The Chicago wheat market ad- i Spoils Her Beauty. vanced more than a cent a bushel Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th yesterday, not on the edict of the St., New York, at one time had her a F- DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR American Society of Equity, but be- j beauty spoiled with skin trouble. cause bad weather in the winter She writes: “ I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years; but nothing County Official Paper. wheat districts and reported damage would cure it. until I used Buck- to the Argentine and Russian crops len’s Arnica Salve.” A quick and P U B L IS H E D E V E K Y W ED N ESD A Y. stiffened up the foreign market., sure healer for cuts, burns and 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s There is more wheat in the United sores. D e v o te d t o th e m ateriel and social . up- irjy States than is needed for home con­ drug store. Nnitrito or “ Socialist Coffee,” a TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fine and refreshing morning drink at Drane’s. United States Land Office, lloselnirg, Coquille Herald. baildinp at the Coquille Valley partKmlarl end o f Coos County generally. Subscription, per year, in advanoe, fl.oO Phone, Main 55. W. H. Thomas, the logger, was in town Thurday. Mrs. Frank Shannon, of Bandon, web in Coquille on Friday. Large stock of Blank Books at Knowlton’s Drugstore. Mrs. Nosier has some nice coats for misses that go at cost. B orn . In Marshfield, Oregon, January 27, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schetter a son. The best assortment of men’s dress shirts, at Robinson's. James Mast, the geniel clerk for the Prosper Mill Co., was in our city last Wednesday. Call and see those new “ Peter Pan” shirt waists for ladies at R ob­ insons. Mrs. Captain McCloskey, Myrtle Point, has returned from a visit at Pasadena, California.^ If you want a good sack of cflour call on Land & Lyons, they carry the White Spray. Oliver Spires, son of County Com­ missioner Spires, has gone to Cor­ vallis to take a course in dentistry. F or S a l e . — or trade.— A Hamil­ ton Piano—New. Will sell or trade for stock. M rs . V io l a S t r a n o . sumption, and the course o f the mar­ ket of this country will depend, from now until a new crop is grown, on the conditions in foreign coun­ tries. Some aid to the strength will, of course, be supplied by any damage to the growing crop in this country, but the foreign situation will control prices. Just at present Pacific Coast wheat growers are re­ ceiving slightly better prices than European values by reason of an un­ precedented demand from the Ori­ ent. The permanency of this de­ mand is by no meaus assured.— Ore­ gonian. L ost —A black silk waist, at Hersey's store or along the street to the Little church. Finder will please leave same at this office. F o r S a l e . — About 1 J acres of land near the Academy, good house, barn and out buildings. Also young orchard. Address J. A. Jacobson, North Bend, Oregon. Have you seen that new line of neckwear, at Robinson’s? THENEWY0RK WORLD Gold Soal Rubber Boots worth twice as much as any other make at Drane’s. TH RICE-A-W EER EDITION R ead wnerever the E nglish Language is Spoken. States of California, Oregon, Nevada, C ham b erlain’s Cough Rem edy A b so ­ and Washington Territory,” as extended to all Public Land States’ by act of Au- lutely Harmless. gust 4, 1892, Robert V anliorn, of 1031 6th West Seattle, county of King, The fault of giving children med­ State Ave., of Washington, filed in this office HOLLISTER’ S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bo»y Medioln» for Busy People Brlogt Golden Henlth and Renewed Vigor. ▲ specific f o r Constipation, Indigestion, Live and K idney '¿roubles. Pimples, Eczem a, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Hluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's R ocky Mountain Tea in tab­ let form , 35 cents a box. Genuine made by H ollister D rug C ompany , Madison, Wis. G O LDEN NUG GETS FOR S A L L O W P E O P L E on Hoy 19, 190Q, lii.s sworn state mont B A N K T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Board id Directors. ! i Correapondenta. R. C. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, 1 National Bank o f Connuerue, New York City • L . Harlocker, L. H . Hazard, Cfipcker W oolworth N ’ l Bank, San Francisco ' Isaiah Iiacker, R . E: fthine. | First Nafc’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or No. 7356 for the purchase of the South- . east quarter (SEl^) of Section No. 24, in Township No. 27, South of Range No. 19 West, W. M .,«nd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val­ uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regis­ ter and Receiver of this office at Rose- burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of February, 1907. He names as witnesses: B. Roy An­ derson, of Seattle, Wash., Albert Rehn- strom, of Ballard, Wash., E. L. Giles, of Roseburg, Oreg., B. O. McGee, of West Bêmtfcle, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly the above described lands are request­ ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of February, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. de Fox. DR. / T A IL O R H O S P IT A L am prepared to treat all Medical and Surgical Gases. Special Rates made fos Aeaouehe. ment. Train Nurses in Attendance. C oquille T ra n s fe r Co., SLA G LE W E T M O R B ’S P R IV A T E J. M. Barker. FRED For Further Particulars Address Dr. WETMORE, Phonem COQUILLE, OREGON Central Oregon State Normal School Opens T u e sd a y , A 25 , S e p t. 1906 ty of Trained Teachers. Four, Five and Six Year Courses. English, Latin, German and Music. New Physical and Chemical Laboratories. An excellent Library. Building newly furnished. C O Q U IL L E . - - OREGON want. Two free scholarships to each school district in Coos and Curry Countie A special feature of the Thrice-a For further information, address Week World has always been its serial fiction. It publishes novels A. L. BRIGGS, President, frtealls a t a l H o u r s pirst-C lass _____ DraiD, Oregcn by the best authors in the world, F P o m 6 a m to 9 p id . S ervice. novels which in book form sell for $1.50 apiece, and its high standard in this respect will be maintained in tbe future as in the past. WHEN IN NEED OF THRICE A-WEEK W ORLD’S C. A H A R R IN G T O N , P roprietor. regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, an l this pays for S p e c i a l A t t e n t io n G iv e n to Wo M a k e R a te s to 156 papers. We offer this unequalled C Ö H lm eP eial P e ö p le R e g u la r B o a rd e rs. newspaper and the H erald to ­ gether for one year for $2.25, The regular subscription price of JOHN Y O A K A M , W . T. DEMENT J. M. W A G N E R , the two papers is $2.50. Vice President. Sec’y & Mgr. President- at the Skookum R e s t a u r a n i. DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES. CALL AT HOLD UP! Mrs. G. S. Davis, of Norway, re­ “ My mother has been a sufferer turned home Friday after visiting for many years from rheumatism,” her sister, Mrs. W. L. Kistner, of says W. H. Howard of Husband, this city, a day or so. Pennsylvania. ,“ At times she was S. J. Lyons,who, with G. C. John- unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I pre­ Bon, is erecting a new sawmill on sented her with a bottle of Cham- the lower river, had business in berlan’s Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the Coquille last Wednesday. most wonderful pain reliever she W a n t e d . — About one dozen good had ever tried, in fact, she is never coal miners $1.75 per ton paid. without it now and is at all times Will also give contract for the dig­ able to walk. An occasional ap­ gin g of a 400 foot tunnel. Apply plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly to D. S. Rouse, Riverton. troubled with.” For sale by R. S. I. Chandler, of Gravel Ford, was Knowlton. in town Friday. He carried one NOTICE. hand in a sling, the result of a To members of Evening Tide Cir­ wound from a briar, the member cle No. 214: All members not pay­ having been sore for some weeks. ing their assessments and dues by Floods the body with warm, glowing vitality, makes the nerves the 28th of each month after Jan. strong, quickens circulation, re­ 1st will have to sign a reinstate­ stores natural vigor, makes you feel ment blank. I am notified by the like one born again Hollister’s ' Grand Clerk to do this. Rocky Mountain Tea.. 35 cents. R E m ma C. M c D o n a l d , Clerk. 8. Knowlton. a n d c o n s id e r POM M EL .JSL1CKEFL E N T E R P R IS E M E fIT CO., LIKE A ll, WATERPROOF CLOTHING. Ism ai, of Ihr btsf mMbnltokornllow Mb’ aiaunlrtd.JDd sold if rrtiiS, d»akrj «vnyvditre U, STICKTOTHE SIGN or THE FISH Knowlton’s Drug Store. Successors to Dean & Morgan. fish Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats Lard Hams and Bacon PRINCIPAL PLACE Op BUSINESS, COQUILLE, ¿5" L. H. PEARCE HARNESS-HAKER OREGON \ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Don’t Cut a Com . JOHN YOAKAM Blood poisoning is liable to result when a corn is cut with a knife or razor. Cutting or trimming a com affords but temporary relief because the corn comes back. The only safe and sure way to be free from corns and bun­ ions is by the uso of Indian C om Leaf. This magic leaf applied to the co m eases the pain instantly after which the corn ia removed entirely, permitting the foot to resume its natural shape. Recommended by all who have tested its merits. Send 20 centa fo r lanr* size package and obtain free our booklet H O W T O T R E A T TH E FEET.” I f bothered with piles, send 60 cents fo r “ INDIAN PILE OINT­ M ENT.” Sent by mail on receipt o f stamps or coin. Airents make money nellinjr these guar­ anteed remedies. W rite fo r terms. Address! Chamberlains Ceugh Remedy the best made. “ In my opinion Chamberlain’s : Cough Remedy is the best ine iei for colds,” says Mrs. Cora W alker' of Porterville, California. There ; is no doubt about its being the best.1 No other will cure a cold so quick, ly. No other is so sure a prevent­ ative of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why it should be preferrad to any other. The fact | is that few people are satisfied with any other after having once used this remedy. For sale by R. 8 .! Rnowlton. THE BOND SUPPLY CO. Bond Building Washington, D. C. w. T. J. W . W A G N E R dem ent , rFOR A- O-ccd. Sh-ave and Hair Cut Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. Tbe terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Successor toClias. Moomaw. Scientific American. ie r r » * complete stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons covers, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. Drane’s Store, Next door to Couuillc Valley Packing Co. D EALE R in ALSO AGENT FOR MORNING OREGONIAN Fancy and Staple Groceries. Mrs. J. L. Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery ana Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a A CHOICE LINE OF all of the Latest Novelties in connection. M eals at sll Hours From 5 a m to 9 P M, Lone Star Restaurant MRS C. O . G I L K E Y , P r o p r ie t o r e s a Reasonable Rate to Special Attention Given Regular Boarders to Commercial People Sisters of Mercy P atents j A I. L . T H O M P S O N S The Mercy Hospital AT N0HTH BEND M yrtle Point, Ore. (iO TO First Class Cuslne Ei-Sheriff Steven Gallier, of Ban­ don , passed through town Thursday A 1907 Diary, Memorandum And A c - on h:s wny to the bay, having been count Book tor Two Cents NORTH BEND, OREOON appointed as a viewer to locate a m ' ------ -Ll-L_____■ ÌSJ____ . , C. A. Snow A Co., Patent Law-1 road from the depot at Marshfield 6 0 YEAR8* to Shinglehouss slough, but owing yera of Washington D. CL have i EXPERIENCE to the stormy weather they were j now ready their diary and memor­ obliged to postpone the work. On andum book for 1907, which they his return he ns dated in the locating j will send on receipt o f poatage 2 of as piece of road from Judge cents. This little book is useful. No where else that we know can so Nosier' place into town. TRADC M A R K S D e s iq n s much be bad for ao little. C o p y r ig h t s A c . F or |U ent .— The McAdams dairy A n y on e pendln« g «k etch and deecrintinn m ay Quickly a»cartain ou r opinion fr « « w hether an farm, two and one-half miles north­ FOR SALE. Invention te proba b ly -------- ~ mm nu . I cl ttons *t riot ly confident lai. on Patenta west of town, on both railroad aod ------- agency for t _ M O taken l ---- f t 1 M A one.fourtb interest in the ■ Patenta th rou fh Munn „ . recete* wagon road to Marshfield, consist­ equipment of the Coquille Steam­ nw