24: No. 17. V ol . Entered um n ecoud-clu i matter May B, 1906, at the poeto Bice at Coquille, Oreeoa, ander act of Contre*» of March 3 , 187«. DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON. Office at Slocum1* Drug Store. C oquillb , OnaooN. G. W. REA. Attorney and Counoellor at Law. Offioe opposite Mrs. Wickham’ s. C. R. BARROW, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Firstolas* References ifteen Years’ Eiperienoe C o q u i l l e C ity , O bi ' J. J. STANLEY LAW YER IMartin Building, • Front Street CoyuiLLH, OaaooH A. J. Sherwood, A t TOBN BT - A T-L A W, N otabt P ublio , C oquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t t o b m s t - a t - L a w , N o t a b t P u b l i c , Coquille, ! : Oregon. H all & Hall, A ttobbbts - at -L a w , Desleí in R e a l E s t â t * of a ll kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. Phone 761. M arsheirld , O rkoo *. E. D. Sperry. W . 0 . Ohase. SPERRY A CHASE, Attorasys-at-Lav. QMoe in Robinson Building, Coquille, . . . Oregon. r E. 0. D. Holden, L aw tbb , J u s t io* or t h * P baob p U. Ö. Commissioner, General Insaraneel Agent, end Notary Publie. 0(8oe in Robinson Building. Coquille regon. A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Office two door* South of Post o9oe. Coquille . • . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. DISPATCH Tem White, Monter I Arrive« Bandon ........ 7 A-M. | Coquille I t a m . Coo a ille ....... 1 p - m . | Bandon . . . 4 p m . Connecte at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Peint. Leave* Str. FAVORITE J . 0 . Moomaw. M u ter, ayes I Arrives Coquille........ 7 A-K. I Bandon.. 10:45 a-M. Bandon......... 1 p * m . | Coquille. 4:45 P-M. Str. ECHO H . Jams. Master. Leaves J Arrive# M y rtle P o lu t.. .7 A-M. | oqnille (T y 9 90 a m . Coquille C it y .. .1 P-M. | Myrtle P*t ..4 00 p - m . Daily except Sunday. # ^ T h e safe and reliable t i w - •crew The New and 8 p e « d y ,^ 0 0 Str. Elizabeth C. P. Jensen. Master. Will make regular tripe between Coquille River and 8an Fra n cisco . ITo Stop-ower at W a y Porta. Electric Light*. Everything in First Class Style. FOR S A L E . One b o n e 6 yean old, weight about 1300 pound«, aleo one mero 3 yean old. Enquire o f Henry Grady, Norway, Oregon. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1907 The Shrieves-Taylor Case. The eridenoe in ease of the State ▼eieua W. H. Sbrieve* and Roy Tay­ lor waa submitted to the jury abort- ly before 4 o'clock this afternoon. The progress made in the Shreivea Taylor case yesterday afternoon and part of thie morning was alow and uninteresting. Especially is this true with the evidence submitted yesterday afternoon, when the fol­ lowing witness for the defense testi­ fied: C- L. Williamson, o f police, Joe Heath, nightwatcb, C. L. Jameson, O. F. grown, Dr. Clark, Dr. David Rae. Dr, R. 8. Thompson. E. F. McConnell, and Dr. C. L. Gritroan. They all seemed to testi. fy alike. The physicians who were placed on the stand during the mid­ dle o f the afternoon corroborated the statements o f Dr. Thompson and Dr. Gritman as to the the conditon of the deceased before and after hie death. Interest in the case seemed to liv­ en up a bit this morning when both defendants. Roy Taylor and W. H. 8hreives testined in their own be­ half. Taylor took the stand imme­ diately following the opening of court, and for nearly an hour sub­ mitted to direct, cross and re-direct cross and re-direct examination. Following is the story he told to the ju iy: “ I met Shreives in the Idaho saloon about 6 o ’clock. I had been working nearly all the af­ ternoon with Grant Robbins unload­ ing a car of ice. After meeting Shrieves, we plsyed several games o f cards together. It was Hayes and Collier who suggested that we visit the red light district This happened while we were in the “ Pastime.” 1 did not want to go, but Shreives wanted to talk to me about Oklahoma, and at last I agreed to walk down with him. Hares, Collier and Shreives had been drinking considerable. It was because I did not want to g o into 222 that started the fight. They kept pulling and hauling me, until I got ma