and every pair is guaranteed abroad to suit. I f desirable the home may be used as headquarters, We were in error in our last week’s weekly salary of $ 1,000 per year issue when we reported the sale of and expenses. Address, Joe. A. the Neadeau place to Mr. Ranes. Alexander, Coquille City, Ore. --- ----- *«• * * - I t was the Tyrrel place in the same Timber Claims. neighborhood, and the bargain was made through Mr. Burkholder, man­ 1 am in the market for the pur­ ager of the Pacific Real Estate Co. chase of good fir, or cedar claims, Knowlton has on hand a large for spot cash, in favorable locations. stock of choice clover seed at the L et me hear from you at once, at owest price possible for choice seed. Port Huron, Michigan. W . H. Thomas, of the logging A nocs G. M ackay . firm of Seeley nnd Thomas, of the lower river, was in town Thursday. H e is recovering from injuries lately received from a fell on the railroad track at their camp, in which he re­ I can furnish the following Th or­ ceived severe bruises about the oughbred eggs at $2 per setting. day of March, li)07, as the day for hearing objections to said final account and the set- of January, 1B07. JAMES FRENCH, . . . V. C i L» ■ . ¿ I IT' I i ï L.Ä « \ , n l %* i r - r-i s. f.T K a m i :**: bciutifui'.y i.LuM.aleci.pofvc! tlcvet and ¡nirrt-.it.n" a.uJs# about Calif.>ra’.a and all the Ur West. 0 a y.c iC.-.vi A,f3 ftc:\rrr jounm ; [ t--. i.i« h( l*e idrtaly — tiled with phon’nji'apl*» and picture*- *: ok 3 c , f t. rrout; Board of Directors. eg DR. . no matter how , bad the weather You cannot afford to be without a Robinson has White Canvsu Ties for children, Misses and Ladies and stockings to match. M. H. S taines , Pastor L o t seven in block three original plat of Coquillo, was sold through the agencr o f the nquillp Valiev Real Estate Co. Iasi OOOOOOOOOOCOO^OOOOOOOOOk _____ __ _____________ w____________ Baer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you w ill be so w ell pleased that when you want a bicycle voo w ill give ua your order. W e want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. R R A fflV fl o o i l / r o b o llt-n p -w h eels, saddle«, pedals, parts snd repairs, and U l l d d I D P * / « e v e r y t h i n g ia the bicycle line are sold by os at half the usual prices charged by dealers and repair men. W rite for our big NUN D R Y catalogue. y / i i y but write us a postal today. DO N O T T H I N K O F R F Y IN G a U U “ €/ f w w M t F bicycle or a pair o f tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It on ly costs a postal to learn everything. W rite it N O W . NEID CYCLE CONPINY, Dipt. ’Ml” CHICAGO, ILL, Fancy and Staple Groceries. D ivi 1 Voltoli lineal Alien*.. Oon'iille. Oregon D O N O T B U Y A B I C Y C L E !r?vayX2 loguen illustrating in and describing every kind o f high-grade and low-eradi rade bicycles, old patterns and or f our remarkable L O U models, and learn o W PRI IC E S and w o n d - e r fu - d l latest n ew o ffe r « made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen’s profits. WE S H IP OH A P P R O V A L without a cent deposit, P a y th e F r e ig h t and a llow lO D ays F r e e T r ia l and mnke other liberal terms which no other house in the world w ill do. You w ill learn everything and get much valu­ able information by sim ply w ritin g us a postal. W e need a R i d a p A g m n t in every town and can o ffer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. D E A L E R IN Marshfield Oregon SEE TH E o r VU V. on any MF». Miti» kind o ly f K terms, F W , until you have received our complete ~ F r e e C ata- l a • t* .80 GO ecres of land, 20 acres bottom. Situated on newly finished rail road survey. Within a few minutes ride by rail from the towns cf Prosper and Bandon,where renlestate ia rapidly changing hands at fabulous prices, and new indus­ tries springing up on every hand One quarter mile from store, post office and l>ost e wintry ichool in Co. Milk sod cream takt n from ranch landing 'lady In -1 mer to choice to n iininlief of \ I ci a n 1 es. A soap -vi er.. moony can In- double 1 in a > e*r ,,r t - • t*i deilaid with c a l of th Hosier H ill fields Addrsas this OtRo \ m o d e lot* I ARE TH E A'.! ti'.ree fo r...........$1.50 Our enterprising blacksmiths and * 4 - 8 0 V l R F P r ie wagonmakers, the McAdams Bros , ■ S S .5 0 per pair! have just received another addition To in tr o U u o o NAILS. TACKS W o W ill S o i l ON G L A S S to their equipment in the form of a \You a S a m o lo I WONT LET ____ _ OUT THE AIR trip-hammer which will prove a P a lo ____ to o O n ly (C A S H W ITH ORDER $ 4 .6 8 ) great help, particularly in handling NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire heavy work. Their work ha-i so making. No danger from T H O R N S t crowded them since the removal of TUS, PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. ••A” and pu n cture «tr ip s " B ” a m i “ D ," a lso r im a trip ” H ’* their shop that they have not had Serious punctures, like intentional k nife cuts, cart to p re v e n t rim cu ttin g . T h is be vulcanized like any other tire. t ir e w ill o u tla st a ny o th e r time to set up their boiler and en­ Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over m a k n -S O F T , E L A S T IC and E A S Y R ID IN G . gine, but expect to have it in op­ Sevsnty-fivo Thousand pairs sold last year. D E S C R I P T I O N i Made in a ll rites. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined Inside eration in the near future. with a special quality o f rubber, which never becomes por r. 11... bn lie Pen­ ders, give instant r. lief. Price cents. It. N Kimwlton, ( o<|nilt• City; C. Y. Lowe, Baml.in. Mrs. I udley and daughters, Anna and Grace, the latter two hav ing held positions in our j uhlir schools during the past school year, and son Lindsey, started for theii home at Newberg, Friday. Th«y will spend the yaeation th e e lo t the young ladies have been engage 1 for the next term of school, and in about three months we w ill expo, t them back again. N ational Bank o f Comineroe, N ew Y o rk ( ity < W k e r W oolw orth N ’l B an k, San Francisco First N u t’l Bank o f Portland, Portland, Or P I V A T E HOSPITÄ Thoroughbred Eggs chest. Correspondents R . C. Dem ent, A . J. Sherwood, L . H arlocker, L . H . H azard, Isaiah H acker, R . E . Shine. L A R G E S T Sisters of Mercy N O R TH B E N D , OREOON AD VERTISERS WE E. J. TOTTEN & CO. a aioruhly publication contnzsurg plain, easily-»¡ndeitrood ar!u.lo« O F C O Q U ID U B , O R E G O N . I T r a n s a c t » o G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u n i n e s H MAKE EVERY DAY - ‘ COUNT- C. A . Suow A Co., Patent Law ­ yers of Washington D. C., have now ready their diary and memor­ andum book for 1907, which they will seud ou receipt of postage 2 cents. This little book is useful. No where else that we know can so much be had for so little. N o ticc Notice is hereby given that all Coos County warrants drawn on general fund aud endorsed prior to April 1, 1905 will be paid on pre- sentation at my office iD Coquille City, Oregon. No interest will be allowed after March 31, 1907. J. B. D ulley T reasurer Coos County OregoD. Dated Coquille City, Oregon, March 25, 1907. FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K UNITED S T A T E S a,PVinistratoof the Estate of R. H. Chnrl- ton, ¿‘eceased. ' count Book for Two Cents As I have gone out o f business I wish to close up my books and all accounts not paid by January 1, 1907, colection aud 10 per cent will be added. Z. C. B tkano . l. H. HAZRAD, Castile R. E. SHINE, Vloe Pro» « J SHERWOOD P ro . This is to You. Hom e R ealty Co. They Have Bargains FARM, TIMBER, COAL LANDS To sell. Also land to Rent. City Property in Coquille... 7 he County Seat of Coos County. Fine Locations Cheap ---------------------- • ALSO LOTS AND P R O P E R T Y For Sale in Myrtle Pornt. Bandon, Marshfield. North BenJ. Bangor. Yarrow. G'asgow. Empire City T h e H o m e R e a lt y Co. COQUILLE,. OREGON I A C H O IC E L I N E OF Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of K I 0111 * a n d . F e e d . Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. S E C O N D AN D H A LL S T S ., C O Q U ILLE . gassamsKisnanwHUiKauPL * - » T t r r j r w « - e x r n Incandescentj Electric Light Press Accepted t1ir>>iighniit the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button luminant for Cleanest, Most and a’l purpose». Convenient, Safest, and the C H E A P E S T light knnwn. there That furnished by the C O Q U IL L E you R IV E R CO E L E C T R IC is fir»t have class and i,p to date in every re»pect. it. The rates place it within reach of all FRANK MORSE, Prop. COQUILLE, ORE.