New line of ladies’ ties at Robin­ An elegant lot < jf new silks just Persia n lawn, all kinds of linens F or S ale . A registered C'-ve- son, s. m a t “The What 9 House.” Onion sets at Knowltons’s. organdies, silk mull, nets, laoes A and Boy stallion and Black War­ Mrs.. Maury and daughter Emma, Winter goods at cost at Wilson’s. Draue’s phone at new utore is 353. N ew spring' j md summer dress embroideries just in at the White rior Jock. For particulars oall »u return ed from Myrtle Point yester­ goods just shefir 6s at Mrs. Nosler’s. House. Go to Mrs. Gilkeys for Eaeter or write W. H. Lyons, Coquille New waists for spring and sum1 day. | candies. Ed. Wieder came over in in naer at O. Wilson, & C o’s Foie S alk Cl ood single buggy For a good, slick shave or a nice Choice onion sets at Knowltons harm is*. Marshfield on Friday and visited a Shoes that can’t be beaten at All winter goods gointg at cost at lnod Kerr’s. O. Wilson A Co’s. Coquille. maw’s place, just across the street D. K . Lewis was down from Tuttle, and some of his young B. F. Tupper, of Hotel Coquille, Marshall Steele was down from W illis® Ho well, tbe pioneer log­ from H otel Coquille. Gravel. Ford Monday. friends. is somewhat indisposed th*e last few Is successfully operated by Fishtrap on Saturday. days. Mrs. Nonda Anderson, of the lower ger, s;oe»i t v o or three days in town Full line of Diamond W canned last woek. a boy or girl, and with ease Go to Drane’s for “ De.ment’s was in Coquille on Monday. goods at O. Wilson and Co’s. Under New Management. Bent” flour. Call at tb« i White Houae and gee Try a package of Dr. Price's Cel- milks from twenty to twenty- Geo. A. Robinson has just re­ the new* hat j, caps and ail kinds of George Colvin, of Halls cr eek, lery Food, sold by Land A Lyons five cows per hour. Ho ex- ceived sixty dozen Brown Shoes. went to the Bay on business la O. Wilson A Co. have Oyeter novelty goo ds. A new line of Spring Goods just Monday. shell and fc'rit, just what your A new line of warranted rust pensiue machinery required. in at Mrs. Nosler’s. proof cor sets in white, drab and Ladies! Call and see the new chickens need.. Cost of Milker within reach Large stock of grass seed at line of belts and lace collass at black, n t J Robinson’s. .J. E. Quick has opened a general S t r ic t l y Knowlton Drug Store. Kerr’s. Rev. F. M. Sanderlin, of the wool working repair shop next of the smallest producer. F ir s t -C l a s s . Will Peterson, the Arsgo farmer, Rev. B. B. Paul, of the Halls door to the Sentinel office. country? below Bandon, had busi­ had business in Coquille on Satur creek section, went to the Bay Ladies’ Sweat, ^rs, wrappers and ness in «Coquille Monday. day. Monday to see his son Bert. underskirts at O. Wilson A Co’s. Gr: indma Fish is exceedingly low See the beautful display of silver See the beautiful line of ladies Attention Dairy men, Knowlton and r ,11 hopes of her rallying have Oppoaite I. O. O. F. Hall. Representative for Coos County. ware in the window of E,- C. Barker and misses shirt waists just in at Successor to J. T. Little has a large stock o f fodder corn, been abandoned. Later. As we A Co. Mrs. Nosler’s. Write for Descriptive Literature beet seed, carrot see d, and Vetches. go t j press word come» that the Mrs. C. O. Gilke’y hr.s a beantiful Mr. Freund, manager of the oil­ Mrs. Mingus eai me over Wed­ old I jady has passed away. selection of Easter cn ndies and no boring operations near Dairyville, LO CA L N E W S . nesday with the doett r and visited tious. P laces to Rent. Those wishing had business in Coquille a day or in town while he wen t to Bandon. George Terry, the engineer, re fo r ent ranches will oall upon or ad Gold Seal Rubber Boots worth so last week. W. P. Fuller’s pr»i >ared paints, dre ss W. L. Kistner, Coquille. turned from the Bay Mouday. twice as much as any other make at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cleghorn oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Drane’s. Large stock of Blank Books at moved to the old Yager place near Co’s. Knowlton’s Drugstore. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Smith of Arago, last Monday, where they Mrs. H. J . Rice came ¿Jown from Dave Carey, of Myrtle Point, Bandon, were Coqui'ile visitors on will spend tbe summer. Etelka on Sunday and will visit for Lard, Ring up 131 or send your orders shook hands with old friends in Friday. to Robinsons store and have your some time with her parents, .Mr. and town last Saturday. Any thing in ladies and misses goods delivered at once. le a n ftirnish the following Thor­ Hams, Mrs. T . A. Walker. For first-class watch repairing to corsets and corset waistB at Mrs. oughbred eggs at $2 per setting. The uniforms of the Red Men Nosler’s. The Home Realty Co., hat' tbe to W. H. Schroeder's. We Carry -j Bacon, have come and there will be an ex­ buyers List your property .with Pekin Ducks, J . O. Stemler, of Dora, was in A. 8. Hammond, the attorney, re­ cursion by the Tribe of this city to them. White Leghorns, Sausage, town Monday, being on his way turned from a business trip to the Marshfield next week. Rhode Island Reds, Mrs. A. L. Carver, of Myrtle. home from the bay. bay on Friday The steamer Liberty took the run Fresh and Salt Meats. Barred Plymouth Rocks Point, was a Coquille visitor otr For a genuine dandruf cure, go S eed O ats . George Robinson, at of the Dispatch a day or so last Eggs shipped anywhere in. the We are headquarters for everything in the meat line, to Slocum's drugstore. Roy place, has a fine ofjlot seed oats week while the latter was having Monday. She came down to con­ Your eou' oty. Send in your order tiow sult Dr. Wetmore. R. W. Lundy, the Myrtle Point for sale. some repairs made to her machinrey. wants always receives prompt attention. JOHN W. FLANAGAN, hardware mao, had business at the A New line of infants long and J . W. Traver a Marshfield busi­ We have just received a large as­ Marshfield,. Oregon. county seat on Saturday. Short clothes just received at Mrs. sortment of the famous Cluett and ness man, was a passenger to the Nosler’e. Monarch shirts for men. Robinson’s Choice onon sets at 12£ cents at Point by Friday’s train. Knowlton’si Drugstore. Mrs. J . R. B. Shelton, of Beaver W. V. Cope, of Dairyville, who A. N. Arnold, of the upper river, slough, went home Monday after- a had been here visiting his daugh­ Captain Robert John son, of the accompanied by his wife and daugh­ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Drive ters, the Medames Nye and Belloni, The regular Skating schedule is lifesaving crew at the Bandon sta­ ter, went to Bandon on Friday for a and son Lex Cope, started for his Perkins, of this city. tion, made Coquille a short visit on short visit. 9 8 follows: borne on Friday. Robinson has just got more of Saturday. Call on Land A Lyons for staple Tuesday, Thursday and Dermain will positively cure dan­ those up-to-date snappy shoes t han O. Wilson & Co, are selling out and fancy groceries. A ll goods he can get on bis shelves. druff, make the hair grow and stop winter stock at actual cost. guaranteed. falling, At Slocum’s Drug Store. B orn . In Coquille, Ore gon, Saturday nights for all from On Shoes, so they tell us when we Oscar Hughes, aged 18, working March 22,1907, to Mr. and Mrs. 7:30 to 10 p. m. at Anger’s camp, had the misfor- James Hatcher, a daughter. Dr. are buying. Perhaps we are. Matinee, Wednesday and tune to partially amputate two of Wetmore was in attendance. Nothing less than tbe very best the fingers of his left hand. Dr. Robinson lias just received c, large Saturday afternoons from 2 obtainable is good enough for Whetmore dressed the injured shipment of ladies muslin, ki rit un­ us, and the price must bo right to 4:30 p. m. for Ladles and derwear, corset covers and e(;c. members. too. Here’s a shoe as easy as an Dale Mynatt of North Bend, their escorts. Mrs. J. E. Perrott is closing out old ono, yet it fits perfectly, no at cost her entire stock of millinery, who has been on the lowei river GAGE & N0SLER, Props fancy goods, ladies’ and children’s visiting his brother Carl for a few surplus space, no rubbing, no underwear aud hosiery. W e spend what other people days, returned to the Bay by Mon­ pinching, no cramped toes, easy TO HAVE, call the dull days of March and The Mountain Springs creamery day’s train. on the .feet easy on the purse. April making customers—not money; has had a new wharf built and is Send your order to Land A building up business--not bank ac­ rapidly being prepared to begin the Lyons and. get your goods delivered AND One hundred years ago clothing such as wo counts. T h ere’s a well beaten season’s work. A meeting of the promptly. We run our owu delivery show today was simply out of the question. We path. It leads directly to our doors. J . E- Michael, of Myrtle Point, dairymen will be held there at 10:30 have sold a better suit all winter at $15 than Throngs of buyers traverse it day a. m. the 30th. A large attendance is was in towu Monday. He return­ George Washington had when he was President. after day. Shows that we are We are sAlling this suit now for $10. Wouldn’t ed recently from Pasoo, Watbing- VVHI'JH pays expected. strengthening the friendly business George think he had struck something besides a tou, tbe boms of his parents, Mr. and Ladies, do you do eyelet embroi­ Use 1 »"ATKINS’ STOCK AND cherry tree if he looked in our store today? We relations between the store and the dery? If not, call ut the White Mrs. P. A. Michael, whom !ho re­ POULT.JV2 FOOD. You can gel know that the $10 suits would bo good enough public without which there can be House aud buy a piece and be ports will. taught free of charge. no success. it in 1 ,nl»i, in quantities to suit pur. for him—they’re good enough for anybody. I have accepted the agency for Parties wanting Logan berry ‘‘White River” Flour and will guar­ oha* ^»-Si from a p0un(j to a ton, plants can get them at Myrtle Point antee every sack. G-eo. A. Robin­ x o tbeir general agent, at 50 cents per dozen. Address son. M. B R E N W A L D , Coquille. lock box 14G. This berry is the fa­ Jason Machado, the Myrtle Point J . 8. Henry went to the bay F r i­ mous discovery of Mr. Burbank, Be sure and sea that fine Panama merchant, who has been ill fo c Successor to Z . C . Strang in W . O . W Building. day and will probably put in some of California, and is a cross between dress goods at O. Wilson A Co’s, W. T. Kerr carries the Stillson some time, went to Baxidon Mr,n_ Elbert Dver, tbe allround hustler time over there plying his trade; a raspberry and ablackbery, is one day by the Dispatch. He will visit A Kellogg loger shoes— best on of the best grown today. of Bandon, returned Monday from that of carpenter and builder. his brother, Alfred'hado, < ,f the 1 earth—aud every pair is guaranteed. When you wish to put in an or­ Your money back if ‘White River’ the bay, having come up from the lower river. flour is not satisfactory, Geo. A. der for some fresh groceries, don’t city on the Kilburn. forget to ring up the enterprise Robinson. In making biead from. **\Vhite 0 . Wilson A Co. have fine line of Meat Market, they keep them. River” Flour we uf a one fifth less T. T. Land, the merchant, return­ ladies’ sweaers, wrappers and Next Sunday. Marcn 31st, at the flour than you wo aid of ordinary ed Friday from a business trip to Manufacturer underskirts. Methodist Episcopal Church, Uuion grades. Geo. A. I .obi n son, agent. Buy your Spectacles and Eye . - mi J 011 «inde or W. E. Stnrtevant, of the film of ‘■’an Francisco. We presume that Easter Services at 11 a m. Rev. J. Those who en joy a feast of good Sturtevant A Crane, the loggers, had we will now see a great display of Thomas, Baptist Missionary Pastor Glasses of V. R. Wilson. Best things will not wish to miss the business up from the camp near new goods. will preach. Subject : “ The Res- goods. Sure fit. Spectacles and We are informed that M. G. Pohl, surection of Christ: its certainty and Eastor lunebeo n to be given by the Riverton on Saturday. eye glasses repaird correctly by one significance.” A hearty welcome ex­ Ladie s’ Aid of the M. E. Church at Phone us your orders and they the occulist of Myrtle Point, is tended to all. wno-knows how. the bo rne of Mrs. Butler Saturday, will be delivered at once. Robin­ quite ill and the probabilities are V. R. WILSON. sons, phone 131. For S ale . —A dark bay mare March 30. They serva from 5 to 7 i that it will be some time before he Graduate Optician. p. m., price 10c. weight 1150 pounds, good all.round James Boone is non at tbe throtle will be down this way again. worker— fine single driver, 12 years on locomotive No. 3, having been F or S ale . A nice new four room old, price $80. Inquire of M. T. 8 E E TH E promoted from fireman. His many cottage and lot 55x100 feet in the Clinton, Arago. friends are glad to see him have a north part of town. Inquire of E. W. Gregg or at the H erald office. W. R. Young, tne efficient and better position. Mr. and Mrs. Cal 81agle, of John­ gentlemauly youDg man who came W anted . —One hundred and fifty from Portland to help G. A. Robin­ cords of 30-inch wood cut. Enquire son's mill, were passengers to the son, the Front street merchant, bay on Wednesday, the latter going of G. S. Davis, Norway. through the holiday rush, remained Mrs. H. N. Lorenz, of this city, over to take a steamer for San Fran­ until yesterday, when he took his went Saturday to see her mother, cisco where she goes to see her leave for Portland, much to the re­ gret of the many friends he made Mrs. R. H. Pomeroy, of near Par­ mother, Mrs. Alfred Johnson. while here. F or S ale . Eight hed of ’elect kersburg, who just last week return­ To sell. Also land to Rent. !> 0 0 0 0 0