Coquille fleMà 'H- V o l . 2 4 : No. 3 0 . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 1, 1907. Entered ub Becoud-claaa matter May S, 1905, at the poa to Ilice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congreus of March 3,1870. The M ovem ent. quired to haul these crops from farms to shipping point was 21,417,- . By William C. Plumb. 500; number of loads, 30,319,000; Lord Bacon said that the only eight and a half milliou days was thing man can do in this world is fo required to haul the corn, and the “ move things to and from each oth­ wheat, including the hauling to er and nature working within ac­ local mills, consumed almost nine complishes the rest.’’ million days. in no way is the growth and de- The average cost to the farmer of velopement of man in all respects hauling wheat to market is nine better.illustrated that iu the way he has moved things during the ages cents per hundred pounds. The aver­ in which ho has left his mark upon age distance hauling is nine and the material world. The way we two-fifths miles, and the average move things illustrates our intelli­ wagon load weighs 8,323 pounds, gence, our capacity, owr genius and containing about 55 bushels. For cotton the average load is 1,702 our power. It is the transference of things pounds, distance from market 11 4-5 that makes business, and the man­ miles, and oost of hauling 10 cents ner and purpose of moving them per hundred pounds. Per ton per engrosses the world’s attention. mile wheat costs 19 cents and Hence it is not surprising that the cotton 27 cents. S I .5 0 P e r Y ear G o o d H oads formed in northern Missouri, at ZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZS?SZ$ZSZS2^ Chilliuothe, during a goed-roads convention. It resulted in demon­ strating the fact that “ gumbo" «oil can be made into the very best of DR. RICHMOND roads, and that too at a cost not to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. exceed $225 per mile. Office at Blooum’ s Drug Store. In other states the -'gumbo'’ soil C oquille , O regon . roads have been constructed, but Phone aiu 123. not so cheaply. “Gumbo’’ clay is i black, owing to the high percentage of organic matter mixed with it; it A. F. Kirshman, is sticky and almost wholly free from sand or grit. From this soil D entist . a most admirable road is made by burning and pulverizin'* the surface, Office two doors South o f Post offide. und then rolling it to a smooth con­ . • 1 « O regon, C oqu ille dition. In Alabama there is some dispo­ sition to criticise the large expendi­ ture of money on roads without ade­ The highest cost for hauling is quate results. It is asserted that road, the way out, rises to para­ E Y E AND NERVE SPECIALIST mount importance. Primeval man for wool, which is carried on an $1,600,000 is annually expended Next visit to COQUILLE was a denizen of the forest, sur­ average 39.8 miles, at the rate of on the highways of the state, the M AY 24, 25 and 26. rounded by the jungle, and his 44 cents per hundred pounds. report of public roads for 1904 At Marshfield Office, May 1 to 24 struggle for a way out, for * better The lowest cost is for hemp, which showing that there weie 1,720 mileB conditions in life, inspired by high­ is taken to market for an average of of improved roads in the state, less than 400 miles of which was sur­ PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO . , er ideas, has ever been toward bet­ C cents per hundred pounds. ter physical surroundings, of which PRANK BURKUOI.DEB, MG11. Corn, oats and barley are each faced with stone. And this condi­ good roads are a prime essential. taken to market at an average cost tion is used as an argument that Farm s, T im ber and C oal Lands. It is not the purpose of this ar­ of 7 cents per hundred pounds; hay the state is not getting its money’s R esidence and Business P roperty. ticle to go deeply into details aloDg flax-seed, rye, and timothy seed, worth in investing in good roads. Lots on Sale at Half Price till May 25. M ining Stock. any of the many lines of road build­ 8 cents; wheat, potatoes, and beans, That fact is, that the $1,600,000 rep­ COQUILLE, - OREGON ing. Competent men have studied 9 cents: tobacco and live hogs, 10 resents the annual cost of mainten­ ance of roads in the state, as well as and experimented with brick-mak­ cents. I ______________ I___ the original cost of permanet good ing for roads and with building The average load varies greatly roadways of that material; with in different communities, owing to road*; and the expenditure of that E. D. SPERRY sand-clay roads, with macadam, the roads, and hence the profit to large sum, almost entirely in repairs Attorney and Connoellor at Law. with crushed stone and gravel roads. the farmer on his crop varies. In and temporary improvements is Office in Robinson Building a strong argument in favor of per­ Judge Samuel O, Artman, of Those who were sure that gravel some states the loads are twice as manent good roads. Twenty-five Lebanon, Indiana, has recently ren­ Under New Management. Prop. made the best roads are learning large as in other states, and the per cent of that sum put into really dered a decision that contains a new that all gravel is not road building distance limit to profitable farming material. Only the variety that is vastly extended by good roads. good roads, such as would need very challenge to the whole saloon busi­ W. C. CHASE, little or no costly repairs for a long ness. In a case involving the right shows adhesive quality, than in its So far as number of vehicles ATTORNEY-AT-LAW natural bed sticks together in concerned, the Illinois highway period, would in a few years provide of the city of Indianapolis to issue a Otfioo in Robinson Building, Upstairs lumps, and is irregular in shape is commission has undertaken to gath­ good highways in the entire state license to open a saloon, the judge S t r ic t l y and increase its property value fifty denied aDy right under the consti­ fit for road purposes. er statistics, having established per cent, and the business, self- I F i r st -C l a ss . tution of Indiana and the United The advooates of crushed stone some fifty observation stations in respect, social enjoyment and com­ Stutes. After quoting from the find­ are learning that all kinds of stono several parts of the state, on differ­ C. R. BARROW, will not do, and that it is a waste of ent roads leading to good towns, fort of the people two hundred per ings of the courts the judge saye, Attorney and Counsellor at Law cent. “ Whatever contravenes the law of time and money to put upon the where every eighth or ninth day the First-olass References Continued^next week. self-pr6B6rvation, by being destruo- Opposite I. O. O. K Hall. roads some varities of broken stone. number of passing vehicles Successor to J. T. Little ifteen Years’ Experience j tive of the good order, the peace, Those who have advocated the counted. The information gather­ More Mail Tronble C oq u iu . r C it y , O re ! the health the morals, or the welfare thorough draining of roads have ed is interesting, as it shows not of the people, is unlawful. What learned that sandy soil roads should The following from the Daily only how extensive the roads are T not be drained; that the sand should used, but also what kinds of roads Herald at Albany proves that Coos is wrong cannot be lawful, whatever * J. J. STANLEY be mixed with the clay, well plowed are most traveled. Springfield and Bayites are not tha only ones who is right is legitimate and lawful. * In view of the holdings based, as * * in, harrowed, pulverized, and tramp­ Rockford are cities of approximate­ miss their mails: LAW YER * ed— not rolled nor Bhould the ly the same size and of quite simi­ “ Many Oregonians who keep in they certainly are, upon good rea­ son aud common sense, it must be * Martin Building, - Front Street track be so rounded that the water lar surroundings, On the same tiny touch with the old folks at home T. H. MEHL, Proprietor. * COQOILI,«, O b KOON will run off without penetrnting the last spring, eighty-six vehicles pass­ papers were disappointed last wsek, held that the state cannot under the * * guise of a license, because to hold roadway, thus binding the clay and ed into Springfield on one of its for the Oregon paper car, which sand together into a soily body main highways, while three hundred contains all the paper mails publish that it can ¡ b to hold that the state Billiard rooms * * A. J. Sherwood, free from dust and loose dirt, with nnd thirty-five passed into Rockford ed east of the Missouri for points can sell and delegate the right to * % * and a surface so thick and solid that it on a road of corresponding imgor- west of Pocatello, Idaho, took fire make widows and orphans, the right * A ttorn ky • at -L a w, * * will neithercrnck nor dit integrate. tance as nn avenue of travel. at Green River, VVyo., and twenty to break up homes, the right to N otary P ublic , * Pool Tables create misery nnd crime, the rihgt to * sacks of newspapers were totally The entrance to Springaeld was Some of tlie old stone wheel-track C o q u ille , : : O regon * roads that were built in eastern and over a mud road; that into Rockford destroyed and nearly 200 sacks riiRke murderers, the right to pro­ X duce idiots and lunatics, the right to central New York more than a cen­ was over a fine macadamized road. damaged by fire, water nnd smoke. Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and fill orphanages, poor bouses, insane X * Walter Sinclair, tury ago are object lessons still iu The travel to Rockford was not on­ * City News Stand. * ly about four times as great, but the Madison, Wis., April 12.—One of asylums, jails and penitentiaries and existence. AiroaNET-AT-XAW, But it is rather our purpose draft power of every team was more the most radical reform laws ever the right to furnish Bubjecta for the N otart P ubetc , gallows.” On the to give such useful, general in­ than quadrupled, while the self-re­ adopted by the state legislative hangman’s C oqu ille, : Oregon. forms as may be at hand and spect and comfort of the occupants body has passed the Wisconsin as­ grounds thus stated the judge found in favor of the remonstrance, and to endeavor to impress upon of every vehicle, by virtue of clean­ sembly. liness and improved appearance, It is the social-Democratic meas­ the petitioners for the saloon lost the reader the very great impor­ Hall & Hall, ure making it unlawful to employ their license and had the costs to tance of the good roads movement, were increased many fold. A ttorneys - a t -L aw , now so well started, not only ae it CHANOE in sentiment and devklopement railroad train dispatchers and oth­ pay. What was said in this case Dealer in R « al E stât * o f all kinds. could be said in any application for relates to the material and indus- The change in public sentiment is er telegraph operators more than M arshfield, Oregon. a license ia part part of the Union. trial we.fare of our country, but as j as remarkable as are the experiences eife past winter have come de­ orders, handle freight, check bag­ N otary P u blic. R hone 761. (^Railroads receive no freight that mands that the stato highway com­ gage, sweep out, clean switch lights The Pacific Baptist. Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. no. Fare $5.50 M a r s h f ie l d * O r e g o n . is not first hauled over earth roads. missioners send speakers and in­ and spend about fifteen hours every W anted : By Chicago wholesale There are no statistics upon which formation concerning details on day in the year for the corporation. ---------------------- ■ j It was adopted without a dissent­ and mail order house, assistant man­ to base an estimate, but it is the good roads topics, When this dis- belief of those who have given the cussion was begun a few years ago ing voice and is expected to pass ager (man or woman) for this coun­ E. G. D. Holden, ty and adjoining territory. Salary matter much thought that the the opposition to the work was so the senate. L a w tib . $20 and expenses paid weakly; ex­ MRS. M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress. freight carried on railroads within intence that anti-road improvement J tjstic * op th * P each pense money advanced. Work Notice U. S. Commissioner, General Insaranoe the United States is greatly .exceed- associations were formed, due en­ pleasant; position permanent. No Agent, and Notary Public. Office ! ed in gross tons by that hauled tirely to prejudice and misinforma­ Notice is hereby given that all Coos investment or experience required. Fancy and Staple County Warrants drawn on general in Robinson Bnilding. ; over the earth roads. Spare time valuable. Write at once tion about the cost of improvements road fund and endorsed prior to Coquille regon. for particular and encloee self-ad­ The transportation expert of the and how it was to be met. The ways April 1, 1907, will be paid ou pre­ Groceries. ! Department of Agriculture—Mr. and means problem is still a ques­ sentation at mv office in Coquille dressed envelope. Superintendent, 132 Lake S t Chicago, 111. i Frank Andrews— has recently made tion of s.riotiH importance, but as City, Oregon. No interest will bo allowed after COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT C3 public same statistics he has gatb- the large and varied benefits are un­ W a n ted . — Man or boy to work Nuts, Candies, To­ J. B. D nuxr. j ered on the cost of market’ng farm derstood the work steadily progrès March 31, 1907. Treasurer Coos County Oregon. on farm. Girl or woman for house­ 1 products, which have direct bear- ses. State goiernments are becom­ Dated March 25, 1907. work. Write Julius Kruse, Co- bacco and Cigars. Str. D I S P A T C H quille-Msrshfield route. I ing on this feature of good roads. ing more and more interested in the Deviled crab on-the-half-shell at His researches cover hundreds of work, many of them taking half or Tom White, Master Attention Dairymen, Knowlton Robinson’s. Leave* I Arrive« counties in nil parts of the United more of the burden, and enabling has a large stock of fodder corn, B a n d » «....... 7 A-M. | Coquille. . . . 10 A-M. . fornitile....... 1 P-M. I Bando« . 4 P-M. States, but pertain to only twelve counties to take a generous part of Send your order to Land A beet seed, carrot seed, and Vetches. Co nnecta at Coquille with train for Marshfield of tlie staple preducts. Of these the other portion, eo that only twen- Lyons and get your goods delivered and steamer K Aio for Myrtle Point. twe!\e crops it was found that ty to twenty-five per cent of the cost PrompHy- We run our own delivery P^*The safe and reliable tiwn- ■ersw nearly 50,000,000 tons were hauled falls diiectly upon the property Str. F A V O R I T E Foa S ale . A nice new four room f^ T T h e New and Speedy, from farm to market during the owner, and it would be far better if cottage and lot 55x100 feet in the J. C. Moomaw. M uter, Arrive»» »yes past crop year, at a cost of about public funds of the general govern­ north part of town. Inquire of E. Ban don. . 10:45 a - m . Coquille 7 A-M. Coquille. 4:45 p-M. ♦85,000,000, or more than £~q per ment was devoted to the construc­ W. Gregg or at the H erald office. 1 r-M. Bandoli. C. r. Jensen, Master cent of their value at the local tion of permanent highways in this Nice residence, Eight Rooms Will make regular trips between market If this traffic 40,000,000 and bath large pantry. Hot and country sod less of it oppropriated Str. E C H O represented the weight of corn, to some of the objects for which it cold water up stairs and down, mod­ Coquille River and San H. Jam*. Maeter. LOGGING WORK CARRIAGE WORK wheat and cotton, and the cost of is expended. Francisco. ern conveniences. Nice barn and Leave« | Arrives M yrtleP oiu t.. .7 A-n. ! eqoi’ le C y 9 SO a - m . Ifo Stop-over at W ay Porte. hsuling these products was $70,000- One of the interesting sxperi-1 fruit trees. For pries and terms call C< quille C i t y ..,I P-M. I M yil.e P 't.. 4 00 p-R. *or Bargains In Buggies and Carriages come and examine our line we 000 The number of working days e- ments ip rosdbuilding was p er-'on V. R. W ilsox Coquille. Oregon, F.lectric Lights. Erei ry thing in First, Daily except Sunday, Class (tri have th**best that money can buy at the lowest prices, \ & Dr. Bancroft SUNSET CITY Two miles below Bandon. A beautiful seaside residence plat fronting on­ to the Pacific Ocean with iull view of the big water and the most westerly city in the U. S. Lots on sale by the Bandon Cooperative Realty Company Come Early and get First Choice. Geo. Conger, Livery Best of Turnouts ! Feed and Sale Stable Hay, Grab ***>K****)ieK**** * Feed. * * * * * * * Josh’s Place, * * * * ************************** ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE North Coquille Store North End Str. Elizabeth ¿Jjnrv Street Bridge. S. H. McADAMS Blacksmithing £ Horseshoeing