Coquille lícM fo. V o l . 24: No. 19. Entered a* second-class m atter M ay 8, 1905, at the poetofflce at Coquille, Oreuon, under act of Congruas of March 3 , 1879. DR. RICHMOND 1’ HYöICiAN AND 8URQKON. Office at Slocum ’ s Store. Drug C oquille , O kboon , G. IN. REA. Attorney and Oonneellor at Law. OBloe opposite Mm. Wiokhsm’ s. C. R. BARROW. Attorney and Connsellor at Law Firat-elau References itteen Years' Eiperienoa C oquille C it y , O b J. J. STANLEY la w ye r Martin Building, • Front Street CoqUILLH, O bboon A. J. Sherwood, A ttobmby - i t -L aw , N o tasi P ublic , C o q u ille, * : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A tiosh st - at -L aw , N otabt P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon. Hall & Hall, A ttobnbys - ât -L a w , aler in R ba l E at at « of a ll k in d s. M arshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, r Public. Phone 761. M a iis h y ib l d , O r e g o n . y t . C . C h ase. E . D . Sperry. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney s-at-L aw . Office in Robinson Building, C oquille, % O regon. ---------- 1---------------------------- T T “ E. Q. D. Holden, L awtbr , J UPTICK or THR P b AOB . 9 Commissioner, General Insurance Agent, and Notary Pnblis. Office in Robinson Bnilding. Coquille regon. A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Office two doors South of Post offloe. Coquille . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO S tr. D I S P A T C H T«m White, Master Leave« I Arrive* Bandon........ 7 a - m . | C oq a ille.. . .10 a - m . Concilie........ 1 r-M. | Bandon 4 r-M. Connect* at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer E.-ho for Myrtle Point. S tr. F A V O R I T E J. C. Moomaw, Master, ayes I Arrives C oqu ille........ 7 A M. | Bandon.. 10:46 a - m , Bandon ......... I r-M. | Coquille . 4:45 r-M. S tr. E C H O H . Jams. Master. Leaves I Arrives Myrtle Point. ..7 A-M. | oqnille C’y 9 90 a - m . Coquille C ity .. .1 r-M . | Myitie P’t .4 00 r-M . Daily except Sunday. Æ^TThe safe and reliable tiw n -^ R ^ •crew £ 0 T T h e New and 8peedy,^B 9 Str. Elizabeth C. P. Jenson, M a ste r Will make regular tripe between Coquille River and San Francisco. Mo S topover at W ay Ports. Electric Light*. Everything in Pi ret Claae Style. FOR SALE. One horie 6 years old, weight •bout 1300 pound«, also oce mero 3 years old. Enquire o f Henry Grady, Norway, Oregon. C O Q U IL L E , C O O S Our Common Schools, CO U N TY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JA N U A R Y fled, nnj pupils learned to call long words by sight as readily as short E d ito r H e r a l d : I bay« wondered ones or single letters. I have no that some of the teachers and others doubt a child can learn the words interested in public schools were not Wable Bug by sight sooner than induced or provoked to follow my by letters of which it is composed. friend Barrow’s recent articles on I well remember my first primer "Our Common Schools ’ illustrated with a boy and girl on a As many of his views which he sea-saw. expresses in such positive terms ‘‘I go up, up, up, might class him with the old fogies Y ou go down, down, down. and as I am no spring chicken, we You go up, up, up, naturally Lold some ideas- in com­ I go down, down, down. mon. I presume the author had the I do not hesitate to say that the sight word method in view or he course in the public schools of New would not have bad so many ups Englaud in my day and generation and downs.” was better than what is adopted in Sight word reading is not a new Oregon. Not that the pupils learned fad and I believe teachers of gump­ more, but they learned fewer things tion will not allow it to discontinue, better. While it was considered From my early schooldays down well to know when the cackle of to since I hav e been a director at geese saved Rome and when the Coquill e I have seen teachers allow Dutch took Holland, it was better the pupil to miscall, mispronounce to be well grounded lu the essential spell words aloud, hesitate and go branches for a foundation to schol­ back in a monotonous voice with­ arship, what my friend calls "the out expression without prompting real bone and sinew o f the oommon and the other pupils were allowed branches." consequently reading, to correct errors which consisted in spelling, penmanship, mathematics miscalling a word, up went all the grammar, rhetoric and language hands and soon the whole olass was work continued during the whole in the attitude o f a flock of kangaroos common school course reading was rampant and pawing the air in a not polished off at the sixth grade most frantic way. and these later with a very ordinary work on civil teachers were not educated in the government, nor grammar when the backwoods but in what is claimed pupil had barely learned the parts to be the best school in Oregon, of speech,, and many o f the text and further had received a good books, especially the reading books drill in vocal music. * were greatly superior to those used I do not see why a teacher can­ in this Btate, and my friend dots not not use the sight word method in give them a lick amiss; but in some reading and also teach the alphabet of his views it is possible that be the sounds of the letters, and vocal may not be entirely sound. My spelling on the same day at the erudite friend is a good reader, and same recitation. he tellB us what it takes to make a I do not know the whole history good reader. He should not lose of our present systems of penman­ gigbt of the fact that the public ship, and evidently my frieud does school course is provided for com­ nut. mon mortals under ordinary condi­ The first printed writing books tions and not for freaks and won­ introduced into the schools of Maine ders under special advantages. were thePayson series, later Payson Only a limited time can be given to & Dnnton’s and now published as any one branch, and in reading the Payson and Scribner’s. tiaohir should drill the pupil how Their system is perfection. There to read, and the old discolored is nothing left for Spencer or any books were complied with that ob­ one to hash up, and neither of ject in view. Our present books these could have been the inventors seem to be prepared not for the for the same principles were taught purpose of drilling but to get long before any writing books were through in the shortest time, and published, then to take supplementary work of If the waves had obliterated all the same character. The old read­ S pencer’s works the world would ing books were compiled by emin­ have been the gainer Here is a ent insl ructors. And all the text sample: The upward stroke, a book were made by teachers of heavier line naturally, of the capi­ roputation in their respective bran­ tal S and the downward stroke, a ches, nor the publisher o f text shaded line, naturally two distinct books keeps a hired man, Jack of characters, are both called the right all trades. curve and the same principle and I remember whe# Webstere Spell­ there are several other characters ing Book was used for beginners, classed under the same principle. and after learning the alphabet in I have little objection to the cop­ regular order then came a b ab e b ies and style of the Spencerian ser­ eo, i b ib, o b ob, u b ub, and b a ies. They aDd the Payson, Danton ba, b e be, b i bi b o bo, b u bu, and Scribner’s are nearly the same, and so on through all the changes, except that the latter used two and when I heard the older pupils styles, one without shading. The spell “ words of lerned length and publishers of both have issued ver­ thundering sound” like in in c o m tical series, and they are models in com incom p r e pre incompre h e n my opinion. hen incomprehen s i si incomprehen- I am informed that the school si b i 1 bil incomprehensibil i i in- book trust provides against inform­ comprehensibili t y ty incomprehen­ ed that the school book trust pro­ sibility as fast as they could rattlj vides sgainst infringement o f terri­ them off, I wondered what use it all tory and this may account for the was unless to one fitting for an auc­ public not getting the best. There tioneer, a faker of pinch.beck jew­ is probably more of that way of fix­ elry* or shaker medicines, or for ing things that by “ tickling the acrobatic stunt in elocution. palms,” and if any one should inti- Before the use of typewriters, mate that the adoption of the books writing was the only w «y in which now used in Oregon was secured by spelling was used, and writing the the ticklings process. I would say spelling lessons seems to me the that he is talking through his. hat. natural and practical thing. The first Payson copies were of I do not aee any thing to condemn round or oval style. Maoy of my the practice of spelling from the school fellows become experts, and reading books, only words of com­ one to them started the Vertical mon use would be learned. I have style which became a fad in the never known the practice to prevail school. I have seen writing by enough to be called a fad. some of our recent teachers and I recently read.—in the p-eface some other* of about the same style. of the Hyawatha Primer perhapa, Which to my taste is perfection, __I don’t remember where or how they probably learnek with Spen­ aigbt word reading was discovered cerian copies and changed to verti­ but I recall that in my achool days cal after the introduction of the fad. after the old Webster Spelling book I do not fancy the stiff awkward was diaoovered, but I recall that in style of the books in use but I my school days, after the old Web- notice some of the beet pupils in ater spelling book was discarded, writing have shown individuality there were successful teachers of and have acquired a Vertical style reading who did not learn their that is every way desirable. pupils to »pell stammer, repeat or My line of work has been such long hesitate, hot prompted them that I think I have a right to ex­ in a natural tone which the pupil press an opinion in the matter of was inclined to imitate, and required penmanship, and I can back up my ¡ them to read the paragraph or sen. opinion with sound reason. tence oyer, drilled them .uoiil aatia. I saiah H acker . $1.50 P e r Y e a r 30, 1907 «r «4 R F Shanon “ 26 00 U i! A Johnson labor 10 00 Under New Management. Continued from last week, u Il Frank Blackerhy 8 00 •« II Court house expenses, etc. 8 E Osborn 8 75 <« •1 E J Slocum, oalsomine....... 2 00 John Gerber 5 00 « il G G Brown, list for assor... 25 00 F M Wandling 7 00 E M Peterson, coal............... 23 00 Thomas Coats, supvsr labor Coquille Riv Steamboat Co, r d No. 19 ........................ 7 00 S t r ic t l y freight ............................... * 25 R H Rosa, lumber rd No 19 41 51 F ir s t - C l a s s . Coquille Transfer Co., frt. 9 75 W Lundquist, labor r d No. P. E. Drane, sundries,$8.85 19....................................... 9 00 allowed ® 33 Thomas Coats, Supvsr r d No 19................................. 30 00 T J Thrift, postage assor Ofce 2 45 Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall. Successor to J. T. Little R F Shannon, labor self and Coquille Electrio Co., lights team rd No 19................... 12 00 July to Deo......................... 47 00 E B Henry, labor self and Coquille water works, water team rd N o 19................... 6 00 to Jan 31............................ 9 00 Coquille Wood and Coal yard A McNair, hardware etc., rd No 19................................. 26 65 fuel....................................... 73 Shields A Kennedy, Smith­ Coquille Transfer Co., fuel ing rd No 19..................... 3 00 and freight.......................... 37 65 W Lundquist, labor r d No City of Coquille, 9M ft lum­ 19....................................... 4 00 ber ...................................... H 7 00 Lard, R S Knowlton, sundries etc. 31 05 Wm Kay, Supvsr rd No. 21 46 19 Hams, A Davis, “ labor rd James Watson, freight, post­ No 24....... 23 50 age etc,, Clerk’s Offioe. . . . 60 95 We Carry Bacon, J F Alumbaugh, labor rd \V W Gage Post Cards, Post- 24........................................ 19 00 age, Typewriter, sheriff’s Sausage, o ffice ..........................................216 91 B H Burns, Supysr rd No 16 147 60 Fresh and Salt Meats. R E Buck, Supvsr rd No 16 18 00 Coquille Mill & Mercantile Co., lumber Assor Office.. 45 L S Anderson, labor and We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. Your team rd No 16 per W ood. J G Fish, book truck , draft­ wants always receives prompt attention. ward............................... 20 00 ing b o a rd ,.. . .‘........................ 3 3® R 8 Tyrrell, labor team rd Phiebe Whetstone, washing No 1 6 ................................. 53 35 for prisoners, ................... 20 05 L R Woodward, labor team W Culin, prescriptions for prisoners.................................... 6 00 r d 16............................... 13 65 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w v / w m / s i / \ y ni / w w w ni / \ i/ n » / \ y n i / w ni / \ i/ ni / ^ / in /I n 7 K / K / n / K 7 K /T n / in / K / K /I n /I n / in / in / in ? K 7K /I n / in ? ls /I n / in P C Schroeder, labor team W W Gage board for prison­ r d 16............................... 5 50 * * ers ........................................1 « oo Win Lind support of s e lf.... 7 50 Coquille Transfer Co, haul­ * ing lumber rd 16....... 1 50 * * St Vincent’s Hospital, care of * Koski Children......................... 62 00 S H McAdams, labor team T. H. MEHL, Proprietor. rd ffe................................... 4 00 * * C M Skeels, supplies for Jos­ * ephine Hatcher......................... 45 00 E A Howey,labor team rd 16 28 00 * * A J Mayes, labor in R D 17 41 75 G E Mickey, labor team Billiard Card rooms rd 16 per Jess................... 8 00 * Frank Harnish, labor R D * 1 7 ............................................... 34 12 Nelson Smith, labor team * and and r d 16............................... 57 35 * * L C Folsom labor in R D 12 19 00 L L Bunch, labor team rd 16 47 00 L S Minard labor in R D Pool Tables Soft Drinks 1 00 ............................................. 13 75 R Nichols, laboi team rd 16 £ Fred Minard, labor R D 12 23 25 Peter Jacobson, labor team Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco rd 16................................... 8 00 L 8 Minard___ “ .....................13 50 City News Stand. 2 00 J T Nosier, labor team rd 16 E P S Abernethy, lumber R 8 00 * D 1 2 ........................................... 24 00 H H Hastings labor rd 16... L W Giegory, “ 10 00 E N Harry, Supervisor and 16 00 Harry Flanders, '* team............................................ U 7 ™ 7 50 John Tozier, •* John Bastendorff bal. due 4 50 “ Supvsr R D 13......................... 127 55 Frank Zumwalt, •• 5 00 Gus Johnson labor R D 13 33 00 C S Zumwall, 4 50 “ Aug Beck...........“ ...... ” ---------- ” 33 OO John Belloni, “ 20 00 Hiram B e c k . ., .“ ...... “ ............. " 33 00 D Morgan, 3 56 00 « " Jobu Suim-rvill,“ ...... *'............. “ 31 00 Chris Ferris, 52 25 E A Howey, " Simpson Lumber Co., Lum­ 36 00 Nelson Smith, " ber, nails rent of scow R D Watchmaker and Jeweler, .............................................. 270 42 W A Custer, labor rd 16 per Alva,.......................... 13 00 <51 Alex Evans labor R D 13... 22 00 Front Street, Mariao Custer, labor rd 16. 7 00 Glenn Roselle, labor on ferry " ... 8 00 slip....................................... ® ^ Peter Jacobson, COQUILLE, OREGON. “ ... 20 50 Aug Beck labor R D 13....... 8 00 A Flarders, 12 16 C V Smith labor R D 13....... 18 00 Frauk Snow, labor team " A l L w o r k g u a r a n t e e d . “ “ 24 00 Herman Beck “ “ “ ....... 16 00 R S Tyrrell, 9 95 Gus Johnson «• “ “ ....... 1* 00 J A Lamb A Co, hardware.. Johnson Lumber Co, lum­ John Summerville, labor R ber for rd 16................... 26 65 D ........................................ 14 00 W H Smith Supvsr R D 7 76 85 Ed Jobnsou, lumber for rd W T B r a d y ....“ . . . . R G 17 21 23 16, per Ray Inlanders....... 6 50 Wm Culbertson labor R D 17 .4 00 J W Catching, supervisor rd 10.................................. 27 50 T J Weekly ...........“ R D 17 9 00 7 49 J D Bright............. “ R D 17 15 00 W C Harris, lumber rd 10.. J H Harbison........ “ R D " 8 00 Cbas Heller, supervsr rd 30 13 30 B. FENTON E P S Abernathy, lumber Geo. Griffin labor with team Prop for rd 30........................... 15 00 R D 17............................... 14 00 A McNair, spikes rd 24..... 3 75 W M Weekly labor with team Saddle Horses o f best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in redi In re rook quarry expense*. R D 17............................... 12 00 ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. Hans Hansen, labor.......... 3 00 W A Bright labor with team Accommodations for Tavetiug men a specialty •* . . . . 3 50 Leave Coqaille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 R D 10 and Smithing.. 16 25 Kenneth Devaul, Lester Harrison, •• 33 37 Albert Barklow labor with “ .... 7 00 team K D 17 ....................... 30 00 A I Rose, “ .... 84 37 Fred Moser nails K D 17..... 95 Walter Johnson, ** . . . . 5 50 K H Hansen “ ...................... 1 25 Herman Prey, “ .... 2 00 J H Harbiton, repairing 1 50 Lloyd Jarvis, Frite Schneider, “ .... 12 50 W T Brady Supervisor R D MRS, M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress. 17 ............ # ................... . 38 05 Gaither Harrison, “ . . . . 33 87 “ ... 39 00 C H Crouch labor R D 2 ... 22 75 Clarence Barklow, Fa ncy and S taple ... 20 87 S Peterson, “ R D 2 ... 4 50 Harrison Hampton, * W M Hamilton ... 24 87 Simpson Lumber Co. lumber Groceries. H ... 10 00 spikes etc. R D 2..............140 35 Percy Schroeder, “ ... 4 00 Algie Hansen, labor R D 2 28 00 Dan Raid, "... 4 00 E R P eterson ... ." ...R D 2 15 00 G eo Rackleff Nuts, Candies, To­ “ .. 10 75 P Peterson towag« R D 2 . . . 6 00 J W Bell, '• .. 45 00 Pere Peteraon. labor R D 2... 13 00 B B Sanders, bacco and Cigars, Walter Johneon, “ .. 25 12 J P Degarren, drill« and Isom Clinton, " ... 38 75 Lock hammers R D 19..... 10 00 John West, “ ... 87 50 Geo W Cox labor self and H ... 63 50 team R D 19....................... 1« 00 Wm Keller, Ben Keller, “ ... 17 00 S E Osborne labor self A ” ... 13 87 team...................................... 35 00 Jason Randleman, J Fmley 8chroeder, “ .. 84 17 Thomas Coates Supvar R D •* .... 45 00 19......................................... 31 70 O R Spires, G S Davis, hauling lumbar.. 2 60 W Lundquist, labor self and 1 80 team R D 19....................... 25 00 Jaiqe* Stinson, water pipe... R F Shannon 1 ibor R D 19... 34 00 Myrtle Point Hardware Co, hardware........................... 5 30 R Beverlo " " “ 24 (X) A Sons, C B Taylor “ “ “ H 00 Huling, Lundy CARRIAGE WORK hardware........................... 4 70 LOGGING WORK Thomas Coat is, Supvsr R D 4 00 19 .......................................... 33 26 Ckaa Adame, smithing...... For Bargains in Buggies and Carriages come and examine our line we W Lnndquist labor R D 19.. 23 00 Myrtle Point Mill Go, lum- have tha liest that money can buy at tha lowest prices. Continued o« sacoad page. 8 E Oaborn labor It D 1 9 .. 28 75 C on n ty S ou rt P roceed in g s W. H. Mansell, 5?* Livery Best of Turnouts Feed and Sale S table Hay, Grain, Feed. piONEER MEAT MAIftET COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING * 0 . Josh’s Place, ^