Coquille Herald. 0. F- DEAN, Ashland Norn«’ Notes. The students started to school Monday with bright and rested EDirOR AND PROPRIETOR faces. Every one is ready to begin bard work again. County Official Paner. P U B L IS H E D E V E B Y W EDNESDAY. D e v o t e d t o t b e m a t e r ie l a u d « o c ia ! u p ­ b u il d in g o f t h e C o q u ille V a lle y p a r tic u la r ly • t d o f O o o a C o u n t y g e n e r a lly . 'in b a o r ip t io o , p e r y r e e a a r r , ,in a d v a n o e , f l .f w Phone, Main 55. J. M. Byers, of Fishtrap, visited Bandon last week. W. 11. Foote was down Norway Wednesday. from Large stock of Blank Books at Knowlton’s Drugstore. Have you seen that new line of neckwear, at Robinson’s? Mrs. Nosier has some nice coats for misses that go at cost. The best assortment of men’s dress shirts, at Robinson’s. George Mandigo was a Coquille visitor, from North Bend Wednes day. Call and see those new “ Peter Pan” shirt waists for ladies at R ob­ insons. Gold Seal Rubber Boots worth twioe as much aB any other make at Draco's. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Strang, of Fishtrap, spent a couple of days in town last week. Among the n6w students are; Mr. Pinkerton, Weston; W . W. Scales Jr, Drain; Wm. Wood, Weed Calif; Walter Warren, Weed, Calif; Miss Moore, Medford; Mr. Johns, Glendale; Everett Culbertson, Lake Creek; Merle Kellogg, Gold Hill; Miss Underwood, Grants Pass. The congressional literary so- ciety met Friday night for the first time after the Xmas vacation.- Tbe same old spirit of enthusiasm was displayed as was before tbe holi­ days, and rousing meetings are sure to follow. The main feature of the program was the debate, * Re- olved, tha t Government Owner­ ship of Public Utilities is for the beat Interests of the Amerioan Peo­ ple. L : R. Travers, formerly superin tendent of tbe Salem schools, ad­ dressed the students in chapel Thursday. His subject was prin­ cipally on teachers and their salaries. President Mulkey gave a very in­ teresting talk on current events Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Euterpean club meet at Mrs. Neil’s home Saturday night. A good program was rendered by the socal and instrumeDatl students. L . S. Bert Folsom returned from Rose- burg last week. He says the roads F or S a l e . One hundred and sixty acres of coal land, containing are out o f right. Judge E. D. Sperry, of this city, also 1,000,000 feet of red ceder and tbe same amount of fir. Inquire of returned Friday from a business Nelson Jones, Coquille, Or. trip to tbe bsy. H. Baumgartner, of near Riverton Stomach Trouble and Consumption had business in town on Wednes­ “ Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for day of last week. stomach troubles and constipation If you want a good sack of cflour I have ever sold,” says J. R. Cull­ call on Land & Lyons, they carry man,a druggist of Pottervilie, Midi. the White Spray. ‘‘They are easy to take and always I tell my cus­ Capt. Alva Lee, o f Myrtle Point, give satisfaction. had business which called him to tomers to try them and if not satis­ factory to corns back and get their Bandon on Friday. money, but have never had a com­ S. T. Lanagon who has recently plaint.” For sale by R. 8. Knowl­ moved from Prosper to Riverton, ton, was in the city Friday. W anted : By Chicago wholes al Miss Lily Way was down from and mail order bouse, assistant man­ Myrtle Point visiting velatives and ager (man or woman) for this coun­ friends a day or so last week. ty and adjoining territory. Salary F o r S a l e . — or trade.— A Hamil­ $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex­ ton Piano—New. Will sell or trade pense money advanced. Work for stock. M b s . V i o l a S t r a n g . pleasant; position permanent. No A Dice line of sheet music has investment or experience required. just been received by C. E. B irker Spare time valuable. Write at once fi Co. Call early and get the best. for particulars and enclose self-ad­ dressed envelope. Superintendent, Capt W. T. McCloskey, tbe 132 Lake St. Chicago, 111. Myrtle Point hardware man, bad business at tbe bay on Wednesday. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism. Take your furniture which is out "M y mother has been a sufferer o f repair to Anderson, the Uphols­ for many years from rheumatism,” terer. He will make it good as says W. H. Howard of Husband, new. Pennsylvania. ,“ A t times she was M. H. Reese and family who have lived in this secton for the past year or so, have moved to Ar­ eata, California. Don’t forget that Mrs. Nosler’s is to be the headquarters for Hava- land china and auythieg you want in pretty dishes and vases. . I.icorico Liver Laxative, the best bowel cleanser. Price 50 cents. For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co­ quille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. F or S ale Nice 3-year-old colt, gentle and kind; will make 1200 pound animal. Enquire of H. J. Peterson, of Riverton. W a n t e d . — About one dozen good coal miners $1.75 per ton paid. Will also give contract for the dig­ ging of a 400 foot tunnel. Apply to D. S. Rouge, Riverton. unable to move nt all, while at all times walking was painful. I pre­ sented her with a bottle o f Chatn- berlan’s Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional ap­ plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with.” For gale by R. 8. Knowlton. McAdams dairy farm, two and one-half miles north­ west of town, on both railroad and wagon road to Marshfield, consist­ ing of 280 acres. For terms and particulars apply at the blacksmith shop of 8. H. McAdams, First street Coquille. ob R e n t . — The He names as witnesses: R..Roy An­ derson, of Seattle, W ash., Albert Rehn- | of Ballard, Wash., E. L. Giles. \ Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets i strom, uf Roseburg, Ore«., B. O. McGee, of A Boey Medioine for Busy People. 1 West Seattle. Wash. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. Any and all pereone claiming advers - ▲ specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live | ly the above described lands are request- j and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczem a, Impure ed to file their claims in this office on Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headaehe and Backache. It’s R ocky Mountain Tea in tab- ; or before 6ilid 16th dav of February, 1907. HOLD UP! a n d c o n s id e r rT S i P O M M E L '--F L I C K E R , let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by I H o l l i s t e r D r ug C o m p a n y , Madison, W is. j 00LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 1 lit t ALL' ude Fox. b m a d r o lt h r best hlfy mid b- tfiuflt U n «nysteri U7 JTICKTOTMC H s» ^ . SIGN OF THE FISH l'or Further P articulars Address Dr. WETMORE, Fox & Barker, Proprietors. M A P TOWER CANADIANISJjwm A JT O W IN CO. Phonelll W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . Don’t Cut a Com. Parties haviug hauling of an.v kind will receive prompt attention by call- Blood poisoning is liable to result when m com is cut with a knife or razor. C uttin « or trimming a c om affords but temporary relief because the c om comes back. Th e only safe and sure way to be free from corns and bun­ ions is by the use of . in Phone 116. COQUILLE, OREGON Central Oregon State Normal School O p e n s Indian Com Leaf. Agent tor th- best Coos County Coal This magic leaf applied to tbe corn easea the pain instantly after which the corn is removed entirely, permitting the foot to resume its natural sh^pe. Recommended by all who have tested its merits. Send 20 cents for large size package and obtain free our booklet H O W T O T M A T T H E FE E T.” I f bothered with piles, send 60 cents for “ IN D IA N PILE O IN T ­ M E N T .” Sent by mail on receipt o f stamps or coin. A gents make money selling these guar­ anteed remedied. W rite for terms. Address] U Ç SdaV . A S e p t. 25, 1906 ty of Trained Teachers. Four, Five and Six Year Courses. English, Latin, German and Music. New Physical and Chemical Laboratories. THE BOND SUPPLY CO. An excellent Library. Bond Building W ashington, D . C. Building newly furnished. Two free scholarships to each school district in Coos and Curry Countie For further information, address The Mercy Hospital F irst-C lass ffle a lls a t a l R o u p s p p o m 6 a m to 9 p m . S ervice. A. L. BRIGGS, President, __________________ ___________________________ __________ Drain, Oi ego a AT NORTH BEND Is now open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to A T TH E WHEN IN NEED OF C. A H A R R IN G T O N , P roprietor. DRUGS, MEDICINE, S p e s i s i A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to C g m m e r e l a l P eop le j > W e ffls k e R a t e s to Sisters of Mercy NORTH Skookum Restaurant, R e g u la r B o a r d e r s . FINE ST A T IO N E R Y BEN D, OREGON JOHN Y O A K A M , Presidcnt- YEARS’ R IE N C E T C A TOILET ARTICLES. CALL AT ENTE^PI?ISE MEfIT CO., | r a d ì M arks D e s ig n s o p y r ig h t s W . T. DEMENT Sec’y & Mgr. J. M W A G N E R , Vice President. c . Scientific American. MUNN & Co.38,Br“ d" ’r New York Branch Office, «16 F B t, Washington. D. C. Knowlton’s Drug Store. Successors to Dean & x\Iorgan. i Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats Lard Hams and Bacon. L. H. PEARCE PqiNCIPflL PLACE OF BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON HARNESS-HAKER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Myrtle Point, Ore. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN SALE. L. A complete stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons covers, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. D ra n e ’s S to re , THOMPSONS D E A L E R IN ALSO ACENT FOR MORNING OREGONIAN Fancy and Staple Groceries. r n r dthe7,h,Uyo,Srplem,>er m in e r v a e l i l l i e . Guardian of the persons and estates of said minors. — ^ CHO ICE L IN E J L‘ Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery ana Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc all o f the Latest Novelties In connection. ' c it i;np ............................................................ i F ir st C law s C u s ln e " 1 — ■ -------- — We M e a l s a t a ll H o u r s P ro m 5 a m to 9 P M , TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. Flour amcL Feed. Everything found In a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. Lone S ta r R estaurant F R O N T S T . j #15 to #3 0 per week equipment o f the Coquille 8team- Any and all persons claiming adverse- boat Co., consisting of the steamers ly the above-described lands are request Dispatch and Favorite, and three fd to file their claims in this office on or before said 8lh dav of Januarv. 1907. BENJAMIN L.' EDDY, | Regist«. carry a ---------------- G en eral H ospital Whits, Bandon. Train Nurses in Attendance. Coquille Transfer Co., mderielxmMttfcorTrllow M ARSH FIELD D| m ent. J. M. Barker. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 U . 8 . Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, October 10, 1906. j * NOTICE is hereby given that in coni- I ptiance with the provisions of the act of j M R S C . O . G I L K E Y . P r o p r ie to r e s s Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "A n S p e c i a l A t t e n t io n G iv e n any other after having once used Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the R e a s o n a b l e R a t a to R e g u la r B o a r d e r s to C o m m e r c ia l P e o p le this remedy. For sale by R. 8. States of California, Oregon, Nevada [ and Washington Territory, as extend«! i Rnowlton. to all Public Land States by Act of Au­ j gust 4, 1892, Fred T. Rust, of Everett, A 1 9 0 7 Diary, Memorandum And A c - Coonty of Snohomish, State of W ash­ count Book for Two Cent« ington, has this day filed in this office | his sworn statement No. 7168, for the C. A. Snow A Co., Patent Law- East half of East half of Section No. 12 ! yen of Washington D. V C , have in Township No. 27 Sonth of Range No. now ready their diary and memor­ 10 west, and will offer proof to show that i andum book for 1907, which they the land sought is more valuable for its ' timber or stone than for agricultural j A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical will tend on receipt of postage 2 purposes, and to establish his claim to cents. This little book is useful. said land before the Register and Re­ and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern No where else that we know can so ceiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, in every particnlar. Rates from on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, much be bad for ao little. ------------- « — «-------------- j 1907. He names as witnesses: John FOR S A L E . Romberg, James E. Casey, and William . . . . . .. M. Fryman, of Everett, W ash., tienrge A one.fourth , nterest tn the w T/ ylor o( Rowhurf; Including room, bjard»general nursing and drugs. T’ flooou eh e. TOWft* WATERPROOF CLOTHING, J. of ( *P ‘ S p e e ia l R ates m a d e foe Register. ......... T I ” ‘l u,r# Medical and Surgical Cases. nv t » x - r n n n v B -h N J A I u I r « L . h l ) D Y , Notice is hereby given that on and JOHN YOAKAM J. W. W A G N E R W. T. d e m e n t . - « after the 24th day of October, A . D. 1906, I will sell at private sale for part NOTICE. cash and part credit, the following de­ To members of Evening Tide Cir­ -----------------~ FOR A — scribed property tic longing to the estate cle No. 214; All members not pay­ of Rosa Lillie, Albert Lillie and Clyde G ood. S h a v e a n d H a ir C u t ing tbeir assessments and dues by Lillie, minora, to-w it: The standing ce­ GO TO the 28th of each month after J a D . dar timber upon Lots 2 and 3 and the 1st will have to sign a reinstate, South-east quarter of the North-west ment blank. I am notified by tbe quarter and the South-west quarter of Successor toClias. Mooniaw. Next door to CoQuiile Valley Packing Co. the North-east quarter of section 2, Grand Clerk to do this. Township 29, South, Range 13 W est, j E m m a C. M c D o n a l d , Clerk. Coos County, Oregon. Said sale will he | made pursuant to an order and license j Chamberlains Cough Remedy the signed bythe the County Judge of said | —— — ■ £ r « e, n / am prepared to treat all H O L L IS T E R ’ S A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr- culatlon o f any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. c. F P R IV A T E H O S P IT A L Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free * whether an invention is probably probably------- patentable. Communie». ------------------------------- ANOWkïK on o - Patents •Idly confident tW.’ M e. Oldest ; agency apen ients. ______________ for securlnapateaHH^H Patents t a taken tn through roust_________ Munn A _ Co. recelre iptcial notice, without charge. In tbe Floods the body with warm, glowing vitality, makes the nerves strong, quickens circulation, re­ best made. stores natural vigor, makes you feel “ In my opinion Chamberlain’« like one born agi Hollister’s Cough Remedy is the best mede Rocky Mountain Ti 35 cents. R f0r colds,” sayg Mrs. Cora Walker 8. Knowlton. of Porterville, California. There Geo. Terry returned from the is no doubt about it* being the beet. bay Friday. He tells ug that other No other will cure a cold so quick, No other is *o sure a prevent- assays of the ores from Kentuck ly. , , . . . . . . i ntive of pneumonia. No other is go slough, have been . . . heard from, and pleasant and safe to take. These .. . . . there are none which go under $4 are good Jeasons why it should be per ton. preferr-*! to any other The fact Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, re­ moving all disorders from your system, is what Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 36 cents,ten or Tablets. R. 8. Knowlton. A new schedule has been abopt- ed for our passenger train since resuming regular " runs after the storm. The train now lesvee Marshfield at 9 a. ra., arriving in this city at 9:45, reaching Myrtle Point 10:16, leaves Myrtle Poiut 11 and Coquille 11:45. • T" ' Nnilrito or “ Socialist Coffee,” a TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE J, 187». A J SHERW000 R i m . L. H. HAZRAD, C o l d s R. E. SHINE. V i s i P r o NOTICE EOK PUBLICATION Hurriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th j fine aDd refreshing morning drink Uniteti States Land Office, Roeebtirg, \ St., New York, st one time had her ■ t 1 Ira l i e ’s. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Oregon, Cctober 29, 1Ü0H. ^ beauty spoiled with skin trouble. W a n t e d . — Parties to cut wood for Notice is hereby given,that in compii- She writes: “ I had Salt Rheum or V op C O Ç U 1 U Ü B , O R E G O N . Eczema for yeare; but nothing the steamer Echo. Apply for partic­ ance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An would cute it, until 1 ueed Buck- ulars o d b o ird t h e boat. tr a n sa c ts a General Banking B u sin ess Act for the sale of Timber Land» in the • ---------- ----------------- lea’s Arnica Salve.” A quipk and States of California, Oregon, Nevada, sure healer for cuts, burns and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso­ and Washington Territory,” as extended Board of Director«. Correspondents. to all Public Land States bv act of Au­ sores. 25c at R. S. Kuowlton’s lutely Harmless. . gust 4, 1892, Hubert Van Horn, of 1631 R . 0 . D em en t, A . J. Sherwood, | National Bank of Oosnmorce, New York City drug store. L. Harlocker, L . H . Hazard, Crocker Woolworfch N ’ l Bunk, San Francisco The fault of giving children med­ 6th Ave., W est Seattle, county of King, State of Washington, filed in this office 1 Isaiah H acker, R. E. Shine, i First Nafc’l Bank o f Portland, Portland, Oi LOST - A black silk waist, at icine containing injurious substan on May 19, 1906, his sworn statement! Hersey's store or along the street ces, is sometimes more disastrous No. 7396 for the purchase of the South - 1 than the disease from which they east quarter ( S E ^ ) of Section No. 24, in to the Little church. Finder will No. 27, South of Range No. are fullering. Every mother should Township D R . W E T M O R E S 10 W est, W . M ., and will offer proof to please leave same at this office. know that Chamberlain’s Cough show that the land sought is more v a l-1 F o b S a l s . — About 1J acres of Remedy is |>erfeelly safe for ch il­ uahle for its timber or stone than for 1 land near the Academy, good house, dren to take. It contains nothing agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before th$ Regis­ barn aud out buildiuge. Also harmful and for coughs, colds and ter and Receiver of this office at Rose- j young orchard. Address J. A. croup is unsurpassed. For sale by burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of February, 1907. R. S. Knowlton. Jacobson, North Bend, Oregon. Spoils Her Beauty. C O Q U IL L E Incandescent Electric Light Press Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il- Button luminant amt CHEAPEST light known. for all purposes. Safest, Cleanest, . Most Convenient, and tbe there That furnished* by the C O Q U IL L E you R IV E R CO E L E C T R IC is fint have class and up to date in every respect. it. The rates place it within reach of all Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marsh field, Oregon. FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE.