F or B a l l . 60 teres of land, 20 A. H. Snyder, of Myrtle Point, j F ob S a l e . A registered Cleve- and Boy stallion and Black War­ acres bottom. Situated on newly was in Coquille Thursday. rior Jack. For particulars call on finished rail road survey. Within a If tbe Thaw trial lasts much long­ or write W. H. Lyons, Coquille. , few minutes ride by rail from the O- F■ DEAN, EDITOR ANU PROPRIETOR er, some of the jurors’ wives will The right goods at the right towns cf Prosper and Bandon,where realestate is rapidly ebangiug hands Lave a good chance to put in a price at W. T. Kerr’s. at fabulous ptices, and new indus- claim for desertion, if not non-sup­ Countv Official Paper. F or S ale . One hundred acres, i tries springing up on every hand. port. house, barn and orchard. Some One quarter mile from store, post FUULI8HKD KVKUY WEDNESDAY. A riding pony and five head of bottom land and nearly 50 ucres office and best country ichool in Co. cattle for sale. Inquire of H. M. pasture land on tbe place, withiu 2 Milk aud cream taken from ranch Devoted to tbe material and aooial up­ Rowan, Fisbtrap. miles of post office and boat lauding. landing daily by steamer to choice building of tbe Ooqnills Valley particolari, | A bargain for cash on terms. Ad­ j to a number of A 1 creameries. A and of Coos Ooonty generally Senator Burton says that on be­ dress Nellie Took, Box 10, Arago, rear, in ad vanoe, (1 ISO Sobaoription, per year | snap where money can be double! ing released from jail he will show Or. . m a year or two easy. Underlaid Phone, Main 55. up a lot of public men. A lot of • with coal of the Beaver Hill fields. F or Sale. Address this office. them probably need it, but seeing Onion sets at Knowltons’s. that they kept out of jail while the A bargain if sold soon—Steamers List your property with the Home Senator went in, they have rather A 1 9 0 7 Diary, Memorandum And Ac­ Echo and Welcome and barge and Realty Co. count Book for Two Cents the better prima facia case. my boat business between Myrtle Thomas Anderson, the ex-butcher Point aDd Coquille. Inquire of C. C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Law­ of Bandon, went to the bay on Wed­ N otice. H. James, Myrtle Point. yers of Washington D. C., have nesday. Notice is hereby given that all -------------. ■. ■ ----------- now ready their diary and memor­ Timber coal and farm lands. The Coos County warrants drawn on E ggs F o r H atching andum book for 1907, w hich they Home Realty Co. general fund and endorsed prior to will seud on receipt o f p o s ta g e 2 From all thoroughbred stock'— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Folsom were April 1, 1905 will be paid on pre­ 8. C. Brown Leghorn, $1 per Betting cents. This little book is u se fu l. passengers down the river on the sentation at my office in Coquille or $5 per 100. Black Menorca and No where else that we know enn so City, Oregon. Dispatch Friday. White Plymouth Rocks, $1 per set­ much be had for so little. No interest will be allowed after ting. No hundred lots. Fresh garden seed of all kinds at Also some young registered Jer­ March 3 1 , 1 9 0 7 . J. B. D c lle y Knowlton’s Drugstore. T IM B E R L A N D A C T , J U N E 3, 1878 sey cattle and Berckshire pigs. C. C. Carter, the Rowland prairie Treasurer Cooe County Oregon. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . J. C. W atson . logger, had business which called Dated Coquille City, Oregon, March United States Land Office, Coquille, Oregon, 25, 1907. Roeeburg, Ore., Nov. 28, 1906. him to the bay last Wednesday. Coquille Herald. Mrs. Lewis Buecbler, of Chicago, who has been in Goquille for two weeks visiting her aunt, MrB. Mary Nosier, started on her return home Wednesday. SUM M ONS. IN T H E O XBOUIT C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N IN A N D FO R T H E C O U N T Y OF COOS. J , S. Lawrence, Plaintiff, Nnitrito or “ Socialist Coffee,” a fine and refreshing morning drink at Drane’s. I f it were not against the law, which of oourse they never violate, the railroad probably would like to send the President passes to go way off somewhere on a long, rest ful vaoation. Parties to cut wood for the steamer Echo. Apply for partic­ ulars on board the boat. W anted . — Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nosier ar­ rived here from Eugene last Thurs­ day. Mr. Nosier says he will stay here with bis brother, J. H. Nosier who has been lying very low for several months, as long as he lives. F or S ale . Fine Jersey bull, en. titled to registration, 3 years old Enquire of E. Burgess' Lamps. Moss Averell, formerly of Bandon, but for the fifteen months last past a member of the life saving crew at Point Bonita, California, arrived in town Thursday, having come up for a visit with old friends. He pro­ ceeded to Bandon the same day. A nice line of sheet music has just been received by C- E. Birker & Co. Call early and get the best. The steamer Elizabeth crossed in over the Covuille bar last Tuesday after experiencing a rough voyage and a wait of several day for the bar to calm down after she reached the offing. The schooner Oregon came in the same day. If you need a Ledger, Journal. Daybook or any other k:nd of Blank, go to Knowlton’s Drug store, Miss Nettie Carey who has been for some time in a Eureka hospital, taking for a nurse, and who has been at her old home at Myrtle Point for two or three weeks on a visit, passed through by Wednes­ day’s train for the bay to take a south bound stenmer on her return. Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ ders, give instant relief. Price 25 cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille City; 0 . Y. Lowe, Bandon. D ied .— At the risidence of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Noah, near Dillard. Oregon, March 20, 1907, Mrs. Sarah Coon, aged 83 yenrs. Deceased was the widow of the late Rev. J. I, „ . „ C o ...., o f v .. Camas Valley, . . an d leave» vs. A . J . H a ck e tt, C . K undert, J . L . Krouse, Ole A . Quam , L . E . Goodbout, H . J. D exhei- m er, G . W . D exheim er, H . M . Frick, W . 8 . Beach. J . P. H ill, Dr. H . V . Olymer, J . E . Paul. Suit J. M . Broderick, R . B. Beads, in Equity Jason Curtis, J . F. Collins, J. to F . Dooley, H . D . Page, S .. F. Orouter, Carrie B . Crouter, Quiet Title. D r. A . J. Provost, O. J. Dietz, J . J . M cKenzie, H . J . H ar­ per, M . J. Harper, L . L . O r- vis, Linda L . Orvis, Orel D . Orvis, J . S. Anderson, H . An­ derson, J. H . Shepherd, H . M . Rogers Henry J. M iller, and M ollie G , Foster, Defendants . ) T o A . J. Hackett, C . K undert, J. L. Krouse, Ole A . Q uam , L . E . Goodbout, H . J . Dexheimer, G . W . Dexheimer, H . M . Frick, W . S. Beach, J. P. H ill, Dr. H . V . Clym er, J. E . Paul, J. M . Brod­ erick, R . B. Beatis, Jason Curtis, J . F. Collins, J. F. Dooley, H . D . Page, 8 . F. Crouter, Carrie B . Crouter, Dr. A . J . Provost, O . J . Dietz, J . J . M cK enzie, H . J . Harper, M . J. Harper, L . L . Or­ vis, Linda L . Orvis, Orel D . Orvis, J. S. Anderson, H . Anderson, J. H . Shep­ herd, H . M . Rogers, H en ry J. M iller, and M ollie G . Foster, the above-named defendants: . . . . fo r Buffalo Gasolene Engines The best, cheapest aud most con- nient power on the market, NONICE OF F IN A L SETTLEM EN T, Notioe is hereby R ive that tbe undersign­ ed has this day file l in the County Court for Coos County, Oregon, his final acoount in the matter of the administration of the eatateof B . H. Charlton, deoeaacd, and that said Court baa Bet Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 1907, aa tbe day for hearing objections to aaid final account and the set­ tlement of said estate. Dated this 30th day o f January, 1907. JAM ES FRENCH. mpyiniatrato of the Estate of It. H. Charl­ ton, deceased.__________________________ IV 1 Â G A Z 5 NE READERS act for the sale of tim ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and W ashington Territory,” as extend­ ed to all tbe Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, George W , K ing, of Montague, county of Siskiyou, State of California, has this day filed in this of­ fice his sworn statem ent No. 6996, for the purchase of I/its 4 and 5 of Section N o. 6 in Township N o. 28 S, Range No. 11 W „ and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk and Clerk of County Court Ooos County, at his office in Coquille, Oregon, on T hurs­ day, tbe U tb day of April, 1907. He names as w itnesses: J. W . M ast, of Lee, O re .; R. O. Hatcher, of \lvrtie Point, Ore ; E. I>. Myers and W illiam H . M yers, of Lee, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly the above-described lands are re­ quested to file their claims In this office on or before said 11th day of A pril, 1907. B E N J A M IN L . E D D Y , Register. TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL a monthly publication containing plain, easily understood articles on the home, garden, farm and rang« — of inter»sUo every mem­ ber of the family — fclkd will» photograph* ar.d pictuies- L. Hartocker, Ieaiah Hacker, L. H . Hazard, R. E. Shine. MAKE NO MISTAKE ILED THING give you com- PRIVATE HOSPITAL I L z plete protection / am prepared to treat all and long service You cant afford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed Medical and Surgical Cases. The best dealer* sell it S p a a la l R a t s « The said real estate to which reference 1s made hereinalsive and to which plaint­ iff seeks by this suit to have his title quieted is particularly described as fol­ lows, to-w it: I aits 33, 34, 35 ami 36, in block 1 ; lots 23, 2 4, 25, i l l , 31, 32, 33. 34, 35, a n d 3 6 , | wooo<>ooo o o o o o o o o o o o < x FRED SLAGLE T A I L O R That his title in and to the certain real estate ill said complaint and here­ all of you be forever enjoined and re­ strained from setting up any claim of right, title or interest in or to the said real estate or any part or parcel thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equi­ table. m ads * J vow«I* to. M M ON M M C O Q U IL L E V A L L E Y plaint, a succinct statement of which is as follow s: inafter particularly described, and every part and parcel thereof, be quieted against you, thu said defendants, nnd against each and all of you, and that you the said defendants, and each and Crocker Wool worth N 'l Bank, San Fmndece Firet Nat l Bank of Portland. PortUa.I. Of D R. W E T M O R B ’S o « br >»® Notice is herebygiven that in com pli­ ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An SUKSIT MAGAZINE beautifully illu«t;a!rd,good«torirs and interesting article« about California and aH the far West. . SUNSET M AGAZINE the County of Cooa ami Stale of Ore- The Breakwater p.cked up a red- j ^ according to the pUl o( Mi), woo l dugout, on her Iftnt trip up the ( tion on file and of record in the office of ooaat. It probably went adrift dur- the County Clerk of said Cooa County, iug high water in the Klara ith ami ■ Service of I hia anmmona i* mad- by I waa carrie 1 to sea by the ebb tide. I v " lì'»'lon ln !„,ran.nce of an order' , , • , »t . . „ . mede by John F. Hell, m Count? Jn«tge It had evidently been uaed as« fiah- Ooos County, Oregon, dated March ing boat o ft shore, and was un -, 4tl>, 1907, dliecting that service thereof j doubtdlv the property of an Indian. •«* made by publication thereof in the as no anne white man Would attempt Coquille Hanau., a weekly newspaper* to propel it with .sirs. The dugout “ th* Ci'Jr 01 Co9 ° " lf- in i . . . . . . . t v . 1 Coos County, once euch w e e k for ft pori* » la about H feet long, and » « g b i o( lit w k l , J. J. STANLEY. •lean ton -Cooa Cay News. | Attorney for Plaintiff. . A gent F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K As I have goue out of business I wish to close up my books and op coQUibiiW, o r r o o r . all account» not paid by January ' I ' r a n H a c t B a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s s 1, 1907, oolection and 10 per cent Carrs,,saSsaD. i t i l i sf Direste». will he added. National Baak of Commerce, New York City K. 0 . Dement, A . J . Sherwood, Z. C . S t r a n o . A!! t!.rcc f j r .......... Cbas. Kistner who has been here 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 25, in block several weeks vising with his broth, 16; lots 23, 24, 25, and 26, in block 17; lota 25, 26, 27, and 28, in block 18; lots er, W. L. Kistner, from Humboldt 1, 2 ,3 , 4, 5, ft, 7, 8 , 23, 24, 25, and 26, in county, California, started for hia block 19; lota 13 and 14 in block 2 3 ; home Wedneaday. His mother who lots 33, 34, 35, and 3«, in biock 29; lots came with him and who has been ill 9 and 10, in block 31 ; l >ts 33. 34, 35, and for a week or so, bad not so far re­ » , in block 34; lots 5, ft, 7, 8. 9, 10, II, covered as to b e able to go at that 18, 19. 20, 21. 22, 2», 24, 25, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, and 34, in block 35; lota 1, time, but will continue her visit for 2, 3, 4, 5 . 0. 10, II, 12, 13, 14. 15, a while. 1«, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, ami 24, in For the convenience of onrycnato- mere we are running our new de­ livery wngon and your orders will receive prompt attention. G b o. A Robinson. Prosper, Oregon. In the Name of the State of Oregon : Y ou , and each of you, are hereby noti­ K0A3 C? A THOUSAND WMDCffl a book cf 75 page», containing fied that you are required to appear and 120 colored photographs of $0.75 answer the com plaint filed against you picturesrpie spot* in California in the above entitled suit within six and Oregon. weeks from the date of the first publi­ T otaJ • • . $ 2.75 cation of this sum m ons, to w it: W ith ­ $ 1.50 in six weeks from the 6th day of March, AD’ JPr.SS ALL CÎ1DERS TO 1907, tbe same being the date of the first publication of this sum m ons. And if you fail to appear and answer FLOOD BUILDING SAN fftANC.'OO on or before the 17th day of Ap ril, 1907, the same being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, The most precious gift is the eye sight. the plaintiff will apply to the court for Do not trifle with it. the relief demanded in plaintiff’ s com ­ several sons and dm gliterH who are j 35, and 34. in block 3; lots 17. 1«, Ift. *1 residents o f this cou n ty.— R o s .b u r g j 21, 22, 23, 21,2.1, 33, II, m l 31, R e view . block r' < lot* >. *. *. L *. «• 21,22. 21, 2 1 Those wishing fine carpet nnd rug weaving done, will remember that Mrs. K. Holverson now resides in the Holier g home near the Academy. N e ts P. N e lso n . l. N. HA2RA0, Csskls R. t. SHIRE. «1st Prss 1A J S herwood fret. This is to T od . C O Q U IL L E , It costs you'notbing to see - - O R E G O N F irst-C lass M’G.[Pohl, Registered Optician fd e a lls a t a l L. H. PEARCE H A R N E S S -H A K E R H ou rs F forn 6 a m to 9 p m . S e r v ic e . Myrtle Point, Ore. Ollice in W . 11. Sehroeder’ s Jewelry Store, first W E ARE T H E L A R G E ST ADVERTISERS £ I AT THE a r* -i A complete stock o f Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stock o f tents, wagons cotters, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. x M i O O K U m l\ C S T (lll r a n t , C A H A R R IN G T O N , P rop rietor. REAL E S T A T E — — W o M a k s R a t e s to IN T H E ----- UNITED S T A T E S W E will sell your farm . home, or business property wherever situated. Send for our blank to give description o f same and have it listed with us. W e have buyers for property all over the United States and y ou r fo r m , home or business property m a y be ju st v.hat our customers want. If you w ant to b u y a farm , home or business p r o p e r ty , v i i t e t\- t o - j « y what you w ant and in w h a t F i*te. county, or town you wunt to locate. W c issue a i.ew booklet o f fa rm s, home« and b o d -e ss property that we have fo r sale every m o i P <1 k . ;.t on request. You had b etter !.**'•• '«»;•• hom e or business p r op erty listed wi* h us fo r ou r next issue. If you need the serv ice of an attorney before the Patent O ffice o r o th e r branches of the Government in this city , w e w ill give you the name of a reliable firm . W rite today. Address -j« rr Drane’s Store, C ö m m e n e ia l Peöpla D E A L E R IN Fancy and Staple Groceries. O M .V I 1 J M E N I S Washington, D. C W p gii u'an tco b e tte r w ork « t lo w e r p rices . A o h o , c . JULl i R k J Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of Ooos Bay Monumental Works. E. J. TOTTEN & CO. Bond Building S p e c ia l A tte n tio n G iv e n to Regulan Boarders, than can be had We carry a Flour and. I^eed. Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prioes the lowest consistent with good goods. e lse w h e re . | FRONT ST. C O Q U IL L E D o n o t o r d e r m o n u m e n ta l w ork u n til y o u have SEEN US STEWART & MITCHELL Phone, Main 1731. Marshfield Oregon MARSHFIELD General Hospital Incandescent Electric Light Pre** Accepted throughout the civilized world th* aa the moat universally satisfactory >1- Button luminant for and CHEAPEST light known. Cleanest, A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every to Eauipment new and modern (articular. Rales from per week Including room, baard, general nursing and drugs. all purposes. Most Convsnient, Safest, snd tbs there Tbst furnished by the C O Q U TLLB you R IV E R have class and up to date in every respect. It. The ratea place it within reach o f all E L E C T R IC CO is «rat Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE.