In the Name of th e State of Oregon : A nice line of sheet music has just been received by C- E. Barker You, and each of you, are hereby noti­ & Co. Call early and get the best. fied that you are required to appear and Wm. Reeder, of Michigan, is in Coos county taking a look about with a view of investing in real es­ tate in case he found something to suit him. I f you need a Ledger, Journal. Daybook or any other k'nd of Blank, go to Knowlton’s Drug store, W. L. Laird, of Bandon, who had been on the bay for a while, re­ turned Wednesday and proceeded to Bandon by the dispatch. O F F IN A LSETTLEM ENT, Notice is hereby give that the undersign* ed has this day filed in the Connty Court for Coos Connty, Oregon, hia final acoonnt in the matter of the administration of the estate of R. H. Charlton, deceased, and that said Conrt has set Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 1907, as the day for hearing objections to said final account and the set­ tlement of said estate. Dated this 30th day of January, 1907. JAM ES FRENCH . rapyinistratoof the Estate o f R. H. Charl­ ton, deceased. MAGAZINE REAPERS Medical and Surgical Cases. -tv**** AjTOWt« CO BOfcYONU** TOwlft CA*»0'*N CO LV* TO-O-'O V— S p ecia l R ates The Mercy Hospital AT N0HTH BEND N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 28, 1906. Is now open for the recep­ tion of patieuts. The terms ¡ire $10 per week and u p w a rd s. For particulars cf the For Further Particulars Address Dr. WETMORE, P h o n e !» 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE P atents T rade M arks D e s ig n s 'r r v w C o p y r ig h t s Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quit/»!» «»»certain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable tlon» strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelTS tpecial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest d r- culatlon o f any sclentlflo Journal. Terms. M a year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. JO H N Y O A K A M , President- W . T. D E M E N T Sec’y & Mgr. J. M. W A G N E R . Vice President. ENTERPRISE MEfIT CO., Successors to Dean & Morgan. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and SaJt Meats Lard Hams and Bacon- PqiNCIPfIL PLACE Of BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON MUNN New York Branch Office, CT6 F BU Washington. D. C- $0.50 J. M. BARKER, Prop. B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S WHEN IN NEED $2.75 A!! three f o r .............. $1.50 W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . Parties having hauling of any kind will receive prompt attention by call- in Phone 116. A g e n t lo r th«t b e s t G o o s C o u n ty Goal. CALL A1 SUNSET MAGAZINE S L A G I j E X P R ED - - OREGON REAL ESTATE --- IN THE---- L. H. PEARCE H A R N E S S -H A K E R f f i e a ll s a t a l H o u s e p r o m 6 a m to 9 p m . M y r t le P o in t, Ore. Skookum Restaurant, &£S THE LARGEST ADVERTISERS “«r T A ILO R against you, the said defendants, and F irst-C laas against each and all of you, and that S e rv io s . It costs youjnothing to see you the said defendants, and each and all of you be forever enjoined and re­ M,\G.\Pohl, Registered Optician Office in strained from setting up any claim of right, title or interest in or to the said W. H . R cliroeders Jewelry Store, first real estate or any part or parcel thereof, AT TH E and for such other and further relief as , Those wishing fine carpet and to the court may seem meet and equi­ rug weaving done, will remember table. P. J. Lindberg, of Port Orford, who had been to Han Francisco for medicnl treatment, having been ail­ ing somewhat for a while, passed through this city on his return the middle of last week. Knowlton’s Drug Store. 0 0 0 < Y feO O O COOOOOOOOOOOOM C O Q U IL L E , That his title in and to tbe certain Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ ders, give instant relief. Price 25 real estate in said complaint and here­ cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille inafter particularly described, and every part and parcel thereof, be quieted City; 0. Y . Lowe, Bandon. C A H A R R I N G T O N , P ro p rie to r A complete stock o f Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons covers, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to C o m m e r c i a l P e o p le Wo M a k e R a t e s to R e g u la r * B o a s d c c s . Drane’s Store, U N ITED STATES W E w ill aell your farm , home, o r business property wherever situated. Send fo r our blank to i give description o f name same and have it Hated with us. W e have buyers fo r prop property 1th ua. all over the United States and your farm, .home > or business property may be just what our customers want. I f you want to buy a farm, home or business property, w rite us to-day what you want and in w hat state, county, or town you w ant to locate. W e issue a new booklet o f farms, homes and business property that we have for sale every month and sent on reauest You had better have your farm, home or business property listed with us for our next iasue. I f you need the aervice o f an attorney before the Patent Office or other branches of the Government in thia city, w e will give you the name o f a reliable firm. W rite today. Address 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, in block 11: lots 13,11.1 Ned C- Kelley, of this city, the 15, 18, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 25, in block 1 Washington, D. C. painter and paper hanger, was up 16; lots 23, 24, 25, and 26, in block 17; | Bond Building lots 25, 2R, 27, and 28, in block 18; lots j from Riverton, Wednesday, where I, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, and 2fl, in he has been doing an extensive job block 19; lota 13 and 14 in block 23; on the mill company's residence, lots 33, 34, 35, and 36, in block 29; lots now occupied by the superintend­ 9 and 10, in block 31; lots 33, 34, 35, and 36, in block 34; lota 5, ft, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ent, Mr. Norval, and family. 18, 19. 20, 21. 22, 28, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, I have at my place on Hall'a creek 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, in block 35; lota 1, 4 miles above Arago. 1 team, 2 cows, 2, 3, 4, 5. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 3 calves and some carpenter tools 16,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, in that must be sold soon. Any one block 36; and lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, ft, 7, 8, 9, j 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1«. 17, 1», 19, 20 needing any of those things should 21, 22, 23, 24. 25, 28, 27, 28 , 29, 30, 31 oall and see me. B. B. P aul . 32, 33, and 34, in block 45; all in Port­ liS !? th r * r H en H e lp » m Mrs. Chas. Peterson, who has land Addition to the town of Bandon, in the Connty of Cooa and State of Ore­ Isfled w ith less than |S p r o fit p e r been in Ashland visiting with her r ar * * c h an d e v e ry h en you gon, according to the plat of aaid addi-| , VF ,.M r ’ ,,F n w ill e a rn the t ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Prioe, lion on file and of record in the office of e.orir It you g iv e h er a chance. hre w in * L illy -« R est Poultry for several weeks since her return the County Clerk of aaid Cooa County. ronic Th en sh e w ill b e In trim P 1 .J j 'T ’ V " P . a n e g g -a -d a y g ait, Service of thia summons is made by tfrom a sojourn of about a year in i aint a h o ard u n d er h er roost once w « k w ith Lilly's B est Kansas while her husband made a publication in pursuance of an order l.lo - K ille r It w ill rid the h en ­ made by John F, H all, aa Countv Judge h ouse of verm in. L i lly 's B e st trip to Alaska, came in over the In s e rt Powder, ap p lie d to hen or of Cooa County, Oregon, dated March rh li-k i. p a y s t o r Itse lf twenty-fold Drain route last week, reaching this 4th, 1907, directing that aervice thereof t.lll\ « I. -st flo o d s. a r e m a d e on city on Thursday. She reports her be made by publication thereof in the this ''a r t fo r this co ast. Far s a le by. Coquille H e r a l d , a weekly newspaper parents as being well pleased at Ashland, where they will probably puhliahed at the C ity of Coqnille, in said Cooa County, once each week for a peri­ remain there for some time. Mr. od of aix weeka. J. J. S T A N L E Y , ?et( rsen Hist his wife at the bay. Attorn ey for Plaintiff E. J. TOTTEN & CO. f Ä . © 0 » II. S. Knowlton. 0f DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES. a yea/ photograph* «rr°iIUb,e- D°n t COQUILLE, OREGON N O R TH BEND. OREGON Coquille Transfer Co., no AT CF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of 75 page», certiininç colored of $ 0 . 7 5 picturesque tpoU in California and Oregon. Total . . . 120 Accouche­ Train Nurses in Attendance. a p p ly to Sisters of Mercy m a d e fo r m ent. TOWN AND C0UNTNY JOURNAL a monthly publication containing plain, easily-understood articles on the home, gardeo. farm and range— of intereat to every mem­ ber family — filled with photograph* and picture». prepared to treat all 1 "a «»jo a year $1.50 answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publi­ cation of this summons, to w it: W ith ­ in six weeks from the 6th'day of March, 1907, the same being the date of the ADDRESS A L L ORDERS TO first publication of this summons. And if you fail to appear and answer F L O O D BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO on or before the 17th day of A pril, 1907, the same being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiff w ill apply to the court for The most precious gift is the eye sight. the relief demanded in plaintiff’s com­ Do not trifle with it. plaint, a succinct statement of which is as follow s: that Mrs. K.Holverson now resides The said real estate to which reference in the Holier g home near the is made hereinabove and to w hich plaint­ Academy. t iff seeks by this suit to have his title J. T. Bridges, the Myrtle Point quieted is particularly described as fol­ merchant, who hnd been to Wash­ lows, to -w it: Lots 83, 34, 3ft anil 3ft, in block 1; hit-' ington, D. C., to give testimony, 23, 24, 25, 2ft, 31, 38, 33 34 . 35, m I ;s. ■ n the I hih ' r ise against Herman", in block 2; lots 4, 5, ft, 7, S, 9, hi. 33 .1. returned laat wedeesdsv. He w n 35, and 3ft, in block 3; lo ts 17. 13. "i I. met nt. tho b iy bv bin wife and 31, 22, 23, 24, 29, 39, 31, m I t , block 5: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ft. 21 23, 2 •> «laughter. 27 and 28, in block ft; lots 1 M ! > ¡i-> For tbe convenienee of our ro«tn 20, in block 8; lots II*. 2 1 . 21. an I 22. in mers we nr« running our ne-.v .l<- block 9; lots 29 an i 30, in to . k l i t lias livery wngon and your or lers will 13, 14, 15, 1«, 19 . 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25 receive prompt attention. Geo. A 27, 28, 29, 50, and 31, in I tnek 13; lot Robinsou. / am You ckitt afford to bijy any other J O H N Y O A K A M _________ J. W . W A G N E R ________ W, T. D E M E N T. SUNSET MAGAZINE beautifully iiluatiated.good atones and interesting articles about California and all the far West. BRAND > N O N IC E FISH ; The best, cheapest aud most con- nient power on the market, T O W E R 'S . . . Buffalo Gasolene Engines P R I V A T E H O S P IT A L OILED CLOTHING T IM B E R L A N D A C T , J U N E 3, 1878 Notice is hereby given that in compli­ ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Cregon, Nevada, and Washington T erritory,” as extend­ ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, George W . King, of Montague, county of Siskiyou, State of California, has this day filed in this of­ fice his sworn statement No. 6996, for the purchase of Lots 4 and 5 of Section No. 6 in Township No. 28 8, Range No. 11 W ., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk and Clerk of County Court Coos County, at his office in Coquille, Oregon, on Thurs­ day, the 11th day of April, 1907. R enam es as witnesses: J. W . Mast, of Lee, Ore.: R. O. Hatcher, of M vrtle Point, Ore.; E. D. Myers and W illiam H. Myers, of Lee, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly the above-described lands are re­ quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 11th day of A pril, 1907. B E N J A M IN L. E D D Y, Register. DR. W E T M O R E ’S you w ant c o m p le te protection an d lon g s e rv ic e . These and many other good points are combined In - w Agent for WET W EATHER C L O T H IN G National Bank of Cummeroe. N .w York City Crocker Woolworth N T Bunk, San Ft rat Nat’l Bank uf Portland, Portland. Or - E. Goodbout, H , J. Dexhei- mer, G. W . Dexheim er, H . M. Frick, W . 8. Beach. J. P. H ill, Dr. H . V . Olymer, J. E. Paul. Suit J, M. Broderick, R. B. Beads, in Jason Curtis, J. F .(Collins, J. Equity A riding pony and five head of F. Dooley, H . D. Päge, S.. F. to Quiet cattle for sale. Inquire of 8. M Crouter, Carrie B. Crouter, Dr. A. J. Provoet, O. J. Dietz, "Ktle. Rowan, Fishtrap. J. J. McKenzie. H . J. Har­ W . H. Thomas, the lower river per, M. J. Harper, L. L. Or- .vis, Linda L. Orvis, Orel D. lumberman, returned Wednesday Orvis, J. 8. Anderson, H. An­ derson, J. H. Shepherd, H. M. from a few days’ visit at the bay, Rogers Henry J. M iller, and W anted . — Parties to cut wood for M ollie G. Foster, Defendants . ) the steamer Echo. Apply for partic­ T o A. J. Hackett, C. Kundert, J. L. ulars on board the boat. Krouse, Ole A. Quam, L. E. Goodbout, When in need of a nice bath, hot H . J. Dexheimer, G. W . Dexheimer, H. or cold, dont, forget Chas. Moomaw, M . Frick, W . 8. Beach, J. P. H ill, Dr. H . V . Clymer, J. E. Paul, J. M. Brod­ just aoross Front street from Hotel erick, R . B. Beatis, Jason Curtia, J. F. Coquille. Collins, J. F. Dooley, H . D. Page, 8. F. F ob S a l e . Fine Jersey bull, en- Crouter, Carrie B. Crouter, Dr. A. J. titled to registration, 3 years old. Provost, O. J. Dietz, J. J. McKenzie, H . J. Harper, M . J. Harper, L. L. Or­ Enquire of E. Burgess' Lamps. vis, Linda L. Orvis, Orel D. Orvis, J. 8. George Quigley was over from Anderson, H . Anderson, J. H. Shep­ Marshfield Wednesday for a visit herd, H . M. Rogers, H enry J. M iller, with E li Swoarengin, of Cedar and M ollie G, Foster, the above-named defendants: Point. He returned Thursday. Mr. McCormae, the Marshfield physician, had business which call ed him to Coquille on Thursday. Prosper, Oregon. C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Law ­ yers of Washington D. 0., have now ready their diary aud memor­ andum book for 1907, which they will send on receipt o f p o s ta g e 2 cents. This little book is useful. No where else that we know can so much be bad for so little.’ When you bqy ■air* af Olrsalara. R. U. Damant, A . J. Sherwood, L. Harlockar, L. H. Hazard, Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. fc" IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E W. P . Fuller’s prepared paiuts, S T A T E O F OREGON IN A N D FOR oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb & T H E C O U N T Y OF C 0 0 8 . Co’s. J. 8. Lawrence, Plaintiff, Nice newline Ladle’s corsets;also vs. Misses corset waists, just received at A . J. H ackett, C. Kundert, J. L . Krouse, Ole A. Quam, L. J. W. Leneve. Nels P. Nelson. A 1 9 0 7 Diary, Memorandum And Ac­ count Book for Two Cents As I have gone out of business I wish to close up my books and all accounts not paid by January 1, 1907, colection and 10 per cent will be added. Z. C . S t r a n g . ' Mr. T affeigh — “ I ’m glad, sir, to . List your property with the Home For Sale have met you. I admire a man who Realty Co. has made some provision for the fu­ Five shares in Riverton telephone J. R. McGee was up from River­ ture.” — Lewis Jerome in Woman's Line, which entitles the holder to ton Thursday. one phone on tbe line. Enquire of Home Companion for March. Fresh garden seed of all kinds at W. D. R o b e r t s Coquille Or. Phone Knowlton's Drugstore. Notice. No. 32x1. The People’s Market always Notice is hereby given that all ----------- » « f e e keeps fresh vegetables. Coos County warrants drawn on Eggs For Hatching J. F. Lee, of Riverton, transacted general fund and endorsed prior to From all thoroughbred stock— business in Coquille on Wednesday. April 1, 1905 will be paid on pre­ 8. C. Brown Leghorn, $1 per setting Have you examined that fine Pan­ sentation at my office in Coquille or $5 per 100. Black Menorca and ama dress goods at O Wilson & City, Oregon. White Plymouth Rocks, $1 per set­ Co's. No interest will be allowed after ting. No hundred lots. Also some young registered Jer­ J. B. D ulley Nnitrito or “ Socialist Coffee," a March 31, 1907. fine and refreshing morning drink T reasurer Coos County Oregon. sey cattle and Berckshire pigs. J. C. W atso n . at Drane’s. Dated Coquille City, Oregon, March • regon, Drane has a large stock of shoes 25, 1907. of all grades. H e offers bargain SUM M ONS. to rich and poor. F oh S a l l . 60 ecres of land, 20 acres bottom. Situated on newly finished rail road survey. Within a few minutes ride by rail from the towns cf Prosper and Bandon, where realestate is rapidly changing bands at fabulous prices, and new indus­ tries springing up on every band. One quarter mile from store, post office and best country icbool in Co. Milk and cream taken from ranch landing dai^- by steumer to choice to a number of A 1 creameries. A snap where money can be doublet in a year or two easy. Underlaid with coal of the Beaver H ill fields. Address this office. i- “ Dement’8 Best Hour ia the kind Tbe right goods at the right Drane sells. i price at W. T. Kerr’s. W hite spray flour $1. 25 per sack T. P. Hanly, one of Coos county's at Laud & Lyons. most enterprising and successful D. F- DEAN, EDI TOR AND PROPRIETOR For bargains in shoes, see Drane dairymen, of near Lampa, had busi- at his new store. ! ness in town Friday. County Official Paper. Timber coal and farm lands. Tbe F ob S a l e . One hundred acres, Home Realty Co. PUBLISHED EVKKY WEDNESDAY. house, barn and orchard. Some bottom land and nearly 50 seres Devoted to tbe material and eooial up­ For Generations Yet Unborn. pasture laud on the place, within 2 building of tbe Oognille Valley particularly miles of post office and boat landing. end of Coos County generally. M h . P o bk pac k x — 'Yes, sir, my A bargain for cash on terms. A d­ Subscription, per year, in advanoe, $1.60 canned meats I guarantee will keep dress N ellie Took, Box 10, Arago, Phone, Main 55. Or. good for years in any climate.” Coquille l|erald. D E A LE R IN OM M NTS - oos Bay Monumental W orks. We guarantee better work at lower prices, than can bo had elsewhere. Do not order monumental work until you have SEEN US STEW AR1 & MITCHELL Phone, Main 1731. Marshfield Oregon Fancy and Staple Groceries. A CHOICE LIN E OF . Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of ïd o n r and. F e e d . Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. FR O N T ST. C O Q U ILLE Incandescent Electric Light * M A R S H F IE L D General hospital P ré « the as the moat universally satisfactory il- Button luminant for Cleanest, Most A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every Equipment new and modern particular. Rates from 1 5 t o ^ 3 0 p e i" w e e k Including room, baard, g.-neral nursing and drugs. Miss S. C. Lakem an, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon Accepted throughout tbe civilized world all parposes. Convenient, Safest, and the and C H E A P E S T light known. there That furnished by the C O Q U ILL E you R IV E R CO have class and up to date in every respect. It. The rates place it within reach o f all E L E C T R IC ie fir it FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. >